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Topics - Hasanuzzaman Sumon

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জাতিসংঘে চাকরি পেতে আবেদনের টিপস

প্রথমবার আবেদন করে কর্মী হওয়ার সৌভাগ্য অর্জন খুব একটা সহজ হয় না। কিছু বিষয়ে ধারণা থাকলে জাতিসংঘের চাকরির আবেদন গ্রহণযোগ্য হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা বাড়তে পারে।

জাতিসংঘে কাজ করে বিশ্ব শান্তি, নিরাপত্তা এবং উন্নয়ন উদ্যোগে অবদান রাখার ইচ্ছা অনেকেরই থাকে। আন্তর্জাতিক শান্তি বজায় রাখা, মানবাধিকার রক্ষা এবং টেকসই উন্নয়নকে সমর্থন করার জন্য জাতিসংঘ প্রতি বছরই আগ্রহীদের জন্য চাকরির সুযোগ দেয়।

তবে প্রথমবার আবেদন করে কর্মী হওয়ার সৌভাগ্য অর্জন খুব একটা সহজ হয় না। কিছু বিষয়ে ধারণা থাকলে জাতিসংঘের চাকরির আবেদন গ্রহণযোগ্য হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা বাড়তে পারে।

জাতিসংঘ একাধিক সংস্থা, তহবিল এবং প্রোগ্রামের সমন্বয়ে গঠিত একটি বিশাল সংস্থা, যা কয়েকটি ক্ষেত্র নিয়ে কাজ করে। এর আওতায় রয়েছে স্বাস্থ্য (ডব্লিউএইচও), শিশু (ইউনিসেফ), শরণার্থী (ইউএনএইচসিআর), খাদ্য নিরাপত্তার (ডব্লিউএফপি) মতো অঙ্গসংগঠন। যার প্রতিটির রয়েছে নিজস্ব সাংগঠনিক কাঠামো এবং কার্যক্রমের আওতা। জাতিসংঘের কোন সংস্থাটিতে আপনার আগ্রহ, তার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় দক্ষতা আছে কি না আবেদন করার আগে জেনে নিন। আপনার কর্মজীবনের লক্ষ্য এবং মূল্যবোধের সঙ্গে সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ নির্দিষ্ট সংস্থার কাজ ও অবস্থান জানলে সে অনুযায়ী প্রস্তুতি নেওয়া সহজ হবে।

প্রয়োজনীয় যোগ্যতা আছে কি না দেখুন

জাতিসংঘের সব সংস্থায় শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতা, কাজের অভিজ্ঞতা, ভাষার দক্ষতাসহ বিভিন্ন বিষয়ের প্রয়োজন হয়। আবেদন করার আগে এসব বিষয়ে অবগত থাকা আবশ্যক। জাতিসংঘ প্রায়শই গ্র‍্যাজুয়েট ডিগ্রি, ইংরেজি বা ফরাসি ভাষায় দক্ষতা এবং প্রাসঙ্গিক পেশাদার অভিজ্ঞতা আছে এমন প্রার্থীদের আবেদন করার জন্য উৎসাহিত করে। বহু-সাংস্কৃতিক পরিবেশে কাজ করার ক্ষমতা থাকলে আবেদনকারীকে অগ্রাধিকার দেওয়া হয়। 

আবেদন করার সময় কিছু বিষয়ে নজর দিন

সাদামাটা আবেদনপত্র খুব একটা আকর্ষণীয় হয় না বিধায় তা গ্রহণযোগ্য হিসেবে বিবেচনা করা হয় না। আবেদন করার সময় কাজের বিবরণের সঙ্গে সম্পর্কিত প্রাসঙ্গিক অভিজ্ঞতা ও দক্ষতা উল্লেখ করুন। আপনার জীবনবৃত্তান্ত এবং কভার লেটার সঠিকভাবে লিখুন। টিমওয়ার্ক, যোগাযোগ, জবাবদিহিতা এবং সৃজনশীলতার মতো ক্ষেত্রগুলোতে আপনার দক্ষতা উল্লেখ করুন এবং আপনার অভিজ্ঞতা কীভাবে উপকারে আসবে তা  উপস্থাপন করতে জাতিসংঘের দক্ষতা কাঠামো ব্যবহার করুন।

সংস্থার মূল্যবোধের প্রতি আপনার অঙ্গীকার হাইলাইট করুন

জাতিসংঘ সততা, পেশাদারিত্ব এবং বৈচিত্র্যের প্রতি সম্মানকে বিবেচনা করে। আপনার আবেদনে এসব বিষয়ের প্রতি আপনার প্রতিশ্রুতি প্রতিফলিত করুন। আপনি কীভাবে পেশাদার বা স্বেচ্ছাসেবী কাজে মূল্যবোধ ধরে রেখেছেন সেসবের উদাহরণ দিন। বিভিন্ন দলে কাজ করার সময় কিংবা নেতৃস্থানীয় প্রকল্পে দায়িত্ব পালন করতে গিয়ে বিভিন্ন সম্প্রদায়কে কীভাবে পরিষেবা দিয়েছেন তা উল্লেখ করুন। আপনার শেখার আগ্রহ আবেদনপত্রে উপস্থাপিত হলে গ্রহণযোগ্য হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা বাড়বে।

সাক্ষাৎকারের জন্য প্রস্তুতি গ্রহণ করুন

প্রাথমিক পর্যায়ে আবেদন গ্রহণযোগ্য হলে সাক্ষাৎকারের জন্য ডাকা হবে। জাতিসংঘের সব সংস্থার নির্বাচন প্রক্রিয়ার জন্য এটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ধাপ। সাক্ষাৎকারে জাতিসংঘের মূল্যবোধ এবং চাকরিভেদে নির্দিষ্ট দক্ষতার সঙ্গে সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ পরিস্থিতিতে আপনার দক্ষতা ও জ্ঞান প্রয়োগের ক্ষমতা মূল্যায়ন করা হবে। জাতিসংঘের দক্ষতা কাঠামো পর্যালোচনা করে প্রস্তুতি নিন এবং আপনার অতীত অভিজ্ঞতা থেকে এসব দক্ষতা প্রদর্শন করে এমন সুনির্দিষ্ট উদাহরণের কথা মাথায় রাখুন।

ধৈর্যশীল এবং অবিচল থাকুন

জাতিসংঘের চাকরির আবেদন প্রক্রিয়া দীর্ঘ এবং প্রতিযোগিতামূলক হয় বিধায় আবেদন জমা দেওয়ার পর অপেক্ষা করতে হয়। যা কয়েক মাসব্যাপী হতে পারে। আপনার দক্ষতা, নেটওয়ার্কিং এবং জাতিসংঘের মিশনের সঙ্গে সম্পৃক্ত স্বেচ্ছাসেবক হওয়ার সুযোগ অনুসন্ধান করতে সেই সময় কাজে লাগাতে পারলে ভালো হবে। প্রথমবার চাকরি না পেলেও চেষ্টা করতে থাকুন। অতীতের প্রক্রিয়া থেকে ধারণা নিতে পারলে লক্ষ্য অর্জন সহজ হবে।

নেটওয়ার্কিং করুন

নেটওয়ার্কিং আপনার জাতিসংঘে চাকরি করার স্বপ্নপূরণে মূল্যবান হাতিয়ার হতে পারে। পেশাদার নেটওয়ার্কিং সাইট, জাতিসংঘের অ্যাসোসিয়েশন ইভেন্ট বা প্রাসঙ্গিক সেমিনার এবং ওয়েবিনারের মাধ্যমে জাতিসংঘের বর্তমান এবং প্রাক্তন কর্মীদের সঙ্গে যোগাযোগ করুন। জাতিসংঘের কার্যক্রমের ধারণা, আবেদনের জন্য টিপস এবং আসন্ন সুযোগ সম্পর্কে তথ্য পেতে এটি বেশ উপকারে আসবে। আবেদনের গ্রহণযোগ্যতা বাড়াতে জাতিসংঘ সম্পর্কিত অনলাইন কোর্স বা ভাষা ক্লাসসহ বিভিন্ন সুযোগ অনুসন্ধান করতে থাকলে জাতিসংঘের কর্মী হিসেবে পরিচিতি গড়ে তুলতে পারবেন আপনিও।



Navigating Towards Prosperity: Building a Strong Workforce in Bangladesh for 2024

As 2024 begins, Bangladesh is at a crucial point, ready for big changes in its economy and workforce. Recent years have been tough, with global and local challenges. But the start of a new year brings hope and a chance to make better plans for a strong job market.

Understanding Today's Situation
Bangladesh's economy is strong thanks to textiles, farming, and money sent home by people working abroad. But with over 160 million people, finding enough jobs is a big challenge. The goal is not just to create jobs, but to make good, lasting jobs that fit the growing number of workers and help the economy stay stable.

Tech and Innovation: Leading the Way
Technology is a key area for creating lasting jobs in Bangladesh. With many young people, there's a great chance to grow digital skills and new ideas. Investing in new tech companies, better digital systems, and education can open up jobs in IT, online shopping, and digital services. This not only meets local needs but also makes Bangladesh competitive in the global digital market.

Green Economy: Moving Towards a Better Future
With climate change affecting the world, Bangladesh can lead in the green economy. Projects in renewable energy, eco-friendly farming, and green manufacturing can create jobs and help the environment. These areas are important for the country's long-term goals for a better future.

Improving Skills and Education
A strong job market needs skilled workers. Bangladesh should focus on education and training that matches what the job market needs. This includes technical skills and also people skills and learning about business. Working with companies to provide real training and apprenticeships can help connect education with actual jobs.

Government Policies and Working Together Globally
The government plays a big role in making a good environment for creating lasting jobs. Policies that attract foreign investment, support local businesses, and protect workers' rights are important. Also, working with other countries for sharing knowledge, financial support, and accessing markets can help Bangladesh build a strong job market.

Working Together
Creating a lasting job market in Bangladesh is everyone's job – not just the governments. It needs cooperation from private companies, schools, community groups, and international partners. As we start the New Year, we should all work together with hope and good plans to make a future where the economy grows and we take care of our planet.

Write Up By:
Dr. Tanvir Abir
Director, Career Development Center (CDC), DIU

"Empowering Bangladesh's Youth: The Transformative Role of Job Utosob in Shaping Tomorrow's Workforce"

The notion of Job Utosob, or job fairs, within the higher education sphere in Bangladesh has attracted considerable interest as an essential mechanism for closing the divide between employers and prospective employees, particularly among the youth. These events act as a pivotal junction, presenting an abundance of prospects for both job seekers and enterprises in a swiftly changing employment landscape. The ramifications of Job Utosob for Bangladesh's future generations are diverse, covering areas such as employment prospects, skill enhancement, and the wider economic advancement of the nation.Connecting Talent with Opportunity

Job fairs in Bangladesh expose young professionals and graduates to a variety of industries. This diversity allows candidates to explore and understand the vast array of career paths available, enabling them to make informed decisions about their future.

Job fairs provide a unique platform for networking. Young individuals get the chance to interact with industry professionals and recruiters, which can lead to valuable connections, mentorships, and even job offers.

Engaging directly with employers at job fairs allows candidates to receive immediate feedback on their resumes, skill sets, and interview techniques. This real-time interaction is pivotal in honing the job-seeking strategies of the youth.

Skill Alignment and Development

Job fairs help young job seekers to align their skills with industry needs. By interacting with various companies, they gain insights into the current market demands and future trends, which is crucial for their career development.

These events often highlight the importance of certain skills and competencies that are in demand. This insight encourages the youth to pursue relevant training and education, thereby increasing their employability.

Economic Implications and Youth Empowerment

By efficiently connecting young job seekers with potential employers, job fairs can play a significant role in reducing the unemployment rate among the youth, which is a pressing concern in Bangladesh.

 Exposure to various industries and professionals can also inspire entrepreneurial ventures. Young individuals learn about market needs and opportunities, which can motivate them to start their own businesses, fostering a culture of entrepreneurship. An employed and skilled youth population is a valuable asset to the national economy. By facilitating employment, job fairs contribute to the economic development and stability of Bangladesh.

In conclusion, Job Utosob or job fairs are a vital component for the future generation of Bangladesh. They not only provide a platform for employment but also play a significant role in skill development and economic empowerment. These events bridge the gap between the educational system and the job market, ensuring that the youth are better prepared to meet the challenges of the evolving workforce.

The significance of these platforms is paramount in the ambit of Bangladesh's ambition to cultivate a proficient and empowered youth, poised to contribute substantially to the nation's advancement and affluence. Daffodil International University consistently orchestrates this event, embracing it as a hallmark initiative to establish connections with job providers. The university is dedicated to offering this service to its job-seeking students, functioning as a conduit between them and potential employers.

Dr. Tanvir Abir
Director, Career Development Center (CDC)

Career Guidance / Navigating Exam Time: Addressing Student Concerns
« on: October 07, 2023, 04:05:08 PM »
Navigating Exam Time: Addressing Student Concerns

In the realm of academia, the period of exams often ushers in heightened stress and anxiety for students. It represents the culmination of months of learning, where a series of assessments holds the power to significantly influence one's academic journey. As a student, effectively addressing the concerns that arise during this crucial juncture is paramount. In this blog, we will delve into some prevalent student concerns during exam time and provide strategies to guide you through this formidable phase.
Time Management:
Among the most pervasive challenges faced by students during exams is the art of time management. With a multitude of subjects demanding attention and the constraints of limited time, the need for a well-structured study plan becomes imperative. Here are some invaluable tips:
Prioritize Subjects Judiciously: Assess subjects based on their level of complexity and your proficiency, then prioritize your study schedule accordingly.
Break Down Study Sessions: Divide your study sessions into manageable segments, incorporating brief breaks to refresh your mind.
Leverage Productivity Tools: Utilize tools such as calendars or study applications to meticulously schedule your study sessions, ensuring optimal time allocation.
Stress and Anxiety:
The looming specter of exams often gives rise to stress and anxiety. Effectively managing these emotions is vital for peak performance. Consider the following techniques:
Deep Breathing and Relaxation Exercises: Employ deep breathing and relaxation exercises to soothe frayed nerves and restore equilibrium.
Holistic Well-being: Maintain a well-balanced diet and engage in regular physical exercise to safeguard both your physical and mental health.
Seek Support: Don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or a counselor for the emotional support that can make a significant difference.
Lack of Motivation:
Experiencing bouts of demotivation is a common hurdle during the exam period. To surmount this challenge, consider the following strategies:
Set Attainable Goals: Establish achievable goals and reward yourself upon their successful completion.
Leverage Collaborative Learning: Participate in study groups or engage in peer discussions to sustain motivation and share insights.
Visualize Success: Keep your long-term goals in mind and visualize your success as a powerful motivator.
Study Material Overload:
The sheer volume of study material can be overwhelming. To address this concern effectively, consider these strategies:
Concise Study Aids: Create concise notes or flashcards for each subject to condense essential information for efficient review.
Conceptual Understanding: Prioritize a deep understanding of key concepts rather than rote memorization.
Seek Clarification: When faced with uncertainty, seek clarification from teachers or utilize online resources to bolster your comprehension.
Lack of Sleep:
Many students, in their pursuit of academic excellence, sacrifice sleep for extended study hours. However, this approach can be counterproductive. Prioritize sleep to enhance cognitive function:
Adequate Sleep Duration: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to rejuvenate your cognitive faculties.
Consistent Sleep Schedule: Adhere to a regular sleep schedule to optimize sleep patterns and ensure restorative rest.
Eliminate Sleep Disruptors: Avoid the consumption of caffeine and exposure to electronic devices before bedtime to foster better sleep quality.
Exam Technique:
Understanding how to approach an exam is as crucial as mastering the study material. Here's how to address this concern effectively:
Familiarize with Exam Parameters: Acquaint yourself with the exam format and grasp the nuances of the marking scheme.
Practice with Past Papers: Gain insights into the types of questions that may be posed by solving past exam papers.
Strategic Time Management: During the exam, judiciously allocate your time to each section to ensure comprehensive coverage.
Exam time may be daunting, but armed with effective strategies and a proactive mindset, you can conquer common student concerns and achieve your best performance. Remember to prioritize time management, stress management, motivation, study material condensation, adequate sleep, and sound exam techniques. With these tools at your disposal, you'll be well-prepared to confront your exams with confidence and secure success. Best of luck!


Navigating the Digital Revolution: Youth's Path to a Smarter Bangladesh
In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Bangladesh is standing on the precipice of a digital transformation that promises to catapult our nation into a smarter, more connected future. The winds of change are blowing, and at the heart of this transformation are the young, dynamic individuals who hold the key to unlock Bangladesh's full potential.

The National HR Summit-2023 at Daffodil International University has set the stage for an important conversation: "Today's digital Bangladesh will be transformed into a smarter Bangladesh by the hands of students." This theme carries a profound message – it is the youth who will shape and lead the way towards a smarter Bangladesh.

The youth of Bangladesh, should prepare for this exciting journey by embracing Digital Literacy where
the foundation of a smarter Bangladesh lies in digital literacy. Familiarize yourself with digital tools, applications, and platforms. Learn to navigate the internet safely and use technology for research, education, and communication.
Stay Informed is which will keep abreast of the latest technological advancements and trends, both locally and globally. Follow tech news, join online forums, and engage with experts in the field. Knowledge is your greatest asset in the digital age.

Acquire Digital Skills is beyond basic digital literacy, acquire specific digital skills that are in demand. These may include programming, data analytics, digital marketing, or cybersecurity. These skills can open doors to a wide range of opportunities in the digital ecosystem.
Innovate and Create is not to be afraid to think outside the box and innovate. Develop your own digital solutions to address local challenges. Bangladesh has a wealth of untapped potential waiting to be harnessed through innovation.
Entrepreneurial Spirit is to consider entrepreneurship as a viable career path. The digital economy offers numerous opportunities for startups and small businesses. Learn about entrepreneurship, develop a business plan, and seek support from incubators and accelerators.

Collaboration and Networking is also to connect with like-minded individuals, both locally and globally. Collaborate on projects, share ideas, and build a network that can support your endeavors. Collaborative efforts often lead to innovative solutions.
Adaptability and Resilience is the digital landscape evolves rapidly. Be prepared to adapt to new technologies and bounce back from setbacks. Resilience is a key trait in a constantly changing environment.
Ethical Digital Citizenship is to use technology responsibly and ethically. Be mindful of the impact of your digital actions on society and the environment. Promote digital inclusivity and sustainability.

Engage in Continuous Learning is which is lifelong learning is essential. Seek opportunities for further education and skill development. Consider online courses, workshops, and certifications to stay relevant in the digital workforce.
Advocate for a Smarter Bangladesh is which as the future leaders of the nation, advocate for policies and initiatives that promote a smarter Bangladesh. Use your voice to influence positive change in the digital landscape.

The National HR Summit-2023's theme is a call to action for the youth of Bangladesh. The transformation of our nation into a smarter Bangladesh is not a distant dream; it's an achievable reality within your grasp. Your passion, innovation, and dedication can and will shape the future. Embrace the digital revolution and lead Bangladesh into a brighter, smarter tomorrow. The future is yours to create.

Director, Career Development Center (CDC), DIU

Unleashing Potential: The Importance of Early Skill Development for Students

As the spirited students of Fall 2023 of Daffodil International University embark on their exciting educational voyage, it behooves us to grasp the essence of schooling beyond mere academic prowess. While excelling in conventional subjects like English, mathematics, and science remains pivotal, the contemporary world places increasing emphasis on acquiring invaluable life skills from a tender age. These very skills play a pivotal role in molding individuals into versatile and triumphant personalities. In this captivating discourse, we shall delve into the profound significance of early skill development and shed light on the key proficiencies that the students of Fall 2023 should wholeheartedly embrace during their inaugural year.

Fostering Creativity:
An all-encompassing curriculum that seamlessly weaves in skill-based learning stands as a cornerstone in amplifying the creative brilliance among students. Nurturing skill development in its early stages empowers students to swiftly grasp and assimilate novel proficiencies. Engaging in artistic pursuits such as dancing, singing, and drawing not only contributes to fostering creativity and imagination but also bestows far-reaching benefits, endowing students with a heightened ability to innovate and adapt in our ever-evolving world.

Education with Purpose:
Traditionally, education may have centered around the pursuit of academic marks and grades, but the contemporary world beckons for more than just examination scores. Skill-based learning gifts students with a panorama of opportunities to explore diverse facets of life, illuminating their true passions and innate talents. Armed with a clear vision and an acute awareness of their strengths and weaknesses, students can align their educational trajectory with their aspirations, paving the way for a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

Empowering Independent Thought:
Skill-based education sets the stage for nurturing independent thought and problem-solving skills from an early age. Gone are the days of rote memorization; instead, students are encouraged to apply concepts to real-world scenarios, fostering critical and analytical thinking. This approach fuels a profound sense of confidence and robust self-esteem, enabling students to metamorphose into independent thinkers and future trailblazers within their chosen vocations.

Embracing Failure with Poise:
Embarking on the journey of acquiring new skills inevitably entails experimentation, and along the path, students may encounter moments of failure. Yet, skill development instills in them the invaluable art of embracing failures with graceful acceptance and cultivating a tenacious "never give up" attitude. Embracing failure as an integral part of the learning process becomes paramount for achieving success in life, and the students of Fall 2023 shall glean this invaluable lesson from the outset.

Contributing to a Flourishing Workforce:
Early skill development in educational institutions exerts a positive ripple effect on the nation's workforce in the long haul. Holistic education arms students with a plethora of employable skills, effortlessly facilitating the transition from pupils to proficient professionals. With access to cutting-edge technology and interactive learning methodologies, students emerge better equipped to emerge as competent individuals. The unyielding emphasis on skill development promises to usher in a superior and adroit workforce for the future.

In the grand tapestry of the Fall 2023 cohort's educational journey, the significance of early skill development shines like an iridescent gem of paramount importance. Beyond the realm of academic brilliance, students are urged to wholeheartedly embrace the enhancement of their creativity, foster a profound sense of purpose, nurture independent thought, gracefully accept failures, and contribute to a workforce enriched with a diverse array of skills. These empowering abilities are not only instrumental in propelling students towards eminence in their chosen callings but also in sculpting them into compassionate, self-assured, and culturally enlightened individuals. As the harbingers of a promising future, the students of Fall 2023 hold the key to steering progress and prosperity for society and the nation at large. Through the pursuit of skill development, they are bound to shine resplendently, leaving an indelible positive impact, and triumphing in the competitive world that eagerly awaits their prowess.
In this respect, the Career Development Centre (CDC) can play a constructive role in assisting the students in acquiring these invaluable skills throughout their four-year journey. The CDC at Daffodil International University is dedicated to empowering students to achieve their career aspirations by providing necessary support, guidance, and resources. Its primary objective is to prepare students for the workforce by equipping them with a variety of career-related services and resources, helping them make informed decisions about their future paths. The CDC aids students in exploring career options, developing the skills required for professional success, connecting with potential employers and job opportunities, and providing ongoing support throughout their professional journey.
The CDC offers a plethora of activities and services to support students' career growth and development. These include arranging talks and training sessions by industry experts, providing one-on-one career guidance, offering a soft skills curriculum covering essential skills like communication and leadership, and organizing industry-specific certifications and training programs. Moreover, the CDC conducts mock interviews, coding tests, group discussions, and provides resume building guidance, all of which contribute to honing students' abilities and boosting their confidence in the job market. By engaging in these activities and leveraging the CDC's facilities, students of Fall 2023 can harness their potential and embark on a path towards a successful and fulfilling future. With the support and resources provided by the Career Development Centre, they are well-equipped to thrive in their chosen professions, make positive contributions to society, and embrace the opportunities that await them in the competitive world.

Building Tomorrow's Workforce at the Tertiary Level in Bangladesh: Empowering Students, Guardians, and Educators

Developing the skills and knowledge of Bangladesh's labour force at the tertiary level is crucial for the country's future. Coordination among students, parents, and educators is essential for achieving this goal. They can contribute to the development of a robust and competitive workforce by utilizing specific strategies and adhering to explicit instructions. Here are the specified measures for each group:
Students: Developing Drive and Capabilities
a) Define Professional Objectives: Students should investigate their passions and inclinations to identify possible career paths. They can acquire the essential skills and knowledge in their chosen field by establishing clear objectives. This procedure helps students align their educational decisions with their career goals [1].
b) Seek Out Opportunities for Experiential Learning Internships, part-time employment, and volunteer work provide valuable real-world experience and facilitate the development of practical skills that are valued by employers.
c) Adopt Technology: Acquiring digital literacy skills and keeping abreast of new technologies is essential. To enhance their technological abilities, students can enroll in relevant courses, join technology organizations, and compete in coding competitions.
d) Develop Soft Abilities: hone your communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership skills. Students can develop these skills by engaging in extracurricular activities, joining student organizations, and competing in public speaking contests.
e) Pursue Entrepreneurship: Develop an entrepreneurial perspective and contemplate launching small-scale ventures. Students can seek mentorship from entrepreneurial support organizations, attend seminars, and network with successful entrepreneurs.
Guardians: Providing Guidance and Assistance
Parents should encourage their children to explore numerous fields and pursue their passions. Students' perspectives can be broadened by exposing them to various industries, career exhibits, and facilitating interactions with professionals from diverse backgrounds.
b) Facilitate Career Guidance: Assist your child in gaining access to career counselling services in order to receive guidance on suitable career paths, educational decisions, and skill development opportunities.
c) Promote a Culture of Continuous Learning: Encourage your child to participate in career-related workshops, seminars, and online courses.
d) Financial Planning: Assist your child in understanding the financial implications of attending college. To make informed decisions, investigate scholarship opportunities, savings plans, and financial aid options.
Encourage your child to view obstacles and setbacks as learning opportunities. Highlight the significance of tenacity and resilience in the face of adversity.

Educators: Fostering Competencies and Knowledge
a) Curriculum Enhancement: Revision and alignment of the curriculum with industry standards on a regular basis. To bridge the distance between theory and practice, include practical components, case studies, and real-life initiatives.
b) Collaboration with Industry: Establish partnerships with industries to comprehend their needs. To give students practical experience, invite guest lecturers, organize industry tours, and facilitate internships and apprenticeships.
c) Continuous Professional Development: Encourage faculty members to participate in professional development activities, such as conferences, workshops, and training programmers, in order to remain abreast of the most recent advancements in their respective disciplines.
Establish mentorship programmers that pair students with experts in their desired disciplines. This provides students with career guidance, support, and networking opportunities so they can make informed decisions.
e) Research and Innovation: Encourage faculty and students to engage in research activities to foster a research-driven environment. Establish research centers, encourage the publication of research, and fund initiatives that address societal issues.
Bangladesh can empower its future workforce and ensure a prosperous and competitive future by implementing these guidelines.

[1] World Economic Forum. "Development needs to change. Bangladesh can show us how" [Online]. Available: [2].
[2] World Bank. "Bangladesh Tertiary Education Sector Review: Skills and Innovation for Growth" [Online]. Available:

Article by:

Tanvir Abir PhD

Career Development Center (CDC)
Daffodil International University (DIU)

Why should 21st-century tertiary students grasp the 4th Industrial Revolution?

Tertiary students, typically those pursuing higher education at universities or colleges, should be familiar with the concepts and implications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the twenty-first century for the following reasons:

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is reshaping industries and the labour market, and tertiary students are the future workforce. By comprehending this revolution, students can be prepared for the evolving nature of work. They are able to identify the skills and knowledge required for success in disciplines such as artificial intelligence, data science, robotics, and digital technologies. This comprehension increases their employability and prepares them for the future job market.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is driven by technological innovations that are increasingly incorporated into our daily existence. Students at the tertiary level who comprehend this revolution can develop technological fluency, enabling them to navigate and leverage emergent technologies with proficiency. This proficiency improves their digital literacy, critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability to technological change across a range of disciplines.

Collaboration Across Disciplines: The Fourth Industrial Revolution blurs the divisions between disciplines and necessitates interdisciplinary cooperation. Students in higher education who comprehend this revolution can appreciate the significance of collaborating with individuals from disparate backgrounds and academic disciplines. They can engage in multidisciplinary initiatives, utilising the collective knowledge and abilities of their peers to solve complex problems and foster innovation.

Entrepreneurial Attitude The Fourth Industrial Revolution offers numerous opportunities for entrepreneurs. Students who comprehend this revolution are able to identify market gaps and leverage emergent technologies to create novel products, services, and business models. They can cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset, fostering innovation, adaptability, and the capacity to grasp opportunities in industries that are swiftly evolving.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has a substantial impact on society, influencing fields such as healthcare, education, transportation, and sustainability. Students in higher education who comprehend this revolution can actively participate in discussions regarding the social, ethical, and environmental consequences of emergent technologies. They can contribute to the formation of policies, regulations, and frameworks that ensure the development of technology is both responsible and inclusive.

A commitment to continuous learning is required by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Students in higher education who comprehend this revolution are more likely to embrace continuous learning and skill upgrades. They recognise the significance of remaining current with emergent trends, acquiring new knowledge, and developing new skills throughout their careers. This mindset of continuous learning increases their adaptability and resilience in a world that is constantly changing.

In conclusion, tertiary students should comprehend the Fourth Industrial Revolution of the 21st century in order to ensure their future workforce readiness, develop technological fluency, engage in interdisciplinary collaboration, cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset, contribute to societal impact, and embrace lifelong learning. Students can position themselves for success in their academic pursuits, careers, and as active contributors to the future of society if they comprehend and embrace this revolution.

Write Up By

Dr. Tanvir Abir
Director, Career Development Center (CDC)

The Best Investment to Make in 2023 Is in Yourself: A Guide for Bangladeshi Youth

Investing in oneself has become increasingly crucial in a continually changing environment. This is especially true for Bangladeshi young as the country tackles new difficulties and possibilities on its path to become a prosperous nation. As Bangladesh's future leaders, it is critical that young people acquire the skills, knowledge, and experiences required to manage this changing terrain. This article  will look at why investing in oneself is the finest investment young people in Bangladesh can make in 2023, as well as practical advice on how to do so.

The Changing Landscape of Bangladesh
Bangladesh has experienced significant economic growth and development during the last few decades. However, this expansion has brought new challenges, such as increased job market competition, a rapidly growing population, and a need for advanced technical skills. As a result, it is more crucial than ever for young people to invest in themselves in order to remain competitive in the labor market and contribute to the country's long-term success.

The Importance of Education
Education is a key investment for Bangladeshi young and a cornerstone of human growth. Higher education, in particular, gives individuals a competitive advantage in the labor market and prepares them with the skills required to contribute to the growth of the country. Furthermore, the rise of online learning platforms has made it easier than ever to gain access to high-quality education from around the world. Bangladeshi youth should take use of this chance to further their education, whether through traditional schools or online platforms.

Developing Soft Skills
In addition to academic qualifications, soft skills are increasingly valued by employers in Bangladesh. These skills, such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, enable individuals to excel in their careers and contribute positively to their communities. To develop these skills, young people can participate in extracurricular activities, join clubs or organizations, and actively engage in volunteer work.

Building a Professional Network
As the saying goes, "It's not what you know, but who you know." Building a strong professional network is essential for career success, as it can lead to job opportunities, mentorship, and collaboration. Bangladeshi youth should invest in themselves by attending networking events, engaging with professionals on social media platforms like LinkedIn, and participating in industry-specific organizations and events.

Investing in Health and Well-Being
A sound mind and body are essential for personal and professional success. Bangladeshi youth should prioritize their physical and mental well-being by adopting healthy habits, such as exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, and getting sufficient sleep. Additionally, seeking help for mental health issues and managing stress through meditation, yoga, or other techniques can improve overall well-being and productivity.
Learning Financial Management
Financial literacy is an invaluable skill that can significantly impact one's life. By learning to budget, save, and invest wisely, young people can build a strong financial foundation that will serve them well throughout their lives. Bangladeshi youth should take advantage of financial education resources and workshops available online or in their communities to build their financial knowledge.

Embracing Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is not only a potential career path but also a mindset that values innovation, creativity, and self-reliance. Encouraging entrepreneurship among Bangladeshi youth can lead to the creation of new businesses, job opportunities, and economic growth. Young people should explore their entrepreneurial potential by participating in workshops, mentoring programs, and seeking out resources that can help them develop their ideas into viable businesses.
In conclusion, the best investment Bangladeshi young can make in 2023 is in themselves. Young people may unlock their full potential and contribute to Bangladesh's continuous growth and development by concentrating on education, developing soft skills, forming a professional network, emphasizing health and well-being, mastering financial management, and embracing entrepreneurship.
Bangladeshi youth will become more competitive in the labor market and better ready to tackle the difficulties of a fast-changing world if they take care of their personal and professional development. This self-investment will produce rewards for the person, their families, and the country as a whole, building a brighter future for all.

Written By:

Tanvir Abir PhD
Career Development Center (CDC)
Daffodil International University (DIU)

Enriching AI: Why Diversifying Backgrounds is Essential for Artificial Intelligence Development

From virtual assistants to self-driving automobiles, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a vital part of our daily lives. While software engineers frequently drive AI research and development, we must understand the need of expanding the backgrounds of people working in AI development. Here, we have to look into the significance of combining information from numerous fields, the benefits of diversity in AI, and how we may collaborate to construct more robust and inclusive AI systems. (Cisek, 2021)

The Importance of Diversifying Backgrounds in AI
AI systems are programmed to learn, adapt, and make judgments in response to data inputs. In order for these systems to be accurate, efficient, and fair, varied perspectives and information must be included in the creation process. Here are some of the reasons why having a diverse background is important for AI development:

Broadening Problem-Solving Abilities: Incorporating professionals from various disciplines can bring fresh insights and approaches to problem-solving, thus creating AI systems with more innovative solutions.
Reducing Bias: AI systems learn from the data they are fed, and biases present in the data can be inadvertently introduced into the systems. Including people from different backgrounds can help identify and address these biases, ultimately resulting in more fair and just AI applications.

Enhancing Creativity: AI development can benefit from the creativity that comes from diverse perspectives. Experts from different fields can contribute unique ideas, helping to drive innovation and create groundbreaking AI technologies.
Ensuring Ethical AI: AI has the potential to impact society in profound ways. To ensure that AI systems are developed ethically, it is crucial to involve experts from various disciplines, such as ethics, sociology, and psychology, who can help guide the development process and prevent unintended consequences. ("importance of diversity of minds in AI," 2022)

Benefits of Diversity in AI Development
There are several benefits to fostering diversity in AI development:

Improved Accuracy: AI systems trained with diverse data and perspectives are more likely to make accurate predictions and decisions, benefiting individuals and organizations.
Inclusivity: Developing AI systems with diverse perspectives can help ensure that they cater to the needs of a broader range of users, making technology more accessible and inclusive.

Enhanced Innovation: Diverse teams are more likely to develop novel and innovative AI solutions, contributing to the overall advancement of the field.

Increased Trust: We can foster greater trust in AI technology among users and society by ensuring that AI systems are developed ethically and without bias. (Women in AI (WAI), 2019)

Working Together: Steps to Promote Diversity in AI
To ensure that AI development is as diverse and inclusive as possible, we can take the following steps:
Encourage interdisciplinary collaboration: Facilitate collaboration between AI researchers and professionals from other disciplines to create an environment where ideas and perspectives can be shared.

Promote diversity in AI education: Offer AI and machine learning education opportunities to individuals from various backgrounds, and work to eliminate barriers to entry in the field.

Address bias in AI systems: Encourage the development of tools and techniques to identify and mitigate bias in AI systems, ensuring that they are fair and just.

Foster a culture of inclusivity: Create an environment where professionals from all backgrounds feel welcome and valued, and their contributions are recognized and appreciated. ("Recruiting artificial intelligence to create a more diverse workforce," 2020)

AI can transform our lives and shape the future of technology. To ensure that AI systems are accurate, ethical, and inclusive, it is essential to diversify the backgrounds of those involved in AI development. By fostering collaboration and inclusivity in the field, we can create AI systems that benefit everyone and contribute to a more equitable and innovative future.

Write up by
Dr. Tanvir Abir, Director CDC

Cisek, G. (2021). How is AI being realized?: AI determines our lives. The Triumph of Artificial Intelligence, 57-91.
Recruiting artificial intelligence to create a more diverse workforce. (2020, March 7). The One Brief.
The importance of diversity of minds in AI. (2022, December 2). Capgemini.

Women in AI (WAI). (2019, July 30). How to foster inclusion & trust in artificial intelligence work groups. Medium.

CV writing Skills / 10 important skills you should put in your CV
« on: March 29, 2023, 09:08:07 AM »
10 important skills you should put in your CV
What skills to put in CV
Struggling to decide what skills to put in your CV? Read on to learn about the 10 skills you definitely should include.
If you're currently hunting for a new job, your CV is your new best friend. Not only do employers of all levels require a CV or a resume as part of the application process, but your CV also provides your prospective employer with a compact outlook of your work experience, academic background, achievements and personal skills. These are necessary factors that the employer will judge to evaluate your qualifications and suitability for the job. However, those new to job hunting often find it difficult to decide exactly which skills to mention in their CV. If you're having similar struggles, read on to learn about the 10 important skills you definitely should put in your CV.

Communication skills
Communication skills are essential in the workplace, regardless of the industry or job role. When listing your communication skills on your CV, it's important to highlight your ability to communicate effectively in different contexts. This includes verbal and written communication, as well as active listening and the ability to convey ideas clearly and effectively. As such, you should accurately mention any relevant experiences you have that show off your communication skills, whether it be working with a diverse team of colleagues or interacting with peers and teachers in an academic setting.

The ability to work well with others is often as important as having good communication skills. Since a lot of jobs will require you to work in a group setting or with several coworkers, mentioning teamwork on your CV will make you highly valued by employers in almost all industries. Teamwork is essential for achieving common goals, building strong relationships with colleagues and contributing to the overall success of the organisation. It also includes the ability to work collaboratively with others, contribute to group discussions and support team goals.

Leadership skills
Even if you are proficient at interpersonal communication and teamwork, you may not be the best at leadership roles. Employers prefer employees with experience leading teams or group projects. As such, highlighting your leadership skills on your CV is important if you want to demonstrate to potential employers that you can lead teams, manage projects and drive results. In your CV, to show you can be a strong leader, be sure to highlight examples of how you have successfully addressed challenging situations. If you have completed leadership training or hold relevant certifications, be sure to include those as well.

In today's fast-changing and unpredictable job market, being adaptable to sudden changes is a skill that pays off well. If you want to show off your adaptability in your CV, provide examples of how you have managed changes in previous roles. This can include projects where you had to adapt to changing circumstances or team structures, or instances where you implemented new processes or technologies. Even if you're new to the job market, mention that in your academic career, you have been able to balance multiple tasks and responsibilities. Be sure to emphasise your ability to work under pressure, prioritise tasks and manage competing demands.


Employers value candidates who can identify problems and come up with creative solutions. Highlight any experience you have in problem-solving, critical thinking or decision-making. This skill essentially brings together most of the aforementioned skills - teamwork, adaptability and leadership - as you need all these to show excellent problem-solving capabilities in a competitive job. If you have a specific problem-solving framework or methodology that you use, mention it in your resume. This can help demonstrate your structured approach to problem-solving and your ability to follow a proven process.

Subject knowledge

If you're applying to a company, be absolutely sure to study everything you can about that company and the role you're applying for. This includes having a strong understanding of what you're expected to do - and what kind of employers and colleagues you might potentially work with. To show off your subject knowledge for the desired role in your CV, provide details of any relevant education or qualifications that demonstrate knowledge regarding that field. This can include degrees, certifications or diplomas in your field of expertise. In your work experience section, highlight examples of how you have applied your subject knowledge in previous roles. This can include projects you have worked on, problems you have solved or any notable achievements related to your subject area.

Technical skills
The technical skills you should include in your CV will depend on the job you are applying for and the industry you are in. Some examples of technical skills that are valued in many industries include computer skills (Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, etc.), coding skills (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Java, SQL, etc.), data analysis skills (knowledge of data mining and tools such as Excel, R and Tableau), etc. When listing technical skills on your CV, be specific and provide examples of how you have applied those skills in previous roles or projects. Having certificate or proof of professional training on any technical skills is a plus - and should be mentioned in your CV as well. Doing so will help to demonstrate your expertise and value to potential employers.

Digital marketing skills
Digital marketing is becoming increasingly important in today's business landscape, and having digital marketing skills can be a valuable asset for any job seeker. Most firms these days value an employee with a strong understanding of SEO, social media marketing and email marketing tools. Showing in your CV that you have experience with such tools will make you stand out from other applicants, and is especially helpful if you're applying for marketing or advertising industries. With the growing importance of digital marketing, having digital marketing skills on your CV can open up new career opportunities and also help you advance in your current role.

Transferable skills

Transferable skills are skills that can be used in different roles or industries, and are valued by employers regardless of the specific job. These can include basic soft skills such as communication, teamwork, collaboration and time management, as well as hard skills such as experience working with Office, PowerPoint, WordPress, SEO, etc. The ability to gather and analyse data, draw conclusions and make recommendations is a transferable skill that is valued in many fields, including business, science and healthcare. Highlighting your transferable skills on your CV will demonstrate your flexibility in roles - a plus point for landing any new job.

Research skills
If you're applying to academic, healthcare or any science-related fields, research skills are essential. Tailor your CV for each job application to highlight the research skills that are most relevant to the role. Use keywords and phrases from the job description to demonstrate how your research skills align with the requirements of the position. If you have any advanced degrees or certifications related to research, be sure to highlight these on your CV. Mention any research papers or thesis you have done as well - this demonstrates your knowledge and expertise in research methods and techniques.[/font]

Source: The daily Star

Employability Skills / 7 important employability skills
« on: February 18, 2023, 09:18:16 AM »
7 important employability skills

In the job market of Bangladesh in 2023, there are several important employability skills that can help job seekers stand out and increase their chances of success. Some of these skills include:

Communication skills: Being able to effectively communicate with colleagues, clients, and customers is essential in any job. Strong verbal and written communication skills, including fluency in both English and Bengali, can help job seekers demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively.
Digital literacy: In an increasingly digital world, being comfortable with technology is critical. Job seekers should be familiar with basic computer skills such as using email, word processing software, and social media platforms. Additionally, familiarity with more advanced tools like data analytics software or project management platforms can be a plus.
Problem-solving skills: Employers look for individuals who can solve problems efficiently and creatively. Being able to identify issues and find solutions is a valuable skill in any job market, including Bangladesh.
Adaptability: With the constantly changing job market, it is important to be adaptable and willing to learn new skills. Employers value individuals who can adapt to new situations, work well under pressure, and remain flexible in their approach.
Interpersonal skills: Building and maintaining relationships is important in any job. Employers look for individuals who are team players, can collaborate effectively with others, and have good interpersonal skills.
Leadership skills: In many jobs, leadership skills are valuable. Employers look for individuals who can take initiative, motivate others, and lead by example.
Cultural awareness: Bangladesh is a diverse country, and employers value individuals who have an understanding of different cultures and can work effectively with people from different backgrounds.
By focusing on developing and demonstrating these skills, job seekers can increase their employability and stand out in the competitive job market of Bangladesh in 2023.

Prepared by: Md. Hasanuzzaman, Administrative Officer, CDC

Source: ChatGPT resource

নিয়োগকারীর কাছ থেকে ইন্টারভিউ কল পেতে টিপস

👉ইন্টারভিউ কল বেশিরভাগই পূর্ণাঙ্গ সিভির উপর নির্ভর করে। সিভিতে যদি দক্ষতা, রেফারেন্স, ক্যারিয়ারের সারাংশ ইত্যাদির মতো গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তথ্যের ঘাটতি থাকে, তবে তা নিয়োগকারীকে আকৃষ্ট ব্যর্থ হবে। এছাড়া সবসময় সর্বশেষ তথ্যের ভিত্তিতে  সিভি হালনাগাদ করতে হবে। সিভির সাথে মেলে না এরূপ চাকরিতে আবেদন করবেন না। কারণ এ ধরনের আবেদনের বিপরীতে ইন্টারভিউতে কল পাওয়ার সম্ভাবনা খুবই কম। আবেদন করার আগে পদ-সংশ্লিষ্ট কাজের বিবরণ মনোযোগ দিয়ে সতর্কতার সাথে পড়ুন এবং সে অনুযায়ী আপনার সিভি কাস্টমাইজ করুন।

CV Writing Guidelines:

👉 যেকোনো চাকরির আবেদনের সময় জীবনবৃত্তান্তের সাথে একটি কভার লেটার যুক্ত করুন। বস্তুত সিভি হবে কভার লেটারেরই সংযুক্তি। কভার লেটারটিও কাস্টমাইজ করুন। নিয়োগকারীকে আকৃষ্ট করার জন্য দক্ষতা, অভিজ্ঞতা, সম্ভাবনা ইত্যাদি যথাযথভাবে তুলে ধরুন। পুনশ্চ বলা: কভার লেটারটি কোনো অবস্থাতেই এক পৃষ্ঠার বেশি হবে না। এটি ইন্টারভিউ কল রেট বাড়াতে আপনাকে সাহায্য করবে।

Best Cover Letters :

👉 নিজের দক্ষতা ও সামর্থের উপর ভিত্তি করে একটি ছোট্র ভিডিও তৈরি করতে পারেন, যেখানে দৃশ্যত আপনি নিজের যোগ্যতাকে তুলে ধরতে পারেন। কারণ গতানুগতিক টেক্সট রিজিউমিতে উপস্থাপনা দক্ষতা প্রদর্শন করা সহজ নয়। আর ভালো ভিডিও সবসময়ই নিয়োগকারীর উপর কার্যকর ছাপ রাখতে সক্ষম, যা রিজিউমি ভিউ, অ্যাপ্লিকেশন ভিউ এবং ইন্টারভিউ কল বৃদ্ধির সম্ভাবনাকে বাড়িয়ে তুলবে।

Guideline on Video Resume preparation:

👉 সবশেষে, আপনার দক্ষতা বিকাশ ঘটান, পাঠ্য সার-সংকলন এবং ভিডিও জীবনবৃত্তান্ত, কভার লেটার হালনাগাদ করুন এবং যোগ্যতা ও দক্ষতা অনুযায়ী প্রাসঙ্গিক চাকরির জন্য আবেদন করুন।

সহকারী প্রশাসনিক কর্মকর্তা ক্যারিয়ার ডেভেলপমেন্ট সেন্টার ড্যাফোডিল ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ইউনিভার্সিটি

যে ১১টি হার্ডস্কিলস এবং সফ্টস্কিলস আপনাকে সবার থেকে এগিয়ে রাখবে!

একটি বিষয় সবসময় প্রফেশনালদের মনে রাখতে হয়, যেকোন কর্মক্ষেত্রে নিজের অনর্ভুক্তির জন্য কোন একটি বিষয়ে অবশ্যই পারদর্শী হতে হবে। যাকে আমরা দক্ষতা হিসেবে জানি। দক্ষতা মানেই হলো কোন কাজ আপনি নিজ হাতে করতে সক্ষম। উদাহরন হিসেবে বলা যায় মাইক্রোসফট এক্সেল।
আপনি যদি মাইক্রোসফট এক্সেল দিয়ে রিপোর্ট প্রস্তুত করতে পারেন বা ডাটা এ্যানালাইসিস করতে সক্ষম হন, তবেই আপনি আত্মবিশ্বাস অনুভব করবেন। দক্ষতা দুই ধরনের হয়ে থাকে পরিমাপযোগ্য এবং অপরিমাপযোগ্য। বহুলভাবে যাকে আমরা হার্ড স্কিল এবং সফ্টস্কিল হিসেবে চিহ্নিত করে থাকি।

হার্ড স্কিল পরিমাপযোগ্য! এর কারন হলো এর ফলাফল তাৎক্ষনিকভাবে পাওয়া যায়। যেমন বেসিক এডিটিং স্কিল অথবা পাওয়ার পয়েন্ট দিয়ে প্রেজেন্টেশন তৈরি করা বা কোন প্রকল্পের জন্য রিপোর্ট তৈরি করা। সফ্টস্কিল হলো অপরিমাপযোগ্য যার অর্থ হলো এটি একমাত্র অনুভব করা যায়।
যেমন আপনি যদি বলেন আপনার যোগাযোগ দক্ষতা ভলো বা আপনার মধ্যে লিডারশীল স্কিল আছে তাহলে সেটির বিষয়ে নিশ্চিত হতে বেশ কিছুদিন সময়ের প্রয়োজন হবে। কারন আপনার ভেতর সফ্টস্কিল আছে কিনা সেটা জানা যায় আপনার সাথে যারা একসাথে কাজ করছেন তাদের ফিডব্যাকের মাধ্যমে। সেজন্য অধিকাংশ কর্মক্ষেত্রে কর্মীর সফ্টস্কিল সম্পর্কে ধারনা পেতে প্রতিষ্ঠান সাধারনত থার্ড পার্টি ফিডব্যাকের উপর নির্ভর করেন।

নির্দিধায় বলতে পারি সফ্টস্কিল সব সেক্টরের জন্য প্রযোজ্য। হয়তো ব্যবহারের ক্ষেত্রে ক্ষানিকটা পরিবর্তন হতে পারে কিন্তু প্রয়োজনের দিক দিয়ে অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। প্রফেশনালদের মধ্যে অনেকেই এক সেক্টর থেকে অন্য সেক্টরে নিজেকে স্থানান্তর করেন। যে সেক্টরেই থাকুন না কেন সফ্টস্কিলসের কিন্তু কোন পরিবর্তন হচ্ছে না। মূলত প্রধান ১০টি সফ্টস্কিলসের কথা আমরা শুনতে পাই বিশেষ করে চতুর্থ শিল্পের এই সময়টাতে যেমনঃ

1.Communication (যোগাযোগ),
2.Self-Motivation (স্ব-প্রেরণা),
3.Leadership (নেতৃত্ব),
4.Self-Responsibility (দায়িত্ববোধ,
5.Problem Solving (সমস্যা সমাধান),
6.Team Work (টিমওয়ার্ক),
7.Critical Thinking and Creativity (সৃজনশলতা),
8.Decision Making (সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহন),
9.Ability to Work Under pressure ‍and Time Management (চাপ এবং সময় ব্যবস্থাপনার অধীনে কাজ করার ক্ষমতা)
10.Flexibility (নমনীয়তা)
11.Adaptability (অভিযোজনযোগ্যতা)
12.Negotiation and Conflict Resolution (আলোচনা এবং দ্বন্দ্ব সমাধান)

যেহেতু আমি শুরুতেই বলেছি সফ্টস্কিল সব সেক্টরের কাজের জন্য অত্যন্ত জরুরী তাই এই দক্ষতাগুলোর প্রতি একটু বেশী গুরুত্ব দিতে পারলে কর্মক্ষেত্রে সকলেরর সাথে মিলে কাজ করাটা অনেক সহজ হয়ে যায়। সফ্টস্কিলস অবশ্যই শেখা যায়। প্রতিষ্ঠিত কোন দক্ষতা উন্নয়ন প্রতিষ্ঠান বা কোন এক্সপার্টের মাধ্যমে সফ্টস্কিলসের উপর বিশেষ কোর্স সম্পন্ন করা যেতে পারে।

তবে সফ্টস্কিলসের উপর দক্ষতা বৃদ্ধির সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয় হলো আত্মসচেতনতা এবং পর্যবেক্ষনের (Observation) মাধ্যমে শেখা। আপনার কর্মক্ষেত্রে এমন অনেক সহকর্মীর সান্নিধ্য আপনি পেতে পারেন যারা সফ্টস্কিলসকে অনুশীলন করছেন। তাদের সাথে মেলামেশা বাড়িয়ে দিন, দেখবেন আপনার নিজের সফ্টস্কিলসেরও পরিবর্তন সাধিত হচ্ছে
হার্ডস্কিলসের ক্ষেত্রে বিষয়টি একটু ভিন্ন। হার্ডস্কিলস মূলত কর্মক্ষেত্র বা নির্দিষ্ট সেক্টরের উপর নির্ভর করে। মার্কেটিং, সেলস, ফাইন্যান্স বা এইচআর নিয়ে যারা বিভিন্ন মাল্টিন্যাশনাল বা আন্তর্জাতিক প্রতিষ্ঠানে কর্মরত তাদের প্রত্যেকেই ঐ সেক্টরের জন্য নির্ধারিত হার্ডস্কিলসে পারদর্শী হতেই হবে। তবে বর্তমানে চতুর্থ শিল্প বিপ্লবের

এই সময়ে কিছু হার্ডস্কিলস আছে যা একজন প্রফেশনালকে কর্মক্ষেত্রে বিরত্ব অর্জনের জন্য অত্যন্ত প্রয়োজন এবং সকল সেক্টরের জন্য গুরুত্বপূর্ণ হিসেবে কাজ করে। মূলত ১১টি হার্ডস্কিলস প্রত্যেক প্রফেশনালের জন্য অত্যন্ত জরুরী যেমনঃ

১. টেকনিক্যাল স্কিল:

বেসিক কোডিং (স্ক্র্যাচ প্রোগ্রামিং),
সিআরএম প্ল্যাটফরম (কাস্টমারদের সাথে নিয়মিত যোগাযোগ রক্ষার্থে ব্যবহারিত ওয়েব বেইজড সোল্যুশন),
রিসার্চ স্কিলস,
ট্রাবলস্যুটিং (কম্পিউটার, ল্যাপটপ, মোবাইল, বেসিক নেটওয়ার্ক) ইত্যাদি।
২. কম্পিউটার স্কিলসঃ

মাইক্রোসফ্ট অফিস (ওয়ার্ড, এক্সেল, পাওয়ার পয়েন্ট)
মাইক্রোসফ্ট প্রজেক্ট,
বেসিক ইমেইজ এডিটিং,
বেসিক গ্রাফিক্স ডিজাইন,
বেসিক ভিডিও এডিটিং,
ইমেইল, ‍
সোস্যাল মিডিয়া,
ওয়েব সাইট রিভিউং,
টাইপিং স্কিল,
অনলাইন স্টোরেজ (গুগল ড্রাইভ) ইত্যাদি।
৩. এ্যানালাইটিক্যাল স্কিলসঃ

ডাটা এ্যানালাইসিস,
ডাটা মাইনিং,
ডাটা প্রেজেন্টেশন,
ডাটাবেজ ম্যানেজমেন্ট,
রিপোটিং স্কিলস, ‍
স্ট্র্যাটেজি স্কেচিং ইত্যাদি।
৪. মার্কেটিং স্কিলসঃ

সেলস স্কিলস,
কনজুমান রিসার্চ,
ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং বিশেষ করে বেসিক এসইও (SEO),
পে পার ক্লিক (PPC),
সোস্যাল মিডিয়া পেইড মার্কেটিং,
কনটেন্ট ডেভেলপমেন্ট,
ইমেইল মার্কেটিং,
ইউএক্স/ইউআই ডিজাইন (UX/UI Design),
গুগল এ্যানাটিক্স,
ক্যাম্পেইন ম্যানেজমেন্ট ইত্যাদি।
৫. প্রেজেন্টেশন স্কিলসঃ

বিজনেস প্রেজেন্টেশন,
সেলস প্রেজেন্টেশন,
স্টোরি টেলিং,
গ্রাফ/চার্ট প্রেজেন্টেশন,
প্রোগ্রাম মডারেটিং ও উপস্থাপনা ইত্যাদি।
৬. ম্যানেজমেন্ট স্কিলসঃ

বিজনেজ ডোমেইন নলেজ (যে সেক্টরে কাজ করছেন, সেই সেক্টর সম্পর্কে জ্ঞান),
ব্যবসায়িক জ্ঞান,
প্রকল্প ব্যবস্থাপনা,
নিয়োগ ব্যবস্থাপনা,
বেসিক আর্থিক পরিকল্পনা,
বেসিক অফিস ম্যানেজমেন্ট,
বেসিক প্রকিউরমেন্ট,
সাপ্লাই চেইন ম্যানেজমেন্ট ইত্যাদি।
৭. প্রোজেক্ট ম্যানেজমেন্ট স্কিলসঃ

প্রজেক্ট সিডিউলিং,
প্রজেক্ট লাইফ সাইকেল ম্যানেজমেন্ট,
এ্যাজাইল সফ্টওয়্যার (Agile Software),
পারফরমেন্স ট্র্যাকিং,
ফাইন্যান্সিয়াল মডেলিং,
স্ক্র্যাম ম্যানেজমেন্ট (Scrum Management) ।
৮. রাইটিং স্কিলসঃ

নোট টেকিং,
বিজনেস লেটার/এপ্লিকেশন রাইটিং,
প্রফেশনাল ইমেইল রাইটিং,
বিজনেস রিপোর্ট রাইটিং,
প্রেস রিলিজ ড্রাপটিং,
স্ক্রিপট এডিটিং,
প্রজেক্ট প্রপোজাল ডেভেলপমেন্ট ইত্যাদি।
৯. ল্যাঙ্গুয়েজ স্কিলসঃ

মাতৃভাষার পাশাপাশি যেকোন একটি বা দুটি ভাষায় পারদর্শীতা কর্মক্ষেত্রে সবসময় একধাপ এগিয়ে রাখে যেকোন প্রফেশনালকে। বাংলা ভাষার সাথে যদি ইংরেজী ভাষায় দক্ষতা অর্জন করা যায় তাহলে অনেক সুবিধা পাওয়া যায়। বিশেষ করে বিজনেস কমিউনিকেশন স্কিলস।
১০. ডিজাইন স্কিলসঃ

এডোবি ফটোশপ,
এডোবি ইলাসট্রেটর,
এডোবি আফটার ইফেক্টস
ইউএক্স/ইউআই ডিজাইন (UX/UI Design),
ইউএক্স রিসার্চ,
ডেটা ভিজ্যুয়ালাইজেশন,
বেসিক এইচটিএমএল (HTML),
এ্যাক্রোব্যাট রিডার/এডিটিং,
প্রিন্ট লেআউট ডেভেলপমেন্ট ইত্যাদি।
১১. ভেন্ডর সাটিফিকেশনঃ বিশ্বে অত্যন্ত জনপ্রিয় এবং বিশ্বাসযোগ্য বিভিন্ন দক্ষতার উপর ভেন্ডর সার্টিফিকেট প্রোভাইডার আছে যেমন এ্যাডোবি ডিজাইনের জন্য, মাইক্রোসফ্ট, পিএমআই (প্রজেক্ট ম্যানেজমেন্টের জন্য), বৃটিশ কাউন্সিল (ইংরেজী ভাষার দক্ষতার জন্য) ইত্যাদি। এছাড়া বিশ্ববিখ্যাত অনলাইন লার্নিং প্ল্যাটফরম আছে যা অধিকাংশ কর্মক্ষেত্রে স্বীকৃত।


Career Planning / The 6-Step Career-Planning Process
« on: May 10, 2022, 10:39:38 AM »
The 6-Step Career-Planning Process

What is career planning?
Career planning is the process of discovering educational, training and professional opportunities that suit your interests, passions and goals. Before searching for jobs, you should set achievable long-term goals that identify what you want to be doing along your career path at five, 10, 15, 20 years and so on. Then, you can set short-term goals between each stage to ensure you have clear, actionable steps you can take to reach your long-term goals. Career planning allows you to outline your goals and reevaluate them as you progress.

Steps of the career-planning process
Depending on your path, you may complete each step just once, or you may revisit the process to change direction and discover new career options. Here are the chronological stages of the career-planning process:

1.Self-exploration and assessment
2.Career research
3.Exploration and experimentation
4.Decision-making and career selection
5.Final planning and action
6.Job search and acceptance

1. Self-exploration and assessment

You first need to understand your needs, strengths, personality, skills, talents and interests to make informed academic and career decisions. You can determine these items on your own by making a series of lists or through a variety of tests, including:

Value evaluations, which include factors such as the salary level you desire, whether you prefer frequent interactions with other people or solitude in the workplace, how much you want your work to contribute to society as a whole and how important prestige is to your work and the rest of your life.
Interest evaluations, which gather data about your likes and dislikes regarding a wide array of activities, people and objects. Many interest profilers, including the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory, match your interests with six types: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional. Then, these types are matched with the occupations that fit them best.
Personality evaluations, which often use online surveys like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. This test categorizes people into 16 personality types based on the following characteristics: Introversion or Extroversion, Sensing or Intuition, Thinking or Feeling, or Judging or Perceiving. People with some personality types do better in certain occupations than others. For example, an introvert might not enjoy working with other people all day.
Aptitude evaluations, which test your abilities and strengths. They can let you know if you need more education or training and can also help you decide if you want to spend the time, money and effort needed to start a brand-new career.
You can also consider meeting with a career counselor. A career counselor specializes in helping professionals understand elements that can influence career decisions and identify possibilities they may not have considered. A career counselor might use skill identification exercises, interest inventories, communication and learning styles, and other methods to help you understand yourself better.

2. Career research
After you determine your qualities and aptitudes, you can decide which types of careers you are interested in with research. Start with a list of roles and industries provided by your assessments or compile a list of characteristics in the work environment, responsibilities and advancement opportunities you want in your career. Using those characteristics, determine more roles and industries you may want to consider.

Start further research by gathering basic information about each of the careers on your list. Look at the general description of each profession, along with general labor market information, such as median salary, common benefits, educational and training requirements and the likelihood of being hired after meeting all the requirements.

Continue narrowing down your list of possible careers by learning what working in different fields is really like. Consider using your professional network to find people already in those roles and industries, or reach out to current professionals on career-focused social media platforms. You can also read company reviews for specific roles to find out as much as you can about the advantages and disadvantages of the field. Reading first-person perspectives could be invaluable when it is time to make a choice.

3. Career exploration and experimentation
After you have narrowed down your list of possible careers, find ways to experience each career in person. Here are some ways you can get a first-hand look at what a role entails:

Informational interviews: Consider asking a professional in your desired field to sit down with you to answer questions. You can discover the education, training, entry-level roles and other aspects they followed along their career path. An informational interview can also help you build your professional network within your intended industry, which may help your job search process in the future.
Job shadowing: This activity involves spending a day, a week or another short period observing a professional on the job. You may accompany them to meetings or watch them demonstrate how they complete their typical daily work. You can also ask them questions throughout your time with them to better understand their career path.
Volunteering: Some organizations may allow you to volunteer for tasks that your ideal role would handle to gain more hands-on experience. This can also help you determine whether you can enjoy working in that role, industry or type of workplace.
Internships: Consider an internship for more direct field experience. These opportunities are likely to give tasks more relevant to your intended role.
Part-time work: Part-time versions of many jobs may be available with fewer entry-level requirements. You can find them in specific companies that you might consider working for and in assistant-type roles that directly interact with your intended role.
Find a mentor in the industry: Watching an experienced mentor and listening to them talk about the realities of a career can be very informative. You can consider applying their career path choices to your own planning to identify steps that may also work for you.
Courses: If you pursue any form of higher education, consider choosing courses related to possible career choices. These classes can provide you foundational information and training through projects and essays, which can help you understand some of the basics of a career.
4. Decision-making and career selection
Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of all of your options. You will need to consider many factors, including the possible balances between pay and enjoyment, the pros and cons of relocation, and the work-life balance.

Go over all of your previous research as well as any related experiences very carefully, and organize them by preference from highest to lowest. This strategy helps you rank certain factors and roles over others to identify your top choice. Consider also identifying alternative yet similar options should your desires change as you progress or your job search does not lead to that role.

5. Final planning and action
Gather all the information you have learned and determine an action plan. This plan should include background information, such as your employment history, education, level of training, volunteer and other unpaid experience. It should also include your professional licenses or certifications, the results of the self-evaluations mentioned in the first section, and career counselor advice you have received.

Create detailed lists of short- and long-term goals you will need to achieve before you reach your final career goal. These lists should include all of the occupational, educational and training goals required to pursue your chosen career path. You should also consider the barriers to reaching those goals and how you plan to overcome them. These barriers could be financial, educational, vocational or personal, such as the cost of college, family obligations, or the need for tools and supplies for your chosen career.

Consider writing out each step for your intended career path, including the steps you’ve already taken to see the progress you’ve already made. You can also do this for your alternative options to ensure you are prepared to follow them should your ideal option not work out.

6. Job search and acceptance
Use your career plan to begin your job search. Identify specific roles and companies you’re interested in applying to, and compare those preferences and requirements to your career plan. See if there are steps you still need to take or if you’re qualified to apply.

You can also use your goal-setting strategy and career plan to write an effective cover letter that demonstrates your passion for the role, field and employer. You can use your career plan to identify the steps you’ve taken on your path thus far and highlight your goal-setting skills and dedication. You can also apply these items during the interview process to prove your interest and qualification to prospective employers.

If you receive a job offer, determine whether the salary, benefits, location, work-life balance and responsibilities match your self-assessment and action plan.


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