How to develop psychic abilities in 4 steps

Author Topic: How to develop psychic abilities in 4 steps  (Read 1613 times)

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How to develop psychic abilities in 4 steps
« on: January 24, 2022, 10:51:53 AM »
1. Be open to tapping into your psychic skills
"The number-one thing that shuts down a person's exploration into their psychic and intuitive abilities is fear," Jackson says. "People get so scared of their natural abilities, but these things aren't scary. They're always there to help lead us on our highest path and be navigational tools for us in life."

The first step for nailing this tip is simply being willing and open to tap into your otherworldly capabilities. Jackson suggests declaring to the universe that you are ready and open to explore these gifts and to not let fear shut it down.

2. Practice reading people's energy
Getting a bad vibe from someone for no concrete reason is your psychic intuition coming through, and reading a person's energy in this way is a skill you can strengthen. Challenge yourself to interpret the energy of new people you meet by looking beyond their appearance or how they speak and instead tuning into their energy for information, Jackson says.

How, you ask? Simply be in their presence and understand your own thoughts about how the way you feel reflects on them. You can do this before even looking at or interacting with the person, Jackson says. For example, if you're in line at the grocery store, tap into the energy of the person behind you and see what comes up. Then, strike up a conversation to see which intuitive nuggets of information you picked up were ultimately correct.

3. Predict how places will look
Feeling and reading energy aren't the only ways to use a psychic sense. You can also practice your psychic seeing, or clairvoyance. To do this, Jackson recommends a remote-viewing exercise: The next time you're set to visit a place you've never visited (like a new restaurant, a friend's house, etc.), close your eyes ahead of the visit and declare that you want to "see" this location. Then draw on a piece of paper whatever comes up. Later compare your drawing to how the place actually looks when you get there. "You're going to find that you [drew] shapes that were there," Jacksons says. "Sometimes it's very specific, like you had the exact window and the plant that is in that exact spot."

4. Get in touch with your spirit guides
We all have spirit guides we can call upon for support. "These advanced soul mentors in the angelic realm help guide us and teach us," Jackson says. "We're also connected to anybody we've lost who has crossed to the other side." One way to connect with your spirit guides is by asking for a very specific sign. For example, if you want confirmation that you're on the right path, you can put that request out into the universe by, say, requesting to see a purple giraffe. It's best to get really specific in your request for a sign so that when you do receive it, there's no denying that it came from your guides.

Source :
Shabrina Akter
Exam Officer
Daffodil International University (DIU)