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Messages - kamruzzaman.bba

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Spring 2023 / Umme Akter Resha (0242310004111011)
« on: September 06, 2024, 12:44:52 PM »
Name : Umme Akter Resha

ID : 0242310004111011

Mobile No: 01822331741

Business Idea Name : customize dresses

Business stage : Idea Stage

Description your Business : Making dresses as per customer requirements

Explain the Problem which your Idea solving :

Unique Selling Point : Customization

Target Market/Audience : Girls

Business Website (If available) :

Legal Structure : Partnership

Google Site Link:

Business Idea / How generative AI is changing entrepreneurship
« on: January 18, 2024, 11:48:04 AM »

“We’re in a moment of transformation where this is a tool that can do many things around the world and many things in almost any industry,” said Ethan Mollick, SM ’04, PhD ’10, an associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania who studies AI, innovation, and startups.

In a December 2023 episode of the Trust the Process podcast, hosted by the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship, Mollick joined Trust Center managing director Bill Aulet to discuss how entrepreneurs can use generative AI to their advantage and what startups should remember about the new technology.

Mollick identified three trends regarding AI and entrepreneurship and offered tips for those who are ready to jump in.

The addition of generative AI as a co-founder
Entrepreneurs are expected to do a wide range of time-consuming tasks, from writing emails and answering phone calls to orchestrating product demonstrations and coding a website. “AI does all of those things well,” Mollick said. “It lets you focus more on what your top skill is, and it kind of handles everything else.”

Generative AI can also serve as a guide. “A third of Americans have a business idea that they haven’t acted on because they don’t know what to do next,” Mollick said. “The AI can tell you what to do next, help you write the emails, [and] help you build the product.”

Mollick noted that users should be aware of the benefits and limitations of the technology. “It’s kind of like an intern who wants to make you happy and therefore lies a lot and is kind of naive [and] never admits that they made a mistake,” he said. “Once you think about [AI] that way, you end up in much better shape.”

New approaches to the practice of entrepreneurship
Generative AI is a new general-purpose technology — one that comes around once in a generation and touches just about everything humans do, Mollick said, like electricity, computers, and the internet have.

For entrepreneurs, generative AI can assist with researching ideas, coming up with logos and names, creating a website, and more, Mollick said.

More broadly, “I think that there is a fundamental rethinking of process,” Mollick said. The ability to test and experiment easily, quickly, and relatively cheaply represents a big change in methodology and “how we approach entrepreneurship, from the ground up.” This includes compressed time frames, because it can take less time to develop new companies with the assistance of generative AI.

Generative AI will alter the competitive landscape
Generative AI will change the role of entrepreneurship, with some companies finding themselves obsolete and many others having to change their approach.

What’s more, competitors across the globe have equal access to the same transformative technology.

“There’s going to be just a lot more global competition,” Mollick said. “[With ChatGPT], now everyone in every country speaks English perfectly [and] can code. What does that mean for entrepreneurship? Talent is all over the place.”

What entrepreneurs should remember about using generative AI
Mollick suggested that entrepreneurs should keep three key points in mind as they try out generative AI.

1. Experimentation is key. “As an entrepreneur, you get to experiment really quickly,” Mollick said. For example, founders can try using generative AI write a letter, and if it’s not good, try again to make it better. If it still isn’t good, then maybe it’s not a good use case. “That kind of cheap experimentation is the key,” he said.

Last year, Mollick set a timer for 30 minutes and asked a generative AI tool to create a product launch plan and email campaign, create a website proposal and execute it, and create a full social campaign. In 30 minutes, “we had 9,200 words of text, emails, a website, a voice file, a script,” he said.

“You’re measuring by minutes,” Aulet said. “When I used to run companies and we started companies, we’d measure it in weeks and months.”

2. Don’t overemphasize the importance of proprietary datasets. There is debate about the value of proprietary datasets, which consist of unique data that a company collects and owns exclusively. Mollick said he questions the assumption that they are important.

The P in GPT stands for pretrained, he noted. “The AI has already learned a whole bunch of stuff, and it knows this stuff already. And that stuff includes everything,” Mollick said. “So the idea that you need specialized knowledge often turns out to be kind of wrong.”

3. Entrepreneurs are well suited for times of transformation. Mollick and Aulet noted that entrepreneurs can take advantage of uncertain, transformative times. “The people who can deal with change are entrepreneurs. That’s what they’re built for,” Aulet said.

“The ultimate power of entrepreneurship is it’s about taking action amidst uncertainty,” Mollick said. “And that’s why it’s valuable. No matter what happens in the world, learning to take action amidst uncertainty is the skill you need.”


Others / How To Make Money In 2024 Using ChatGPT’s GPT Store
« on: January 10, 2024, 03:49:13 PM »
In an unprecedented move marking the entrance of 2024, ChatGPT's creator OpenAI has announced it will launch its own GPT store—the first of its kind—the week starting January 7. The launch was initially planned for late 2023 as per their announcement on OpenAI DevDay, but was delayed.

Why should this concern you?

Gen Z and Millennial professionals, in particular, have set their sights on establishing career stability and financial freedom, particularly for this new year. The threats posed by the cost of living crisis and job insecurity, and the desire to advance their careers and establish relevant thought leadership, has led the younger workforce to seek out side hustles. Additionally, AI, and particularly generative AI, is a critical skill for young professionals who desire to stand out in a competitive job market. In fact, the number of LinkedIn job postings citing generative AI or ChatGPT as a desired skill has sharply increased over 2023.

Now imagine what you can accomplish as a young professional with a combination of GPT skills and building a side hustle that generates passive income? Imagine the boost it could provide to your career.

With the new GPT store, it will allow creators to create, monetize, and share their customized GPT creations with the world, much like an app marketplace. Think of it like the App Store for AppleAAPL -0.2%, or Google Play Store for Google apps, only this one will be the AI store for GPTs.


অবশেষে চালু হতে যাচ্ছে ওপেনএআইয়ের তৈরি বহুল প্রতীক্ষিত ‘জিপিটি স্টোর’। জিপিটি বিল্ডার্স ইউজার কমিউনিটির এক ই–মেইলে এ তথ্য জানা গেছে। সেই ই–মেইল বলা হয়েছে, ওপেনএআইয়ের ল্যাঙ্গুয়েজ মডেল ব্যবহার করে তৈরি কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা (এআই) সুবিধার বিভিন্ন চ্যাটবট কেনাবেচার সুযোগ দিতে চালু হচ্ছে জিপিটি স্টোর। আগামী সপ্তাহে অনলাইন স্টোরটি চালু হতে পারে। ফলে এআই কমিউনিটির সদস্যরা একে অপরের তৈরি এআই চ্যাটবট অর্থের বিনিময়ে ব্যবহারের সুযোগ পাবেন।

গত বছর ওপেনএআইয়ের ডেভেলপার সম্মেলনে জিপিটি স্টোর তৈরির ঘোষণা দেওয়া হয়। এই জিপিটি স্টোর চালু হলে চ্যাটজিপিটি প্লাস ও এন্টারপ্রাইজ গ্রাহকেরা তাঁদের কাজের প্রয়োজনে নিজের মতো করে এআই চ্যাটবট তৈরির সুযোগ পাবেন। শুধু তাই নয়, সেগুলো অর্থের বিনিময়ে অন্যরাও ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন। ফলে বিভিন্ন কাজের উপযোগী চ্যাটবট তৈরি করে আয়েরও সুযোগ মিলবে।

জিপিটি স্টোরের উপযোগী চ্যাটবট তৈরির জন্য এরই মধ্যে কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা নিয়ে কাজ করা বিভিন্ন নির্মাতাকে ই–মেইল বার্তা পাঠিয়েছে ওপেনএআই। তবে জিপিটি স্টোরের জন্য তৈরি চ্যাটবটগুলোর মানদণ্ড কী হবে বা সেগুলোর মাধ্যমে কীভাবে অর্থ আয় করা যাবে, সে বিষয়ে কোনো তথ্য জানায়নি প্রতিষ্ঠানটি।
সূত্র: ইন্ডিয়ান এক্সপ্রেস


Student Queries-FAQ / Funding and expanding networking.
« on: January 02, 2024, 11:06:05 AM »
Drafting an agreement for a business partnership, especially when you're contributing skills and services in lieu of financial investment, is crucial for ensuring clarity and fairness. Below is a basic draft of such an agreement, focusing on safety, security, and equity distribution. Please note that this is a general template and you should consult with a legal professional to tailor it to your specific circumstances and to comply with local laws.

Partnership Agreement

This Partnership Agreement ("Agreement") is made on [Date], by and between [Your Name] ("Partner A") and [Other Partner's Name] ("Partner B").

Business Purpose: The partners hereby agree to engage in the business of importing products from China, and distributing them within [Region/Country]. The business shall operate under the name [Business Name].


Partner A's Contribution: Partner A shall contribute to the business by handling product distribution, managing social media, customer interactions, and product photography.
Partner B's Contribution: Partner B shall contribute to the business by providing [Specify Financial Investment and Other Contributions].
Equity Distribution:

The equity in the business shall be divided as follows: Partner A: [XX]%, Partner B: [YY]%, based on their respective contributions to the business.
Profit and Loss Distribution: Profits and losses of the business shall be distributed according to the equity percentages stated above.

Management and Operations: Both partners shall participate equally in the management and decision-making processes of the business.

Safety and Security: Both partners agree to uphold the highest standards of safety and security in all business operations. This includes, but is not limited to, the safe handling of products, secure financial transactions, and the protection of customer data.

Confidentiality: Both partners agree to maintain confidentiality regarding the business's trade secrets, customer information, and other sensitive data.

Dispute Resolution: In case of any disputes, the partners agree to first seek resolution through mutual discussion. If unresolved, disputes shall be settled through arbitration.

Termination and Dissolution: Conditions for the termination of the partnership or dissolution of the business shall be as per the standard regulations unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties.

Amendment: This Agreement may be amended or modified only by a written agreement signed by both partners.

Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].


Partner A: ___

Date: ___

Partner B: ___

Date: ___

Disclaimer: This draft is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. It is advised to consult with a legal professional for advice and to customize this agreement according to your specific needs and local laws.

As you explore mental health solutions at Daffodil University, there is a significant opportunity due to the presence of full-time psychiatrists. These professionals are engaged in daily clinical practice and case studies, offering a wealth of knowledge and experience. Collaborating with them could provide valuable insights into effective mental health interventions.

Given the increasing instances of frustration and private family issues among various groups including family members, students, and university staff, there is a growing need for effective mental health solutions. It's crucial to identify what unique or additional value your solution can offer compared to the existing options in the market.

Daffodil University's Department of Student Affairs already provides some mental health solutions, possessing a repository of resources and experiences. Engaging with the Dean and the Head of this department could yield valuable insights and guidance.

Furthermore, Mr. Topu from has developed a career mapping solution that may have components applicable to mental health. Integrating aspects of his work could enhance the effectiveness of your solution.

In summary, leveraging the expertise within Daffodil University, from the psychiatrists to the Department of Student Affairs, along with existing resources like the career mapping tool from, can help you develop a comprehensive and impactful mental health solution. This approach ensures that your solution is not only innovative but also deeply rooted in the specific needs and context of the university community.

Creating a checklist for patent registration is an essential step in protecting your intellectual property. Here’s a basic guideline to help you navigate the process:

Idea Verification:

Confirm that your idea is novel and not publicly disclosed.
Ensure that your idea is patentable (e.g., a new process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter).
Preliminary Research:

Conduct a thorough patent search to check if your idea or invention is already patented or disclosed.
Review existing patents in related fields for a better understanding of the patent landscape.

Prepare detailed documentation of your idea, including descriptions, drawings, diagrams, or any other necessary explanatory materials.
Document the development process, including dates and progress notes.
Patent Application Preparation:

Decide on the type of patent application (provisional or non-provisional).
Prepare a detailed description of the invention, including its purpose, how to make it, and how to use it.
Create formal drawings if required (must meet patent office specifications).
Draft patent claims that define the legal protection sought.
Professional Evaluation (Optional but Recommended):

Consider consulting with a patent attorney or agent for professional advice and to ensure your application meets all legal requirements.
Get a patentability opinion from a professional to assess the likelihood of obtaining a patent.
Application Filing:

Choose the appropriate patent office (national or international) for filing.
Complete and submit the patent application along with the required fees.
Ensure that all inventor(s) details are accurately included.
Patent Application Review Process:

Respond to any objections or requests for additional information by the patent office (this could involve several rounds of correspondence).
Be prepared for a possible request for amendments to the application.
Patent Issuance:

Once the patent is granted, pay the issuance fees.
Keep track of maintenance fees or renewals required to keep your patent active.
Public Disclosure:

After filing, you can disclose your invention publicly.
Use “Patent Pending” status in disclosures if applicable.

Monitor the use of your patent to detect infringements.
Consider commercialization strategies - licensing, manufacturing, or selling the patent rights.
Maintain Patent Records:

Keep a record of all documents and correspondence related to the patent.
Remember, patent laws can vary significantly between countries, so it's crucial to understand the specific requirements of the patent office where you're applying. Regularly consulting with a patent attorney throughout this process can greatly enhance the chances of successful patent registration.

Asking investors to fund your idea, especially in the food sector, requires a well-thought-out approach that combines a solid business plan, clear communication, and strategic networking. Here's a guide to help you connect with potential investors and present your idea effectively:

Develop a Comprehensive Business Plan:

Market Analysis: Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the food sector, including market size, customer demographics, trends, and competition.
Unique Value Proposition: Clearly articulate what sets your idea apart from existing offerings.
Financial Projections: Include detailed financial projections like startup costs, revenue forecasts, and break-even analysis.
Operational Plan: Outline your production process, supply chain, logistics, and staffing needs.
Marketing Strategy: Explain how you plan to attract and retain customers.
Risk Assessment: Identify potential risks and your strategies for mitigating them.
Create an Investor Pitch:

Prepare a concise and compelling pitch that summarizes your business plan. Focus on the aspects most likely to interest investors, like the problem you're solving, your solution, market potential, and the expected return on investment.
Identify Potential Investors:

Look for investors who have a history of investing in the food sector or who have shown interest in similar business ideas.
Research venture capitalists, angel investors, food industry accelerators, and crowdfunding platforms.
Leverage Your Network:

Utilize your professional and personal networks to get introductions to potential investors.
Attend industry events, conferences, and seminars related to the food sector to network and meet potential investors.
Craft a Tailored Approach:

When you approach an investor, personalize your communication to their interests and investment history.
Explain why your business aligns with their investment philosophy.
Present Your Idea Confidently:

When meeting with investors, be confident and passionate about your idea.
Be prepared to answer questions about your business plan, especially regarding financials and long-term viability.

After your initial meeting, follow up with additional information and answers to any questions they had.
Keep potential investors updated on your progress, even if they initially decide not to invest.
Be Prepared for Rejection:

Understand that rejection is a part of the process. Use any feedback to refine your pitch and approach.
Consider Online Platforms:

Platforms like AngelList, Kickstarter, or specialized food industry investment networks can be valuable resources for finding investors.
Legal and Financial Compliance:

Ensure you understand the legal implications of receiving investment, including equity distribution and investor rights.
Remember, investors are not just investing in an idea but also in the entrepreneur behind it. Show them your commitment, your understanding of the industry, and your ability to execute your plan effectively.

In the competitive food business landscape, innovation is key. Nowadays, consumers are increasingly health-conscious, closely monitoring dietary factors such as calorie content, weight management, cholesterol levels, and overall nutritional value. In light of this trend, it's crucial for any new restaurant or food venture, especially those initiated by students of an entrepreneurship department, to focus on health benefits.

An effective approach could be to provide detailed information on the health benefits and nutritional content of the foods offered. For instance, clearly indicating the calorie count and how a particular dish can contribute to a balanced diet can be a unique selling point. This strategy aligns with the growing public interest in healthy eating habits and wellness.

Incorporating elements that highlight the health benefits of your menu items can set your food business apart. Consider offering special dietary options or health-focused menus. Collaborating with nutritionists to create dishes that cater to specific health needs, like skin care, heart health, or immune system support, can further enhance the appeal.

Additionally, integrating digital technology, such as a calorie calculator or a nutrition guide within your restaurant's app or website, can provide customers with valuable insights into their food choices. Promoting special health-centric events or educational workshops about healthy eating can also attract a health-conscious clientele.

In summary, emphasizing the health aspects of your food offerings, backed by nutritional data and expert collaboration, can position your food business as a preferred choice for health-conscious consumers. This approach not only caters to the current market trend but also contributes to the overall well-being of your customers.

Free Templates:

Canva: Offers a wide range of professionally designed templates for various documents, including project proposals, business proposals, formal emails, presentations, and more.
HubSpot: Provides customizable templates for different types of proposals, estimates, quotes, agendas, reports, and invoices.
Vertex42: Features free templates for business plans, executive summaries, financial projections, marketing plans, and presentations.
TemplateLab: Offers a collection of free templates for proposals, quotes, invoices, contracts, letters, and reports.
DocuSign: Provides free templates for agreements, contracts, proposals, and other legal documents.
Paid Templates:

TemplateMonster: A vast library of premium templates for projects, presentations, proposals, websites, and more.
SlideModel: Offers professional PowerPoint templates for business presentations, reports, and marketing materials.
Envato Elements: Subscription service with unlimited access to millions of creative assets, including templates for proposals, brochures, infographics, and other business documents.
Creative Market: Marketplace for high-quality design assets, including professional templates for proposals, presentations, emails, and social media graphics.
Additional Resources:

Bplans: Free business plan templates and guides for various industries.
Udemy: Online courses on writing effective proposals, business plans, and emails.
SCORE: Non-profit organization offering free business mentoring and templates.
Small Business Administration (SBA): Provides comprehensive resources for starting and growing businesses, including templates.
Tips for Choosing Templates:

Consider your specific needs and the document's purpose.
Choose a template with a professional and clean design.
Customize the template to fit your branding and content.
Proofread carefully before finalizing the document.

Success Stories / eCommerce Live Bootcamp
« on: December 29, 2023, 02:50:50 PM »
eCommerce Live Bootcamp

Class 01

Class 02

Class 03

Class 04

Class 05

Class 06

Class 07

Class 08

Class 09

Class 10

Class 11

Class 12

One of the top institutions in Bangladesh is interested in my services, but they don't want to sign an MOU. Instead, they want me to join the media team. What should I do? If I accept, they told me it would be beneficial for my personal portfolio. Should I take the opportunity, or could it be harmful to my business?

Spring 2021 / Mohammad Sakib Ridwan [211-45-226]
« on: December 27, 2023, 06:51:52 PM »
Mohammad Sakib Ridwan


Mobile No:

Business Idea Name:
Jilani Home

Business stage:
Mature Stage

Description your Business:
Jilani Home is a rental Platfrom . We work in Chittagong Last 6 Years . Our Taeget Audience is tenant 7 Property owner

Explain the Problem which your Idea solving:

Unique Selling Point:
Cutomize Service for all Customer

Target Market/Audience:
Real estate rental

Business Website (If available):

Legal Structure:
Sole Propritorship

Google Site Link:

All Previous Batches / Md. Rasel Sheikh [193-45-205]
« on: December 27, 2023, 06:46:47 PM »
Md. Rasel Sheikh


Mobile No:

Business Idea Name:

Business stage:
Early Stage

Description your Business:
মূলত আমার এই E-LIFESTYLE Startup টি
বাংলাদেশের Fashion , Tailoring, Garments Wastage Fabric সেক্টরে অনেক বড় একটা পরিবর্তন আনার চেষ্টায় কাজ করে যাচ্ছি.
ডিজিটাল ভাবে E-tailoring service চালু করে  গৃহিনী, স্টুডেন্ট এদের কর্মসংস্থান সৃষ্টিকে লক্ষ্য বানিয়েছি starup টি  ..."

Explain the Problem which your Idea solving:

Unique Selling Point:
customize, door to door sale, price

Target Market/Audience:
Extra size people , housewife , banker , Executive ,teacher

Business Website (If available):

Legal Structure:

Google Site Link:

Fall 2021 / Alid Hasan Akash [ID-213-45-014]
« on: December 27, 2023, 06:39:18 PM »
Alid Hasan Akash


Mobile No:

Business Idea Name
Robust Research and Development Ltd.

Business stage
Mature Stage

Description your Business
"Robust Research And Development Ltd. is a leading tech company based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We specialize in delivering innovative and user-friendly AR, VR, Games, Simulation, Cross-platform Mobile Applications, and business solution products and services. We believe in continuously researching and developing cutting-edge technologies ahead of the curve.

Our team of experts is dedicated to providing the best possible experience for our customers. We strive to exceed expectations and ensure complete satisfaction from developers to customer support.

We are proud of our diverse portfolio, which includes products ranging from virtual reality experiences to cross-platform applications. Our goal is to make technology accessible and easy to use for everyone."

Explain the Problem which your Idea solving

Unique Selling Point
Technology, Price Competitive, Skilled Human Resource, User-Centric Approach

Target Market/Audience
Govt. Organizations, Medium and Large Organizations

Business Website (If available)

Legal Structure
Privet Limited Partnership Company

Google Site Link:

Students Profile / Format of Students Profile
« on: December 24, 2023, 02:13:12 PM »


Mobile No:

Business Idea Name:

Business stage:

Description your Business:

Explain the Problem which your Idea solving:

Unique Selling Point:

Target Market/Audience:

Business Website (If available):

Legal Structure:

Google Site Link:

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