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Cancer / 4 Ways to Avoid Getting Cancer
« on: November 21, 2016, 05:48:20 PM »
4 Ways to Avoid Getting Cancer:
Cancer is, and probably always will be, a hot topic of conversation when it comes to health. It’s been in the news a lot lately, as the World Health Organization has placed red and processed meats on its list of known carcinogens — along with tobacco. Not only that, but a number of supplements have also been under suspicion as well, fueling the fires of worry for many people.

Cancer is a serious problem in the United States, as it is actually the second-leading cause of death. And there are numerous ways that cancer can manifest. Fortunately, there are also a number of preventative measures that you can take as well.

According to the National Cancer Institute, “it is usually not possible to know exactly why one person develops cancer and another doesn’t. But research has shown that certain risk factors may increase a person’s chances of developing cancer.”

“When many studies all point to a similar association between a potential risk factor and an increased risk of cancer, and when a possible mechanism exists that could explain how the risk factor could actually cause cancer, scientists can be more confident about the relationship between the two,” the Institute’s website says.

And it’s those “mechanisms” that provide us with the best basis for prevention. There are a few big ones, and by limiting your exposure to, or avoiding them all together, you may be able to ward off any cancerous developments. Of course, there are no guarantees, but you’ll be better off.

Asit Ghosh
Assistant Professor, TE


According to exit polls, 53 percent of white women voted for Donald Trump. Before we attempt to unite the country politically, American women need to bring our own gender party together. No matter what your stance on the economy, foreign policy, or other issues, we women must rally together to elect a candidate in 2020 who openly respects our gender, takes sexual assault seriously (and hasn't been accused of it), and will actively campaign on behalf of women's rights, be it the choice to have an abortion or equal pay. When we break it down by gender and race, however, we learn that 53 percent of white women cast their ballots for Trump, while 94 percent of black women and 68 percent of Latina women voted for Clinton.

Asit Ghosh
Assistant Professor, TE

Allied Health Science / বাদামের নানা গুণ
« on: October 19, 2016, 02:59:30 PM »
বাদামের নানা গুণ

ভারতীয় আয়ুর্বেদ শাস্ত্রে ওষুধ তৈরিতে ব্যবহার করা হতো নানা প্রাকৃতিক উপাদান৷ এর মধ্যে অন্যতম ছিল বাদাম৷ আয়ুর্বেদিক রূপবিশেষজ্ঞ রাহিমা সুলতানা জানান, ত্বক সতেজ রাখতে তখন নানা ধরনের বাদাম বেটে তার প্রলেপ দেওয়া হতো শরীরে৷ চুলের যত্নে ব্যবহার করা হতো বাদামের তেল৷ সব মিলিয়ে বাদাম খাওয়া বেশ জরুরি। কারণ, ভেতর থেকে ত্বক ও স্বাস্থ্য সুরক্ষিত রাখতে বাদামের গুণাগুণ অপরিহার্য৷ ল্যাবএইড কার্ডিয়াক হাসপাতালের পুষ্টিবিদ সালমা পারভীন জানালেন বাদামের তেমনই কিছু গুণের কথা৷

কাঠবাদাম শরীরের জন্য ক্ষতিকর কোলেস্টেরল কমায়৷ এতে রয়েছে প্রচুর পরিমাণে অ্যান্টি-অক্সিডেন্ট, যা ত্বকের তারুণ্য ধরে রাখতে সাহায্য করে৷ কাঠবাদাম ওজন কমানোর পাশাপাশি কমায় হৃদ্‌রোগের ঝুঁকি৷ তবে এক দিনে চার বা পাঁচটার বেশি কাঠবাদাম না খাওয়াই ভালো৷
ত্বক টান টান রাখার পাশাপাশি বয়স বাড়ার গতি রোধ করে কাজুবাদাম৷ এই বাদাম নিয়মিত খেলে পাকস্থলীর ক্যানসারের ঝুঁকি কমে৷ তাই প্রতিদিন সকাল বা বিকেলে খেতে পারেন চারটা করে কাজুবাদাম৷

দৃষ্টি ও হজমশক্তি বাড়ানোর পাশাপাশি পেস্তাবাদাম স্মৃতিশক্তি বাড়াতে সাহায্য করে৷ এখন বাজারে অনেক ধরনের মসলা ও লবণযুক্ত প্যাকেটজাত পেস্তাবাদাম পাওয়া যায়৷ এগুলো না খেয়ে সরাসরি পেস্তাবাদাম খেলেই বেশি উপকার পাওয়া যাবে৷ কাজুবাদামের মতো পেস্তাবাদামও দিনে চারটার বেশি না খাওয়াই ভালো৷

চিনাবাদামেও আছে প্রচুর পরিমাণে অ্যান্টি-অক্সিডেন্ট, যা ত্বকের উজ্জ্বলতা বাড়ায়৷ নিয়মিত চিনাবাদাম খেলে লিভার ভালো থাকে৷ এ ছাড়া এই বাদাম রক্তে গ্লুকোজের পরিমাণ কমিয়ে ডায়াবেটিস নিয়ন্ত্রণে রাখতে সাহায্য করে৷ নিয়মিত দিনে ১০ থেকে ১২টি চিনাবাদাম খেতে পারেন৷

স্মৃতিশক্তি বাড়াতে আখরোটের জুড়ি মেলা ভার৷ আখরোট হাড় শক্ত করে৷ তাই দিনের খাবারের তালিকায় দুটি করে আখরোট রাখতেই পারেন৷

মনে রাখবেন
যেকোনো বাদামই পরিমাণের বেশি না খাওয়া ভালো৷ কারণ, বাদামে আছে প্রচুর ক্যালরি৷ তাই বেশি বাদাম খেলে ওজন বেড়ে হিতে বিপরীত হতে পারে৷

Asit Ghosh
Assistant  Professor, TE

যা খেলে রোগ প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা বাড়ে:

ঋতুর পরিবর্তন শরীরে প্রভাব ফেলে। কেউ কেউ জ্বর-সর্দি-কাশিতে ভোগেন। শরীরটা বেশি কাবু হলে যেতে হয় চিকিৎসকের কাছে, চলে ওষুধপথ্য সেবন। তবে প্রাকৃতিক কিছু খাবারও কিন্তু শরীরে রোগ প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা বাড়াতে কাজ দেয়। জানা যাক, কোন কোন খাবারের কী গুণ।

পালং শাক
এতে আছে নানা ধরনের পুষ্টি উপাদান। এর মধ্যে একটি হলো ফলেট। এটি মানুষের শরীরে নতুন কোষ তৈরি ও ডিএনএ মেরামতে ভূমিকা রাখে। এ ছাড়া আঁশ ও ভিটামিন সি-এর মতো বিভিন্ন অ্যান্টি-অক্সিডেন্টের উৎস পালং শাক। তবে পুরো সুফল পেতে হলে হালকাভাবে রান্না করা পালং শাক খাওয়াই ভালো।

সবুজ বা কালো—যে চা-ই খান না কেন, সেটি আপনার শরীরে জোগাবে বাড়তি পলিফেনল ও ফ্ল্যাভোনয়েড। এসব অ্যান্টি-অক্সিডেন্ট মানুষের শরীরে কোষ নষ্ট করা উপাদান খুঁজে বের করে ধ্বংস করে দেয়। এতে রোগ প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা বেড়ে যায় কয়েক গুণ। ক্যাফেইন নিয়ে চিন্তা করবেন না। ক্যাফেইন থাকুক আর না-ই থাকুক, চায়ের কার্যকারিতা একই থাকে।

মিষ্টি আলু
গাজরের মতো মিষ্টি আলুতেও থাকে বিটা-ক্যারোটিন। মানুষের শরীরে ঢুকে এটি হয়ে যায় ভিটামিন এ। এটি শরীরের রোগ প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা বাড়িয়ে দেয়। এমনকি বুড়ো হয়ে যাওয়া ঠেকাতেও কাজ করে বিটা-ক্যারোটিন।

মুরগির স্যুপ
বাসায় বানানো চিকেন স্যুপ মানুষের শরীরের জন্য খুব উপকারী। এতে থাকে কারনোসিন নামের একটি রাসায়নিক পদার্থ। এটি ভাইরাসজনিত জ্বরের সংক্রমণ থেকে মানুষের শরীরকে বাঁচাতে ভূমিকা রাখে। বাসায় বানাতে কি সময়ের অভাব? এতেও সমস্যা নেই। গবেষকেরা বলছেন, বাজারে কিনতে পাওয়া যায়, এমন চিকেন স্যুপেরও আছে একই গুণ।

রসুইঘরে রসুন থাকে সবার বাসায়ই। রান্না করা খাবারের স্বাদ বাড়িয়ে দেয় রসুন। কাঁচা রসুন ব্যাকটেরিয়া, ভাইরাস ও ছত্রাকজনিত আক্রমণের বিরুদ্ধে প্রতিরোধ গড়ে তোলে। বিশেষ করে, ত্বকের সংক্রমণ নিরাময়ে ভালো কাজ করে রসুন। শরীরের কোলেস্টরলের পরিমাণ কমাতেও কাজ করে এটি।

খাবারের ঝাঁজ বাড়াতে আদার তুলনা নেই। অনেকের তো আদা-চা ছাড়া কোনো পানীয় মুখেই রোচে না। সর্দি-কাশি কমাতে এর ঔষধি গুণের কথা তাই সবার জানা। কিন্তু মনে রাখতে হবে, অ্যান্টি-অক্সিডেন্টেরও ভালো উৎস আদা। আর ফলমূল বা সবজি থেকে পাওয়া অ্যান্টি-অক্সিডেন্ট শরীরে কাজও করে তাড়াতাড়ি।

তরমুজে থাকে গ্লুটাথায়োন নামের অ্যান্টি-অক্সিডেন্ট। এটি দেহের রোগ প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতাকে বাড়িয়ে দেয়। এতে বিভিন্ন সংক্রমণের বিরুদ্ধে শরীরের লড়াই করার সক্ষমতা বাড়ে।

Asit Ghosh
Assistant Professor

Public Health / 17 Foods That Lower Cholesterol
« on: September 21, 2016, 06:21:48 PM »
17 Foods That Lower Cholesterol 22 hours ago Comments  Sign in to like  Reblog on Tumblr  Share  Tweet  Email

By Olivia Tarantino

When it comes to the relationship between eggs and cholesterol, it seems like we've been served up some scrambled messages.

Have you ever thought you could reduce your high cholesterol levels simply by not eating foods that contain cholesterol (like eggs)? You're not alone. Heck, even the Dietary Guidelines recommended against consuming more than 300 mg of dietary cholesterol a day up until the newly-revised 2015 version. Now, the Dietary Guidelines have removed this limit, referencing the fact that all available evidence suggests there is no relationship between consumption of dietary cholesterol and levels of blood cholesterol. (In fact, a large body of evidence indicates that cholesterol-rich eggs can actually improve your cholesterol profile by raising the "good" cholesterol, HDL.)

We aren't saying that changing your diet won't help you reduce your numbers. Eating the right foods is one of the most effective ways to lower—or maintain healthy levels of—your cholesterol. So besides exercising more, cutting out refined sugars, and steering clear of foods high in saturated and trans fats, simply incorporate the foods below into your weekly routine and you might be able to toss your statins—stat. Wondering which foods to avoid? Start with these 30 Worst Foods For Your Heart.


Asit Ghosh
Assistant Professor, TE

Football / Argentina rolls past Bolivia 3-0 to win Copa America group
« on: June 15, 2016, 04:31:46 PM »
SEATTLE (AP) — By the time Lionel Messi checked in at halftime, Erik Lamela, Ezequiel Lavezzi and the rest of his teammates had Argentina well on its way to the top spot in Group D of the Copa America.

Lamela and Lavezzi scored 2 minutes apart early in the first half, Victor Cuesta scored his first international goal later in the half and Argentina dominated Bolivia 3-0 on Tuesday night to be the only team in the entire tournament to win all three group games.

Messi subbed on at the beginning of the second half for his most extensive game action since Barcelona beat Sevilla 2-0 to win the Copa del Rey on May 22.

In the time since, Messi suffered a back injury, testified in his tax fraud trial in Spain and scored a hat trick off the bench in a 5-0 win over Panama last week.

But the goals came from his teammates as Argentina clinched a matchup with Venezuela in the quarterfinals. And all that dominance came with Messi relaxing on the bench, hearing his name chanted by the crowd throughout the first half as they eagerly anticipated the chance to see the best player of this generation coming off a memorable reserve performance just a few days earlier against Panama.

"People want to see him. People pay all over the world to see him and he has to deal with that," Argentina manager Gerardo Martino said through an interpreter. "Sometimes he has to play and sometimes he has to be on the bench but he has that obligation to follow through for the fans who are paying to be there. He has to live with that."

Argentina is in search of its first major international championship since winning the Copa America in 1993.

"It's time to think about Venezuela," Messi said. "Win that game and advance."

Bolivia last beat Argentina in 2009, but that victory came at nearly 12,000 feet at home in La Paz. At sea level in Seattle, the Bolivians stood no chance.

The closest Messi came to finding the net was a free kick from 30 yards early in the second half that teased the far post but didn't curl enough. Bolivia's Diego Bejarano was Messi's shadow, ignoring anyone else in white with the ball and focusing just on No. 10.

Messi's best moment came in the 77th minute when he was flagged for offside, but continued the play long enough to nutmeg Bolivian goalkeeper Carlos Lampe as he dribbled around the penalty area.

"Regardless of the result, regardless after the first half he knew he was going to play for 45 minutes," Martino said of Messi. "He is growing compared to the last game. The last game he played 30, today 45 and he is feeling more confident. That is what we were going to do regardless."

Bolivia played with a defensive posture all night, but it held for all of 13 minutes until Lamela's free kick deflected off the back of Yasmani Duk and left Lampe moving the wrong direction as the shot found the net.

Two minutes later, Gonzalo Higuain headed down a cross that was saved by Lampe but directed right to Lavezzi who pounded the loose ball into the goal.

And Argentina capped its dominant first half when Lavezzi picked up an assist as his cross was redirected by Cuesta's toe for his first international goal.

Bolivia didn't even attempt to play possession, simply clearing balls out of its own end anytime a pass escaped Argentina's feet. Argentina had 81 percent of the possession in the first half and the only time goalkeeper Sergio Ramos was asked to even move was on the few free kicks Bolivia lofted into the penalty box.

Argentina completed 357 passes in the first half; Bolivia completed 38. For the game, the disparity was 757-61.

"I was very happy to see this test," Martino said.


Football / Messi's quest to lead Argentina to the Copa America title
« on: June 14, 2016, 04:16:06 PM »
 took Lionel Messi 28 years to get around to playing a competitive game in the U.S. It was worth waiting for.

After sitting out Argentina’s first game in the Copa America Centenario, Messi entered the second match, against Panama, as a second-half substitute, then scored three goals and assisted on a fourth in just 29 minutes.

In less than half an hour, Messi was tied for the tournament lead in scoring and had taken his team through to the quarterfinals. Entering Monday’s games, seven of the 16 teams in the tournament hadn’t scored as much.

“Messi,” Panama Coach Hernan Dario Gomez said with equal parts awe and respect, “is a monster.”

See the most-read stories in Sports this hour »

All of which raises one big question heading into the final day of group play Tuesday: What will Messi do for an encore when Argentina, the world’s top-ranked team, plays win-less Bolivia, at No. 82 the lowest-rated team in the tournament, in Seattle (FS1, Unimas, UDN, 7 p.m.)?

If you believe Messi, there’s a lot of room to improve after he sat out two weeks with a bruised back.


Those of you who are immersed in the health world may already be familiar with the term "adaptogen," but for those of you who may have been caught off guard (for example, me, at a vegan restaurant, reading a tea menu and saying "Wait, what is adaptogen flavor?") — let's chat about this up-and-coming naturopathic trend. Related: Natural Anxiety Treatments What Are They? Adaptogens are herbs! And in some cases, roots and mushrooms. These special plants help with stress, anxiety, sleep, your immune system, and more. They've been used in naturopathy, Ayurvedic medicine, and Chinese medicine for centuries, but there's also Western science to back them up. Asian ginseng, holy basil (also called tulsi), ...


Football / Copa América 2016: Bracket, schedule, scores and more
« on: June 14, 2016, 01:10:28 PM »
pa América is back, and if bigger is better, it should be as good as it's ever been. That's because this isn't your ordinary Copa América, but an expanded Copa América Centenario. It includes not just the standard members of the South American football association (CONMEBOL), but also sides from North and Central America (CONCACAF). CONMEBOL turns 100 years old this year and decided to mark the occasion by organizing this competition.

It's standard procedure for the Copa América to invite a couple of CONCACAF teams down to make up the numbers in the Copa América, as the standard tournament format requires two more sides than CONMEBOL have members. However, this revamped edition has four more teams than normal, with hosts the United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Haiti and Panama all participating.


See our gigantic Copa América preview!

The format

Instead of the standard three-group format, there are four groups at this edition of the Copa. The four teams in all four groups play each other once, and the top two teams progress into the quarterfinals. From there it's straight knockout, winner-takes-all football, with ties determined by a penalty shootout in the quarterfinals and semifinals without extra time. In the final, extra time will be played in the event of a draw after 90 minutes, and a penalty shootout will take place if necessary after 120 minutes.

The teams

Group A

United States
Costa Rica

Group B


Group C


Group D



Athletics / Sports 'Heartbroken' Bolt ready to return gold medal
« on: June 13, 2016, 03:41:43 PM »
Kingston (Jamaica) (AFP) - World and Olympic sprint king Usain Bolt says he is "heartbroken" but prepared to give up his 4x100m relay gold from the 2008 Beijing Games after team-mate Nesta Carter reportedly tested positive for a banned stimulant.

"It's heartbreaking, for years you've worked hard to accumulate gold medals and you work hard to be a champion, so it's heartbreaking but it's one of those things," Bolt told local The Gleaner newspaper on Sunday.

"Things happen in life, if it's confirmed or whatever and I need to give back my gold medal, it's not a problem to me."

A retest of Carter's "A" sample from Beijing found traces of Methylhexaneamine, the newspaper said previously, placing one of Bolt's six gold medals in jeopardy.

The result of retests of Carter's "B" sample is not yet officially known.

If Carter is subjected to doping sanctions, it could mean Bolt stands to lose his relay gold.

Carter, 30, ran the first leg for Jamaica's 4x100m relay team in Beijing, which also included Michael Frater, Asafa Powell and superstar Bolt.

The team took gold in what was then a new world record of 37.10 seconds, ahead of Trinidad and Tobago and Japan.

Bolt, who will be eyeing more Olympic glory in Rio in August, said he had sympathy for Carter.

"It must be hard, I can't tell what he's going through but it must be hard and frustrating," Bolt said.

Assistant Professor, TE

Public Health / Diabetes Symptoms: 5 Signs You Should Not Ignore
« on: June 13, 2016, 03:38:04 PM »

Diabetes Symptoms: 5 Signs You Should Not Ignore
June 12, 2016

a doctor with a shot

A doctor holding a shot | Source: iStock
Diabetes is often called the silent killer because of its easy to miss symptoms. Of the estimated 24 million people in the U.S. with the disease (including several notable athletes), only 18 million are aware that they have it, leaving six million Americans who have no idea that they are living with diabetes. People with diabetes are not able to use the hormone insulin properly. Insulin is necessary to get sugar from your blood to your cells so they can use it as energy.

When the insulin doesn’t function as it should, the sugar accumulates in the blood instead of being used by the cells. The symptoms can be mild enough that unless you’re aware of the signs, you may live years without knowing that your body is functioning improperly. Watch for these warning signs, pay attention to gradual changes, and if something seems off, see your doctor for a blood sugar test. The longer you go without treating the disease the greater your risk for heart disease, kidney disease, amputation, blindness, and other serious complications.

1. Thirst and excessive pee breaks
2. Constant hunger
3. Rapid weight loss
4. Foot pain and numbness
5. Blurry vision


The Copa America Centenario is being played in the United States, but unlike most American sports, there is no video replay to ensure questionable calls are called correctly. Replay isn't used in the world of soccer, and the only thing that comes close to that at the moment is goal-line technology. As Brazil and Peru battled for a spot in the quarterfinals on Sunday, some form of video review would have provided justice. Peru beat Brazil 1-0 with a late goal that was scored by the arm of Raul Ruidiaz. It was a clear handball, and the ref even spent several minutes discussing it with his linesman and someone else upstairs via his earpiece. It looked like it would be called off, and then it wasn't. ...


Athletics / Bolt clocks 9.88sec in Kingston win
« on: June 12, 2016, 03:09:24 PM »
Kingston (Jamaica) (AFP) - Jamaica's Usain Bolt shook off a "horrible start" to win the 100m at the Racers Grand Prix athletics meeting in 9.88sec, the second-fastest time in the world this year "It wasn't a perfect race, but the good thing was that I won and I came out injury free," said Bolt, who got away slowly but powered home, catching the field at about 50 meters and celebrating as he got to the line first to the delight of a big crowd at the national stadium in Kingston.

The sprint superstar led three compatriots under 10 seconds in a race run in a wind of one meter per second.

Nickel Ashmeade and Yohan Blake were both timed in 9.94sec, with Asafa Powell finishing in 9.98.

The race was only the fourth time that Bolt, former world record holder Powell and 2011 world champion Yohan Blake have clashed in Kingston and more than 30,000 fans turned out for the warm up for Jamaica's Olympic trials later this month.

Powell had hoped for better, running fourth despite what he described as a calf cramp.

Running before his home crowd for the first time in about two years, Bolt said: "It's good to be back, it has been a while since I ran here."

While Bolt said execution was key in the 100m, he was pleased to overcome his technical flaws on the night.

"Even when you don’t get it right you have to stay strong, composed and run through," he said.

"I was not completely happy with execution as the start was horrible and did not set up the race, but I won and that is good."

Bolt improved on the 9.98sec he posted in Ostrava on May 20.

With the August 5-21 Rio Games less than two months away, Bolt moved ahead of US rival Justin Gatlin on the 2016 world list, the American owning a time of 9.93 that puts him fourth-fastest in the world this year.

France's Jimmy Vicaut owns the fastest time in the world in 2016, 9.86sec at a meeting in Montreuil on June 7.

- Win for Fraser-Pryce -

World and Olympic champion Shelly Ann Fraser-Pryce won the women’s 100m in a subdued 11.09sec, coming back from a toe injury that has hampered her training.

American Barbara Pierre was second in 11.11 and Trinidad and Tobago’s Kelly-Ann Baptiste took third in 11.15 seconds.

In other events, Shauna Miller of the Bahamas ran a personal best 22.05sec to win the women's 200m.

The lanky runner came off the curve in second place but chased and caught American Jenna Prandin and eased away to win her second half-lap race in Kingston this year.

Prandin clocked 22.39 seconds while Jamaican Audra Segree was third in 22.89 seconds

Miguel Francis of Antigua ran a personal best 19.88sec to win a strong men's 200m.

Jamaica's Julian Forte was second in 20.18 ahead of compatriot Warren Weir, who settled for third in 20.32.

American Johnny Dutch won the 400m hurdles in a world leading 48.10sec, surpassing his own 48.6 set on April 16th in the Bahamas.

Jamaican Roxroy Cato was second in 48.98 seconds and Annsert Whyte of Jamaica third in 49.25.

South Africa's 400m world champion Wayde Van Niekerk, won the rarely contested 300m in a blistering 31.03sec.

US 400m threat LaShawn Merritt was second in 31.23, and Tony McQuay third in 31.64.


Football / Messi comments not meant as criticism - Maradona
« on: June 12, 2016, 03:05:50 PM »
Argentina great Diego Maradona stood by his questioning of Lionel Messi, but insists it was not meant as a criticism.

Maradona was caught telling Pele that national team captain Messi had "no personality" and lacked the character to be a leader.

Messi responded to the criticism by coming off the bench and scoring a hat-trick in his side's 5-0 win over Panama at the Copa America Centenario on Friday.

Despite that, the 1986 World Cup winner said he still felt the same – but it was no criticism of Messi.

"I still think the same thing I told Pele," Maradona told Diario Popular.

"But I do not want it to look like a criticism. It is not so.

"The boy [Messi] they want as a leader and leaders are made alone."

Maradona believes the captaincy could be weighing Messi down, saying: "If you demand Leo plays with his right [leg], he will play poorly. You have to let him play."

Argentina have booked their spot in the Copa America Centenario quarter-finals and face Bolivia on Tuesday.


Cotton is the fiber product. Its plant needs sun power and water to grow. Bolls are collected with labor work in the fields. Industry has one of main crop which was first cultivated around 7000 years ago. Largest cotton producing countries have modernized the way of cultivation. Modern machines have created the easy and fast method to collect the bolls. Poor nations have no such advance machines to utilize, they need strong labor workers to do that task. These boll have fiber and seed. Farmers sell these collected bolls to contractors. Contractors have the links with industry holders to provide them high amount for further process. Industry separate the seed from the bolls and make the soft form of fiber. Then it is used to make cloth with different varieties in textile mills. Cotton producing countries are running industries and mills on the base of cotton. Indus River civilization in Pakistan has one of the oldest cotton production history as described by the historian. Nile valley is also known as the first to wear the cotton clothes in the history of humans. After that Arabs traded it toward the Europe. Now it is produced all over the world. Largest cotton producing countries are mentioned in this article for you to make business.

Products: Cotton producing countries

Clothes and Garments
Fabrics and Textile products
Pillows and Blankets
Seed are used to make soap
Seed oil is also used for cooking
Labor was the primary need of production. But in 1730 England introduced the machines for production. Now machines are used in USA and European countries but still Asian and African countries have low harvesting power. Most of the cotton producing countries uses labor to work in the fields. After the industrial revolution in United Kingdom cotton had taken the major role to enhance the industry products. Cotton gin machine was invented by the Americans to process the bolls into fiber. Now industry had a major need for clothes, garments, fabrics etc.

Top 10 largest Cotton Producing Countries in the World

Rank   Country Name   Metric Tonnes
1    China    6,841,593
2    India    5,323,467
3    United States of America    3,598,853
4    Pakistan    2,216,932
5    Brazil    1,639,537
6    Uzbekistan    1,053,742
7    Australia    976,475
8    Turkey    853,831
9    Argentina    214,371
10    Turkmenistan    199,358
Total    World    25,965,743
Q: Which country is the largest cotton producer in the world?

China has the top rank in the figures of highest cotton producing countries. Their land is perfect for agriculture and they have the workforce to cultivate. Environmental conditions are the major part of production level. China has high sunshine and frost free land to grow the crops. Labor is no problem is china as it is the most populated nation. United States, Australia and United Kingdom has the best cultivating and harvesting machines for high production rate.

Asit Ghosh
Assistant Professor,TE

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