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Messages - Sarjana Ahter

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English / 10 tips to recharge your creativity
« on: June 28, 2016, 12:51:35 PM »
Creativity can strike randomly. Sometimes, we find an overabundance of it. Other times, we can go for weeks, even months stuck on a project and unable to move forward to something new. But sometimes you can help give it a nudge…

When I’m not doing marketing or web stuff, I’m writing music. I was pondering today all the things I do in between composing music, or when inspiration just won’t strike and thought I’d share a few tips I find help recharge my creativity.

Hope you find some of these useful (in no particular order):

1) Exercise – Get up from your computer, music studio, art easel, whatever your craft and have a jog or a swim…this is a fantastic way to clear your mind. Get away from traffic, go to the beach, the park or some type of green space and connect a bit with natural surroundings. Your personal studio may be a creative space (although some prefer them stark) but undoubtedly some time in natural surroundings, especially stretching your muscles is a wonderful way to clear your mind. In removing excess energy, you will in turn remove excess baggage from your mind. The mind always follows the body.

2) Hit up the local coffee shop – Get a double espresso, but don’t just head right back to work. Stick around for a bit and interact with some of the people hanging around. I’m just as guilty as you are at ignoring the world and spending weekends in a row for months at a time locked away in the studio experimenting with sounds or perfecting that new track. But even if you plan to work for a whole weekend, when you’re going to get your coffee at least put aside 15-20 minutes to interact with other people, then return to your work. The right people are extremely inspirational. Starbucks is good to grab your coffee and go, but try to find a unique/local place to get good conversation.

3) Try a new genre – If you’re way into industrial rock and listen to it 24/7, undoubtedly your going to end up following a bit of a stylistic pattern and formula with your music. But you may be pleasantly surprised by what’s out there. Seek out an artist who is not the obvious choice in a genre you don’t normally listen to. You may pick up on stylistic cues which you never thought of incorporating into your music, and a unique crossover sound may emerge in your mind. You could even fall in love with that synergy. As my musical mentors taught me, unlikely combinations can sometimes yield the most inspired results. This is true with any form of creative work.

4) Seek out a mentor … or an apprentice – If you’re just delving into a new artistic form and are hitting roadblocks or barriers, a mentor is the best thing to move you forward. I’m a huge fan of the master/apprentice relationship, and believe it is worthwhile for both sides. If you’re an apprentice, you’re getting the obvious benefit of working with someone who has years of experience. If you’re the master, working with a bright-eyed aspiring artist will prove a breath of fresh air for you, and you will not only be giving something back to your art form but your apprentice may one day come back to truly inspire you. I have worked to assist two aspiring artists and I believe both of them are already far greater than I will ever be. All they needed was a bit of a push with the technical side of things and then their creativity has soared. It is as rewarding of an experience as making art itself.

5) Add something new to your repertoire – If you’re a music producer, try out a new synth. If you’re a visual artist, check out some new adobe plug-ins. If you’re a writer and stuck on a desktop, splurge on that new ultra-portable laptop so you can work anywhere. These are all just fun ways of mixing things up and perhaps stirring up new creative juices. Sometimes you’ve been working with the same tools so long you may have tapped them completely…at least for new ideas. I’m not saying give up your favorite tools, but sometimes adding something small, but new will spark your creativity in a whole new direction altogether.

6) Share your work with someone new – Let someone new experience your work. Just one person – don’t create a new marketing campaign for yourself, actually seek out one of your friends or acquaintances who you have never personally shared your art with and ask them if they would like to see or hear or even taste (if you’re a culinary artist) something new you have created (or perhaps something old). Get their feedback. You may find that they the most unlikely person is moved by your work and turns into a big supporter for you – perhaps even inspiring you to something new. Take an interest in their art or interest as well.

7) If you’re a musician read, if you’re a writer listen to music – Experience an art form completely outside of your specific craft. When I’m not making music, I personally find sociological studies, music literature, (reading about your craft is acceptable) and philosophy infinitely compelling – but it doesn’t matter really – just read something that moves you. The style you read may subconsciously influence your creativity in music. Alternatively, if you’re a writer or a painter, listen to music. Try something without vocals as to not direct your thoughts in any specific direction, but direct your emotions which in turn will provoke your own, original, unique thoughts.

8) Break your routine – This is an easy one. Take a weekend off from making music – but don’t do what you normally would do in your free time. Try going to the local planetarium for a laser-light show, or visit the botanical gardens near you. If you can, get away for a weekend from your house and visit a friend you haven’t seen – somewhere far enough that it’s at least a 2 hour drive or plane-flight. The drive in itself may prove inspirational (I find long car-trips to be a fantastic time for introspection). Whatever your journey, you should come back with a fresh perspective.

9) Go to a show, art gallery, etc. – Seeing art come alive in action at a concert or taking the time to visit someone’s gallery is not only a fun and wonderful way to only inspire your own creativity, but it also inspire theirs. Artists of all types should support each other, and it is reciprocal for us all to work to encourage each other. These are also the best places to find like-minded individuals and artists and really connect with them. Generally, you’ll come back from any social gathering of artists and have more ideas to work with in-studio than you know what to do with – e which is never a problem.

10) Find a new form of art – I’m well aware of the importance of keeping your focus on your specific craft, but the benefits of having another form of art to nurture as well may surprise you. I find writing words and music to be mutually enjoyable and have engaged in both practices for years. I even find the two inspire each other. I do find that many of my peers in audio production are fantastic visual artists as well. I could never draw, but I find that those friends of mine seem to get a wonderful synergy out of their visual works. Many creative souls easily find a niche within more than one form of expression without spreading themselves too thin.

English / Re: Haiku
« on: June 28, 2016, 12:17:27 PM »

English / Re: 22 Breathtaking Festivals Around The World
« on: June 28, 2016, 12:16:50 PM »

English / Brutality
« on: June 28, 2016, 12:14:34 PM »
মেয়েটার বয়স ১৫ স্কুলের ৯ম শ্রেণীতে
পড়ে। মানুষ মরে যাওয়ার পর যেমন নাম
হয় "লাশ" তেমনি এখন এই মেয়েটার নাম
মেয়েটার বড় ভাইয়া আর ভাবী আজও
স্কুলে যাওয়ার সময় চুলের ফিতা টা
বেধে দিয়েছিল.... ভাবী নিজের
হাতে স্কুল ড্রেস টা ধুয়ে ইস্ত্রি করে
পড়িয়ে দিয়েছিল মেয়েটাকে।
স্কুলের ড্রেস টা এখন রক্তলাল।
বড় ভাইয়ার ছোট্ট ৪ বছরের ছেলে টা
আজ সকালেও মেয়েটাকে ফুপী ফুপী
বলে বার বার কোলে উঠেছিল
মেয়াটার। এখন ছেলেটা তার মায়ের
কোলের আড়ালে দাড়িয়ে। ভীত
একটা চোখে তাকিয়ে আছে
মেয়েটার দিকে হয়ত চিড়িয়াখানার
কোন জন্তুকেও এভাবে কখনও কেউ
দেখে নি।
মানুষের জমাট সারা বাড়িময়। দেখছে
অর্ধনগ্ন মেয়েটার উদাস চোখের
চাহনি টা। মেয়েটার মা জ্ঞান
হারিয়েছে। বাবা নির্বাক, এক
দৃষ্টিতে তাকিয়ে খোলা আকাশে।
বাবার চোখের মাঝে একটাই প্রশ্ন
"বিধাতা, কি পাপ করেছিলাম? এমন
শাস্তি দিলে? "
মেয়েটাকে আনা হয় পুলিশ স্টেশনে,
কেস করার
জন্য। পুলিশ টার চোখেও লোভ স্পষ্ট।
পুলিশ টা বার বারই জিজ্ঞেস করে "কি
করেছিল? কতক্ষন করেছিল? কিভাবে
করেছে? " যেন ক্ষুধা যাচ্ছে না
পুলিশটার। যদি একবার মেয়েটাকে
খুলে দেখতে পেত হয়ত শান্তি পেত
সে, ক্ষুধা মিটত সকল প্রশ্নের।
বড় ভাইকে আর মেয়েটাকে
হাসপাতালে পাঠায়
পুলিশ। ঘটনার সত্যতা প্রমাণ করার জন্য।
মেয়েটা আর ভাই চলে যায়
হাসপাতালে। পুলিশ আধা-খাওয়া
সিগারেটে আবার টান দেওয়া শুরু
করে, যে সিগারেট টা ধরিয়ে
দিয়েছিল ধর্ষকদের মাঝে একজন।
পুলিশের অপূর্ন ইচ্ছা গুলোর স্বাদ
মিটিয়ে নেয়
ডাক্তার-বাবু। দুই আঙুল দিয়ে চলে
কুমারী পরীক্ষা। মেয়েটা কাঠের
পুতুলকেও হার মানায় সেই মূহুর্তে।

মেয়েটা বাড়ি আসে। মেয়েটার ঘড়ে
মা ছাড়া আর কেউ ঢোকে না, কে
জানে হয়ত ঘেন্নায়। যে বাবা বলত
"আম্মাজান, পরীক্ষায় প্রথম হইলে
তোমারে কম্পিউটার কিইন্না দিমু"
সেই বাবা আজ খোজ নেয়না মেয়েটা
খেয়েছে কিনা।
ভাইয়ের ছেলেটা কোন ভাবে
মেয়েটাকে দেখলে
লুকিয়ে পড়ে। এখন সে আর ফুপীর কাছে
আবদার করে না। মেয়েটার ৯০ বয়সি
বৃদ্ধা দাদী যে হয়ত কিছুদিনের মাঝেই
চলে যাবে ওপারে, সেও
মেয়েটাকে দেখলে মুখ বাকিয়ে বলে
"গলায় দড়ি দিতে পারিস না?? "
পাশের বাড়ির কাকী, যে কখনও অসুখ
দেখতে আসত না আজ সে তিনবেলা
নিয়ম করে আসে, কাকী একা আসে না
সাথে আরো ২-৩ জন করে নিয়ে আসে
"ধর্ষিতা" নামক মেয়েটাকে
দেখানোর জন্য।
আজ মেয়েটার বাড়িতে অনেক মানুষ
আবার মেয়েটাকে শেষ বারের জন্য
জানাজাতে অবশ্য বেশি মানুষ আসে
আত্মহত্যা করা মানুষের জানাজা তে
কেই বা
আসতে চায়?.
যে মেয়েটা আজ আত্মহত্যা করল সে
কারো বোন,
কারো মেয়ে, কারো ফুপী কারো
ধর্ষকরা তো শুধু মেয়েটাকে গৃহবন্দি
করল। কিন্তু
মেয়ে টাকে খুন করলাম তো আমি
আপনারা। মেয়েটা কি চেয়েছিল?
সহানুভূতি? সুন্দর ব্যবহার? একটু আশা
দেখানোর মানুষ?
আচ্ছা খুব দামী কিছু তো চায়নি, কিন্তু
ব্যর্থতা, আমরা তাকে দিতে
পারিনি। দিয়েছি
শুধুই অপমান
আজ সে ধর্ষিত হয়েছে, কাল ও ধর্ষিত
বলা যায়, কাল আপনার বোন, আপনার
আপনার ভাগ্নি, আপনার ভাস্তি,
আপনার মা ও
হতে পারে পত্রিকার শিরোনাম!!
আমি সকল ধর্ষকের উন্মুক্ত শাস্তি
দেখতে চাই
তাদের মুন্ডুছেদ দেখতে চাই। আর একটু

দিতে চাই, একটু আশা দিতে চাই ঐ
মেয়েগুলোকে। —

English / Re: A poem written by me
« on: June 25, 2016, 05:01:35 PM »
A nice poem

English / Re: 10 questions for teacher reflection
« on: June 25, 2016, 05:01:05 PM »
Yes Tina Mam I have read that.

English / Re: লাশ অর্চনা
« on: June 22, 2016, 03:50:02 PM »
dictions and images are praise worthy

English / Re: How to Give Praise Like a Man
« on: June 22, 2016, 03:47:38 PM »
Excellent Farjana

English / 10 questions for teacher reflection
« on: June 22, 2016, 03:44:58 PM »
10 questions for teacher reflection…

We’re not even half way through the school year here, but a request from someone important to me on the other side of the world provokes my thinking…

‘ Have you ever written a blog post on strategies, tools or frameworks that a teacher can use to reflect on their past year of teaching?’

My immediate response: ‘ Reflection has to happen all the way along. It’s too late at the end of the year.’

But here are some questions to ask yourself, as you look back, look within and look forward…

1. What were the most powerful learning experiences in your class this year? Can you describe what made them successful?

2. How do you learn best? What hinders your learning? How can this knowledge help you with future teaching and learning?

3. What do you believe about how learning occurs? What are the conditions for powerful learning? Does your practice align with your beliefs?

4. Who controls the learning in your classes? Do you seek compliance or do you foster student ownership? How will you encourage learner agency?

5. What are you proud of in your teaching or learning and what do you wish you could do better? How might you go about it? Who might support you?

6. What do you wish you could change in your teaching, your learning, your classroom, your school? What small steps could you take towards making it happen?

7. What are your strengths? How might you develop them further? How might you use them to support others in their teaching and learning?

8. What can you learn from your students? What works for them? Have you asked them? What might you change as a result?

9. What excites you? What excites your students? How might you make that part of your teaching and learning?

10. What do you dream of doing? How might you work towards that dream? Who might you share it with? What kind of support do you need?

English / tips for ramadan
« on: June 22, 2016, 03:33:53 PM »

Some common health complications that can arise from fasting, and how to prevent and deal with them.

The following advice has been provided following consultation with medical experts and Islamic scholars.
Fasting and heartburn

Fasting usually reduces the amount of stomach acid, which digests food and kills bacteria. However, thoughts of food, or the smell of it, make the brain tell the stomach to produce more acid, which can lead to heartburn.

People who regularly take medicine for indigestion – such as antacids, antihistamines or proton pump inhibitors – are advised to continue taking them. A good time to do this could be with the pre-dawn meal.

The control of heartburn or belching can be aided by eating in moderation and avoiding oily, deep-fried or very spicy food. Reducing your caffeine intake and stopping smoking can also help.

Preparations such as peppermint oil may help reduce belching or abdominal discomfort. Sleeping with your head raised on a few pillows, in addition to long-term weight loss, may also help prevent heartburn.
Fasting and poor control of diabetes

People who regularly inject insulin are advised not to fast, as the potential risk to health – both in the short and long term – of not taking insulin is too great. People who have their diabetes under control using tablets should seek careful advice from their GP before starting a fast.

Regular self-monitoring of your blood glucose is strongly advised. Low blood sugar levels (known as a "hypo") are dangerous, and may lead to fainting or fits if left untreated.

Feeling dizzy, sweaty and disoriented may all suggest a hypo. If a person with diabetes has these symptoms, they should immediately have a sugary drink, or place sugar or a sugar-rich sweet below their tongue.
Fasting and a headache

This common problem has many causes. Headaches during a fast could be due to dehydration or hunger, poor rest, or the absence of addictive substances, such as caffeine or nicotine.

A moderate and balanced diet, especially not missing the pre-dawn meal, taking in enough fluids and, if necessary, some painkillers such as paracetamol, can help prevent or reduce the risk of getting a headache.

Headaches can also be prevented by not exposing yourself to direct sunlight, wearing a hat when out, using sunglasses to reduce the effect of glare from the sun and relieving any tense muscles with a short, gentle massage.
Fasting and dehydration

Dehydration is common during a fast. The body continues to lose water and salts through breathing, perspiring and urinating.

If you don’t drink sufficiently before a fast, your risk of dehydration increases. This risk is higher in older people and in those taking tablets, such as diuretics.

If you are unable to stand up due to dizziness, or you are disoriented, you should urgently drink regular, moderate quantities of water – ideally with sugar and salt – or Dioralyte or Lucozade.

If you faint due to dehydration, your legs should be raised above your head by others, and when you awake, you should urgently rehydrate as outlined above.
Fasting and constipation

When you are fasting, being active, drinking water regularly and eating healthily (during the times when you are not fasting) will help to keep your bowel motions regular. Include lots of fruit and vegetables in your diet and increase the fibre content of your food using bran. If the problem persists, a short course of laxatives may help.
Fasting and stress

Lack of food and water, changes of routine and shorter periods of sleep can cause stress. It’s important to deal with any potential sources of stress to stop any harmful effects. This can be helped by not taking on more than you can handle, not playing sports in the hot sun, controlling your anger and not smoking.
Fasting and weight control

Food consumed during the pre-dawn and dusk meals may lead to some unintended weight gain. However, if you approach the fast with discipline, it can be an opportunity to lose weight and become healthier.

খুব ভালো লাগলো :D :D

excellent poem :D :D :D

English / Re: Attention Grabbing Techniques for Essay Writing
« on: June 22, 2016, 03:05:09 PM »
Thanks mam for sharing :) :) :)

English / Re: Health benefits of Coconut oil
« on: June 22, 2016, 03:02:01 PM »
Great...seems helpful mam. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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