The Psychic Powers
By Remez Sasson
Every person displays or experiences some psychic power every now and then, though most often these experiences are dismissed as pure coincidence. You certainly have had some premonitions about something that was going to happen, dreams that came true, or you felt and knew what someone was thinking of you. These experiences often came spontaneously, suddenly, and without any prior preparations.
Some people are more naturally psychic from others, and psychic experiences are a more common occurrence with them. Sometimes they just accept the fact that they are a bit different from others in their perceptions, having as if a sixth sense, while others pursue the subject more deeply, reading, learning and searching for guidance. They try to develop these powers and bring them under their control.
Psychic powers can be developed through special training, even by people who are not naturally psychic. These are fascinating powers, which allow a trained person to peek beyond the material plane, and know things that remain hidden to other people.
There are several risks in using and developing psychic powers, which one has to take into account when developing them:
1. The knowledge gained can be used for selfish purposes.
2. The psychic could be wrong in interpretation of the experience, and might unintentionally mislead, misguide or cause harm to other people.
3. Some of the psychic powers requires one to be mentally passive, so as to be able to tune in to other minds, thus letting in some external powers, which might have a negative influence.
4. One who is not well-balanced and lacks self control and discipline, might find it difficult to stop the psychic impressions and lead a practical normal life.
5. Pursuing psychic training might deter one from the path of self improvement and spiritual growth, leading him or her to constant seeking of these perceptions and leading away from inner calmness and peace of mind.
If one desires to develop psychic powers, it would be wiser first to develop some concentration ability, control over the mind, willpower, self discipline and mental and emotional detachment. This would ensure that one be able to open and close at will the mental doors, and so avoid being influenced by what he/she perceives. This will also reduce the danger that one might misuse the powers or get his/her ego inflated by them.
The Psychic PowersThere are different kinds of psychic powers or gifts, as they are often called. Another term used is ESP - extra-sensory perception.
Here is a list of some of the psychic powers:Clairvoyance (clear vision) - Seeing far away scenes and places or hidden things, without using the physical eyes. Clairvoyance enables one to perceive scenes and mental images with the mind's eye.
Clairaudience (clear hearing) - Perceiving sounds or words from a distant or from other realms. Clairaudience enables one to hear words and sounds not perceived by the physical ears.
Clairempathy (clear emotion) - Sensing the attitude or emotions of another person.
Psychometry - Perceiving information about a person, place or an object, by holding in one's hands an object belonging to the person or place. In Psychometry one usually holds some small personal object such as a watch, ring, key or other personal object.
Psychokinesis - The ability to move objects through the powers of the mind.
Intuition - Perceiving an idea, knowledge or information directly. This is what is commonly called "a gut feeling". Intuition is some kind of inner knowledge and certainty about something.
Telepathy - Reading other people thoughts and sending them your thoughts.
Mental influence - An advanced kind of telepathy that allows one to influence the minds of other people.
Psychic healing - The ability to cure pains or illnesses by transferring some kind of healing energy.
Auric sight - The ability to see or sense the colors of the aura, and thereby understand certain things about the moods, emotions, thoughts or health of other people.