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Peace of Mind / It’s the habit of being mindful.
« on: May 01, 2018, 11:13:44 AM »
Mindfulness is often described as sitting still, breathing deeply and paying attention to your breath. Although that certainly can be a mindfulness practice, being mindful is simpler and can offer a wider array of benefits.

Being mindful is a shift from “being our thinking”—being that blabbering voice in our heads—to being aware of our thinking. This subtle inner shift allows us to see our thinking objectively, to see our emotions objectively, and to have better awareness of what we’re doing and who we’re with.

We can make this shift to being mindful at any time. In fact, most of us are likely do this many times every day, albeit unintentionally. But we don’t sustain mindfulness for more than a few seconds before we go right back to being our thinking again. As a result, we don’t see much benefit, just as we wouldn’t see much benefit from running for 30 seconds a few times a week.

We need to make the effort to intentionally become mindful and sustain that mindfulness for long periods of time to realize the benefits of mindfulness practice, including:

Increased resilience to stress
Improved decision making
Improved emotional intelligence
You might be wondering how something that sounds so simple can do so much. The reason mindfulness training has so many benefits is that it results in an optimally functioning mind. Everything we do, or fail to do, is the result of how our mind functions, and as brain research continues, scientists are discovering ways to increase its functionality.

For example you likely know at least one smart, talented person who hasn’t found success yet. This could be because that person’s mind isn’t functioning optimally. He or she might not be making very good decisions, or maybe they don’t have much self-discipline, or they aren’t very good at building and maintaining healthy relationships, or a combination of all three.

You also likely know at least one person who isn’t the most intelligent person in the room and isn’t the most talented, and yet they have a successful life. This person likely has an optimally functioning mind that allows them to make better decisions, have increased self-discipline, and develop and sustain healthy relationships.

good one sir

Happiness / Happiness
« on: May 01, 2018, 10:17:16 AM »
Different definitions of happiness
Happiness can be defined in many different ways:

Three levels of happiness
Momentary feelings of joy and pleasure
Judgements about feelings
A higher meaning of life, flourishing and fulfilling one’s potential
Read more about the three levels.

Four levels of happiness
Happiness from material objects
Happiness from comparison: being better, more admired than others etc.
Happiness from doing good for others and making the world a better place.
Ultimate, perfect happiness - finding your calling
Read more about the four levels.

Five different dimensions of well-being
Positive emotion
Read more about the five dimensions of well-being.

The Benefits of Being Happy
If happiness is a universal goal, then we need to understand its cause and effect. But before we go on to the studies and definitions, we need to know why it’s so important to us. Why are we so hung up on being happy?

Aside from a greater appreciation of life, being happy…

Is good for our health. Happy people have stronger immune systems and have a longer lifespan, than depressed and unhappy people.
Makes you more giving. Since they are happy, they feel more contentment and tend to share their blessings with others.
Helps you handle stress better. Helps you recover from trauma faster.
Is beneficial to your relationships. Compared to discontented people with a lot of hang-ups, happy people have a higher chance of getting married and having successful relationships. They also have a broader and more meaningful network of friends.
Encourages success. Happy people are more creative and energized and this attitude translates to their work performance.
Happy people are reported to live 14% longer, increasing their lives by 7.5 to 10 years.
The Search for Happiness is Universal
The search for happiness is a human endeavor – a universal goal. We all want to be happy, and we empathize with each other’s need for it. We search for it with all our might, our thoughts and actions focused on only one goal in life – to be happy.

But what is happiness, really? Is it that feeling that rushes over you when you achieve a goal, when you have your first child, or when you love someone and they love you back? You know it when you’re happy or not, but can something so intangible really be defined and measured?

The Studies on Happiness
Since the 1960s, scientific disciplines have conducted research on happiness, to determine how humans can live happier lives. The scientific pursuit of positive emotion and happiness is the pillar of positive psychology, first proposed in 1998 by Martin E. P. Seligman.

The studies have come up with varied results and views on the cause of happiness. Here are some of their findings:

One result from the 75-year Grant Study of Harvard undergraduates show that loving relationships, especially with parents, have a great impact on our well-being in our later years.
Based on twin studies, Sonja Lyubomirsky concludes that 50% of our happiness level is determined by our genes, 40% is related to our self-control, and 10% is influenced by personal situations and life circumstances.
Finnish research on 701 individuals showed that happiness activates our whole body, from the head down to the legs.
People are able to extract more pleasure out of ordinary experiences as they age. Younger people defined their happiness more by extraordinary experiences.
Excessive money, beyond what we need to feed, clothe and house ourselves only increases happiness by a fraction.
A Harvard Business School Study found that we are happier when we spend money on others, rather than on ourselves.
Relationships are keys to long-term happiness. The effect is strongest on married couples, but deep meaningful relationships with others have the same impact.
Surveys by Gallup, the National Research Center and the Pew Organisation states that people who are more spiritual tend to be happier than those who are not.
Religious people who benefit from social contact and peer support also showed an increased tendency to be happy and satisfied with their lives. The practice of optimism and service to others are contributing factors.
Research findings show that 8 hugs a day can increase your levels of oxytocin, and result in a happier you. A higher level of oxytocin is attributed to feelings of trust and camaraderie.
People’s moods significantly improve after engaging in exercise. (University of Bristol, 2008)
Acts of kindness make people more well-liked and accepted. This leads to social acceptance and an improved self-image. (University of British Columbia, 2012)
In a significant study by the University of California in 2008, researchers concluded that surrounding yourself with happy people will increase the possibilities of your future happiness. Happiness is said to be contagious.
The experience of being able to buy material things causes happiness, not the possession itself. It satisfies our higher order needs for social connectedness and vitality, and heightens the feeling of being alive. (San Francisco State University, 2009.
What is Happiness? Different definitions of happiness
Happiness means different things to different people.

In her book, “The How of Happiness”, Sonja Lyubomirsky, a professor of psychology at the University of California, defines happiness as, “the experience of joy, contentment, or positive well-being, combined with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile.”
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines happiness as: A state of well-being and contentment A pleasurable or satisfying experience
Author Ayn Rand says: “Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one’s values“.
Mahatma Gandhi says: “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony”.
To psychological researchers, the two components of Subjective Well-Being (SWB) are "feelings of happiness" and "thoughts of satisfaction with life".
Every individual has their own definition of what makes them happy. But the extensive research on happiness have shown that there are certain needs that must be satisfied in order to achieve this emotional state. What we are referring to is long-term happiness and not the momentary feelings of joy we experience in our everyday lives.

What Makes Humans Happy?
Psychologist Martin Seligman and the findings from Positive Psychology studies asserts that humans are happiest when they have the following:

Pleasure (delicious food, a warm bed, anything that pleases one of the 5 senses)
Engagement or Flow (the experience of an enjoyable and challenging activity)
Relationships (social ties are an extremely reliable factor of happiness)
Meaning (belonging to something bigger than ourselves)
Accomplishment (the achievement of goals)
Are you Happy?
Psychologists have long distinguished the difference of Life Satisfaction (your thoughts and feelings about your life as a whole) from Subjective Well-Being (your actual feelings of happiness at the moment.) One does not decide the outcome of the other.

If you were asked to rate your happiness right now, it will not be an accurate indicator of your Life Satisfaction. You may be feeling discontented with your work, or having a fight with your loved one – and you will give your state of happiness a low rating. Subjective Well-Being is dependent on current situations.

Maybe you just had a promotion or bought a new car and you’re feeling on top of the world. You’re happy. But if you were asked if you’re satisfied with your life in general, you may rate your Life Satisfaction differently. You probably have more plans for your life that have not come to pass.

This shows that happiness is not equal to Life Satisfaction or feelings of fulfillment, which equates to long-term happiness. Your overall sense of well-being cannot be determined by how happy you are today or last Friday.

Make a difference for others!
The studies suggest that to achieve long-term happiness, you need to see yourself as a person who is making a difference in this life, and improving the well-being of others. Someone who matters. If you focus on these areas, you will have a greater chance of achieving the state of happiness that every human being long for. What about you? What gives you happiness?

Wikipedia: Happiness
Scholarpedia: Psychology of Happiness
Psychology Today: How Should Psychology Define Happiness?
Greater Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life: What is Happiness?
Being Minimalist: 10 Positive Psychology Studies to Change Your View of Happiness
Psyche Central: 5 Reliable Findings from Happiness Research
Psyblog: Happiness: 10 Fascinating New Psychology Studies Everyone Should Know

Happiness / Re: Definition of happy
« on: May 01, 2018, 10:16:36 AM »

Happiness / Re: Why do we feel unhappy?
« on: May 01, 2018, 10:09:49 AM »
good one sir

Business Administration / Re: The legitimacy theory
« on: May 01, 2018, 10:04:06 AM »
good post sir

Business Administration / Aggregate demand and Aggregate supply
« on: May 01, 2018, 10:03:27 AM »
Aggregate Demand :
In macroeconomics, aggregate demand (AD) or domestic final demand (DFD) is the total demand for final goods and services in an economy at a given time. It specifies the amounts of goods and services that will be purchased at all possible price levels. This is the demand for the gross domestic product of a country. It is often called effective demand, though at other times this term is distinguished.
The aggregate demand curve is plotted with real output on the horizontal axis and the price level on the vertical axis.
The aggregate demand curve illustrates the relationship between two factors - the quantity of output that is demanded and the aggregate price level. Aggregate demand is expressed contingent upon a fixed level of the nominal money supply. There are many factors that can shift the AD curve. Rightward shifts result from increases in the money supply, in government expenditure, or in autonomous components of investment or consumption spending, or from decreases in taxes.
According to the aggregate demand-aggregate supply model, when aggregate demand increases, there is movement up along the aggregate supply curve, giving a higher level of prices.
An aggregate demand curve is the sum of individual demand curves for different sectors of the economy. The aggregate demand is usually described as a linear sum of four separable demand sources:]
•     is consumption (may also be known as consumer spending
  is investment,
•     is government spending,
•     is net export, where
•     is total exports, and
•     total imports
Aggregate Supply :
DEFINITION of 'Aggregate Supply'
The total supply of goods and services produced within an economy at a given overall price level in a given time period. It is represented by the aggregate-supply curve, which describes the relationship between price levels and the quantity of output that firms are willing to provide. Normally, there is a positive relationship between aggregate supply and the price level. Rising prices are usually signals for businesses to expand production to meet a higher level of aggregate demand.
Also known as "total output".
There are two main reasons why the amount of aggregate output supplied might rise as Prises, i.e., why the AS curve is upward sloping:
•   The short run AS curve is drawn given some nominal variables such as the nominal wage rate, which is assumed fixed in the short run. Thus, a higher price level P implies a lower real wage rate and thus an incentive to produce more output. In the neoclassical long run, on the other hand, the nominal wage rate varies with economic conditions. (High unemployment leads to falling nominal wages which restore full employment.) Hence in the long run the aggregate supply curve is vertical.
•   An alternative model starts with the notion that any economy involves a large number of heterogeneous types of inputs, including both fixed capital equipment and labor. Both main types of inputs can be unemployed. The upward-sloping AS curve arises because (1) some nominal input prices are fixed in the short run and (2) as output rises, more and more production processes encounter bottlenecks. At low levels of demand, there are large numbers of production processes that do not use their fixed capital equipment fully. Thus, production can be increased without much in the way of diminishing returns and the average price level need not rise much (if at all) to justify increased production. The AS curve is flat. On the other hand, when demand is high, few production processes have unemployed fixed inputs. Thus, bottlenecks are general. Any increase in demand and production induces increases in prices. Thus, the AS curve is steep or vertical.
Aggregate supply is targeted by government "supply side policies" which are meant to increase productive efficiency and hence national output. Some examples of supply side policies include: education and training, research and development, supporting small/medium entrepreneurs, decreasing business taxes, making labor market reforms to diminish frictions that may hold down output, and investing in infrastructure.
Why AS is vertical ?
As a model, Long Run Aggregate Supply is made up of consumer goods, capital goods and public goods. Essentially it represents the real GDP of a country. Intuitively, a country's GDP level is too large to be significantly affected by price changes.

 As a result the LRAS is vertical (inelastic) as the country will continue to produce regardless of prices. Perhaps for the sake of other more important factors such as employment and overall health of its economy.

Factors that will shift the inelastic long run aggregate supply should also have largescale effects inorder to affect the overall GDP of a country. For example an increase in population will mean more workforce in the economy, technological advancement will mean the country can produce more faster and efficiently and a war could destroy some capital assets.
What Is Full Employment GDP?
Full employment GDP is a term used to describe an economy that is operating at an ideal level of employment, where economic output is at its highest potential. It is a state of balance in which savings is equal to investment and the economy is neither expanding too rapidly nor falling into a recession. This level of economic output, as measured by real GDP, is neither too high to cause rising inflation nor too low to bring about falling prices.
In economics, equilibrium is that perfect state of balance, like two friends on a teeter-totter that weigh exactly the same. Absent any external force or change in weight, two friends that weigh the same will sit on a teeter-totter and it will rest completely horizontal. But, as soon as the weight of one side changes, the other side reacts. The two economic forces that must be in equilibrium to achieve full employment GDP are unemployment and inflation.
When unemployment goes down, inflation tends to go up, and when unemployment goes up, inflation tends to fall. All economies have a state of balance like this that we call the full employment level of gross domestic product, or full employment GDP for short.
Illustrating Full Employment GDP
Here is how economists illustrate full employment GDP. The red upward-sloping curve is called the short-run aggregate supply curve, or SRAS for short. This curve represents the economy's total supply of goods and services. The blue downward-sloping curve is the aggregate demand curve, or AD for short. This curve represents the economy's total demand for goods and services. Finally, the black vertical line is called the long-run aggregate supply curve, or LRAS for short. It represents the economy's long-run potential output of goods and services.
When all three of these lines intersect, there is both a short-term and a long-term equilibrium. In other words, the teeter-totter is horizontal - everything is in perfect balance and everyone lives happily ever after.
Full Employment GDP and Economic Growth
However, life is not always like that. The ups and downs of the economy - the expansions and contractions - in real GDP that we continue to experience over time will bring it above or below full employment.
For example, during a recession, additional unemployment is generated, which we call cyclical unemployment, or unemployment that is directly caused by an economic slowdown. As firms and employees adjust their expectations to the ups and the downs, cyclical unemployment dissipates and the economy generally moves back towards its potential output, or full employment.
In the long run, economic output, as measured by GDP, returns to the full employment level, which classical economists refer to as potential output. Potential output is the highest level of real GDP that an economy can sustain over time.

DEFINITION of 'Below Full Employment Equilibrium'
A macroeconomic term used to describe a situation where an economy's short-run real gross domestic product (GDP) is currently lower than that same economy's long-run potential real GDP. Under this scenario, there is a recessionary gap between the two levels of GDP (measured by the difference between potential GDP and current GDP) that would have been produced had the economy been in long-run equilibrium.
The interaction of aggregate demand and aggregate supply determines macroeconomic equilibrium, and understanding macroeconomic equilibrium provides insight into changes in real GDP and the price level. In considering determination of real GDP and the price level, however, we must distinguish between the short run and the long run.
Short-run macroeconomic equilibrium occurs (geometrically) at the intersection of the short-run aggregate supply curve (SAS) and the aggregate demand curve (AD). This intersection indicates the price level at which the aggregate quantity of final goods and services supplied in the economy is equal to the aggregate quantity demanded, and indicates as well the coresponding level of real GDP.
To see that this point of intersection is an equilibrium point, consider first a situation where the price level is below that corresponding to the short-run equilibrium. At this price level, the quantity of real GDP that will be supplied by firms will be less than the quantity of real GDP that will be demanded by households, business firms, government, and net foreign demand. With firms unable to meet demand, inventories decline and back orders become the rule. In order to meet the strong demand, firms will begin to increase production; and in so doing will incur additional resource costs that will result in price increases (i.e., there will be a movement up along the SAS curve). As prices increase, this will lead to a moderating of demand (movement up along the AD curve). These movements will continue until quantity supplied equals quantity demanded -- at the point of intersection of the SAS and AD curves.
Similarly, if the price level is greater than the equilibrium level, the quantity of real GDP supplied will exceed the quantity demanded. In this case, inventories will accumulate, goods and services will go unsold, and eventually firms will lay off workers, cut production, and reduce prices in order to sell theor output. This translates into a movement down along the SAS curve, and as prices fall there will be a corresponding movement down along the AD curve. These movements will continue until equilibrium is reached.
Long-run macroeconomic equilibrium requires that real GDP be equal to potential GDP, and corresponds to a situation of full employment. That is, long-run macroeconomic equilibrium entails the economy being on its vertical long-run supply curve. This contrasts with the short-run equilibrium situation, in which real GDP may be less than or greater than (or equal to) potential GDP. Let's take a look at the different possible short-run situations vis-à-vis long-run equilibrium.
Consider first the case where there is a short-run equlibrium at a real GDP below the level of potential GDP. This is called a below full-employment equilibrium, and the difference between potential GDP and real GDP is called a recessionary gap. Note that this situation may correspond to a recession, but this will not necessarily be the case: if potential GDP has grown faster than real GDP recently, a recessionary gap may exist even with continued (slow) real GDP growth. In any case, the most obvious manifestation of a recessionary gap is the presence of high unemployment.
Short-run equilibrium at a real GDP in excess of potential GDP is called an above full-employment equilibrium. The excess of real GDP over potential GDP is called an inflationary gap. That is, this gap creates inflationary pressure. Unemployment in this situation would be below the full-employment level of unemployment.
The third possibility is with a short-run equilibrium at a real GDP just equal to potential GDP. This is a full-employment equilibrium, and is the only case where we have long-run equilibrium as well as short-run equilibrium.
Which of these three possibilities corresponds to the situation in which the U.S. economy presently may be found? Parkin notes that we experienced an inflationary gap in 1988-90, recessionary gaps in the early 80s and again in the early 90s, and he suggests that the economy was at full employment in mid-1994. What about now?
Fluctuations in real GDP around its long-term upward trend (reflecting increases in potential GDP) may stem from either fluctuations in aggregate demand or in aggregate supply. First consider the consequences of an increase in aggregate demand, as might occur in response to increases in expected future incomes, profits, or inflation; in response to a lower exchange rate or higher foreign incomes; in response to fiscal policy increasing government spending or transfer payments, or decreasing taxes; or in response to expansionary monetary policy (increasing the money supply) or lowering of interest rates.
Increased aggregate demand will result in a new short-run macroeconomic equilibrium, with a higher price level and a higher level of real GDP.
However, workers will now be receiving a lower real wage (since, by assumption, movements up along the SAS curve entail increases in output prices while wages and other factor prices remain constant), and profits of firms will have increased. In these circumstances, workers will seek wage increases and firms, eager to maintain employment and output levels, will grant such increases (without wage increases, firms risk losing workers).
But increased wages will shift the short-run aggregate supply curve to the left. This shift will cause a movement up along the aggregate demand curve, raising the price level and reducing the level of real GDP.

Note that we're looking at secondary effects of the increase in AD, and it will take time for the secondary effects to develop.
Similarly, changes in SAS can result in fluctuations in real GDP around potential GDP. For example, as we've just seen, a leftward shift of the SAS curve (as would occur with an increase in factor prices) will bring about a new short-run macroeconomic equlibrium, with higher prices and lower real GDP than prior to the shift. As Parkin notes, this combination of higher prices and reduced output -- stagflation -- was encountered following the increases in oil prices in the 1970s.
Note that in the real world, there are continual changes in various factors that influence either aggregate supply or aggregate demand. Hence, there are corresponding fluctuations in macroeconomic equilibrium -- the equilibrium price level and level of real GDP.

source internet

Business Administration / Re: amortization schedule definition
« on: May 01, 2018, 10:01:27 AM »


good one

Business Administration / Re: Good News
« on: April 30, 2018, 10:00:34 PM »

Business / Re: Top 10 Business Leader in the World
« on: April 29, 2018, 07:41:46 PM »
good one sir


Are you an entrepreneur or investor? Do you need information on the best business ideas & investment opportunities in Bangladesh for 2018? Then I advice you read on.

Bangladesh happens to be the 8th most populous country in the world with a population that is well over 160 Million. It is located in the southern eastern part of Asia and is bordered by Burma, India and Nepal. The capital city and seat of power of Bangladesh is called Dhaka and its official language is Bengali, with English also widely spoken in the country. It’s important to state that Bangladesh is among the most densely populated countries in the world.

The economy of Bangladesh is a progressive one and it is considered to be among the next eleven emerging economies in the world. It is a fact that Bangladesh is the birth place of microfinance banking with credit to the Noble Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus. The economy of Bangladesh revolves basically around the exportation of textile and garments, seafood, jute and fish.

Agriculture is an important contributor to the economy of Bangladesh and the country is rated as one the largest cultivator and exporter of agriculture products such as; banana, mango, potato, tropical fruits, onion, rice, tea, fish, jute, pineapple amongst others.

The Government of Bangladesh is doing all they can to encourage foreign investors; hence the establishment of several export processing zones. If you intend to come into Bangladesh as a social entrepreneur, then you may be coming into a safer environment because the country has a vibrant social enterprise sector and it is noted as one of the most efficient production/manufacturing hub in the world.

Now let us run through some of the business opportunities that are available to investors heading to Bangladesh.
1. Food Processing Company
The food processing sector in Bangladesh is indeed a thriving industry simply because of the cheap labor and cheap raw materials that are available in the country. If you are an accredited investor and are looking for a place to establish a profitable company, then you should consider establishing a food processing company in Bangladesh because of all the positives you stand to gain.

2. Rice Farming

If you are game with farming as an investor, then you may want to consider giving rice farming a shot! Bangladesh is one of the largest producers and exporter of rice globally and the market is still very much open for new investors. If you mean serious business, you should not only engage in rice farming, you should also be involved in rice processing, bagging and exportation as these are ways to generate more profit.

3. Textile and Garment Manufacturing

No doubt Bangladesh is recognized globally as one of the leaders when it comes to the production of textile and garments. This is so because the country can boast of cheap and vibrant labor and also cheap raw materials. Some big – time textile manufacturing companies in developed countries have their textile and garment factory established in Bangladesh because of cost effectiveness. So, even if you don’t intend to live in Bangladesh as an investor, you can consider establishing your own textile and manufacturing company there and you will be sure to continue to reap good returns on your investment.

4. Open a Micro – Finance Bank

Bangladesh is the birth place of micro financing and if you choose to establish your own micro – finance bank, then rest assured that you would sure make profits, because the business concept is well understood and accepted by its citizens. If you intend establishing your own micro finance bank in Bangladesh, you would be required to have certain financial base and pay an amount before you can be granted a license operate.
5. Fruits Plantation

Bangladesh is highly suitable for the cultivation of crops such as banana, mango, tropical fruits, and pineapple amongst others. If you establish your own fruits plantation, you would not only have to supply to the local markets but also to international markets. Bangladesh is one of the largest exporters of tropical fruits simply because it is cheaper compared to what you can get from other countries.

6. Seafood and Fish Business

Another highly thriving business you can establish in Bangladesh is seafood and fish business. With a population of over 160 million people, you can be sure of loads of people patronizing you and if you choose to go into exportation, there will also be a large international market waiting for you.

7. Freight Forwarding Business

Most of the goods produced in Bangladesh are exported to the rest of the world hence a very thriving Freight forwarding industry. All you would need to do to enter into this line of business is to register your company, obtain your operational license from the government, get a good location for your office and then market your services to companies that are into the production of goods.

8. Tea Production Company

The soil composition and climatic condition in Bangladesh is highly suitable for the cultivation of tea. So, if you are thinking of a business to establish in Bangladesh, then you should consider starting your own tea production company. The good thing about this kind of business is that you might not only have the over 160 million people in Bangladesh as your target market, but also the rest of the world. It is a viable business and you won’t have to struggle to market your tea to the global market especially if it is well packaged and branded.

9. Barbing Salon

If you know how to give a good hair cut and you are looking for a business that requires low capital to start in Bangladesh, then you should consider establishing your own barbing salon. All you would need to get started are; a shop, one or more clippers, a big wall mirror, a small power generator, supplies of powder, after shaves, amongst others. Once you rent a shop in any part of town in Bangladesh, you are sure to have loads of people trooping to your barbing salon even without advert.

10. Water Refill Station

Good and portable water is a major requirement by many household and even offices in Bangladesh. If you are looking towards establishing your own business in Bangladesh, then you should consider starting a Water Refill Station. It is indeed a profitable venture.

These are some of the highly profitable and easy to start businesses in Bangladesh. It is important to point that one of the major challenges entrepreneurs face in Bangladesh is power; so if you intend establishing your own business in Bangladesh, then you should create a budget for power generating sets.

Textile Engineering / Re: Role of a Textile Engineer
« on: April 29, 2018, 07:36:44 PM »
thanks for the information

Textile Engineering / Re: Evaluating a writing.
« on: April 29, 2018, 07:32:26 PM »
great Sir

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