Religion & Belief (Alor Pothay) > Islam

Know the reality of Islam; Holy Qur'an


We should know the reality of Islam direct from the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah of our Prophet (s). You are welcome to have a glimpse of the book where Mr. Sayed Javed Ahmed is currently writing -

বাংলাদেশের হ য ব র ল মুসলিম সমাজ -

Many Muslims in Bangladesh don't want to read the authentic Islamic books, Sahih Hadiths and the holy Qur'an but to follow the Imams, Muftis and Maulanas. Even many Imams talk against Dr. Zaki Naik without even listening to all his lectures or reading his books. A person cannot be judged in totality until and unless we listen to all his lectures, talks and read his books. I watched all his lectures, especially his 30-days talks on Ramadan and was moved at his depth of knowledge on Sahih Hadiths.

I personally watched in Dr. Zakir Naik's International Conference, three respected Imams of Masjid Nabawi, Masjid Haram, Masjid Aksa, they all came to conduct DUA for making the program successful. I think when we talk against someone, we should know the person, his intentions, his activities and his moral values totally. My question is how much do you read to seek knowledge regarding Islam. Isn't a little learning a dangerous thing?

I think we should give Dr. Zakir Naik a chance to explain Islam and comparative religions; he might be able to convince people. He always says, if my words match with the Qur'an and authentic hadiths, follow me, otherwise not. Because he says, he is nobody but zero, Allah is everything and we have to follow prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He is never against sunnah, he himself follows it. He has a beard, he wears pants above his ankle, and he covers his head. Islam has given us a 'dress-code' not a particular dress. One has to cover his satar, its upto him if he does so with pants. Regarding 'tie' there's no declared fatwa of it portraying a 'cross'. I never heard him say that he is a scholar. He always says he is a student of comparative studies amongst religions. I think, it is our moral responsibility to support authentic and reliable Islamic Scholar.

May Allah lead all of us to Siratul Mustaqeem, ameen


The Prophet has said, ‘If you praise someone who does not deserve praise, no matter; but if you curse someone who should not be cursed, the curse comes back to you’,”

The Quran says it is important to crosscheck all information.


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