Finding a balance between technology and nature in our daily lives

Author Topic: Finding a balance between technology and nature in our daily lives  (Read 644 times)

Offline Md. Nurul Islam

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Finding a balance between technology and nature in our daily lives
As the days go by, we are straying further away from our natural roots, but there are ways which can help us bridge the gap between tech and nature.
Technology has been historically viewed as nature's enemy because of our increasing dependence on it, it is crucial for us to create an environment where they can both coexist in our lives. It is true that living without our smartphones or social media in this day and age is next to impossible but it is also true that due to technology we often feel disconnected from the natural world. While going full-on "into the wild" is not a feasible option, we can try implementing certain practices to find a balance between technology and nature in our lives.
Setting up tech-free zones in our homes
This could be a great way to ditch your phones even if it is for a short period of time. Dedicate entire areas of your house to be tech-free zones: rooms in which your phones, tablets, and laptops are not allowed to enter. An ideal space would be your living or dining room. Utilise this area to interact with your loved ones instead of browsing TikTok. This will help you build more meaningful relationships and also enhance
Take advantage of your gadget
Think of all the fitness apps in a smartwatch or the various features in your phone's camera or apps that teach you how to be more mindful or even the various video streaming platforms through which you can learn more about nature. Use it to your advantage.

Practice digital detox
By this we mean, learning to go by without using gadgets for prolonged periods of time. Could be a couple of hours or even an entire day. Apart from receiving emergency calls, do not use your phone at all or any other gadgets as a matter of fact. Use this time to indulge in activities that do not require any tech. Read a book, go for a walk, paint or simply engage in meaningful conversations with loved ones. There are loads you can do.
Focus on outdoor activities
Whether it's walking, riding your bicycle, gardening, going for a swim, or simply hitting up the local park to enjoy some quiet time outside, learn how to incorporate more outdoor activities into your routine. It not only helps you clear your mind and lower your reliance on technology, it can also help relieve stress and foster a more meaningful relationship between you and nature.

Start winding down before bedtime
Try not to use tech too much before going to bed. Set up a curfew for your devices and try not to use them during that period of time. Ideally, you should stop using your devices an hour or two before you go to bed as the blue light emitted by screens can hugely impact your sleep pattern in a very negative way.

The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt our sleep patterns and negatively impact our overall health. Create a tech-free wind-down routine before bedtime, at least an hour before you plan to sleep. Replace screen time with relaxing activities such as reading a book, meditating, or taking a warm bath. Not only will this promote better sleep, but it will also provide a sense of tranquillity before the day's end.
Incorporate nature into your life
Open your windows to allow fresh air and natural light to fill your living space. Add indoor plants or create a small garden on your balcony. Bringing elements of nature indoors can help create a more calming and nurturing atmosphere and an environment where nature and technology can coexist inside your home. By doing so you will also be bridging the gap between you and nature.