ChatGPT Prompts To Produce Content Consistently (Outperform Everyone)

Author Topic: ChatGPT Prompts To Produce Content Consistently (Outperform Everyone)  (Read 47 times)

Offline Imrul Hasan Tusher

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ChatGPT Prompts To Produce Content Consistently (Outperform Everyone)

ChatGPT prompts to produce content consistently (outperform everyone) GETTY

There are an infinite number of things to write about and an infinite number of ways to write about them. But when you’re hit with writer’s block, it can feel like every topic has been exhausted. Change that for good with ChatGPT, for more actionable and relevant ideas than you know what to do with.

ChatGPT doesn’t write my content, but I use it to produce consistently. Here are the five prompts I personally use to produce every day, resonate with my audience, and keep the ideas flowing. Copy, paste and edit the square brackets in ChatGPT, and keep the same chat window open so the context carries through.

Never be stuck for content ideas with ChatGPT: prompts to overcome writer’s block

The headline is the most important component of any blog or article. Get the title right, and the rest almost writes itself. But it’s tough to think of compelling titles on tap. You need a system, and ChatGPT can help. Use this prompt to get new titles on tap, while learning from your best work to keep improving.

“Here are [number] titles that performed comparatively well over the last [duration]: [enter titles]. Here are some that didn’t: [enter titles]. Analyze the results and suggest: 10 new titles that will work well, then 10 rewrites of the titles that didn’t do well, to make them more compelling.”

Understand audience pains

The more you know your dream client, the more you can create work that speaks directly to them. Get on a deeper level with the people you create for and dig into their challenges and problems for ideas on how to solve them. Unless there’s a compelling reason for them to consume your content, they’ll go elsewhere. Get their attention and make them stay.

“My target audience, [describe your target audience], has problems including [describe target audience’s biggest problems]. Suggest 5 topics they want to read about to solve their problems, including any underlying or less obvious ones, within my swimlane of [your business or writing area].”‌

Champion their desires

Your social media content should demonstrate to your dream audience that you understand them like no one else does. They should feel as though you’re one of them; fighting their corner, representing their needs, understanding their vibe. Use this prompt to let your audience know you’re one of them, reinforcing that message with everything you create.

“My target audience deeply wants [describe target audience’s deepest desires]. Create 10 punchy phrases that they will agree with, that I could incorporate into social media posts. These should not be questions, but simple statements.”

Re-work hooks

The hook is the most important part of any social media post. Don’t underestimate the power of this opening line. Give your words more chance of being read by rewriting the hook until it’s perfect. With this prompt, it doesn’t need to take all day. Once you have your options, read each one out loud. Which sparks intrigue? Which grabs attention as a standalone line? Use the most compelling opener to draw people in every time.

“Here’s a social media post I’m going to send. Re-work the first line to grab attention. The opening line should not be a question. It should be 5-7 words long, create an information gap and create intrigue. Suggest 10 new opening lines. [Insert social media post].”

Ideate wildcards

Content creation is a system, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring. Incorporate some crazy into your process. Use this prompt to experiment with off-the-wall ideas you would never have thought of. So don’t think, just do. Be hungry for the data these new ideas will bring. You can always delete them if it really doesn’t work.

“Given what you know about my target audience’s biggest problems and deepest desires, as well as article titles that have performed well, suggest 5 new article titles that are more left field, that I can create as an experiment. For each one explain what the article should include and why it could perform well.”

Produce consistent work with ChatGPT: content creation prompts

Information is everywhere, and there’s no excuse to not get started. Use these prompts to make content creation a breeze, by knowing exactly what to create for your audience and brand. Get ideas for new headlines, understand your audience on a deep level, and re-work how you open posts so they’re set up for success. Finally, ideate wildcards by asking for crazy ideas. Creativity is a habit you can cement today.

« Last Edit: June 08, 2024, 10:57:15 AM by Imrul Hasan Tusher »
Imrul Hasan Tusher
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