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Topics - R B Habib

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শাবান মাসের ১৪ তারিখ দিবাগত রাতে নফল নামায পড়া বা ১৫ তারিখে রোযা রাখা- কোনটাতেই নিষেধ নেই। কেউ যদি শুধুমাত্র আল্লাহর সন্তুষ্টি বিধানের জন্য নফল ইবাদত করে, কার কি বলার আছে? কিন্তু সেটা করতে গিয়ে যদি বিদ’আত করা হয়, তখন সেটা অবশ্যই পরিত্যাজ্যা। আমরা কোরানে বর্নিত একমাত্র মহিমান্বিত রাত্রি শবে ক্বদরের রাতে ইবাদত না করে ঈদের কেনাকাটায় ব্যস্ত থাকি, অথচ শবে বরাতের রাতে ইবাদতে ইবাদতে মাতাল হয়ে যাই।

আমিও ছোটবেলায় বেশ জোসের সাথে শবে বরাত পালন করেছি, পাড়ায় পাড়ায় মসজিদে মসজিদে সারা রাত জেগে নফল নামায পড়েছি, বাসায় হালুয়া রুটি খেয়েছি, রাতে পটকা বাজি করেছি- কত কি! তাই আমিও জানতে চাই শবে বরাত কি বিদ’আত, নাকি ভাগ্য-রজনী? প্রকাশ করুন আপনার মতামত- অবশ্যই গ্রহনযোগ্য রেফারেন্স ও যুক্তি সহকারে।

Source/For Further Elaborated Reading:

তথ্য- সহায়িকাঃ

সহীহ বুখারি শরীফ
সহীহ মুসলিম শরীফ
শবেবরাতঃ সঠিক দৃষ্টিকোন—আব্দুল্লাহ শহীদ আব্দুর রহমান
মোহাম্মদ আসাদুল্লাহ আল গালিব
ড. আবু বকর মুহাম্মাদ যাকারিয়া
Ruling on celebrating the middle of Sha’baan: Al-Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz – তফসিরে ইবনে কাসীর

Departments / Evaluation System
« on: May 22, 2013, 04:17:08 PM »
Our Evaluation System

English / Should animals be used for research?
« on: May 20, 2013, 01:23:02 PM »
Scientists use animals to test cosmetics, medicines, and lots of other products we use. This has been a controversial issue for a long time. Some argue testing on some animals now will prevent lots of human suffering and save lives in the future. Others say it’s unethical and cruel.
Still, everyone agrees that millions of animals are subjected to excruciating pain in labs. And that thousands of them die. Whatever your position, read on to get the facts:
1.   Estimates say that between 14 and 70 million animals are used in experiments each year. It’s impossible to know exactly how many animals are tested because US law does not require scientists to report how many birds, reptiles, or rodents they use.
2.   Over 1 million dogs, cats, primates, sheep, hamsters, and guinea pigs are used in labs each year. Of those, over 86,000 are dogs and cats.
3.   Thousands of shelter animals are tormented and euthanized in U.S. laboratories every year.
4.   50% of animals used in cosmetic testing die within three weeks of the experiment.
5.   The shifting of the earth’s plates in the Indian Ocean on Dec. 26, 2004 caused a rupture more than 600 miles long, displacing the seafloor above the rupture by perhaps 10 yards horizontally and several yards vertically. As a result, trillions of tons of rock were moved along hundreds of miles and caused the planet to shudder with the largest magnitude earthquake in 40 years.
6.   Rodents, birds, and reptiles are not protected by the USDA’s Animal Welfare Act. Therefore, labs that only test on these animals are not required to provide pain relief.
7.   Many of these labs burn, shock, torture, shock, and starve animals without pain relief. For example, baby mice endured severed ligaments for 16 weeks without pain relief.
8.   Small animals like hamsters, mice, and rats are usually kept in plastic boxes about the size of a shoebox. Several animals leave in each box.
9.   Larger animals like dogs, cats, and primates usually live in wire cages. Most animals stay in their cages all the time except when they are being used in experiments.
10.    Animal testing is often ineffective in predicting how products will work on people. Some estimates say up to 92% of tests passed on animals failed when tried on humans.
11.   Animal testing that was outlawed in the UK was moved to the US.
29% Say Yes
We have the right
Guys, look at this like a food chain. We humans are part of the food chain. Like how lions eat rabbits for their NEEDS, we use animals for our NEEDS. Nature gave us our brains- a specialty only to humans. Nature gave tigers their fangs and claws, as their specialty. The tiger NEED other animals for their survival. We NEED other animals too for our survival. The tigers go and get it, and so do we! So, why are you guys in the opposition against humans for obtaining our NEEDS, but not the tigers for acquiring theirs?

You may say that we are being cruel, but aren't tigers ripping limbs out of a deer crueler? We humans are just mammals, but with a talented brain bestowed by the nature. SO USE it! Just like how a tiger use its gift of fangs and claws! There is NOTHING wrong with us for using animals for research as we are - sorry to reiterate- obtaining our NEEDS, just like any other animals do.

71% Say No
Humans should be wiped out of existence.
Humans just test on animals for the curiosity of it. There is no need to study and kill them. Humans should be tested on instead of animals because the results would be more defined. Humans are already used to test on by the FDA. About 92% of drugs that work on animals are dangerous to humans. If humans never existed, the world would be a better place. No global warming, animal abuse, or any other bad things you can name.

English / Book on Tagore launched in Delhi
« on: May 14, 2013, 05:38:42 PM »
A book on “Contemporising Tagore and the World” has been launched in New Delhi
Dhaka University’s Vice Chancellor Prof AAMS Arefin Siddique presented the first copy to Indian President Pranab Mukherjee at the Rashtrapati Bhavan on May 8.

A joint initiative, the book has a series of papers and articles written as part of the international conference on “Contemporising Tagore and the World”.

The conference had been organised in Dhaka two years ago as part of the joint state-level celebrations by India and Bangladesh of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Tagore.

The conference drew wide participation from scholars and Tagore researchers from across the world including Japan, Russia, and the Netherlands.

According to a media release by the Indian High Commission in Dhaka, Bangladesh’s UPL Publishers published the book.

The Indian Council for Cultural Relations President Karan Singh, Director General Suresh K Goel, members of the Steering Committee of the International Conference – Prof Imtiaz Ahmed, Prof Anisuzzaman, Prof Syed Shamsul Haque, Asaduzzaman Noor, Muchkund Dubey and Veena Sikri – were present among others during the ceremony at the Rashtrapati Bhavan.
(Source: BdNews24)

Can a language be taught without teaching any grammar? My Point of view echoing Spencer

Putting grammar first is a disaster and stopped generations of people learning a foreign language. I don't believe any syllabus should ever be grammar based - functional/ communicative/discourse approaches are realistic and motivating.
However a reasonable amount of input on grammar forms is useful because it gives the students more independence to go away and do extra study on the things that puzzle them. It opens up the ability to use dictionaries and self-study materials and is also helpful to make comparisons with L1 and see how English might have a different way of expressing something or looking at tense and time.

Is cheating out of control?

English / Excellent Tips
« on: April 27, 2013, 04:27:33 PM »
Excellent Tips by Warren Buffet

Departments / Argument
« on: April 23, 2013, 07:29:47 PM »
Should animals be used for research?

English / Common Vocabulary: British and American English
« on: April 07, 2013, 02:12:23 PM »
Common English Vocabulary: British and American English

Departments / Common Vocabulary: British and American English
« on: April 07, 2013, 01:44:11 PM »
Common English Vocabulary: British and American English

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