Protect your pc Virus
The first enemy of computer is virus. This is much known to everyone. Virus can hamper your computer’s activity. It can hamper your computer’s operating system. Now we discuss about different kind of enemy of computer.
Everybody who are using computer are known virus. Nowadays, virus is strongly related with computer. In the time of internet world, virus is related with computer. If any computer have internet connection, if must by attacked by virus. There are short and big virus. For protecting virus, there is lots of antivirus. In any antivirus installed in computer, viruses cannot attack the computer. But everyone should aware about using antivirus. Everyone should aware about installing only one antivirus in computer. If you installed more than one antivirus, may two antiviruses useless. Because, one antivirus deleted another antivirus by showing that it is a virus. If it is possible, use the free version which is available on internet. Otherwise, anyone can collect the antivirus from nearest computer shop. After some days everyone should scan whole computer. When any kind of outside devise or pen drive inputted, in that time devises should be scanned before use. With these steps, your computer is safe.