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Topics - imranmahmud

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Football / Postgraduate Certificate course in Football Business
« on: April 02, 2017, 12:18:21 PM »
Postgraduate Certificate course in Football Business in Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Fees :  €40.000 .

Teaching & Research Forum / Likert Scale: 5, 7 ,9 or 11 point
« on: March 30, 2017, 09:34:13 PM »
Research suggests that scale labels and scale points impact the statistical characteristics of response data and emphasize the importance of labeling all scale points. A scale with all points labeled effectively minimizes response bias, maximizes variance, maximizes power, and minimizes error. The results also suggest that variance may be maximized when the scale length is set at 7 points. Although researchers commonly believe using additional scale points will increase variance, results indicate increasing scale points beyond 7 does not increase variance. Taken together, a fully labeled, 7-point scale may provide the greatest benefits to researchers.

Source : Eutsler, J., & Lang, B. (2015). Rating scales in accounting research: The impact of scale points and labels. Behavioral Research in Accounting, 27(2), 35-51.

See the attached paper

Teaching & Research Forum / Using tenses in scientific writing
« on: March 16, 2017, 11:19:48 AM »
Tense considerations for science writing. This document was prepared by The University of Melbourne. Please see the attached.

This is actually for consumer research

Problem 1: the reviewers cannot tell what conversation your paper is joining
Problem 2: the conversation that your paper is joining does not belong in the journal
Problem 3: the paper reviews the conversation without identifying any major gaps, problems or questions
Problem 4: you do not have the data to answer your research questions
Problem 5: your findings are too descriptive and you have not made theoretical claims
Problem 6: your theoretical claims state how things are, but not why things are the way they are
Problem 7: your theoretical claims are illustrated by vivid data, but not supported by theoretical argumentation
Problem 8: your paper does not make a significant contribution to the conversation

1) Clearly indicate which theoretical conversation your paper is joining. Do so as early as possible in the paper.
(2) Join a theoretical conversation that belongs in your target journal. Alternatively, target a journal that cares about the conversation that you are joining.
(3) Conclude your review of the theoretical conversation with gaps,problems and ideally specific research questions that your study will address.
(4) Collect the data that you need to answer your research questions. Alternatively, only
ask research questions that your data can answer.
(5) Build your descriptive observations about contexts into theoretical claims about concepts.
(6) Explain both how things are and why things are the way that they are.
(7) Illustrate your theoretical claims with data and support them with theoretical argumentation.
(8) Advance the theoretical conversation in a novel and radical way.In other words,offer readers something “new” and “big”

Fischer, E., Fischer, E., Gopaldas, A., Gopaldas, A., Scaraboto, D., & Scaraboto, D. (2017). Why papers are rejected and how to get yours accepted: Advice on the construction of interpretive consumer research articles. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 20(1), 60-67.

Available at:

Teaching & Research Forum / Zombie Professors
« on: March 04, 2017, 11:29:22 AM »
Some Professors are wittily dubbed “zombie professors” in many countries in Africa, implying that they are professors only in their
titles and not in intellectual status and contributions. Being nicknamed “zombie professor” is a bad enough reason to tarnish the professional reputation of an individual faculty. On the top of that, with the advent of increased availability of information on predatory
journals and publishers, many institutions and organizations are now screening professionals based on the legitimacy rather than quantity of their publications. In an effort to tell the good from the bad, Cappell ( 2015 ),

for example, recommended a format for academic curricula vitae (CVs) with papers from predatory publishers listed separately from those published in legitimate ones. Moreover, information published in predatory journals is considered“lost science,”as it
is usually not discoverable through the formal search and archiving services (Clark & Smith, 2015). Even when discovered, scientists are becoming increasingly wary of citing such papers, contributing to a declining impact, or bibliometrics, of those who publish in such
journals (Clark & Smith,2015 ). All these will affect the academic reputation and future career prospects and opportunities of academics who publish with predatory journals.

Source :Balehegn, M. (2017). Increased Publication in Predatory Journals by Developing Countries' Institutions: What it Entails? And What Can be Done?. International Information & Library Review, 1-4.

Teaching & Research Forum / Mixed method research of Creswell: Video
« on: March 03, 2017, 03:55:25 PM »
This video explains mixed method research.

Applications of PLS-SEM for exploratory research and theory development are increasing. Information systems scholars should continue to exercise sound practice by reporting reasons for using PLS-SEM and recognizing its wider applicability for research.

Full paper can be downloaded from

Note: Daffodil International University has subscribed emerald digital resources. This paper can be downloaded if user is within DIU network.

Journals of this list are removed from SCOPUS index. List is attached

Some facebook groups support people to find out journals which cant be access without pay. The links are below

BRAC Business School (BBS), BRAC University, Bangladesh is going to organize its 1st International Conference on Business and Management (ICBM 2017) on September 21-22, 2017 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The conference aims to provide a forum for academics, researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas and to discuss about recent developments in the field of Business and Management. The conference is expected to foster networking, collaboration and joint efforts among the conference participants to advance theories and practices in Business and Management in relation to global, contemporary practices.

Abstract Submission Deadline: March 31, 2017

Tracks covering Business and Management issues and applications include, but are not limited to:

    Governance and Development
    Human Resource
    Management Information Systems
    Operations Management
    Supply Chain Management
Source :

Sometimes researchers are confused about data analysis techniques. Which technique is better, 1st generation technique by SPSS or Minitab, CB-SEM technique by AMOS or , PLS-SEM technique using SmartPLS or WrapPLS? The solution is actually simple. It would be based on your data set, model and the result you want to report.

First-generation (1G) techniques, such as correlations,regressions, or difference of means tests (such as ANOVA or -tests), offer limited modeling capabilities, particularly in terms of causal modeling. In contrast, second-generation techniques (such as covariance-based SEM or PLS) offerextensive, scalable, and flexible causal-modeling capabilities. Second-generation (2G) techniques do not invalidatethe need for 1G techniques however. The key point of 2G techniques is that they are superior for the complex causal
modeling that dominates recent communication and behavioral research. -- Lowry and Gaskin (2014).

From the paper of Lowry and Gaskin (2014), "Partial Least Squares (PLS) Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for Building and Testing Behavioral Causal Theory: When to Choose It and How to Use It"." the suggestions are attached with this message.

Dr. James Gaskin is very good researcher in statistics and data analysis. From youtube, you can check his tutorials on  SPSS, AMOS and PLS.


Previously only ISI indexed journals had impact factor. Now SCOPUS(Elsevier) also created a new impact factor standard for SCOPUS indexed journals. They named it  Cite Score.

Football / Pele VS Maradona : War of Words
« on: December 08, 2016, 03:06:14 AM »
On who is better, Messi or Neymar?


There’s always this Maradona comparison, saying that he’s better than Pele. Now some are saying that Messi is better than Pele.

Well, he (Messi) has to be better than Neymar first, which he isn’t yet. He has more experience.


My God, that is just stupid! Maybe Neymar is the best player in the world, but only if you say that Messi is from a different planet.

It seems Pele took the wrong medication. Instead of taking his night pill, he took the morning pill. He got confused and didn’t know what he was talking about … I suggest next time he take the right pills before making any suggestions and that he should change his doctor.

On drug abuse in football


It is unfair to talk about drugs in football because of just one or two cases, like Ronaldo and Robinho, who have that problem.

He (Maradona) was an excellent player but unfortunately everyone can see what he has done with his life.


What do you want me to say? He (Pele) debuted (lost his virginity) with a lad (a man)!

On the best ever footballer


(Maradona cannot be considered the best ever player as) he couldn’t kick well with his right foot and he didn’t score headed goals.

The only important headed goal that Maradona ever scored was scored with his hand!


I think I’m the best player ever. Why would you compare me to Pele? My mother said that I’m stronger and that he used to play with players who didn’t even move on the pitch.

I don’t like comparisons with Pele because of the stupid things he says. He keeps on saying stupid stuff when he takes the wrong pills.

On the FIFA Footballer of the Century award


I came out on top in terms of votes and the opinions of the fans. Pelé came second.

Even in Brazil (Pele came second), where Ayrton Senna was voted the most popular Brazilian sportsperson of all time.

As I’ve already won so much in my career Pelé’s friends needed to give him some sort of recognition (the award of ‘Second Best Footballer of the Century’), which really means absolutely nothing!

Pele (?)

Cartoon / One punch man workout
« on: December 08, 2016, 03:02:06 AM »
The latest Anime Craze known as “One Punch Man” that has swept both the world and our Facebook feeds by storm! It is about an average guy so strong that he basically defeats all his enemies in one single punch! In his quest to be a hero for fun, Saitama (One Punch Man) reveals a shocking revelation on how he got so strong, also known as the One Punch Man Workout.

See the link for one punch man workout

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