How to be positive all the time

Author Topic: How to be positive all the time  (Read 4121 times)

Offline asma alam

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How to be positive all the time
« on: May 14, 2012, 01:48:32 PM »
Now-a-days most of us perceive most of the things or events in a negative way and this type of perception contributes to our frustration. To get rid of this we are to be positive all time although we know very well that it is really a difficult task. Yet let us try to be positive:

1. Look at the cup as half full, not half empty. For example, if you take six exams and pass three, don't dwell on what the three failed exams could have done for you, think about what the three exams you passed will do for you. Push all thoughts of the three failed exams out of your head.

2. Recognise your good features. It is a lot easier to be positive when you are happy and respect yourself. Come to realise that you are a great person with many awesome features. Instead of mourning over your 'flaws', grab a pencil and paper and write down all the things you love about yourself. No matter how many flaws you think you may have, there will always be more positive features, you may just not know it yet

Offline asma alam

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Re: How to be positive all the time
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2012, 01:50:00 PM »
3. Recognise the good in others. It is very negative behavior to point out the flaws of others, and no one will respect you for it. Be positive and find the good in everyone. Be generous with you r compliments, people will respect you for this and you will begin to receive compliments in return, resulting in a more confident, positive you.

4. Positive things happen to positive people. When a positive person is suffering hardship, they still manage to find something good in every situation. For example, say a positive person failed an exam, instead of complaining about it, they will hit the books and make sure it doesn't happen again. Use your past experiences as a learning tool. See every failure as a new opportunity to improve, and remember, what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger.

Offline asma alam

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Re: How to be positive all the time
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2012, 01:51:15 PM »
5. Live a happy life. Negative people generally live quite boring lives. So be sure to live the happiest life you can. Rid your world of toxic people and fill it with wonderful friends. Day-to-day, do things that you enjoy, and do them well. If you love going to the beach, make sure it becomes a habit of yours. Don't be afraid to live life on the edge sometimes, we all need a little thrill in life. All in all, try to live the happiest life you can.

6. Develop long term and short term goals. It is very important for a positive person to have long and short term goals. Goals are important because they provide you with something productive to aim for, and when you achieve them your confidence, therefore positiveness, skyrockets. Create goals for yourself that are challenging, yet possible to achieve. When you accomplish a goal you will feel a burst of positive energy.

Offline asma alam

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Re: How to be positive all the time
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2012, 01:58:36 PM »
How to become a positive person:

1)  Mind your feelings, Luke!

One of the hardest things about keeping a positive attitude (or about self improvement in general), is remembering to constantly focus on the desired end result.

Life throws lots of negativity at us and it can sometimes get to the point where lashing out against the onslaught is nothing less than self defense. However, if you create a negative state of mind by reacting in a less than positive manner – no matter how justified that reaction may be – you will still have created that negative state of mind.

If you need to, bust out your Jedi mind control and get those emotions under control, lest they control you!

2) Take out the Trash

As you learn more and more about having a positive attitude), it may become easier to take on the belief that the higher you get, the more you can look down on others. Don’t do that.

However, no matter how open-minded and understanding you manage to become – even in the face of adversity – there will always be people who regularly insist on bringing negativity into your life. Get rid of them.
you may not be able to completely get rid of them, but you can limit your interaction with them, and you can tell them to take a hike when they are being negative.

Offline asma alam

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Re: How to be positive all the time
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2012, 02:01:04 PM »
3. Plan your good Samaritan Effort

Every day, plan to do something completely selfless. No, it can’t be something that looks selfless, but is actually all about you. It has to be something that you do for someone else, and you expect absolutely nothing in return.

This act doesn’t have to be some major undertaking, either. Do a chore around the house that you normally wouldn’t do. Bring your co-worker a cup of their favorite beverage from the coffee shop. Buy someone lunch. Help an elderly person load their groceries into their car.

Do something like that every day. In fact, plan it out in advance, so that you are sure to get it done. Can’t see what helping other people has to do with becoming a positive person?

4. Human beings are naturally social creatures, and even if we are in the foulest of moods, by interacting with other people in a positive manner, we start the slow or even sudden climb to feeling more positive.

Offline asma alam

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Re: How to be positive all the time
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2012, 02:03:05 PM »
5. Experience positive and uplifting circumstances throughout each day. It’s just not possible to run around in a negative mood all the time if you consistently experience and appreciate things that you consider to be positive.

Everyone has their own definition of what is positive for them, but here is a brief list of things that you can experience frequently throughout each day:

    Affirmations – No, not affirmations that you say (although those are great, too), but rather affirmations that you see. Put uplifting messages on your computer wallpaper or around your office, set up your email program to send you affirmations at certain times each day, use your cell phone or PDA to send yourself positive messages and reminders at preselected intervals.
    Audio content – Listen to empowering audio while you are driving, on your computer, or on your portable music player when you are working out. Again, by constantly inputting positive information, it just won’t be possible to maintain a negative state of mind.
    Look around – Everyone has things in their immediate surroundings at any given time that they can be grateful for. However, if you don’t take the time to consciously appreciate those things, you will get into the habit of just taking them for granted. Every few hours just stop what you are doing, and for 5 minutes just look around wherever you are and appreciate things that you normally just take for granted.

Offline asma alam

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Re: How to be positive all the time
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2012, 02:04:46 PM »
6. Remember why you Care

And last, but hardly least, remind yourself several times per day (or several dozen!) that you want to have a positive outlook on life, and remind yourself about why you even care.

You can use exercises like those mentioned above all day long, but if you don’t have a true desire to actually have a positive attitude, then these types of activities won’t do you much good. If you choose to live your life as a positive person, then you must have some reason for choosing that path.

Each time a potentially negative influence crosses your path, remind yourself of your reason for wanting to be a positive person. Your desire to be positive will outweigh your desire to have a negative reaction to the outside stimulus, and after awhile this entire process will become second nature.

Offline irina

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Re: How to be positive all the time
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2012, 05:18:46 PM »
You are right Asma when you are saying "Be Positive".

So, we'll think positively and enjoy the very essence of life.