One of the many benefits to being part of GEM is networking with top entrepreneurship researchers around the world. This was certainly on display during the VIII International Entrepreneurship Research Workshop GEM ACEDE(Entrepreneurship Division of the Spanish Academy of Management) that took place from September 21 - 23 at the University of Malaga in Spain.
Some 100 participants, including many GEM National Team members, discussed “research driven entrepreneurship” that generates a high impact in academia, business and society.
- GEM Chairman José Ernesto Amorós led a technical workshop.
- GEM Executive Director Aileen Ionescu-Somers shared perspectives on future challenges for a global research network.
- GEM researcher Niels Bosma delivered a session on how GEM data can be used for research and publications.
Organized by GEM Spain and ACEDE, the event was centered on promoting the exchange of scientific knowledge and experiences in research, teaching and transfer.
More than 60 academic papers were presented by researchers representing different Spanish and European universities. The opening ceremony was led by the Rector of the University of Malaga, José Ángel Narvaéz Bueno. Among the guests in attendance were:
Javier González Navarro, General Director of Entrepreneurship Training and Continuing Education (Government of Andalucia)
Alicia Izquierdo García, Deputy Mayor Delegate of Innovation, Digitization, Promotion, City Council of Malaga
Esperanza González Pazos, Deputy for Sustainable Economic Development, Employment, and Training in Malaga
Javier De Pro Rueda, Chief Financial Officer at Fundación Bancaria Unicaja
“This event was a great opportunity for us to witness firsthand so many different examples of entrepreneurship research generating tangible impacts on society,” stated Ionescu-Somers. “GEM Spain has numerous regional teams spread out across the country. The team acts like a ‘family’ of researchers all working in the same direction towards understanding the phenomenon of entrepreneurship both locally and nationally. It was inspiring to observe their passion and enthusiasm. The GEM Spain team is a great example of the potential of GEM research to be leveraged in the rest of the world.”
Source: https://www.gemconsortium.org/news/event-in-spain-addresses%C2%A0entrepreneurship%C2%A0research-that-generates-high-impact%C2%A0