DIU is an academic institution deals with standard, modern education. Around 10,000 students are carrying out their degrees in its as many as 17 departments. More than thousand students are graduating from here every year. DIU is providing more than a crore taka every year for scholarship purpose of the students. From the sense of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and with an honest intention to be tied up with the generous effort of DIU, some other National & International organizations/ institutions have come forward to launch scholarship funds in DIU. This institution is grateful to all of them and welcomes those who desire to come with their benevolence for the growth of entire higher education trend of the nation.
Existing Scholarships in DIU
1. DIU Scholarship: DIU is very positive to distribute scholarships among its students on a regular basis in every semester based on need, merit (for HSC, result in graduation, semester-wise result, etc.) and other category, such as, Scholarship for Freedom Fighter Ward, Tribal ward, Female students, Physically Disabled student quota, Relationship (husband-wife, brother-sister, etc.), Ex DIU second degree, Daffodil International College (DIC) quota, First blood of DIU employee, DIU employee, etc.).
2. Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman Scholarship: A scholarship namely Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman Scholarship for the students of the Faculty of Science and Information Technology (FSIT) has been instituted out of fund amounting to Taka one lac donated by Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Honorable Vice Chancellor, DIU. The value of each scholarship is Taka 10,000/- per anum.
3. Razia Begum Scholarship: Razia Begum Scholarship (in memory of mother of Professor Dr. Aminul Islam) will be distributed among students of the Faculty of Business and Economics. The scholarship was originated out of the fund (Taka One Lac & Twenty Thousands only) contributed by Professor Dr. Aminul Islam, Honourable Vice-Chancellor of Daffodil International University. The value of each scholarship is Taka 10,000/- per anum.
4. Akij Group (Trust) Scholarship: has already been on its way to facilitate higher education with less tension of financial distress during study for two students of the Department of Pharmacy of Daffodil International University.
The value of each scholarship/stipend: Taka 2,000/- per month.
5. Shenyang Aerospace University: Some scholarships are available for DIU graduates at Shenyang Aerospace University, China. Shenyang Aerospace University (SAU), located in Shenyang city and founded in 1952, is the only aeronautical university in the northeast of China. Shenyang is the aviation city of China, it has ten companies for aeronautical and astronautical manufacturing, four aeronautical research institutes. We are not only manufacturing aircrafts for domestic use, but also producing parts for Boeing and Airbus companies. SAU has 20,000 students on campus, including 160 international students.
To get more information on DIU scholarship, please visit:
http://daffodilvarsity.edu.bd/index.php/financial-aid-a-scholarshipsSignificance of Scholarship:
A scholarship is generally an amount paid or allowed to, or for the benefit of, a student at an educational institution to aid in the pursuit of studies. The student may be either an undergraduate or a graduate. Scholarships have manifold benefits for the students and the authority part as well. Getting scholarships really encourage students to smoothen his/her education life. It isn't much of a secret that the costs of education have continued to rise every year. This has made it harder for students from low income families attend higher education, and some have even went as far as to say that this has caused a larger wealth gap in society, since those who are educated have a tendency to get better paying jobs. Since the financial aid they may be given is not enough to pay for even 100% of their tuition, some of these students may be forced to be dropped out. Even if the student can finish study, the "school work dilemma" would put them in a situation where it takes longer for them to get their degree compared to a student who can pay for their classes up front without having to work a day job. Another powerful advantage of scholarships is their prestige. Because most scholarships require students to maintain good grades in order to keep them, it takes a great deal of responsibility to use them effectively.