Importance of Managerial Communication

Author Topic: Importance of Managerial Communication  (Read 3725 times)

Offline Shamim Ansary

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Importance of Managerial Communication
« on: April 23, 2012, 01:09:12 PM »
Importance of Managerial Communication at Workplace

Before understanding the importance of managerial communication at workplace let us first go through a real life situation.

Tim and Jack both worked with an organization of repute. Tim represented the marketing vertical while Jack was heading the advertising department. Tim and Jack preferred doing things on their own. The two managers hardly interacted with each other and never really bothered to discuss things and reach to better conclusions. The organization lost an important deal due to lack of communication between the two teams. Such is the importance of communication within the organization.

It is essential for the managers to communicate amongst themselves and also with their team members. It is important not only to communicate but effectively communicate. Effective communication is the key to success in today’s world.

Why is Managerial Communication Important at the Workplace ?

01. Communication is necessary for the exchange of ideas amongst employees within the organization. Healthy discussions must be promoted at the workplace for better and quicker results. A brilliant idea if not shared is of no use. Managers must communicate amongst themselves to reach to ideas which would not only benefit their teams but also the organization on the whole.

02. Managerial communication is essential at the workplace to achieve targets within the desired time frame. An individual doing things all alone would definitely need more time as compared to employees working as a team. Managers must communicate effectively with their team members to make them understand their key responsibility areas and what all is expected out of them. Effective communication ensures proper delegation of work amongst team members.

03. Effective communication also reduces duplicacy of work. A manager must know what the other teams are up to? One needs to keep himself abreast of the latest developments in the organization. This is possible only when an employee communicates effectively with other people in the organization.

04. Managers must communicate with their team members to understand and address their grievances and problems. Queries should be resolved at the initial stages only to avoid critical problems later on. Team members should have the liberty to talk to their team managers. Communication can be done either through verbal communication or written modes of communication. Managers can communicate with their subordinates and vice a versa through emails, notices, circulars and so on. Emails are considered to be one of the most reliable sources of communication as one can always refer to previous mails anytime in future.

05. Managerial communication also helps managers set goals and targets for themselves and organization. The objectives of a team cannot be set by a single employee. One needs to interact with all the related employees to assign targets for team members and also set goals for the organization.

06. Managerial communication plays a crucial role at the times of crisis. During critical solutions each employee irrespective of his level in the hierarchy and designation needs to come on a common platform, communicate with each other effectively and help the organization come out of tough times easily. Effective communication in simpler words works as a lifeline during emergency situations and binds the employees together.

07.  Employees feel secure and develop a sense of ownership towards organization as a result of effective communication.

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