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Messages - Md. Abul Bashar

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12 Habits of Unhappy People (and How to Avoid Having Them)

Happiness is something that we all strive to attain. As human beings we can accept the fact that: (a) life is short, and (b) unhappiness makes our lives difficult. As is common knowledge, our habits have a big impact on the quality of life that we live; specifically, these habits directly impact our happiness (or lack thereof). To make a clear distinction, there is a strong difference between clinical depression and chronic unhappiness. Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, while unhappiness is a disposition that is often acquired through how we choose to live our lives. Similar to depression, however, unhappiness can be diagnosed and treated.
Here are 12 habits that can cause unhappiness, all of which can be avoided.

1. Chronic Complaining

Happy and successful people do not complain much. On the other side, it seems that chronic complainers always have something negative to say… even when those around them are happy! The bottom line: we all have different circumstances that we are given in this lifetime, but in the end these circumstances are ours – fair or unfair, wanted or unwanted. Instead, seek solutions to problems instead of complaining, which leads to nowhere.

2. Being critical – of self and others

How we talk to ourselves shapes our self-image, for better or worse. Self-worth is an essential component to our happiness, and feeling good about ourselves is a right that we all have. Realize when mistakes are made, accept them, and move on…don’t engage in negative self-talk. Further, respect the inherent differences of others and recognize their right to live happily and without undue criticism.

3. Living beyond means

We live in a materialistic society, one where we are constantly bombarded with advertisements for the latest car, gadget, or credit card; all promising an easier, more fulfilling existence. Don’t believe it for a second. While purchasing a new product may provide a needed emotional boost, it doesn’t last. Ever heard the term “buyer’s remorse”? It exists for a reason. Instead, seek out something to do that doesn’t involve whipping out a piece of plastic – exercise, reading, sightseeing, etc. – anything brings satisfaction without the debt.

4. Negative addictions

Most things are good in moderation – food, a drink or two, entertainment… it’s when these things take center stage in our lives that it becomes a problem. Unfortunately, many good people have met their end through addictive habits, especially through dependence on alcohol and drugs. A great preventative measure and remedy to these addictions? Finding and living our passions to the greatest extent possible (see #8).

5. Regretting the past

Regret is not only useless, it can be extremely harmful. Research continues to show that repetitive, negative thoughts about decisions made in the past in often a precursor to chronic stress and depression. According to Psychology Today, there are four ways to cope with regret: (1) learn from mistakes but don’t dwell, (2) if nothing can be changed about the situation to let it go, (3) make sure too much blame is not being undertaken, and(4) reframing the situation more positively.

6. Worrying about the future

We only have so much say in what our future holds. This is not meant to disempower (quite the opposite); rather it is stating simple truth. What wecan do is live in the present while fully exercising our God-given abilities and talents, enabling and empowering us to live a happier existence. There’s that phrase again: living in the present. Face difficulties as they arise and let them go. Enjoy the beautiful things in life and experience them fully…be present.

7. Being driven by fear

Yes, fear can be an enabler to unhappiness. To fully understand this, we have to again go back to being present. Quite simply, we can’t allow fear of the unknown (and/or the unavoidable) to cripple our quality of life. Fear is a negative thought process that is often on auto pilot. Remember: we are not our negative thoughts. We are not fear, worry, anxiety, or any other negative thought process.

8. Delaying goals and dreams

It’s relatively easy and effortless to get caught up in the routine of life: working, eating, sleeping, maybe even a day or two of doing something fun or relaxing. But here’s the thing: by not directing our talents and passions toward a positive and tangible goal, we potentially discard something great before its realization. The hardest part of living out our goals and dreams istaking the first step. After building a game plan taking that first step, only then can we see the possibilities.
9. Gossiping

Nothing exudes unhappiness and insecurity more than negative small talk about someone else. After all, why would a happy, confident person engage in something that is of no benefit? They wouldn’t. Gossip is something to be left to the kids at recess, not to adults attempting to make their lives (and others!) better.

10. Holding grudges

Similar to other negative emotions, animosity is a needless weight on our backs. We are all witness to the negative behaviors of other people and can become (sometimes justifiably) angered as a result. But remember: this isn’t about their ignorant behavior; it’s about your happiness. Either forgive, forget, or ignore… and move on with your life.

11. Eating poorly
Ingesting nutritionally-bankrupt food is all about immediate gratification. It’s certainly not about feeling good long-term, as eating poorly can result in bad health, weight gain, depression, lack of energy and decreased productivity; while having a well-balanced diet results in an entirely opposite effect – more energy, a healthy weight, mental alertness, and increased productivity. Eat right, look great, and feel great.

12. Expanding our problems

When we experience unhappiness and discontent, our first reaction is almost entirely emotional. In other words, we blow things completely out of proportion. After all, we still have that darned “lizard brain” (amygdala) – the epicenter of negative emotions. Instead, just take a step back, look at the problem objectively (with minimal emotion), and focus on a solution!

7 Principles for Developing Quality Relationships:

1. Acceptance
I accept people for who they are, including myself. I consider all people to be unique and accept that as a positive, rather than a source of frustration.
2. Respect
I treat all people, including myself, with respect on an adult level.  I do not resort to childish or emotional games. I do not manipulate myself or others. I respect others’ right to be who and what they are and do not try to change them.
3. Understanding
I have a clear understanding of myself and others. I make every attempt to appreciate and understand the differences that go into making each individual unique and special.
4.  Transparency
I am open and honest. I feel free enough to speak and act in a manner that is consistent with what I feel and believe. I do not put on airs or try to be anything other than the best “me” I can be. I allow and encourage others to be themselves and promote a feeling of openness in all my dealings with them. I do not permit my predisposition, prejudgment or prejudices to stand in the way of open and harmonious relationships.
5. Non-judgment
I do not judge myself or others. I accept and practice the belief that we are all different and unique. I approach others with the attitude that there are more dimensions to a given situation than simply “right” or “wrong.” I expect and embrace these differences of perception as opportunities to learn.
6. Empowerment
I am self-empowered. I have the conviction of my beliefs. I do not need or seek external strokes to determine my feelings or attitude. I also empower all those with whom I come into contact, respecting their individuality and encouraging their input. I am willing to admit I do not have all the answers.
7. Trust
I operate from a fundamental basis of honesty. This value permeates everything I do or say. I am honest with others and expect others to be honest with me. I proactively promote an environment which invites open discussion, differing points of view, and have faith in the abilities and judgment of others, even when I sometimes do not agree.  I maintain confidentiality when others confide in me.
Developing effective relationships is the key to personal and organizational success. There is a lot of truth in the old adage “it not what you know but who you know.” The seven principles mentioned above will facilitate the process of developing quality relationships.

ইন্টারনেটের মাধ্যমে সন্ত্রাসের প্রচার রুখতে ফেসবুক কর্তৃপক্ষ এবার কৃত্রিম গোয়েন্দা মোতায়েন করতে যাচ্ছে। ইদানীং ফেসবুকে সন্ত্রাসী কর্মকান্ডে আস্কারামূলক পোস্ট দেখা যাচ্ছে। আর সেই পোস্ট ছড়িয়ে পড়ছে মিনিটের মধ্যে। 

বৃহস্পতিবার ফেসবুকের এক কর্মকর্তা জানান, যে মুহূর্তে ফেসবুকে এই ধরনের কোনও পোস্ট করা হবে, সেই মুহূর্তেই ফেসবুকের কৃত্রিম গোয়েন্দারা এই পোস্ট সরিয়ে দেবে। তাই এবার থেকে ফেসবুকে কিছু পোস্ট বা শেয়ার করার সময় সবাইকেই অতিরিক্ত সতর্ক থাকতে হবে।   

‘চাইল্ড পর্নোগ্রাফি’ রুখতে ইতিমধ্যেই ফেসবুকের এই ধরনের টুল আছে। এতদিন পর্যন্ত কোনও পোস্টে কেউ রিপোর্ট না করলে ফেসবুক কোনও পদক্ষেপ নিতে পারত না। কিন্তু এবার এই কৃত্রিম গোয়েন্দা এই ধরনের পোস্ট নিজেই সনাক্ত করে, তা ফেসবুক থেকে সরিয়ে দিতে পারবে। 

যেভাবে বিশ্বের বিভিন্ন স্থানে একের পরে এক সন্ত্রাসের ঘটনা ঘটে যাচ্ছে তাতে ফেসবুকের মতো সোশ্যাল মিডিয়ার প্রভাব রয়েছে কি না তা নিয়ে প্রশ্ন উঠেছে। সেই প্রশ্নের জবাব দিতেই ফেসবুক এই পদক্ষেপ নিয়েছে বলে জানা গেছে। ছবি, ভিডিও বা কোনও লেখা-সহ যে সমস্ত পোস্ট সন্ত্রাসী কর্মকান্ডে আস্কারা দেবে, তা সবই ধরা পড়বে ফেসবুকের এই পদ্ধতিতে। 

কৃত্রিম গোয়েন্দা হলেও, পোস্টগুলি সত্যিই সন্ত্রাসী কর্মকান্ডে আস্কারা দেওয়ার মতো কিনা, তা পর্যবেক্ষণের দায়িত্বে থাকবেন ফেসবুকের কর্মীরাই। এই কাজের জন্য ফেসবুক ১৫০ জনকে নিযুক্ত করেছে। 

Story, Article & Poetry / A Soldier is Born to Die
« on: June 17, 2017, 03:21:28 PM »
A Soldier is Born to Die

If I die in a combat zone,
Box me up and send me home,
Put my medals on my chest,
Tell my mom I did my best,
Tell my dad not to bow,
He won't get tension from me now,
Tell my brother to study perfectly,
Keys of my bike will be his permanently,
Tell my sister not to be upset,
Her brother will not rise after sunset,
Tell my love not to cry...
Because I am a soldier, born to die....


Incident Response: How To Keep Tech Problems from Becoming People Problems
When one of your IT services is on fire there is no time to waste. Especially if that fire is blocking your users from getting stuff done. Rapid resolution tends to eclipse all else during an incident, often causing your team to ignore or forget pieces of the incident response process – like keeping people in the loop.
It's one of those little problems that compounds into a big one if not handled correctly. Pretty soon, you're stuck in an endless loop of shoulder-taps and email threads, trying to explain to the CEO why things went wrong. While there's no shortage of tools to help your team detect, alert, swarm on, and resolve incidents, even the best tools can't replace clear communication to internal and external stakeholders.
And let’s be real: The stakes can be high, very high. Reputation, customer attrition, time spent on damage control, just to name a few.
Luckily, downtime doesn't have to turn into a customer service nightmare. Informed users are happy users. But first you need to know who to communicate to, how to reach them, and how to do it with the least friction and fewest resources possible.
Communication during times like this is like ripples from a rock tossed into a pond. The circles closest to the incident get the biggest, most frequent and most immediate feedback. This is your core on-call team – AKA the folks who need to identify and fix the problem. It's a small circle, but the ripples (communication) need to be big, immediate, and frequent. As you move further from the core circle — to adjacent IT teams, managers, the organization as whole, end users and the general public — the audience gets bigger, but the ripples get smaller and less frequent.
While every organization is different, in general it helps to think of these audiences as 5 distinct groups that need to be communicated with:
1.   Core on-call team: The first to know something is wrong, almost immediately upon impact (usually from monitoring and alerting tools).
2.   Front-line support team: Those who will be directly answering questions and giving customers updates during the incident. It’s an incredibly important role, so this team must get the right information to pass along to end users.
3.   Managers and executive team: The core team needs to communicate with this group so they know what's going on, the potential impact on the following two groups, and hopefully an estimate of how long it could last.
4.   General employee population: Employees need to be kept informed as services they rely on go down and up. Proactively communicating with these users means less "what's the status of this" questions, fewer duplicate IT support tickets, and more focus to fix the problem at hand.
5.   External customers: If the incident affects external customers some communication must be sent out to explain the problem and when they can expect a fix – or at least an update every nth amount of time. For issues that are still currently affecting your customers’ ability to use your product, we recommend never going more than one hour without sending an update. You should also always indicate when to expect the next update. If it is a severe enough incident – especially one involving security or data loss – you will definitely want to expedite external comms and pull in the necessary other teams (legal, HR, security, etc.)
xMatters and StatusPage are tools that have an interesting intersection between integrating solutions across your technology stack and then communicating status information out to drive workflow. With some of the biggest cloud companies as customers, we've seen how the highest-performing IT teams are resolving incidents more efficiently while keeping users happier through a solid incident communication plan.
Creating your own incident communication plan:
Before an incident:
•   Define priority/severity levels (how many users are affected, how long the incident lasts, etc.)
•   Create incident templates for common issues to save time between detection to communication
•   Document defined roles during an incident (how to identify the incident commander, who owns the communication, etc.)
•   Determine how to communicate with affected users (what channels will be used for each priority level, etc.)
 During an incident:
1.   Communication with first responders: Alert those "on-call" and make sure they know where to go for more information about the problem. A tool like xMatters can help drive resolution by relaying data between systems while engaging the right people.  This way, you never have to worry about keeping your technology infrastructure aligned with key resolution processes.
2.   Communication with affected users (both internal and external) and other stakeholders (i.e. executives): Use your pre-determined channel(s) to tell users what's going on. This may be e-mail, a blog, Twitter, or a status page where they can subscribe to notifications about services they care about most.  Whatever tool you choose to use, we recommend that you identify one as your primary communication vehicle and funnel everyone there from the other channels. For example, we have a dedicated status page but we also tweet out updates and display a notice in our webapp during downtime. The tweets and in-webapp notices funnel users back to the status page for the full story.

After an incident:
•   Hold a retrospective on the incident and figure out what (if any) post-incident comms are necessary -- as well as what you can do to prevent similar incidents from happening again.
•   If necessary, send out your postmortem to affected users. A good postmortem can actually generate a lot of goodwill with your customers. Ideally it will enable you to:
o   Apologize personally
o   Explain exactly what happened and how your team was able to fix it
o   Talk about your plan to avoid a similar situation in the future
Even 99.99% of uptime means 52 minutes of downtime a year. Every IT team should be prepared for those 54+ minutes. Providing legendary service isn't just about resolving incidents quickly – it's also keeping users informed while you do.  Learn more about using xMatters for IT alerting and StatusPage for IT incident communication and see how they can work together to increase transparency.

English / Robi Tagor's Poem
« on: June 14, 2017, 04:18:51 PM »
Robi Tagor's  Poem......

English / American English Vs British English
« on: June 13, 2017, 04:11:01 PM »
American English Vs British English

English / Quatation
« on: June 12, 2017, 05:14:39 PM »

"To be or not to be
That is the question"..............W. Shakespeare

Vocabulary: Parts of a House.....

Learning Vocabulary with Images......
Vocabulary: Parts of a House.......

English / Bitcoin, new form of Currency.....
« on: June 10, 2017, 02:50:39 PM »
What Is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a new form of currency that is used within the digital world. It was created in 2009 and is being used more and more today.


This currency can be used to purchased anything electronically just as you would use normal currency like dollars, euros, or pesos. It is run by a network of machines who process each transaction and keep track of the numbers using mathematical algorithms. The best thing about it is that anyone is able to test these machines to make sure they are operating appropriately.
Why use Bitcoin?
There are many benefits to using bitcoin. One of them being that it is anonymous. Meaning it is not registered or linked to an actual individual. The currency is registered to an address, and you can have multiple addresses. It also isn’t run or owned by any one corporation or authority. Which in turn means that no one is in control of your currency. As mentioned above it is run by a network of machines. Another benefit to using bitcoin is that, unlike a bank account, these accounts are extremely easy and quick to set up. An address is quick and easy to set up, no personal questions asked. It is very budget friendly and cost effective.
Who Controls The Bitcoin Network?
No one! There isn’t an absolute authority who reigns over the currency. Therefore no one can deduct currency from your account unless you take action. It is controlled by all of the users of it’s currency. Everyone who decides to use it, decides which software and version they will be using. Even though there are developers updating the software constantly, they can not dictate what is being done with the bitcoin. This is a very nice incentive in using it because the owner has complete and absolute control in what happens within their accounts.

How Does Bitcoin Work?
From the stand point of the average consumer, bitcoin is just a program that acts as a virtual wallet. You can send currency through this program, as well as receive it. From a computing stand point, the entire network uses something called a “Block Chain”. What this “Block Chain” does is contain every single transaction ever made using bitcoins. Any computer running the software has access to the block chain and can verify transactions. Also every unique address has a unique electronic signature, which gives the owner of the address complete control of what comes out of his or her account. A transaction can not take place with out that unique signature. So you can see how secure using bitcoin can be.

Private University Ranking 2017 in Bangladesh
Private University Ranking 2017 in Bangladesh (January Edition)
Student in a library surrounded by piles of books
At present there are 129 public and private universities in Bangladesh. The numbers of public universities are 37 while private universities are 92. The first public university is The University of Dhaka, established in 1921. The establishment of private university is relatively a new phenomenon in this country. In early 1990s, private sector came forward to establish universities. Since then country experienced a spectacular growth in private universities– they were mostly in and around Dhaka.
Factors (variables) related to quality of higher education
Nine critical factors to revitalize quality of higher education are: teacher quality, method and content, peer quality, direct facilities, indirect facilities, administrative efficacy, political climate, gender effects and expected satisfaction with higher education.
Quality Assurance Mechanism
At present, quality is the main concern at the country’s tertiary level education. There is no regular review or critical review of the courses that is essential for quality maintenance and enhancement. Generally there is no evaluation criterion to evaluate course curriculum, mission, vision, faculty quality, student quality, transparency in management, student evaluation, etc related to quality assurance. Most quality control is exercised through administrative review by the departmental head/chairman or deans of the faculties in the universities.
Dominated by two subjects
Private universities are offering market oriented or job oriented subjects. According to Act a PU at least need to open two faculties. So, BBA and Computer science are the common courses offered in private universities under two faculties.
Criteria of Private University Ranking in Bangladesh
The StudyBarta Ranking are designed to help prospective students make informed comparisons of leading universities in Bangladesh. The ranking assesses university performance across some areas like: academic reputation, research, reputations of faculty members, teaching methodology, Employability,  Student-to-faculty ratio, permanent campus etc.
Ranking of all Private Universities in Bangladesh 2017 (January Edition)
1.   East West University (EWU)
2.   Independent University Bangladesh (IUB)
3.   BRAC University (BRACU)
4.   North South University (NSU)
5.   Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST)
6.   United International University (UIU)
7.   Daffodil International University (DIU)
8.   University of Asia Pacific (UAP)
9.   American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)
10.   Green University of Bangladesh
11.   Southeast University
12.   University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh
13.   International University of Business Agriculture and Technology
14.   Stamford University Bangladesh
15.   International Islamic University Chittagong
16.   Eastern University Bangladesh
17.   Bangladesh University of Business and Technology
18.   Bangladesh Army International University of Science & Technology, Comilla
19.   Army University of Engineering and Technology (BAUET), Qadirabad
20.   Army University of Science and Technology(BAUST), Saidpur
21.   University of Development Alternative
22.   Notre Dame University Bangladesh
23.   Northern University Bangladesh
24.   Primeasia University
25.   State University of Bangladesh
26.   Chittagong Independent University (CIU)
27.   Bangladesh University
28.   ASA University Bangladesh
29.   Gono University
30.   Manarat International University
31.   BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology
32.   Prime University
33.   East Delta University
34.   Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology
35.   University of Science & Technology Chittagong
36.   BGC Trust University Bangladesh
37.   Uttara University
38.   World University of Bangladesh
39.   University of Information Technology & Sciences
40.   Presidency University
41.   Premier University Chittagong
42.   Metropolitan University Sylhet
43.   Sylhet International University
44.   City University
45.   Bangladesh Islami University
46.   Dhaka International University
47.   Victoria University of Bangladesh
48.   Canadian University of Bangladesh
49.   European University of Bangladesh
50.   Hamdard University Bangladesh
51.   The Millenium University
52.   North East University Bangladesh
53.   Britannia University
54.   People’s University of Bangladesh
55.   CCN University of Science & Technology
56.   Central University of Science and Technology
57.   Coxs Bazar International University
58.   Exim Bank Agricultural University, Bangladesh
59.   Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib University
60.   Royal University of Dhaka
61.   Port City International University
62.   Khwaja Yunus Ali University
63.   University of South Asia
64.   Central Women’s University
65.   Sonargaon University
66.   Fareast International University
67.   Pundro University of Science & Technology
68.   Bangladesh University of Health Sciences
69.   Feni University
70.   First Capital University of Bangladesh
71.   Northern University of Business & Technology, Khulna
72.   German University Bangladesh
73.   Rajshahi Science & Technology University (RSTU), Natore
74.   Global University Bangladesh
75.   Ishakha International University, Bangladesh
76.   Leading University, Sylhet
77.   Varendra University
78.   North Bengal International University
79.   North Western University, Khulna
80.   Rabindra Moitri University, Kushtia
81.   Ranada Prasad Shaha University
82.   Times University Bangladesh
83.   University of Creative Technology, Chittagong
84.   Anwer Khan Modern University
85.   Z H Sikder University of Science & Technology
86.   The International University of Scholars
87.   N.P.I University of Bangladesh
88.   Atish Dipankar University of Science & Technology
89.   Asian University of Bangladesh
90.   Southern University Bangladesh
91.   Queens University
92.   IBAIS University

English / How to enhance brain activity
« on: June 08, 2017, 12:27:08 PM »
How to enhance brain activity
How to distinguish a smart man from a fool? To study a general certificate? Or maybe ask to pass one of the many IQ tests: if you score above 120 points, it means you are smart, about 100 - average and below - a complete fool?
A genius in mathematics can not deal with the simplest life situation (it often happens) and a quick-minded is sometimes incapable of performing elementary calculations.
Not a single test can objectively answer the question of human intelligence: most of them can be prepared by learning to solve standard problems. Other factors - education, social or racial origin - also do not give an objective view of the intellectual indicators of a particular subject.
The human brain, enclosed in the skull, has been a great mystery to scientists for a long time. You can argue about assessing a person's reasonableness but there is something all experts are agree: a person is able to develop his brain constantly learning and stimulating certain abilities in the process of work.
We present you 10 ways to improve brain function. With their help you can learn to think faster, absorb a large amount of new information and quickly use it.
It can include any form of regular mental activity. Math lovers will prefer to solve algebra and geometry problems. Simpler exercises include numbers and alphabetic rebuses, sudoku or crossword puzzles.
Regular reading, blogging, discussions on interesting topics - all these keep you brain toned. But even in normal everyday life you can come up with many ways to train your mental abilities.
Scientists offer, for example, to make regularly changes in your habits: get up on the other leg, experiment with gait, brush your teeth with the other hand, etc. All these are simple but interesting tasks that contribute to brain activity.
The correct diet and regular exercises are the key to increasing the life-sustaining activity of the human brain.
Be sure to include in your diet proteins: eggs, fish, lean meat. Vegetables and fruits will provide the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. Nuts and green tea are recommended for enhancing brain activity by experts.
Physical exercises not only develop and keep muscles and joints toned but also develop coordination which is excellent mental workout especially if you constantly add new elements and techniques.
Physical activity also increases blood pressure, improves blood circulation that means the brain is better provided with glucose and oxygen.
Various meditation techniques appeared thousands of years ago and since that time have been developing. The world's largest firms recommend meditation to their employees. Science agrees with them: an MRI scan of people practicing meditation has shown that classes change the structure of their brain.
According to experts people with the help of meditation can significantly improve their memory and raise the level of attention. Regardless of what type of meditation you choose one thing is common for all of them: achieving peace with the help of breathing techniques and complete silence. Concentration on measured right breathing helps a person relax, calm down and get the necessary energy boost.
Recently in 2010 experts from The Sage Colleges in the US made an interesting discovery. They found that a common type of Mycobacterium vaccae, put into mice, had a positive effect on their mental abilities. Animals become less aggressive they better find a way out of the maze.
After studying the brain of the mouse the scientists found out that due to the bacterium the level of growth of neurons increased and in the forebrain that is responsible for high thinking, the amount of serotonin increased.
This bacterium can be found in ordinary street mud. Of course do not make dirt part of your diet; To get in touch with the "smart" bacteria you can, for example, when walking through the park or working outdoors in the garden.
Why a person needs to sleep what happens to him during the night's rest from ancient times scientists and mystics are occupied with this. For a long time experts believed that the brain "turns off" during sleep and resting recharging for a new day. Experiments have shown that the human brain works in a dream but at a minimal level.
In particular, during the rest there is a redistribution of new information its "cataloging by folders". In fact, during a sleep short-term information turns into a long-term one.
Lack of sleep or sleeping difficulty can cause a significant decrease in mental abilities, loss of necessary information and a number of other problems. A long and healthy sleep on the contrary increases strength of the brain, contributes to the concentration of attention.
Scientists recommend sleeping an average from 6 to 8 hours a day, although the sleep regime depends on the individual characteristics of each person's body.
So, we sum up: mental and physical exercises, meditation, outdoor walks, a balanced diet and a healthy sleep. Daily following these principles will allow everyone to improve brain activity and develop their intellectual abilities.
Norepinephrine and dopamine are important mediators for maintaining concentration and good tone. Their production can stimulate the correct intake of caffeine.
Enough one or two cups of an aromatic drink a day - coffee in large quantities is harmful to health, it causes over excitation, as a result the ability to think normally can be disturbed . Arrhythmia, tremor, headache, anxiety, sleep disturbances - these are the side effects that await coffee lovers who take more than four cups a day.
In addition to direct benefit targeted intuition training can activate a special part of the brain behind the right ear. For example, when talking you can do the following mental exercise: try to predict what the interlocutor wants to say, to watch train of his thoughts with facial gesture, etc.
Scientists have proved that people who speak several languages can quickly and efficiently switch from one task to another. In addition, regular memorization of foreign words is an excellent memory training.
There is a great number of ways to learn a language independently. You can, for example, start watching cartoons in a foreign language, first with subtitles, and then without.
Do not worry if at first everything is not clear. The content of dialogues can be easily guessed by the context and the language constructs contained therein are repeated countless times; Soon they will become familiar to you. Then you can switch to serials and films.
Learning new unfamiliar activities is an excellent charging for the brain. It is better to choose a hobby that requires physical activity and increased coordination.
For example, juggling is considered a great charge for the brain. Women usually prefer knitting as a new hobby and men - fishing, hunting and gardening.
Western psychologists recommend to accustom children since childhood to classical music, especially to Mozart. Properly selected music can give a good impulse to the creative activity of our brain.
In 1995 psychologists set up an interesting experiment in rats: 30 rats were made to listen to Sonata by Mozart for two pianos every day for two months.
After 60 days they did test tasks much faster and more correctly than the other group of rodents who spent the same period of time in silence and peace.

English / Being an Introvert Can Make You Rich
« on: February 27, 2016, 04:19:57 PM »
Introverts tend to be more careful and thoughtful when making decisions.

In her book “Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength,” psychologist Dr. Laurie Helgoe writes:
“Introversion, when embraced, is a wellspring of riches.”
Although Dr. Helgoe’s book is primarily about helping people accept and use their introverted personalities to achieve success, this particular phrase in her book inspires yet another possibility: Introverts’ nature can help them achieve a literal “wellspring of riches.”
To put it another way, an introvert personality can absolutely make you wealthy. Just look at Bill Gates. Bestselling author of “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” and introvert expert Susan Cain said that the Microsoft co-founder is an introvert, reports The Huffington Post. And, his net worth is nearly $80 billion, according to Forbes.
So you see, being an introvert has its perks — especially when it comes to achieving financial success.
Introverts vs. Extroverts: Key Differences
According to the Myers-Briggs personality test, the introvert personality gains energy from within and not from external sources. For this reason, many people mistake introverts for being shy, but that’s not necessarily true of all introverts. There are many introverts who are comfortable speaking in large groups and being leaders at work. There are even introverts who make a living in the performing arts and as college professors. The only difference is that they need time to themselves after a long day to recharge.
Energy levels and preferred lengths of face-to-face interaction aren’t the only notable or even the most interesting differences between extroverts and introverts. In fact, it’s the more subtle and unique layers of introverts that make them especially well-suited to build long-term wealth. Below are some examples:

Introverts Are Less Impulsive
Many introverts can identify with the following statement, according to “I take time to reflect so that I have a clear idea of what I’ll be doing when I decide to act.” Introverts are known for being disciplined and careful decision makers, two traits that are perfect for long-term wealth building. As author and money expert Robert Kiyosaki said, “It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep” that makes you wealthy.
Dr. Maryam Jahdi, a resident physician in the department of psychiatry and behavioral health at Ohio State University, said introverts are not impulsive because their “behavior is guided more by consequences and less by rewards.” And one study, as reported by, backs up Jahdi’s statement; it found that introverts “tend to delay rewards” instead of jumping on “immediate gratification.”
Conversely, a 2013 study by Cornell University professor Richard Depue and graduate student Yu Fu found that extroverts actually have a different brain chemistry than introverts. They release more dopamine than introverts when they experience rewards, like accomplishing a monetary goal or eating delicious food. “In extroverts, this dopamine response to rewards is more robust so they experience more frequent activation of strong positive emotions,” Depue reportedly said.
A more recent study entitled “The Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale” published in September by the journal Frontiers in Psychology states, “Extroversion has been positively associated with shopping addiction, suggesting extroverts may be using shopping to uphold their social status and sustain their social attractiveness, such as buying a new outfit and accessories for every occasion.” For these reasons, it might be more challenging for some extroverts to control spending and have enough financial discipline to build wealth for the future.
Introverts Make Smart Investment Decisions
When it comes to investing, Dr. Jahdi said, “Being an introvert could influence becoming wealthy in the future because a lot of financial decisions are based on avoiding bad decisions, negative consequences and missed opportunities. Whereas an extrovert is more guided by immediate rewards to reinforce positive feelings — the feelings you get when you make a fun purchase, as opposed to waiting several years to see a good return on investment.”
Overall, successful investing demands careful contemplation, and introverted thinking by its very nature couldn’t conceive of acting rashly without researching something as serious as investing. Meanwhile, some extroverts tend to be thrill-seekers and impulsive, which means they might be “prone to making unduly risky investment decisions, while the quiet introvert might have more solid, research-based instincts,” reports Reuters.
According to a recent U.S. News interview with Cain, “introverts like to process slowly and deeply before they speak or act, and are comfortable with delayed gratification.” She also explained to Reuters this is the reason why legendary investor Warren Buffett is so successful. Cain said Buffett is “a classic example of an introvert taking careful, well-calibrated risks.”
Introverts Excel in the Workplace
In addition to being careful spenders and thoughtful investors, introverts also excel in the workplace, which can help them make more money and land promotions. Although they might not be the most outspoken or social employees, introverts can apply what author and global speaker Jennifer Kahnweiler calls the 4P’s — preparation, presence, push and practice — to become leaders in the workplace.
Introverts are also thoughtful and conscientious. Marti Olsen Laney, author of “The Introvert Advantage” told CNN that introverts have leadership qualities that set them apart from extroverts. “You really see a pattern of being conscientious, wanting to do a good job, being creative, good at problem solving,” she said.
According to a recent study at the University of Michigan Retirement Research Center, “Individuals who are at the 85th percentile of conscientiousness earn about $1,500 more per year than the average American, which amounts to about $96,000 more in lifetime earnings and $158,000 more in lifetime savings.”
Finding Meaning in It All
Researchers have enjoyed studying the differences between introverts and extroverts for quite some time. While extroverts have quite literally enjoyed their time in the spotlight and as leaders, recent research and publications show that this really is the time for introverts to shine. If you’re an introvert, you’re more than capable of utilizing you unique gifts and skills to achieve financial wealth and success.

Indeed so mam..............

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