« on: August 05, 2021, 01:22:31 PM »
Lifestyle That Boost Your Mental Well-being
If you are dissatisfied with your present lifestyle and you want to change this, then this article will help you. To lead a healthy and productive life, you have to reschedule your daily activities. First, you have to change your sleeping and eating time. Sleeping time should be at night, not in the morning or daylight. Second, you have to continue physical exercise everyday. Third, you have to reduce your unnecessary screen time. Fourth, everyday you have to practice, perceiving the positive side of a negative event . And fifth, you can create a preferable daily activities schedule by including all these together. Let's see the psychology behind these .
1. Healthy Sleep
Many of us have changed our lifestyle to keep pace with the times. It is found more in the students' life. They informed me that they go to bed at 1 am to 3am and wake up at 10am to 11pm . Due to class, sometimes they wake up at 7am or 8am. They can not maintain the daily routine properly. On that day they can't pay their attention in class. They can't eat properly due to breaking their time schedule .Their moods become irritated easily . As they can't eat, they become tired. This has an impact on their digestive system, liver functioning and so on. Studies have shown that one can change one's body clock by eating at the same time every day.
People who work at night and sleep during the day, and who sleep at night and work during the day, get a total of 24 hours time to work. The only difference between them is that they actually follow the same schedule of the average person in a different time zone. But the one who sleeps at night, is working according to his body clock. Nature also supports this rule. If you follow these, you can see the positive effect on your mental health and productivity. Otherwise you reduce your lifetime.
2. Physical Exercise
It is quite impossible to do physical exercise in the morning for maximum students, because they sleep late at night. But if they try, they can change it. There are lots of neurotransmitters in our blood which are called hormone or chemical messengers. Some neurotransmitters are responsible for negative feelings . When we are in negative events, the neurotransmitter is found as an imbalance in our body. We can balance the neurotransmitter by physical exercise. Our heartbeat, respiratory system, blood flow become increased during physical exercise. As a result, germs flush out through our breath. This makes our lungs and heart stronger . Studies have shown that our immunity is increased by physical exercise .
3. Need Reduce Your Unnecessary Screen Time
Many students notice that unconsciously they spend lots of time on Facebook or YouTube. They don't know when they go online. They can't control their internet browsing. As a result, when a person is in a little discomfort situation, he/she enters these social media from his/her unconscious mind. It's ok to use the internet but when it is unnecessary, it becomes unproductive. To get rid of it, one can make an important activity list and then they can divide it into different small parts. To complete these important activities, they make a “to-do list” everyday. After completing their task, they can praise themselves. So that they feel motivated. Or they can put their device somewhere far away from them so that it is not easily accessible. And they can start doing things again that they previously enjoyed.
4. Practice Perceiving The Positive Side of a Negative Events at Everyday
We may face lots of negative events in our life. If we perceive an event positively, then it makes us feel good. For example: If I get hurt by someone's behavior, I may think that he/she didn't really want to hurt me. Maybe he/she can’t understand the behavior. Maybe he/she is going through a negative event. He/she may be upset about something so he has treated me like that. Or my understanding may be wrong. Later I can ask him/her to find out the real facts. He always treated me well. Thus one can keep positive perceptions towards any negative event.
5. Preferable Daily Activities Schedule
Some students notice that they can't follow their daily routine. They were motivated enough when they created their new routine. But they couldn't follow this. They made this routine “I have to follow this routine”. In their daily life many unfavorable events happened . For that reason they can't follow their daily routine and become frustrated . If they create or make their routine as “I like to follow this routine” or “I prefer to follow this routine” then if they fail to follow the routine they can say to themselves it's ok to fail. As it is my favorite activity schedule. I can go back again. When he/she can complete their task they can give themselves some rewards or reinforcement with something and congratulate their effort. It can play as a motivator for them.
You can learn a lot, but it is up to you to decide whether you apply that knowledge in real life.Writer: Md. Abu Tareque, Psychologist, Daffodil International UniversityReferences:
Sara G. Miller .2017. When You Eat Can 'Reset' Your Biological Clock, Live Science, June 02,
Alex Therrien .2018). Late risers at increased risk of early death, study finds, BBC News, April
12, 2018.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2021, 01:29:26 PM by Abu Tareque »
