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Life Style / 51 Inspirational Success Quotes
« on: January 19, 2018, 01:00:04 PM »
I have gathered here 51 original quotes on success, collected from my books and articles. I hope you will enjoy reading these quotes, and that they would inspire you to better your life.

1. Both success and failure start in your mind.

2. The kind of thoughts that occupy your mind most often, determine how successful you will be.

3. If you have wealth and possessions, you have material success. If you are happy, content and loving, you have emotional success. Aspire for both kinds of success.

4. Failure is never a failure, unless you give up.

5. When you make plans for tomorrow, and execute a significant part of them, that's a significant accomplishment.

6. If you dwell on failure, you will most probably fail, if you dwell on success, you will most certainly succeed.

7. If you want to achieve success, stop seeking perfection.

8. When you think and believe that you can succeed, you will succeed.

9. Worries, fears, doubts and lack of belief are like high waves and strong winds that are pushing away the boat that is carrying success to you.

10. How big you think, is limited only by your own beliefs.

11. If you want extraordinary success, rise above your ordinary life, think big, dream big, and imagine your life far beyond your current reality.

12. Nobody can limit your success, but you.

13. If you are healthy, have love in your life, have the means to support yourself and your family, and have real friends - that's success.

14. It does not take more effort to imagine yourself rich, than to imagine yourself poor. If you keep imagining yourself as a rich person, you will start thinking like a rich person and attract riches into your life.

15. If you want to attain success, keep a positive attitude, no matter what your current situation is.

16. Your fears and worries might be legitimate, but don't allow them to control your mind and block your chances of success.

17. Think positively and expect success, especially when facing difficulties and obstacles.

18. If you want to succeed in life, replace negative thinking with positive thoughts, and instead of anticipating disappointment and failure, expect progress, achievement and success.

19. If your thoughts focus on problems, fears and failure, then, most likely, this is what you will get. If you often think positive thoughts and expect success, then, most likely, this is what you will get.

20. If you want to reach success, use your common sense, and trust your gut feelings.

21. When you think about becoming successful, think not only about wealth and a better position, but also about becoming successful in health and love.

22. You will never progress in life, if you choose to remain in your comfort zone.

23. If you want to succeed in any area of life, double your efforts.

24. Life is precious; don't waste it on being a couch potato.

25. For optimum results in any area of life, train yourself both physically and mentally.

26. You will attract failure into your life, if you constantly occupy your mind with thoughts about disappointment and if you constantly expect failure.

27. First, be thankful for whatever you have right now, and then, aspire for more.

28. If you are wealthy and have material success, and yet you are unhappy, stressed, and lack inner peace, then you have not achieved true success.

29. A state of inner peace helps you become successful, since a peaceful mind enables clear thinking and making better decisions.

30. When you let go of stress and tension you become peaceful, which makes it easier for success to enter into your life.

31. Achieving inner peace, attaining discipline, patience and positive habits, are the signs of inner success.

32. Choose to make thoughts about success your companions and allies, and you will have success in your life.

33. Think of success and prosperity as your only options, and soon they will become part of your life.

34. Feeding your mind constantly with thoughts about success will create success in your life.

35. Be proud of your previous achievements, as they will pave the way to more achievements.

36. When you think about achieving success, remember to think how others would benefit from your success, as well.

37. Success is not only more money, more possessions and a better position, but also creating positive habits, developing new skills, and becoming wiser and more knowledgeable.

38. Your business will flourish, if your customer's benefit is at your best interest, not just your own.

39. In order to achieve success, think beyond your current reality.

40. If you find it difficult to imagine yourself having a better job, a better house and a happier life, it would not be easy to succeed.

41. Release the words "I can't", "it's impossible", "it's too difficult for me", and strongly embrace the words, "I can", "it's possible", "I am ready, willing and capable".

42. If you want to rise above your present circumstances, start thinking bigger.

43. If you truly want to improve your life, stop building horrifying mental scenarios about failure and catastrophes. Instead, adopt a positive and optimistic attitude about success and happiness.

44. If you want to succeed, stop thinking limiting thoughts, and instead, teach your mind to think happier, bigger and inspiring thoughts.

45. We set our mental boundaries, but we can also cross them.

46. You can continue to think limiting thoughts, or start believing that you can improve your life and step beyond your limiting thoughts.

47. Success becomes possible when you open your mind to wider your possibilities.

48. If you want to succeed, replace the movie that you watch in your mind with a new movie, full of love, happiness and success.

49. Be the writer, director and actor of the movie that you run in your mind. In this movie, see yourself living a wonderful and prosperous life, right now, not in the future.

50. The key to success is having positive thinking, peace of mind, patience and perseverance. These mental tools make it possible to think clearly, make proper decisions, and explore new opportunities.

51. Stepping beyond your current reality and achieving success does not occur overnight. It is a gradual process, which requires patience and perseverance. Therefore, NEVER GIVE IN to obstacles and NEVER GIVE UP your goals, even if your present circumstances are miles away from your dreams.

A simple and effective technique to strengthen these two skills, is to do things, which you would rather avoid doing, due to laziness, procrastination, lack of assertiveness, shyness, or other reasons.

By carrying out such actions, despite your inner resistance and reluctance, you become stronger.

As muscles get stronger by resisting the weight of barbells, so these skills are strengthened by overcoming the inner resistance.

Willpower and Self DisciplineStrengthen Your Willpower & Self Discipline

Guidance and exercises for improving your willpower and self-discipline, gaining inner strength, and overcoming procrastination, laziness and indecisiveness.

Learn how to master yourself and your life.

Strengthen Your Willpower & Self Discipline

Simple and Powerful Exercises

Exercise no. 1
You are sitting in a bus or train and an old man or woman, or a pregnant lady walks in. Stand up and give up your seat, even if you prefer to stay seated. Act so, not just because it is polite, but because you are doing something that you are reluctant to do. This is an exercise in overcoming the resistance of your body, mind and feelings.

Exercise no. 2
There are dishes in the sink that need washing, and you postpone washing them for later. Get up and wash them now. Do not let laziness control you. When you know that in this way, you are actually strengthening yourself, it becomes easier to take immediate action, despite laziness and the desire to procrastinate.

Exercise no. 3
You come home from work and sit in front of the T.V., because you feel too lazy and too tired to take a shower first. Do not succumb to the desire to sit in front of the T.V, and go take a shower immediately.

Exercise no. 4
Do you like your coffee with sugar? If you do, then for one whole week drink it without sugar. Do you drink three cups of coffee each day? If you do, then drink only two cups a day for one whole week.

Exercise no. 5
Do you, like many others, like to read some unimportant gossip in the newspaper or magazine? Then, for one whole week, abstain from doing so. This might not be easy, but it's good for your training. I am not telling you to do so indefinitely, but for only one week.

Exercise no. 6
If you have the choice of going up with the elevator or climbing the stairs, choose climbing the stairs. However, climb the stairs only if it's not a high storey, and you are in good physical condition.

These are very simple exercises, which everyone can practice. Remember, the purpose of the exercises is to develop inner strength, not to make life difficult for you.

Do you want more exercises, more guidance and more advice, so you increase your self-discipline and willpower much more? If you do, I highly recommend that the read my book about this topic.

When you practice weight lifting, aerobics, or any other kind of sport, you strengthen your muscles, and can therefore, use your physical strength whenever you need it.

It is the same with willpower and self discipline. When you strengthen them, you make them available for your use anytime you need them. They give you more control over your life, help you change habits, and give you the necessary inner strength required for personal and spiritual growth, and for achieving success.

Willpower and self-discipline play a major role life, leading to success if you possess them, or to failure or mediocrity if you lack them.

These two skills are vital ingredients for handling efficiently any task and for achieving any goal.

Let's Start by Defining What Are Willpower and Self-Discipline

Willpower Definitions:

The ability to control or reject unnecessary or harmful impulses.
The ability to arrive at a decision and follow it with perseverance, until its successful accomplishment.
It is the inner strength that enables you to refuse to indulge in unnecessary and useless habits.
It is inner power that enables you to overcome inner and external resistance and obstacles.
It is the antidote to laziness and procrastination.
Self Discipline Definitions:

It is the companion of willpower. It gives you with the stamina to persevere with whatever you do.
It is the strength to withstand physical, emotional and mental hardships and difficulties.
It stands for perseverance and tenacity.
It is the ability to reject immediate satisfaction, pleasure or comfort, in order to gain something better, even if it requires effort and time to gain.
When your willpower and self discipline are strong, you have the option to choose your reactions, and the option to change negative habits. These skills make you feel more powerful, confident, and in charge of yourself and your life.

Do you sometimes, feel that you lack the inner strength to take action, act assertively or persevere?
Are there any habits you want to change, but you lack the necessary inner strength to do so?
How many times you have you decided to go for a walk, knowing how wonderful you feel afterwards, but due to laziness or lack of inner strength, you stayed at home and watched TV instead?
How many times have you tried to change your eating habits, stop smoking, or get up earlier in the morning, but you didn't possess enough inner strength and persistence?
Do you start doing things, but quit after a short while?
You can change this behavior when you strengthen your self discipline and willpower.

There is a misconception in the public mind regarding the two skills we are talking about here. It is erroneously believed that their development requires a lot of mental and physical strain and effort. This is not true. You can build up these skills through simple exercises, and even enjoy the process.


Set a goal. If you have a major goal, it would be a good idea if you split it into several minor goals, each small goal leading to your major goal.

By dividing your goal into several, smaller goals, you will find it easier to motivate yourself, since you will not feel overwhelmed by the size of your goal and the things you have to do. This will also help you feel that the goal is more feasible, and easier to accomplish.
Understand that finishing what you start is important. Hammer into your mind that whatever you start you have to finish. Develop the habit of going to the finish line.
Socialize with achievers and people with similar interests or goals, since motivation and positive attitude are contagious. Associate with motivated people, who share your interests.
Never procrastinate anything. Procrastination leads to laziness, and laziness leads to lack of motivation.
Persistence, patience and not giving up, despite failure and difficulties, keep the flame of motivation burning.
Read about the subjects of your interest. This will keep your enthusiasm and ambition alive.
Constantly, affirm to yourself that you can, and will succeed.
Look at photos of things you want to get, achieve or do. This will strengthen your desire and make your subconscious mind work with you
Visualize your goals as achieved, adding a feeling of happiness and joy.
Remember, if a certain goal is really important, going through the above steps will strengthen your motivation, and keep you going forward.

Appreciation, Patience, Tolerance & Ethics / What is motivation?
« on: January 19, 2018, 12:54:08 PM »
It is the inner power that pushes you toward taking action and toward achievement. Motivation is powered by desire and ambition, and therefore, if they are absent, motivation is absent too.

Sometimes, you might have the desire to get something done, or to achieve a certain goal, but if the desire and ambition are not strong enough, you lack the push, the initiative, and the willingness to take the necessary action. in these cases, you lack of motivation and inner drive.

When there is motivation, there is initiative and direction, courage, energy, and the persistence to follow your goals.

A motivated person takes action and does whatever is needed to achieve his or her goals.

Motivation becomes strong, when you have a vision, a clear mental image of what you want to achieve, and also a strong desire to manifest it. In such a situation, motivation awakens inner strength and power, and pushes you forward, toward making your vision a reality.

Motivation can be applied to every action and goal. There can be motivation to study a foreign language, to get good grades at school, bake a cake, write a poem, take a walk every day, make more money, get a better job, buy a new house, own a business, or become a writer, a doctor or a lawyer.

Motivation is present, whenever there is a clear vision, precise knowledge of what you want to do, a strong desire, and faith in your abilities.

Motivation is one of the most important keys to success. When there is lack of motivation, you either get no results, or only mediocre ones, whereas, when there is motivation, you attain greater and better results and achievements.

Compare a student who lacks motivation and who hardly studies, to a student who is highly motivated, and who devotes many hours to his studies. Each student will get absolutely different grades.

Lack of motivation means lack of enthusiasm, zest and ambition, whereas the possession of motivation is a sign of strong desire, energy and enthusiasm, and the willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve what one sets out to do.

A motivated person is a happier person, more energetic, and sees the positive end result in his or her mind.

Appreciation, Patience, Tolerance & Ethics / 25 Positive Affirmations
« on: January 19, 2018, 12:51:36 PM »
1. I am healthy and happy.

2. Wealth is pouring into my life.

3. I am sailing on the river of wealth.

4. I am getting wealthier each day.

5. My body is healthy and functioning in a very good way.

6. I have a lot of energy.

7. I study and comprehend fast.

8. My mind is calm.

9. I am calm and relaxed in every situation.

10. I am at peace with myself and the world.

11. I forgive myself for all the mistakes I have done.

12. My thoughts are under my control.

13. I radiate love and happiness.

14. I am surrounded by love.

15. I have the perfect job for me.

16. I am living in the house of my dreams.

17. I have good and loving relations with my wife/husband.

18. I have a wonderful and satisfying job.

19. I have the means to travel abroad, whenever I want to.

20. I am successful in whatever I do.

21. Everything is getting better every day.

22. My mind are filled with positivity and my life is full with joy.

23. I think positive thoughts that attract happiness and prosperity into my life.

24. My efforts are fruitful, and all my plans turn out even better than I expected.

25. I have plenty of inspiration, motivation and courage, which help me achieve everything i want.

Choose the positive affirmations of your choice from this list, begin repeating them in accordance with the instructions set here, and you will see how your life will is beginning to improving.

Appreciation, Patience, Tolerance & Ethics / How to Repeat Affirmations
« on: January 19, 2018, 12:50:21 PM »
Choose positive affirmations that are not too long.
Repeat them often, when you are not busy with something that requires attention. It could be while traveling in a bus or a train, waiting in line, walking, etc. You may also repeat them in special sessions of 5-10 minutes each, several times a day. Be careful not repeat them while driving or crossing a street.
Be as relaxed as you can while repeating the sentence or sentences you have chosen.
Pay full attention to the words you are repeating.
Believe what you repeating, and feel that your desire has become true, or is in the process of becoming true. This will bring faster results.
Preferably, choose positive words with no negative connotations. If you want to lose weight, don't use words such as, "I am not fat", or "I am losing weight." These are negative statements, bringing into the mind mental images of what you do not want. Repeat instead, "I am getting slim", or "I have my ideal weight". Such words build positive images in your mind.
Use the present tense in your affirmations, not the future tense. Saying, "I will be rich", means that you intend to be rich one day, in the indefinite future, but not now. It is more effective to say, and also to feel, "I am rich now", and the subconscious mind will work at overtime to make this happen now, in the present.
By stating what you want to be true in your life, you mentally and emotionally see and feel it as true, irrespective of your current circumstances, and thereby attract it into your life.


Imagine that you are swimming with your friends in a swimming pool.

They swim fifteen rounds, something you have never done before, and since you want to win their respect, you want to show them that you can make it too.

You start swimming, and at the same time keep repeating in your mind, "I can do it, I can do it...". You keep thinking and believing that you are going to complete the fifteen rounds.

What are you actually doing? You are repeating positive affirmations.

In a different situation, you might find yourself repeating, "I cannot do this", "It's too big for me", "It is not going to work out", and consequently, lose ambition, motivation and faith, and actually bring about what you said to yourself.

It would be a good idea to pay attention to the words you repeat in your mind, to discover whether you are using negative statements, such as:

I cannot do this.
I am too lazy.
I lack inner strength.
I am going to fail.
If you discover that these, or similar words, run through your mind, you should do something to change them.

Your words and thoughts program the mind in the same way that commands and scripts program a computer.

Affirmations - Words with PowerAffirmations - Words with Power

Motivating and inspiring affirmations for every day and for every purpose, with all the guidance you need to make them work. You will learn how to use them effectively for improving your life and getting what you want.

Affirmations - Words with Power

Repeating positive statements helps you focus your mind on your aim. They also create corresponding mental images in the conscious mind, which affect the subconscious mind accordingly. In this way, you program your subconscious in accordance with your will. This process is similar to the way creative visualization works.

The conscious mind, the mind you think with, starts this process, and then the subconscious mind takes charge.

By using this process consciously and intently, you influence your subconscious mind, and in turn, it transforms your habits, behavior, attitude, and reactions, and even reshape your external life.

You might, how long it takes to get results. Things might happen immediately, in a few hours, in a few days, or take weeks or longer. This depends on your focus, faith, strength of desire, the feelings you put into the words, and on how big or small is your goal is.

It is important to understand that repeating positive affirmations for a few minutes, and then thinking negatively the rest of the day, neutralizes the effects of the positive words. If you want to get positive results you have to refuse to think negative thoughts.

Appreciation, Patience, Tolerance & Ethics / What Are Affirmations?
« on: January 19, 2018, 12:48:07 PM »

Let's start with explaining what they are.

Affirmations are positive statements that describe a desired situation or goal, and are often repeated, in order to get them impressed on the subconscious mind. Repeating them motivates, inspires, and programs the mind to act according to the repeated words.

This process triggers the subconscious mind to strive and to work on the person's behalf, to make the positive statements come true.

When you know how to use affirmations, you posssess a useful tool for achieving success and for improving your life.

Most people repeat in their minds negative words and statements concerning the situations and events in their lives, and consequently, create undesirable situations. Words work at both ways, to build or destroy. It is the way we use them that determines whether they are going to bring good or harmful results.

Your subconscious mind accepts as true what you keep saying. It attracts corresponding events and situations into your life. So why not choose only positive statements, in order to get positive results?

Creative visualization is a mental technique that uses the imagination to make dreams and goals come true.

Used in the right way, creative visualization can improve your life and attract to you success and prosperity.

It is a power that can alter your environment and circumstances, cause events to happen, and attract money, possessions, work, people and love into your life.

Creative visualization uses the power of the mind, and is the power behind every success.

Creative Visualization
By visualizing a certain event, situation, or an object, you attract it into our life. It is a process that is similar to daydreaming. For some people, this might look like magic, but there is no magic involved, only the natural process of the power of thoughts and natural mental laws. It is like having a genie at your disposal!

There are people who use this technique naturally in their everyday affairs, not being aware that they are using some sort of power. All successful people use it consciously or unconsciously, attracting the success they want into their life, by visualizing their goals as already accomplished.

How does it work and why?

The subconscious mind accepts the thoughts that you often repeat. When it accepts them, it changes your mindset accordingly, as well as your habits and actions. This brings you into contact with new people, situations and circumstances.

Thoughts are endowed with a creative power that molds your life, and attracts what you think about.

Thoughts travel from one mind to another, and if they are strong enough, they can be unconsciously picked up by people, who are in a position to help you achieve your desires and goals.

We are part of the Omnipotent Power that has created the universe, and therefore, we participate in the process of creation. Bearing this thought in mind, there is no wonder that thoughts materialize.

Stop for a moment and think - You are an indivisible part of the great Universal Power! This means that your thoughts can come true! Not all your thoughts, but those that are focused, well-defined, and often-repeated.

Thought is energy, especially a focused thought, soaked with emotional energy. Thoughts change the balance of energy around us, and bring changes to the environment in accordance with them.

Most people think and repeat certain thoughts quite often. They focus their thoughts on their current environment and situation, and therefore, create and recreate the same sort of events and circumstances.

Visualize and AchieveVisualize and Achieve Your Dreams

Learn how to turn your dreams into reality with simple creative visualization techniques. Improve your life, find love, attract money, create success and much more.

Simple mental techniques anyone can use.

Learn about Creative Visualization

This process preserves the same "world" and status quo. It is like watching the same film over and again. The good news is that you can change the film by changing your thoughts. You can visualize different circumstances and situations, and in this way, create a different "reality".

By changing your thoughts and mental images, you change your "Reality". You are not employing magic or supernatural powers, but using only natural powers and laws that everyone possesses. It is not something "Material" that you change. You only change your thoughts and attitude, but they change and reshape your world.

If, for example, you live in small apartment and need a larger one, instead of brooding about your fate and lack of money, change your thoughts and attitude, and visualize living in a bigger apartment. This is not difficult to do. It is like daydreaming.

Appreciation, Patience, Tolerance & Ethics / Overcoming Limited Thinking
« on: January 19, 2018, 12:44:35 PM »
Creative visualization can do great things, but for every person, there are some areas, which he or she might find hard to change, at least in the immediate future. The power of visualization is a mighty power, but there are some limits to using it. These limits are within us, not in the power.

We often limit ourselves and cannot look beyond a limited circle. We limit ourselves by our thoughts and beliefs. We limit ourselves to the life we know.

The more open-minded we can be, and the bigger we dare to think, the greater are our opportunities and possibilities. Limitations are within our minds, and it is up to us to rise above them.

It may take some time until things start to change. Simple, small demonstrations of this power may come fast, but bigger results may need a longer time to happen.

The time and effort put forth in this study are really worthwhile. Have faith and patience and results will start appearing.

Years ago, before I got married, I decided to visualize getting a date. I imagined myself sitting in a restaurant and talking with a girl. I focused on this image several times during the day, several minutes each time.

The next day, a women working in the same place where I worked, asked me if I can come to talk with her. I hardly ever spoke with her, maybe just saying good morning. I went to her desk, and she asked me whether I had a girlfriend. When she heard that I didn't, she proposed to introduce me to one of her friends, and then gave me her phone number.

When I got home, I called the girl, and asked her to meet me. We met on the same day in a restaurant, exactly as I visualized.

All this happened within about 24 hours. Surprising isn't it? This power can sometimes work really fast.

Oh, you are curious to know what happened with that date? Well, nothing, because she was not the type of girl I was looking for. I used the power of visualization rather haphazardly, not thinking about how I wanted her look like, about her character, etc. I just thought about meeting a girl, and it was a wish that came true.

Read inspiring and motivating stories about people who achieved success. This will inspire and motivate you, as well as show you what they actually did, so you can implement it in your life.
Use affirmations. These positive statements will sink into your subconscious mind, which in turn will guide, motivate, and inspire you to tale action.
This also applies to visualization, the creation of mental scenes of what you want to achieve or have.
You don't have to allow negative thoughts to thrive in your mind. You can put an end to this habit. Be on guard to replace you negative thoughts with constructive ones. Start paying attention to your thoughts, and as negative thoughts start circulating in your mind, calmly, and without using force, replace them with constructive, happy and positive thoughts.

You can make great changes in your life if you play the role of the doorkeeper of your mind.
Take action, don't be passive, in small matters and in big ones. If you keep busy doing things, there will be less likelihood of becoming negative, and a greater likelihood of being positive.
Explore this website, and you will find articles guidance and books about this subject.

A person with a positive attitude is willing to experiment, take action and do things. He or she do not accept things as they are, and expend efforts to follow goals. Such people believe that they will accomplish what they set their mind to do.

People with a positive frame of mind think about possibilities, growth, expansion and success. They expect happiness, health, love and good relationships. They think in terms of,
'I can'
'I am able'
'I will succeed'.

People with a positive attitude are not daunted by failures and obstacles. If things don't turn out well or as expected, they will try again. They approach what they do with a positive thinking frame of mind.

Positive attitude is a state of mind you can adopt. If you are earnest about it, you can build this state of mind.

True positive thinking is not just saying that everything will be okay, as a lip service, and at the same time think about failure. In order to bring beneficial changes and improvement into your life, a positive attitude has to become your predominant mental attitude throughout the day. It has to turn into a way of life.

Real and effective positive attitude requires that you focus on positive thoughts and emotions, and also take positive action.

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