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Topics - faizun

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Hadith / don't be worried
« on: April 05, 2012, 03:28:17 PM »
The Messenger of Allaah sallAllaahu 3Alayhi wa sallam said:

 "Whoever directs someone to a good, then he will have the reward equal to the doer of the action".

 [Saheeh Muslim]

Common Forum / tips for good presentation
« on: April 04, 2012, 05:14:44 PM »
It is important that everyone, regardless of career interests, become accustomed to speaking in front of an audience. I promise that at some point in your lives, whether farther up the college food chain or when you’re out in your jobs, you will be asked or required to give a presentation.
Below are some basics tips for how to structure and deliver a presentation:

     :)Think and plan ahead. Consider the layout of the room. Decide in advance where you will position yourself, whether you’ll sit or stand, how you’ll move around.

     :)An outgrowth of the above: If using audio-visual material or equipment, test it! Make certain the room is set up for your equipment and that everything works properly. Monitor volume control carefully and have a back-up plan ready in case disaster strikes and the technology fails.

     :)Find out precisely what type of presentation is expected of you—there is a great deal of difference between formal and informal presentations, and you don’t want to adopt an inappropriate tone or style.

     :)Don’t read from a prepared manuscript. First, it causes you to talk to the paper rather than your audience, muffling your voice and inhibiting eye contact. Second, it makes you speak in a monotone, inhibiting your natural vocal inflections. By the same token, don’t just memorize your speech—this creates the same problem as reading from a manuscript and can cause you a lot of grief should you lose your place or forget a line.

     :)Know your material—become an expert on it. It will be easier to speak extemporaneously if you know your subject well. Being an expert will eliminate awkward silences or embarrassed pauses if you lose your place by giving you other things to talk about.

     :)Provide visual aids or handouts. If your audience is unfamiliar with the material you’re presenting, help them out. Provide overheads, posters, or handouts illustrating important or interesting information. A caveat: When you give people a handout, they’ll read it rather than listening to you. Either make it so simple it will only require a few seconds to peruse, give it immediately preceding whatever point it illustrates, or wait until the end of your presentation.

     :)Practice! Go through at least three timed trial runs of your presentation to make sure you don’t go over your allotted time or too far under. If possible, videotape your presentation and then analyze your performance—you’d be surprised at what you’ll find watching yourself present.

     :)Remember that nervousness may make you do things you wouldn’t ordinarily do—such as speak at the speed of light or pace back and forth. When you’re up there and all eyes are on you, try to keep part of your mind aware of what you’re doing with your voice and body. Speak at an even pace and use pauses to your advantage. Try to avoid body movements or mannerisms that may be distracting to your audience.

     :)Look at the people in the audience. Don’t just make cursory eye contact—try to sustain eye contact with individuals for a second or two. Also, feel free to smile at the audience.

     :)Leave a couple minutes at the end of your presentation for questions and try to be ready for any that may come up. And if you don’t know the answer to a question, admit it. Don’t try to cover. Instead, say something like, “That’s a good question; I’ll have to look into that.”

Time Management / Time is precious
« on: April 04, 2012, 05:08:12 PM »
We should not say we don't have enough time.

we have the same number of hours per day as Leonardo da Vinci or Isaac Newton had and as the President of the United States or the General Secretary of the United Nations have.

So time is to do work not to think about how much time do I have.

Heritage/Culture / Beautiful Trees
« on: April 04, 2012, 04:00:25 PM »
Here is the link to see the most beautiful tree photography.

You can also download the photographs from this link.

Heritage/Culture / Amazing plants
« on: April 04, 2012, 03:52:12 PM »
"A tree is a wonderful living organism which gives shelter, food,
warmth and protection to all living things. It even gives shade to
those who wield an axe to cut it down" – Buddha.

There are probably hundreds of majestic and magnificent trees in the world – of these, some are particularly special:
Circus Trees

As a hobby, bean farmer Axel Erlandson [wiki] shaped trees – he pruned, bent, and grafted trees into fantastic shapes and called them "Circus Trees." For example, to make this "Basket Tree" arborsculpture, Erlandson planted six sycamore trees in a circle and then grafted them together to form the diamond patterns.

Basket Circus Tree
Basket Tree (Image credit: jpeepz [flickr])

Circus Tree with Two Legs
The two-legged tree (Image credit: Vladi22, Wikipedia)

Ladder Tree
Ladder tree (Image credit: Arborsmith)

Axel Erlandson underneath a Circus Tree
Axel Erlandson underneath one of his arborsculpture (Image credit: Wilma Erlandson, Cabinet Magazine)

Erlandson was very secretive and refused to reveal his methods on how to grow the Circus Trees (he even carried out his graftings behind screens to protect against spies!) and carried the secrets to his grave.

The trees were later bought by millionaire Michael Bonfante, who transplanted them to his amusement park Bonfante Gardens in Gilroy in 1985.

Faculty Forum / Tips for mental health
« on: March 27, 2012, 06:28:35 PM »
Mind is the power station of we should keep it healthy by the following tips:

1. Build Confidence

    Identify your abilities and weaknesses together, accept them build on them and do the best with what you have.

2. Eat right, Keep fit

    A balanced diet, exercise and rest can help you to reduce stress and enjoy life.

3. Make Time for Family and Friends

    These relationships need to be nurtured; if taken for granted they will not be there to share life's joys and sorrows.

4. Give and Accept Support

    Friends and family relationships thrive when they are "put to the test".

5. Create a Meaningful Budget

    Financial problems cause stress. Over-spending on our "wants" instead of our "needs" is often the culprit.

6. Volunteer

    Being involved in community gives a sense of purpose and satisfaction that paid work cannot.

7. Manage Stress

    We all have stressors in our lives but learning how to deal with them when they threaten to overwhelm us will maintain our mental health.

8. Find Strength in Numbers

    Sharing a problem with others who have had similar experiences may help you find a solution and will make you feel less isolated.

9. Identify and Deal with Moods

    We all need to find safe and constructive ways to express our feelings of anger, sadness, joy and fear.

10. Learn to Be at Peace with Yourself

    Get to know who you are, what makes you really happy, and learn to balance what you can and cannot change about yourself.

Canadian Mental Health Association

Science Discussion Forum / Newton was Deeply Religious
« on: February 11, 2012, 02:15:23 PM »
Newton’s work, particularly the laws of motion [wiki] and universal gravitation [wiki], had been used by some people to argue against the existence of God. Newton himself, however, said:

    "Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who set the planets in motion. God governs all things and knows all that is or can be done."

    "This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent Being. … This Being governs all things, not as the soul of the world, but as Lord over all; and on account of his dominion he is wont to be called ‘Lord God’ [pantokrator], or ‘Universal Ruler’. … The Supreme God is a Being eternal, infinite, absolutely perfect."

    "Opposition to godliness is atheism in profession and idolatry in practice. Atheism is so senseless and odious to mankind that it never had many professors."
(Source: Isaac Newton’s Religious Views [wiki])

Science Discussion Forum / Newton and his apple
« on: February 11, 2012, 02:00:47 PM »
Newton and His Apple: The True Story

The story (popularized by Voltaire, no less!) said that Newton was inspired when he saw a falling apple while walking around his family’s garden at Woolsthorpe Manor, to formulate his theory of universal gravitation (some version even claimed the apple fell on his head!).

Newton himself actually said that he was staring out the window in his house when he saw an apple fall from a tree.

Purported offspring of the Newton’s Apple Tree in Woolsthorpe Manor (Image Source: Mathematical Association of America)

Whatever happened to the tree? The King’s School in Grantham, Linconshire, England, where Newton went to school, claimed to have purchased the tree and moved it to its garden. Naturally, this is a bone of contention with the Woolsthorpe Manor people who are currently in charge of the upkeep of Newton’s home (now a historic site).
(Source: Newton’s Apple [wiki])

Science Discussion Forum / Facts about Newton
« on: February 06, 2012, 03:05:27 PM »

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was the greatest scientist that ever lived. More than any other person, Newton was single handedly responsible for laying the the groundwork in classical mechanics, optics, and even mathematics. Landing man on the moon? Don’t look at Einstein – it was all done with Newtonian physics.

Do you know that Baby Newton Wasn’t Expected to Live?

In 1642, the year that Galileo Galilei died, Isaac Newton was born prematurely on Christmas Day. Named after his father, who died just three months before he was born, Isaac was a very small baby not expected to survive. His mother even said that Isaac was so small that he could have fit inside a quart mug. (Source: Isaac Newton’s Early Years [wiki])

Foundation Day / Foundation day of DIU
« on: January 24, 2012, 03:33:39 PM »
On the 10th foundation day of Daffodil International University I am giving here the link of youtube where you can see the achievements of DIU.

Faizun Nesa
Lecturer Of CSE, FSIT
Daffodil International Univesity

Science Discussion Forum / Social Web
« on: January 22, 2012, 01:34:38 PM »
Daffodil International University has become a legend in the field of web based university. I am a taking the facility of social web everyday. But i have to give a pause in using this when i find that my students do not know how to use this, specially the new students. I think as we are web based university and we have to use social web, a workshop on social web for the fresher should be arranged. So that they can be familiar from the first class of first semester.

Faizun Nesa
Lecturer of CSE

Science Discussion Forum / fresher reception
« on: January 22, 2012, 01:07:34 PM »
Its a matter of great pleasure that fresher reception of CSE department of spring'12 is hopefully going to be held in 11 February'12. We hope that it will be a tradition and regular practice of this department. In this regard We wish CSE department will get all kinds of support from the University.

Faizun Nesa
Lecturer of CSE
FSIT, Daffodil International University

Departments / How to Eliminate Negative Thoughts And Ease Stress?
« on: August 09, 2010, 01:22:25 PM »
I've get this article so handy that posted it for all other forum membes:

With all that life throws at us every day, it's natural to be overwhelmed by negative thoughts:
"I should have known better. I'm never on time. I can't do anything right."

We have the normal stresses of worries about family, worries about the economy, worries about deadlines and what have you, worries about our own health.

And our health can be affected by negative thoughts.

Now there may be a way to break the pattern. Dr. Herbert Benson, a professor at Harvard Medical School, says the answer is a process called cognitive restructuring.

"Cognitive restructuring is how you can frame your thinking."

First, you relax and breathe deeply for a few minutes, all the while chanting a chosen word or phrase. After achieving a relaxed state, Benson says it's easier to challenge and change your negative thoughts.

"You give a thought to—'must it be that way?' and then you choose — perhaps I can retrain that thinking. Stop, breathe, reflect, choose."

According to Benson, regular practice of this exercise can give you a more positive outlook on life—and even ease some medical conditions resulting from stress.

"It has to be based on an opening of the mind so that the mind is more receptive, quieter, less noise, less static so you can change your thinking."

So the next time your stress level starts to rise, remember: that impossible situation you're facing may not be so bad after all.

You need to know / Be careful at road
« on: July 07, 2010, 02:28:11 PM »
Our university is just along one of the most busy roads of Dhaka. So students are requested to move here carefully. Most often traffic move racklessly. So we have to be careful crossing road.Take time to cross road because your life is more valuable than time. While walking beside the road, use footpath. Move carefully and stay safe.

Faculty Forum / International day against drug
« on: June 26, 2010, 12:27:50 PM »
Today is international day against drug. Let us say no to drug. Six Ways To Say "No".

Make no mistake about it, saying "NO" to drugs will be the most important decision you will make in your life!
If you say "no" when your friends ask you to try a drug or a drink, it might make them think twice about doing it themselves. Saying "no" means you have the strength and brains to choose for yourself. There are a few ways to do it:
1.Say you have something better to do. Then do it!

2.Point out that drugs interfere with your mental and physical skills and that you want to be at your best.

3.If you don't want to explain, just say, "no, thanks." If that doesn't work, try a stronger "no way!" and leave.

4.Skip parties or gethering where you know drugs and alcohol will be available. Band them from your own parties.

5.Hang out with friends who don't need drugs or alcohol to have fun. Make a commitment to be healthy and in control of your own future.

6.Develop a contract between you and your parents that states you will do your best to learn about the effects of illegal substances and discuss peer pressure with your parents. In turn, your parents will agree to be available to discuss about alcohol and other drugs.

Don't Let Drugs Ruin Your Neighborhood; and live a healthy and happy life.

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