« on: September 12, 2009, 12:37:10 PM »
Dear Sir
Here are the findings of our groups. Our focus is on integration of vendor courses with academic courses. The findings are as following.
The vendor courses could be the prerequisite course for advanced level academic courses. For example there are some courses in CSE & ETE which are similar to our vendor courses. So we may take initiative to make these vendor courses as prerequisite of those advanced level academic courses.
The lab practice of the academic courses could be design according to the vendor courses infrastructure. For example networking courses can use CISCO facilities, for database courses we may use Oracle platform, we may also use Microsoft IT academy and RedHat Linux for server and Operating system respectively. It may create awareness about the prospects of these vendor courses among the students.
We may arrange workshop periodically to make student motivated about the vendor courses. The faculty members should also participate in this workshop. In which we have to convince the student about the effectiveness of these vendor courses in present job field.
The faculty members should take special initiative to make students aware about the effectiveness of the vendor courses.
Group Member:
M.M.G. Rashed
A.K.M. Fazlul Hoque
MD. Ekramul Gani Eco