Daffodil International University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Science => English => Topic started by: Shahrear on April 22, 2010, 01:58:59 AM

Title: A Search for Knowledge
Post by: Shahrear on April 22, 2010, 01:58:59 AM
A human must know what knowledge is. One may look at something in many ways but in the nook of your heart you will concern to understand what is the real meaning of that thing and this meaning is called knowledge. We can not imitate or borrow it but we have to acquire it by feelings. So we may say that the intellectual power behind words and things or the truth behind words and things is knowledge. If we read an article we must not only read it but also understand the inner meaning. We should also feel by heart about the article thus we may get the knowledge of the article. Knowledge is the substance of everything of every thing and the goal of our life must be acquiring knowledge.  

Now a day’s people are interested to get a ready-made result of anything they want to understand things readily. Just go through any subject without understanding the proper meaning. They do not feel what they are learning. This process may get them a split success but will this success bring any permanent good to them? We often try heart and soul to understand things quickly so that we can do things quickly, but out come of this is imperfect knowledge, Knowledge takes a certain time to dissolve in a man. Get a firm devotion and keep on trying, you will be blessed by Knowledge. It will make you confident, provide you will of dong things, wash away your confusion and conflict.

If you run through the way of improper Knowledge you will surely struggle in life. You will not find a good life, it happens more with the unimaginative people. It is feeling and imagination that lead you towards Knowledge. You have to imagine perfect, feel from heart and reach the bottom of knowledge.

It is our ethical responsibilities to acquire Knowledge. A devoted heart is a must for dong this, if one does this duty, with the power of Knowledge one will surely succeed in life. Because it is the power of Knowledge which is precious, timeless and can make thing happen. Not the ready made meaning is important but Knowledge. So we should be aware of acquiring of knowledge. It will enlighten everybody and thus we can get a better society.

Knowledge has the power to bring happiness to human. It works from inside an abstract but efficient thing. A human becomes more than a human with this power. Only sun can be compared to knowledge, both removes dark slowly but surely. Therefore the ultimate goal of human life must be acquiring knowledge and enlighten things.

Md. Hasan Shahrear.
Title: Re: A Search for Knowledge
Post by: kulsum on April 22, 2010, 01:44:49 PM
Dear Shahriar,

(Congratulation for winning the first prize!)

How matured thinking! You are becoming wise....Read more not only book but the life around you.

Wish you to see as a LightHouse of Knowledge.

UK madam
Title: Re: A Search for Knowledge
Post by: Shamim Ansary on May 09, 2010, 04:19:09 PM
Yes, nice & mature post indeed! Carry on Shahrear.....
Title: Re: A Search for Knowledge
Post by: Shahrear on May 12, 2010, 03:01:44 AM
Thanx for great remarks

I am very happy to see the comments, i believe these sharing of ideals will generate great ideas one day.