- Posts:
- 368 (0.115 per day)
- Personal Text:
- Test
- Gender:
- Male
- Age:
- 35
- Location:
- Daffodil International University
- Facebook Profile:
- www.facebook.com/sahadat.daffodil
- Date Registered:
- May 09, 2016, 11:45:26 AM
- Local Time:
- February 17, 2025, 12:46:49 AM
- Last Active:
- January 01, 2023, 07:26:28 PM
Md.Sahadat HossainAdministrative Officer
Office of the Director of Administration
Daffodil Tower(DT)- 4
102/1, Shukrabad, Mirpur Road, Dhanmondi.
Email: da-office@daffodilvarsity.edu.bd
Cell & WhatsApp: 01847027549 IP: 65379