Etiquette and Manners for Better Career
Dear Ambassador of DIU:
As being a member of Daffodil family, you are the ambassador of this university....!!! Your individual role is very important to the university. You are the representative who is to expose DIU to the outer world. It is you whose each & every kind of attitude and aptitude, including- smartness, attitude, behavior, ethics, morality, common sense, consciousness, presentation skill, reaction, manner, honesty, education, skill, vision & farsightedness reflect DIU to others. DIU is your second home, where your parents have sent you to acquire versatile knowledge as much as you can, so that you can equip yourself well and represent your family, university and the nation as well.
Success not just comes from the knowledge and skills but also behavior which can create distance between success and failure. Thinking on Etiquette and Manner is the practice of rational decision making toward positive action. The Etiquette and Manner is important for every one living in society and people need to be developed at individual and community level.
Your family is paying a lot of money for making you fit for the world. You are passing the most valuable time of youthful vigor of your life during the education life in DIU. So, you have to forward your every footstep very cautiously. Here I would be glad to have the belief that you strictly follow each and every rule of DIU placed below for you:
(1) Always wear ID card all the time while on the campuses of the university
(2) Pay due respect to your teachers & other officials
(3) Maintain protocol while dealing with any official matter
(4) Always behave properly with any security guard & other staffs, who are on their official
(5) Stay away from Eve teasing which is banned in DIU
(6) Drug and smoking are strictly prohibited on campus
(7) Never be involved in any unrest and subversive activities, which is harmful to your career

Must maintain queue while getting into the lift
(9) Let your teachers, officials and VIP persons to get in lift on priority basis
(10) Be polite in approach and attitude with your friends and other officials
(11) Don't be hurry & chaotic and be gentle in ascending to/descending from the lift, stair
(12) Never waste/damage any resources (electricity, AC, fan, water, PC, lift button, etc) of the
(13) Keep away from adopting any unfair means in the exam
(14) Never write anything on any wall
(15) Keep the campus environment neat & clean
(16) Show the best respect to others so that others respect you too.
(17) To be a good friend you must show your friendship to others.
(18) Control your Anger because it will destroy all of your achievement.
(19) Concentrate on your studies, stay in touch with library, get continuous idea how to be
successful in life and easily get either a job or be an entrepreneur.
(20) Set your mind to be the leader in Entrepreneurship or Job Market.
(21) Focus what you learned and adopt it for a better career.
(22) Without right use of IT i.e Technology it is impossible now a days to position any one in his future career. So, focus on DIU Forum, Blog, Learning feedback system and prove you are the best.
DIU is continuously trying to develop all of its resources and trying hard to be the best. With your success DIU will be successful.
DIU is not less affectionate to you than your parents are! Please keep it in mind that your output will represent that what you have learned from your institutions (school, college, university) and also from your family background.
We wish your better career in the time to come