Brand Equity is defined as value and strength of the Brand that decides its worth whereas Customer Equity is defined in terms of lifetime values of all customers.
Brand Equity and Customer Equity have two things in common-
Both stress on significance of customer loyalty to the brand
Both stress upon the face that value is created by having as many customers as possible paying as high price as possible.
But conceptually both brand equity and customer equity differ.
While customer equity puts too much emphasis on lower line financial value got from the customers, brand equity attempts to put more emphasis on strategic issues in managing brands.
Customer Equity is less narrow alternative. It can overlook a brands optional value and their capacity effect revenues and cost beyond the present marketing environment.
Just as customer equity can persist without brand equity, brand equity may also exist without customer equity. For instance I may have positive attitude towards brands - McDonald and Burger King, but I may only purchase from McDonald’s brand consistently.
To conclude, we can say brands do not exist without consumer and consumer do not exist without brands. Brands serve as a temptation that utilizes other intermediaries to lure the customers from whom value is extracted. Customers serve as a profit-medium for brands to encash their brand value. Both the concepts are highly co-related.