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Topics - lamisha

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In April, Amazon made its managed blockchain available to the public. Two weeks later, the company announced that it would offer $10,000 to any employee who quit Amazon and formed their own delivery company.

While the two announcements may not seem immediately connected, the relationship is there if you scratch the surface. But before I get into why, let me back up a little. Since blockchain exploded into the public consciousness with the price surge of Bitcoin in late 2017, business leaders have been wondering whether they should be exploring blockchain solutions. When Amazon made launching a blockchain as easy as opening a Facebook account this year, the question took on new urgency.

Today, though, it’s still not a viable technology for most business applications. Here’s why.


The cloud computing ecosystem in China continues to grow; according to a new report the market size rose almost 40% in 2018.

As reported by Xinhua, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) pegged the Chinese cloud market at 96.28 billion yuan (£11.14bn) last year in its most recent whitepaper, up 39.2% from 2017. The market will almost double in size between now and 2022, CAICT added, forecast to reach 173.1bn yuan.

Regarding the private cloud, the whitepaper put that at 52.5bn yuan for 2018 – up 23.1% year on year – and is expected to reach 117.2bn yuan by 2022.

By 2020, according to a recent missive from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, there will be an additional one million enterprises utilising cloud computing in China.

It is one of the various proclamations which underscore the country’s potential. According to the most recent analysis from the Asia Cloud Computing Association (ACCA), in April last year, China placed only above Vietnam in a comparison of the primary Asia-Pacific nations. The majority of the problems cited by ACCA relate to China’s size and the long tail of digital transformation, with the country scoring poorly on infrastructure and connectivity.

“The Chinese government continues to devote considerable fiscal resources to the development and improvement of infrastructure, a move that will undoubtedly pay off in the next few years,” the report noted.


Cloud Computing / How Edge Computing Compares with Cloud Computing
« on: July 07, 2019, 09:56:15 AM »
Edge computing is a form of cloud computing, but unlike traditional cloud computing architectures that centralize compute and storage in a single data center, edge computing pushes the compute -- or data processing power -- out to the edge devices to handle. Thus, only the results of the data processing need to be transported over networks. In certain situations, this provides precise results and consumes far less network bandwidth.

The internet of things is the most common use case for edge computing. IoT is all about the collection of data from geographically dispersed areas using edge sensors. Those sensors are connected using a data network that often leverages WAN technologies such as MPLS, cellular, and VPNs. In traditional IoT architectures, all collected sensor data is transported to a central repository where it is combined, and the data is processed collectively. This works well only if data needs to be collected and analyzed cumulatively. But what if it's not necessary to combine data to get the desired results? What if each IoT sensor simply needs to process the data it collects and send results when certain requirements are met?

This is where we start to see the benefits of edge computing. If there's no true need to collect all data in a centralized cloud repository, it doesn't make sense to waste expensive bandwidth on transporting it. In fact, a completely valid IoT design may be one where the sensors only connect to the cloud when they have something important to report. This design provides the opportunity to reduce IoT networking costs by leveraging technologies such as cellular-based technologies that use a lower-cost, pay-per-kilobit billing method as opposed to more expensive always-on connectivity.

Science and Information / Greenfrog computing
« on: July 04, 2019, 07:56:11 AM »
Green computing, also called green technology, is the environmentally responsible use of computers and related resources. Such practices include the implementation of energy-efficient central processing units (CPUs), servers and peripherals as well as reduced resource consumption and proper disposal of electronic waste (e-waste). One of the earliest initiatives toward green computing in the United States was the voluntary labeling program known as Energy Star. It was conceived by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1992 to promote energy efficiency in the hardware of all kinds. The Energy Star label became a common sight, especially in notebook computers and displays. Similar programs have been adopted in Europe and Asia.

The cocktail shaker sort is an improvement on the Bubble Sort. The improvement is basically that values "bubble" both directions through the array, because on each iteration the cocktail shaker sort bubble sorts once forwards and once backward.


 For a programmer reliable documentation is always a must. The presence of documentation helps keep track of all aspects of an application and it improves the quality of a software product. Its main focuses are development, maintenance and knowledge transfer to other developers. It is a viable part of Software Development process and without it, it is hard to maintain any project and the developers have to re-invent the wheel.


Faculty Forum / The Hidden Power of Stack Overflow
« on: April 20, 2017, 12:51:29 PM »
Googling any proper noun will bring up its Wikipedia page as one of the first few links, or searching for a product will immediately bring up Amazon, searching for code will lead you to Stack Overflow.  Stack Overflow is, quietly, one of the most important websites on the planet. Not to mention one of the most popular: Launched in 2008, the site now has an Alexa traffic ranking of 52, making it one of the top 100 sites on the web.

The survey result says that-
"Every 8 seconds or so, a developer asks a question on Stack Overflow. This year, 56,033 coders in 173 countries answered the call."

Isn't it amazing?  :)


Faculty Forum / How well is Uber doing?
« on: April 20, 2017, 12:29:02 PM »
Uber is not doing well. It’s hemorrhaging cash, to the tune of about $2 billion for 2016 and possibly as much as $3 billion for 2017. Also, the core service (individual rides) is largely a negative margin business. By some accounts, fares only cover about 40% of the cost of the ride!!


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