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Topics - Md. Abdul Hye Zebon

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Interview prep 101 dictates that you should have your elevator pitch ready, a few stories polished (for the behavioral interview questions you’ll probably be asked), and a good sense of what you have to offer. So, how do you get there? Lots of practice, ideally aloud.

To help you better prepare for your next interview, here are 30 behavioral interview questions sorted by topic (in addition to over 40 common interview questions that you should be more than familiar with).

Behavioral interview questions require candidates to share examples of specific situations they’ve been in where they had to use certain skills. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, the answers “should provide verifiable, concrete evidence as to how a candidate has dealt with issues in the past.” In short, it’s a way to let your past work performance prove what you’re capable of doing in the future for this potential employer.

Not sure how to answer these questions from your interviewer? Here’s a quick guide on how to craft job-landing responses using the STAR interview method.

Behavioral Interview Questions 1-5
For questions like these, you want a story that illustrates your ability to work with others under challenging circumstances. Think team conflict, difficult project constraints, or clashing personalities.

1. Talk about a time when you had to work closely with someone whose personality was very different from yours.

2. Give me an example of a time you faced a conflict while working on a team. How did you handle that?

3. Describe a time when you struggled to build a relationship with someone important. How did you eventually overcome that?

4. We all make mistakes we wish we could take back. Tell me about a time you wish you’d handled a situation differently with a colleague.

5. Tell me about a time you needed to get information from someone who wasn’t very responsive. What did you do?

Behavioral Interview Questions 6-10
Client-facing Skills
If the role you’re interviewing for works with clients, definitely be ready for one of these. Find an example of a time where you successfully represented your company or team and delivered exceptional customer service.

6. Describe a time when it was especially important to make a good impression on a client. How did you go about doing so?

7. Give me an example of a time when you did not meet a client’s expectation. What happened, and how did you attempt to rectify the situation?

8. Tell me about a time when you made sure a customer was pleased with your service.

9. Describe a time when you had to interact with a difficult client. What was the situation, and how did you handle it?

10. When you’re working with a large number of customers, it’s tricky to deliver excellent service to them all. How do you go about prioritizing your customers’ needs?

Behavioral Interview Questions 11-15
Ability to Adapt
Times of turmoil are finally good for something! Think of a recent work crisis you successfully navigated. Even if your navigation didn’t feel successful at the time, find a lesson or silver lining you took from the situation.

11. Tell me about a time you were under a lot of pressure. What was going on, and how did you get through it?

12. Describe a time when your team or company was undergoing some change. How did that impact you, and how did you adapt?

13. Tell me about the first job you’ve ever had. What did you do to learn the ropes?

14. Give me an example of a time when you had to think on your feet in order to delicately extricate yourself from a difficult or awkward situation.

15. Tell me about a time you failed. How did you deal with the situation?

Behavioral Interview Questions 16-20
Time Management Skills
In other words, get ready to talk about a time you juggled multiple responsibilities, organized it all (perfectly), and completed everything before the deadline.

16. Tell me about a time you had to be very strategic in order to meet all your top priorities.

17. Describe a long-term project that you managed. How did you keep everything moving along in a timely manner?

18. Sometimes it’s just not possible to get everything on your to-do list done. Tell me about a time your responsibilities got a little overwhelming. What did you do?

19. Tell me about a time you set a goal for yourself. How did you go about ensuring that you would meet your objective?

20. Give me an example of a time you managed numerous responsibilities. How did you handle that?

Behavioral Interview Questions 21-25
Communication Skills
You probably won’t have any trouble thinking of a story for communication questions, since it’s not only part of most jobs; it’s part of everyday life. However, the thing to remember here is to also talk about your thought process or preparation.

21. Give me an example of a time when you were able to successfully persuade someone to see things your way at work.

22. Describe a time when you were the resident technical expert. What did you do to make sure everyone was able to understand you?

23. Tell me about a time when you had to rely on written communication to get your ideas across to your team.

24. Give me an example of a time when you had to explain something fairly complex to a frustrated client. How did you handle this delicate situation?

25. Tell me about a successful presentation you gave and why you think it was a hit.

Behavioral Interview Questions 26-30
Motivation and Values
A lot of seemingly random interview questions are actually attempts to learn more about what motivates you. Your response would ideally address this directly even if the question wasn’t explicit about it.

26. Tell me about your proudest professional accomplishment.

27. Describe a time when you saw some problem and took the initiative to correct it rather than waiting for someone else to do it.

28. Tell me about a time when you worked under close supervision or extremely loose supervision. How did you handle that?

29. Give me an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or difficult about it?

30. Tell me about a time you were dissatisfied in your work. What could have been done to make it better?

Before you jump into your next job, do yourself a favor and get to know yourself a little better. There are many personality assessments out there and benefits to taking different ones. Knowing your personality type is important for your career success so you can determine what the best career is for you.

10 Best Personality Assessments For Your Career

MBTI (Myers Briggs)
One of my favorites is the MBTI (Myers-Briggs). I took it in my first job out of college and realized I am an introvert and that was why I felt so different around my co-workers. MBTI is an introspective self-report questionnaire designed to indicate psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is the most popular personality assessment tool.

StrengthsFinder assessment is very helpful in identifying the areas where you have the greatest potential for building strength and how to use those strengths. It’s important to focus on y our strengths in your career rather than trying to improve your weaknesses. You’ll be more energized and fulfilled if you are working in your strengths which is why this is one of my favorite personality assessments.  This is a must for all job searchers and entrepreneurs.
[RELATED: 4 Personality Traits That Make Women Successful]

Enneagram Test

The enneagram is a profound and powerful guide to understanding your personality and inner workings. The Enneagram is a personality typing system that consists of nine different types. Everyone is considered to be one single type, although one can have traits belonging to other ones.

Insights Discovery

Insights Discovery begins by helping you to uncover who you are and how you interact with others. Every Discovery Personal Profile provides information on an individual’s strengths and weaknesses, communications style, and their value to a team. It uses a simple and accessible four color model to understand an individual’s unique preferences. Then you can measure these preferences based on responses to a short online evaluator.

Values in Action (VIA) Survey
The VIA Survey of Character Strengths is a simple self-assessment that takes less than 15 minutes and provides a wealth of information to help you understand your core characteristics. It focuses on your best qualities and you’ll be able to discover your strengths and values when you are finished.

DISC Personality Testing
DISC Personality Profile Assessment is based on answers to the 12 short questions. It’s fast and it’s free.  You can probably finish it in less than 10 minutes. You can use the results to gain insights to better understand why you communicate the way you do and how you can communicate with others more effectively.

Social Styles
Since Social Styles is a behavioral style model, it has been used by thousands of organizations to improve leadership performance and sales results.  It is powerful because it’s easy to understand and easy to apply with others.  It will make your relationships more effective.

16 personalities will help you learn a lot about yourself particularly the effects of your personality on forming and maintaining relationships.

5 Love Languages
You can take the 5 Love Languages official assessment to discover your love language and begin improving your relationships. It will explain your primary love language, what it means, and how you can use it to connect to others.

123 Test DISC personality test
This free DISC personality test determines your DISC type and personality profile quickly. Find out how the DISC factors, Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance predict your behavior towards others and the everyday things you do. This assessment is designed to test your personality by calculating your personal DISC profile based on your everyday typical behavior.
The goal of knowing about personality type is to understand and appreciate differences between people. As all types are equal, there is no best type.

Are you looking for different career courses after 12th , worried about your career , Confused what to choose after 12th .Well ,here you can find the list of courses  you can opt for after your 12th.
Education till 12th is very important that makes a strong base of students but what is more important than that comes after the 12th when you need to choose a stream (course) or to choose a career path. Till 12th  , a student is taught all the basic subjects with no such wide branches or stream that they need to choose after 12th.All the subjects are basic and are meant to help students to develop their interest in any particular stream.
So students develop their interest till 12th , what is next ? They need to choose a stream of subjects and course. This is very crucial  period of any student as they need to choose a right course.
Right career course to choose.
It is very important to choose a right course specially after 12th because it is the stepping stone of your career. The career course you choose after the completion of your 12th decides what and where you are going to be in your future.
Many students not able to decide or they do not have the proper guidance on which course to choose or which course is suitable for them. Because of this they end up with choosing any course which they regret after doing. So choosing a right career course after 12th is very important.
So to choose a right course , one should be aware of the different courses available and also what the courses are all about . Likewise there are different questions a student should clear before choosing any particular stream or course. For this, students can also go for career counselling  but for now you can see the list of courses after 12th in different streams – Art / commerce / Science.

Different people are meant for different jobs. Your personality type can actually lead you to the perfect career. Of course, not everyone knows their exact personality type, which means that finding the career type that is right for them could be difficult. Are you a leader? Are you a helper? Are you good at convincing people of something? It’s hard to know!

But don’t worry, because just answering the questions on the infographic below will help guide you to the type of career that you’ve always wanted.

Career Planning / Career Options Roadmap-2
« on: April 05, 2020, 07:18:10 PM »
Question: "I am a commerce graduate with 44%. I have done PGDBA corespondence from Symbiosis Institute of Pune. Can I do B'ed from MDU regular?"

Answer from Ashwani Mohan:

Dear aspirants, I would like to appreciate because you came on right platform. As per your question that you are graduate with forty four percent and you have completed PGDBA. Now you want to do B.Ed from MDU in regular mode. Now I want to suggest you one thing, whenever you are going to join any field or you want to do any course, you must know everything about particular field.
Now , I want to make you aware about admission in B.Ed from any University in India. For taking admission in B.Ed in any university in India, you have to go through entrance exam. After passing entrance exam, you will be able to take admission in B.Ed.
But again I want to make you aware about one another fact that after doing B.Ed, you will get hardly any job on the basis of B.Ed and graduation in commerce because you have less marks in graduations. If you want to go for higher education M.Ed after B.Ed, you can go ahead but take care of one thing that you will have to do P.hd also.
If you do not want to go for higher education and you want to focus only 10+2 teaching after doing B.Ed, again I will suggest you that It will not be very good options for you. It will be better for you, if you hunt any job in account or HR field. If you do job in the field of account or HR, you will get experience, money and satisfaction. Along with your job, you can continue your study and you can grow in your professional life. If you passionate for teaching, go for B.Ed but do not leave your core commerce field. If you get job in teaching, enjoy. If not, go for doing job in your core field.

Answer from Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD :

Hello Dear BEd Aspirant,
I understand from your query posted that you are a commerce graduate and also done your PG and wish to get into the teaching field by doing BEd.
I am glad at the outset that you decided to approach CareerGuide for seeking guidance to your query.
I congratulate you for completing graduation and pgd in business administration from SCDL.
I have been an educationist for more than seven years now and have counselled many students from diverse fields of commerce / finance / law / management / engineering, etc. I am also an author and my articles have been published nation wide for more than ten years now.

After doing your commerce and pgd in business administration, how and why did you feel to take up BEd course? BEd as you know is a bachelor of education course and helps candidates and makes them eligible to teach in schools and junior colleges.
You have secured 44% in commerce and you now want to get admission to BEd course. According to my information, 44% does not stand the eligibility test for admission to BEd, the minimum percentage required id 50%.
Your PGDBA will not be considered as a post gradaute qualification since it is not offered by a University and is not a degree not an AICTE recognised PG Diploma.
My Dear Aspirant, I think you should re think on your decision to go BEd course and get into teaching sector.
For becoming a lecturer or a teacher in an average college or school, good academics in terms of good marks, percentage (preferably first class) is a must. Without this I do not think one can get a job.

I would like to propose another alternative to you:
Pursue MCom and study hard and sincerely and try and manage to get atleast 55%-65% in the master degree.
Due to MCom you will become a master degree holder and also you will get eligible to appear for BEd.
Apart from BEd, on the basis of MCom, you get eligible to appear for UGC's NET / SET examinations which are for lecturers and professors in bschools and senior colleges.
If you do MCom with good marks, you bad record of 44% in BCom can be wiped off and it will also help you change your direction to senior colleges as lectuere or professor.

Best Luck

Career Planning / Career in BBA or B Com, Which is better ?
« on: April 05, 2020, 06:29:26 PM »
The choice between BBA or B Com solely depends upon your inclination, aptitude and passion. Each is a 3 year course after 12th and offers multiple career choices.
As the New Year rolls around, and the merriment around us subsides and we go back to our routine, we realize its that time of the year again!
It’s that time of the year where millions of students around the world are excited and nervous. They have started organizing all of their documents and mark sheets, settling in rigid timetables to prepare for exams and writing numerous essays.

You guessed it right, it is the beginning of the admission season!
Millions of students are busy planning their careers and preparing for respective exams. This time is confusing, exciting, scary and all other emotions that make your stomach turn. It is a very important time in your life and as troubling.
Some students already have decided which career they want to pursue. Some students are still confused about what they want to do. Everyone needs assistance and guidance while making a call about their careers, and every little help is appreciated.
In this blog, we are going to talk about two career options many students across the nation get in a dilemma about: to pursue Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA) or Bachelors of Commerce (B.Com).
Both the degrees expose you to different curriculum and open up multiple career avenues to you. Both of the degrees have their own different and independent course and curriculum. In this blog, we will also talk about post-graduation options which are popular amongst students who pursue either of the degrees.
Whether you opt for Bcom. or BBA, it entirely depends on your inclination, preference, and aptitude as well. Both the courses are 3 years Bachelor courses post HSC/12th and both provide a wide range of further career options.
Before going into more depth of the subjects, let’s look at the basics like what are the courses exactly.

B.Com or Bachelor Of Commerce is an undergraduate degree in the field of commerce or management. The course is basically designed for students who are good with numbers.

BBA or Bachelor of Business Administration is a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. This course is for students who have good managerial skills. The course mainly includes basic business studies and advanced with specific focuses as well.

What Course Should You Pursue, BBA or B.Com?
Generally, people who want to pursue B.Com want to be hardcore financial number crunchers, they are people generally devoted to financing sector and even if they pursue MBA after B.Com they generally choose finance as their area of specialization. Besides doing an MBA, they can also choose to do M.Com, CA, ICWA.
They can also join jobs in the accounts department of companies, or they can also work with banks and finance and tax consultants.
BBA course is a more comprehensive course which aims to better equip the student with other aspects of business besides finance like Human Resource, Marketing, Operations and Systems.
BBA courses are industry-tailored courses aimed at equipping the student with requisite managerial skills.
Students who graduate in BBA can pursue their post-graduation only in MBA; alternatively, they can also seek employment in companies as management trainees.
Some people may also decide to pursue a part-time MBA while working. As a BBA graduate, you can seek to specialize in finance as well as streams other than finance such as HR, Operations, Productions, Materials Management, Marketing and Systems.

Now let’s have a look at which career avenues open up for you after pursuing B.Com.
The top 5 options for students who have opted for B Com are

1.CA (Chartered Accountant),

2.CS (Company secretary),

3. ICWA (Institute of Costs and Work Accounts) or CMA (Cost Management Accounting),

4.FM (Financial Management),

5.CA (Cost Accountant).

1.CA (Chartered Accountant)
Chartered Accountants are basically those who audit financial statements, fill up corporate taxes, give financial advice, etc. CA’s deal with areas like Taxation, Accounting & auditing, applied finance, management accounting, etc.

2. CS (Company Secretary)
Company secretaries are the ones who basically run the companies. Their primary role in a company is to look after the day to day running of the company. they have to look after the legal, administrative, and many more functions in a company.

3. ICWA (Institute of Cost and Management Accounts)
The CMAs are the specialists who deal with framing the business strategies and value generation. It is their job to draft and put in effect everything that deals with the financial conservation of the company.

4. Financial Management
Financial Manager’s job is to manage the finances of the company. It is his work to make sure that the funds available should be spent effectively. His job affects the profits and losses of the company.

5. Cost Accountant
There is a difference is Chartered Accountant and Cost Accountant. Initially, the subjects covered in both are the same. But the job of Cost Accountant is to plan the annual or yearly budget. Whereas chartered accountant has to audit the budget.

Now let’s move on and have a look at career options after pursuing BBA.
According to research, the 5 most sought fields in BBA include

1. HR (Human Resource) Manager,

2. Operations Team Leader, 

3. Project Manager,

4. SAP (Solution Application Product) Consultant,

5. Business Development Executive.

1.HR(Human Resource) Manager
The vital job of a HR manager is to administer and maintain the HR department. A new recommendation in a company is raw and needs to be worked on. It is his work to recruit new employees in the company and then look after their overall well being.

2. Operations Team Leader(OTL)
The OTL’s job is to deal with the administration of the services provided to the customer of the company. They also work towards maintaining the condition of the building & equipments of the company.

3. Project Manager
The Project Manager is the link between the higher authorities and the working staff. He leads and reports the functioning and progress of the projects taken over by the company. He is responsible to look after and set the project effectively.

4. SAP (Solutions Application Product) Consultant
The SAP consultant is responsible to help the companies to deal with the SAP software programs that the companies face. He helps them be up to date with the upgrades and new technologies that run the world. To inform them about the new suitable keywords of the technological world.

5.Business Development Executive
The job of a Business Development Executive is to basically analyze the current market and business trends. He has to create plans to boost up the business. He also provides with the outlining of costing and accurately investing the money in the project.

Here is the snapshot of Career options for BBA and B Com

MBA After BBA or B Com

Let’s talk about post-graduation now. Further education is an important next step for many students, and the number of students enrolling for post-graduation and master’s degrees is increasing steadily. 12% of Indian students are enrolled for masters degrees.
A masters degree gives you a deeper understanding of the field. You gain expertise in the field and it improves your chances of securing a better, well-paying job. As a masters degree indicates that you have in-depth knowledge of the field and you are an expert in the field, you become a desirable employee for many employers. It gives you an edge over other candidates.
An MBA or Masters of Business Administration is one of the most popular choices for masters education for students from across multiple fields. An MBA opens the door to highly paid managerial positions.
Now there are many specialisations in MBA like Human Resource, Information Technology to name a few. You can choose a specialization of your liking and pursue a successful career.
Let’s have a walkthrough about MBA and the multiple types.
When one has to decide which one is better between BCom & BBA, well, that depends on the individual’s choice and preference. One person can find the play with numbers interesting of Bcom. Other people can find the management and administration of BBA catchy.
Now considering the MBA point of view, people prefer to do MBA with their BBA degree. According to a few surveys, the number of people doing MBA with BBA is higher than with BCom.
Also, there is more scope to get better a salaried job, promotions & salary hikes with an MBA degree.
Moreover, the cheat benefit of doing MBA after BBA is that the subjects taught in MBA are the detailed version of that in BBA. MBA has initially hit the big blue button for BBA students.

MBA options after BBA
There are two types of MBAs,

1. General MBA
2. Specialised MBA

General MBA
General MBA has the basics of the management. It has the main subjects of management like:

1. Accounting,
2. Financial Management,
3. Funds Management,
4. Marketing strategies,
5. Operations Management,
6. Human resource management, etc.

Specialized MBA
The special MBA deals with the detailed study of some of the core or main subjects of the MBA course. The subjects for specialization are as follows:

1. Masters in Human Resources,
2. Masters in Finance,
3. Masters in Information Technology(IT),
4. Masters in Marketing Management,
5. Masters in International Business.

1.Masters in HR
MBA in HR is a 2-year course post-degree program for students who want to be into employee management. The students are given special training in programs like to get to plan new strategies, recruitment, hiring and training new employees etc.

2.Masters in Finance
Students who are good with numbers, and possess skills in economics and financial theories opt for Masters in finance. The course mainly deals with investments, investment strategies, local and global economics, mergers and acquisitions(M&A), etc.

3.Masters in IT
Today’s business is completely based on technology. It is very crucial for business these days. This 2-year course had the study of IT project management, Information security, System analysis, & Emerging technical changes. All these are immensely vital for the growth of business in today’s date.

So concluding, BBA is better for MBA than B Com.

BBA & Science Stream
Many students who are in the stream of science wonder if they can opt for BBA as well. The answer to their question would be a big YES! Actually, BBA is a platform where students learn about how to deal with business activities. Hence, it doesn’t at all in any way affect their science background or BBA career.
The course teaches the students the basics of business activities, principles, ethics, etc. The skills of presenting oneself, ways and manners of speaking while dealing with clients are also taught.
So if you are a Science student and want to go for BBA, it is a definite go-go for you.

Here are some of the post-graduation options after BBA or B Com.

MBA is one of the most sought courses in accounting courses. MBA in finance is the one students opt for often. The following are taught in MBA finance:

1. Accounting
2. Financial Planning
3. Banking
4. Corporate Finance
5. During the course, the students are prepared for various careers like International finance, corporate finance, certified account management, etc.

CA Chartered Accountant is another option very popular amongst students who want to make a career with numbers. As we saw earlier, a CA is someone who audits their accounts for the people. His job is to prepare and analyze the financial reports of organisations.

The course for CA takes place in 3 steps-
CPT (Common Proficiency Test) is the first step toward becoming a professional CA. The test is an MCQ Multiple Choice Question) of 200 marks with 0.25 negative marks per the wrong answer.

IPCC (Integrated Professional Competence Course)is the next level of the entire CA course. Its a total 9-month study course which includes the following:

A complete orientation course of a total of 35 hours.
1. IT (Information Technology) training of 100 hours.
2. Appearing for the inter exams
3. Enrol for the 3-year internship

C. CA  final

It is the last stage of becoming a CA. The end step is as follows:

1. Clearing the final CA exam during the last 6 months of the Internship or Articleship.
2. Complete the internship.
3. Complete the GMCS (General Management & Communication Skills) of 15 days.
4. Enroll yourself as a ICAI member.

Cost Accounting is where the students have to deal with how to manage and strategize the finances available with the company.
Just like CA, Cost Accounting too has three levels, namely: Foundation, Intermediate & Final course.

A. The Foundation course consists of total 4 papers:

1. Fundamentals of Economics & Management,
2. Fundamentals of Accounting,
3. Fundamentals of Laws & Ethics,
4. Fundamentals of Business Mathematics & Statistics.

BBA and B.Com Course Structure
B.Com syllabus comprises Business Organization & Management/Business and Industrial Laws/Business Mathematics and Statistics/Computer Applications in Business/Business Environment,
Accountancy (Financial and Cost Accountancy)/ Financial Management, Company Law, Taxation, Economics,
Marketing Management, International Trade, Human Resource Management.

BBA Syllabus comprises Principles of Management, Business Mathematics and Statistics, Business Economics,
Operations Research, Financial and Management Accounting, Production and Materials Management, Personnel
Management and Industrial Relations, Marketing Management, Business data processing, Business Laws.

Choice of College
There are very few good colleges offering BBA course whereas the number of well-known colleges offering B.Com course are plenty. If you are chalked out for hard course finance, then you might opt for B.Com even if you get selected for BBA, due to the college reputation.

On the other hand, if you are open to exploring management streams including as well as other than Finance and you also want to study a course for getting quickly absorbed in the corporate/business sector then you might opt for BBA.

Several times it is difficult to make up your mind so in that case, it is best to take an aptitude test to understand what you are best suited for.

To Sum Up……

Choice, of Course, depends on:

1. Aptitude of student
2. Score of student in entrance
3. College reputation
4. Career prospects
5. Opportunities
6. Constraints
It is advisable not to think of how much money you will be able to make but carefully analyze your interests and aptitudes before choosing an alternative and then steadily work towards honing your aptitude and skills in your specific area of interest. From the broader approach, the narrower and reach your pinnacle.

We hope that this blog has helped you understand both degrees, their course structures and opportunities that come up after your graduation.

Career Planning / Career Options Roadmap
« on: April 05, 2020, 05:44:26 PM »

Answer from Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD
Hello My Dear Career Aspirant,
I am glad and thank you that you decided to approach for seeking guidance and clarification to your career concern.
In understand from your query that you are a BA graduate and currently working in ann MNC as a front desk executive. Now you wish to grow in your career and wish to know what can be done. I am very happy by your thought that you wish to grow and for that you wish to do some thing on the academic front.

Enhancing your career:
You are a stage of your career where you require career enhancement and that too definitely from the academic educational side.
Doing a front office executive job is a good job, but does not offer growth prospects in terms of salary, job profile and satisfaction. There fore considering your BA background, you definitely need to do some thing now to come out of monotony of same work.

MBA will be ideal way out:
In my more than seven years of career counselling experience, I have seen many candidates who are stuck in their jobs after their graduation. I would suggest the same thing for you which I suggest them.
I think you are an ideal candidate for joining an MBA course. Since you have not mentioned how many years of experience you now have with you, if your years of experience crosses 3 years, then you can do an MBA part time basis from a local reputed Institute. If you are below 3 years, then you will have to wait for completion of 3 years to join an MBA part time. However please note that there are some Institutes which have the eligbility as min. five years for admission to part time or executive MBA.
Here I would strongly like to suggest you to opt for top rated MBA BSchool and if it require you to put in study and practice and coaching for clearing entrance and interview, you should do it.
Doing an MBA just for the sake of it from an average Institute will be waste of time and energy.
If you can afford to leave your current job, then I would suggest you to go for full time class room based campus MBA formfrom a reputed MBA BSchool.
Other option after BA you can do are shown in the below picture for your reference.

I am sure that you will do something good and excel in your career.

All the Best!

Career Grooming / Everything You Need to Know About Career Development
« on: March 31, 2020, 12:11:05 PM »
Are you choosing or changing your occupation? Maybe you just want to learn more about career development in general. A good foundation begins with the basics. Learn all about the whats, hows, whys, and even the whos of this process that encompasses our entire lives.

What is Career Development?
Let's go back to the basics of the basics—a definition of the topic itself. What exactly is career development? It sounds like a journey on which we can choose to embark, but, in reality, it is something all of us go through naturally as we develop and mature. As one part of human development, it is the process through which our work identities are formed. Career development spans our entire lives, beginning with the moment one becomes aware of different occupations and that people work to make a living.

What is a Career, Anyway?
We use this word all the time, but what does it really mean? It has a few meanings. We can use it to describe one's occupation or vocation. For example "Careers in entertainment include singer, actor, musician and dancer." The word can also be used to refer to the series of jobs one has over his or her lifetime, such as "When Ann retired at age 65, she had had a long career in medicine." Jobs included in one's career, when defined this way, can be related to one another, but they don't have to be, for example, "Jim's career included working as a carpenter, a sales representative, and a short-order cook."

What is Career Guidance?
Career development will occur without any intervention, but getting assistance can help get you through the process more smoothly and with greater success. Career guidance is the term used to refer to the combination of services that help people navigate the process. It includes assistance with making an occupational choice and finding a job, in addition to other services that will support you during the course of your working life.

Who Can Help Me With Career Development?
You may, at various junctures, require help. There are several types of professionals who can provide guidance. They include career counselors, career development facilitators, and coaches. It is imperative, when you hire one of these professionals, to consider his or her credentials. You want to make sure he or she has the proper qualifications and is trained to provide the assistance you need.

Can I Take a Test That Will Tell Me What to Do With My Life?
Imagine a test that could tell you what career is best for you and all you had to do was answer a few questions. Wouldn't that make navigating this whole career development thing so much easier? Unfortunately, such a test doesn't exist. When people refer to "career tests" what they are actually talking about are the collection of self-assessment tools that help individuals discover their interests, personality types, aptitudes, and values. They can then use what they learn about themselves to find occupations that are good matches for individuals with those traits.

How Do I Explore My Options?
After completing your self assessment, you've been left with a list of occupations that seem interesting. However, you probably don't know as much as you should about a lot of them. It's time to start gathering information. Several might appeal to you based on their descriptions and earnings. Make sure you also find out what the educational requirements are for entry-level jobs, as well as the job outlooks. You need to know your chances of finding a job when you are ready.

Why Do I Need a Career Action Plan?
A career action plan is a roadmap that will get you from Point A to Point B. Point A is the moment, after doing a thorough self-assessment and investigating suitable occupations, that you decide which one you want to pursue. You will reach Point B after you have met all the requirements that will allow you to begin to work in the occupation you chose. Your plan will include your long and short term goals and can even take you beyond Point B, as you make plans for career advancement. It's also smart to invest in your career plan.

Can I Change My Career?
The career you chose when you were 18 or 22 or 30 may no longer be right for you. Perhaps you no longer find it satisfying or the demand for employees has changed and you can't find a job. You can change your career as long as you are willing to do what it takes to prepare to enter a new field. Just as you did—or should have done—when choosing the career you are now opting to leave, investigate your options fully before you move ahead.

Workplace Behavior / How to Ask for a Raise
« on: March 30, 2020, 03:51:48 PM »
So you want to make more money. Big deal. That’s not important to your boss. Simply going in and telling her that you want a raise isn’t going to get you one. You have to know how to negotiate. More importantly, you’re going to need to prepare ahead of time to even make negotiation a possibility.

Here’s the essential guide to what you need to know about asking for a raise.

Your Boss Doesn’t Want to Give You One

It’s a harsh reality, but your boss doesn’t want to give you a raise in 99 cases out of a hundred. Part of what keeps her business profitable is keeping overhead low. Often times the biggest overhead cost in a company is labor. That’s a huge hurdle to overcome from the word go.

But hey, there’s some good news. Your boss might not want to give you a raise, but she probably -- hopefully, if you’re asking for more money -- wants to retain you as an employee. That’s where you’re going to find leverage to ask for a raise. It’s not about threatening to walk. That’s never a good bargaining tactic. However, you have to look at asking for a raise less in terms of what you want (more money) than what you can do for your boss (more value).

Never, Ever, Ever Bring Up A Colleague’s Salary

This is the kiss of death. It doesn’t matter what someone else is making and you’re probably not even supposed to know what they’re making. Nothing is going to shoot your request for a raise in the foot quite so fast and suddenly as referencing what other people on your team are making. If you go down this route, don’t be surprised if you get shown the door instead of a fat new paycheck.

Don’t Talk About How You’re Doing The Work of Multiple Employees

Telling your boss you’re doing the work of two, three, or even 10 people isn’t an argument for giving you a raise. It’s an argument for hiring new talent. This is especially true if you work for a company that hasn’t fully recovered from the recession in terms of how many people are on staff. Chances are good that you’re not the only one who feels this way. Simply being “busy” is not a sufficient reason for a raise.

Your Last Raise Is Irrelevant

Don’t bring up the last time you got a raise if you haven’t gotten one in a long time. It’s an irrelevant piece of information and one of the surest ways to start things out on the wrong foot. The overriding theme here is that you have to convince your boss that your current performance merits a raise.

Bringing up how long ago your last raise was can be perceived as whining. That’s not going to get you a bigger paycheck.

So Is the Date

This is a common mistake among younger employees who might be on their first job. Older employees sometimes suffer from this, too. The difference is, Millennials will say “I’ve been here a year now” and Gen Xers will say “I’ve been here for ten years now.” Your boss probably knows about when she hired you and about how long you’ve been with the company. So what?

Loyalty is great, but it’s not an argument for increasing your salary, at least not on its own.

Your Personal Finances Don't Matter

If you’re having trouble paying your bills, that’s unfortunate, but it’s not going to get you a raise. Your boss might care that you’re broke, but it’s not going to make her want to increase your pay. Your personal finances are just that — personal. You’re going to need a much stronger argument if you want to see your pay get bumped up.

So how do you start working on getting a salary increase?

Perform For the Salary You Want, Not the One You Have

You might get a regular salary increase as part of your performance review cycle. If so, that’s what your boss has budgeted for you when you’re not going above and beyond. So if you’re just kind of doing what you’re supposed to be doing, that’s not good enough when it comes to asking for a raise. You have to be one of the top go-getters in the company, and your boss has to know it.

That means you need consistently outstanding performance reviews. It also means you should do more than that. You should take on additional responsibilities almost as if you were angling for a big promotion rather than just an increase in salary. The key here is to be able to point to ways you’re creating more value for your employer. Creating more value is the only solid argument for a raise — not that you haven’t had a raise in a long time, and certainly not that you just need more money.

Let Your Boss Know You’re Performing

Of course you could be doing the best job in the world and it wouldn’t matter if your boss doesn’t know you’re doing it. Communicate what you’re doing — and do it in a way that doesn’t come across like you’re bragging. Otherwise, you could get a reputation as more of a sycophant than a high performer.

The last thing you want to do is bomb your boss with a laundry list of things you’ve done all at once. It’s better to simply inform her of your accomplishments as they make sense to communicate. When are they relevant for her to know? The first opportunity you have to, in the proper context, communicate your accomplishments, tell your boss what you did. Try to keep it objective. “I did such and thus and this is the relevant metric” is how you want to phrase it.

Consider Making Your Own Personnel File

One way to have all of your ducks in a row is having your own private personnel file. This is where you keep all of your accomplishments and achievements on hand. It’s good to get into this practice whenever you start a new job. That way, when the time comes to ask for a raise, you have everything where you need it. This is one of those little moves that high achievers perform to set themselves aside from the rest of the pack.

Don’t just include things that you’re doing on the job, either. Any extra-curricular activities you have that might be relevant to your job should go in here. Don’t be afraid to toot your own horn a little. Consider it a sort of “super resume.” You might even be able to use it when you apply for your next position.

Do Your Research

One of the worst things you can say when you walk into your boss’ office to ask for a raise is, “I know the timing is bad.” The timing is perhaps the most important part of this. So before you talk about a raise, investigate the financial health of the company. Maybe the timing is bad. That means you need to wait until the timing is good.

Arming yourself with information about the financial state of the company has benefits beyond simply being able to time your proposal right. It also arms you with important metrics about the company you can use when asking for a raise. Your boss will be impressed that you know as much about the company as you do.

Know How Much to Ask For

Many employees has been caught off guard with the question, “How much were you looking for?” When you research your company, you should also research what people are making in comparable positions at comparably sized companies. You can tailor that up or down depending on experience, but having a solid idea of what you actually want in terms of a raise is going to help you to not flinch and lock up when the boss asks how much you’re looking for.

Prepare Your Case and Practice Your Pitch
Look at asking for a raise like you would at one of the biggest proposals you’ll ever have. You don’t want to go in cold. So prep your case and practice with an objective person who can give you meaningful feedback about what works and what could maybe work a little better. Have all your ducks in a row in your head before you go into your boss’ office and ask for a raise.

And, oh yeah: Don’t just go into your boss’ office and ask for a raise. Instead, schedule a meeting and make your pitch there. If your boss asks why you are scheduling a meeting, tell her that you want to talk about your performance.

Have Your Resume In Order

Here’s the thing: Anytime you ask for a raise, it’s a gamble. Be prepared to walk out or be terminated. It’s not that this will happen in every scenario. It’s just that it wouldn’t be the first time a person lost their job after asking for a raise.

But if you follow these tips and you’re providing value for your employer, that won’t be high on your list of worries. In fact, these tips will significantly increase your chance of getting the raise you’re after. If nothing else, your boss will be impressed with your professionalism and tenacity.


There are a few common interview questions that you can expect and prepare for. Often the questions should not be taken purely at face value as they indicate that the interviewer is trying to reveal deeper information about your character and work style.

So here are the topmost questions that you are most likely to be asked during the interview process, along with a suitable answer.

You don’t need to memorize an answer, but do review these common interview questions so you know what you’ll be asked and have an idea of how you will respond. This advance preparation will help you feel more confident and less on the spot during the interview.















Winning Interview Techniques / 10 JOB INTERVIEW SUCCESS TIPS
« on: March 30, 2020, 03:27:06 PM »
Job interviews can be so stressful. There’s nothing worse than going into an interview and realizing you are completely unprepared for the questions being asked, or how to handle yourself. The hardest part of the job search should be getting the interview (read this to learn how you can get a job interview every time you apply for a job).


Once you’ve got there, we need to make sure YOU are prepared for showing how amazing you really are. That’s why I’m sharing all the best tips to ace job interviews!

When I got laid off from my first job (ever!), I had to learn to be REALLY good at interviews. All of a sudden, I was 6 months out of college, with a lost job and interviewing…again. I knew I was the odd one out. I did tons of research, talked to career coaches, the works, and figured out the best tips for interviewing.
Now I’m sharing them here! In the past, I’ve shared things you should never do in a job interview and how to prepare for a job interview, make sure you read these posts because they will be super valuable in this process.

10 Job Interview Success Tips

Find a Professional Outfit
Finding something great to wear in an interview is tough! You want to make a great first impression. There is no dress code though!
When you walk into an interview, you want to capture the full hiring manager’s attention with your personality and accomplishments and show your professionalism. Don’t wear something that catches their attention from your clothing, dress simple but professional. I would stay away from jeans. If you are stuck on an outfit, try black dress pants, a white shirt and flats or heels!

If you are interviewing a field that involves clothing, like fashion, then you definitely want to show your style. Otherwise, make the interview about you, and not what you are wearing. Even when I interviewed at Conde Nast, I wore something stylish but simple. Try shopping at stores like H&M if you need a good interview outfit – they have totally affordable clothes that are still professional and cute.

Have Positive, Engaging Body Language

Did you know that a massive part of how we feel about others is their body language towards us? When you go into an interview, watch your body language. Try keeping your back straight, chin up and shoulders down. Maintain eye contact and try and emulate confidence. This will show everyone that you are a great fit for the job! And show your great communication skills.

If you are feeling nervous or underconfident, try standing in a power pose for a minute or two in a mirror before going in an interview. This might feel silly, but it works! Standing straight and looking at yourself confidently is actually proven to help you truly come off more confident in an interview.

I actually get really nervous before public speaking and before interviews. To fix this, I try standing in power poses and taking 10 deep breathes before going into a tougher situation. This helps me calm my mind and trust that everything will be ok!

Skip Breakfast – Watch What You Eat Before

Ok, I’m not actually telling you to skip breakfast, BUT, don’t stuff your face with sugary foods before you interview. Your brain works better when a little bit of adrenaline kicks in. So don’t put anything in your body that could potentially slow it down.
This goes the same with getting a good nights sleep before. You want to put your body in the best possible position to perform and succeed.

Bring Pen, Paper and an Extra Copy of Your Resume

It’s hard to figure out what to bring to an interview. ALWAYS, bring a pen and paper to take notes. Even if you take it out at the beginning of your interview don’t write on it at all, it looks better to have someone look like they want to take notes during an interview.

I also always bring a printed copy of my resume, in case the interviewer is unprepared. This shows that you will be prepared in future meetings, and who doesn’t want to work with someone like that?
Job interview success tips, tips for being successful at job interviews with any hiring manager.

Know Your Availability

Make sure to study your calendar before an interview. If someone asks you when you’ll be free to meet again, you want to know when you are free. Don’t leave it up to chance for them to respond to an email. Also if there are different interview locations, make sure you know which ones you can make.
You can even write notes in your pen and paper (that you will have brought because you read the above!), when you are free for another interview or a time to talk.

Be Prepared To Talk About and Negotiate Your Salary

Negotiating salary during an interview is an incredibly hard thing to do. I’ve actually written whole posts on it (read it here), so make sure you familiarize yourself with certain tactics before going into an interview.

Most likely during the interview process, you’ll be asked about salary expectations. This is normal. The recruiter is probably just trying to make sure they can afford you. Before going into an interview, I would try and understand where you are trying to land with salary.

If someone asks me about salary before I’ve gotten the job offer, here is what I always say:

1. When the recruiter asks how much you want to make, ask if there is a range for this role.
2. If they give you a range, great, say that this range sounds reasonable and you are thrilled about the opportunity. You are confident you can find something within your range.
3. If they don’t give you a range, that’s fine. Say that you would be taking this job for the incredible opportunity, and you are confident you can find something that works within the range.

My point, try and not get into the weeds in the salary conversation prior to getting the job. If you have had a different experience, tell me below!

Ask Questions

At the end of the interview, when someone asks what questions you have, ALWAYS ask some questions. In my notebook I bring to interviews, I like to write down 3-5 questions I have to ensure I am not drawing a black. If you are stuck on questions ask about the position (what the day to day is like), about the company (the culture) and the team (how big is the team, the dynamics, etc). You will be set!

It’s a common interview question to ask questions, so make sure you are prepared here.

Study the Job Description

When someone writes a job description, they are doing it with intention. They are trying to attract the right type of person for the job. So make sure you can speak to every aspect of a job description. If you don’t know a system or tool mentioned on the job description, learn what it is and how you can learn it before the job. When I haven’t known something but it’s on the job description, I’ll offer to take a class on it before coming into the role. People love that!

Learn About the Company

Even if it doesn’t come up during the interview, start researching the company before going into an interview. You can check websites like Crunchbase, Owler, and Google News. If there’s anything new that’s happened with the company, find a way to bring it up. Let’s say the company just got a new CEO, when walking into an interview you could say, congrats on getting the new CEO! Just to show you’ve done your due diligence.

Make Sure Your Social Media is Appropriate

More and more, companies are checking people’s social media before taking the job. I mean, you have to admit – on the employers part – this is BRILLIANT! Why wouldn’t you want to see what your employee is doing on the weekends and see if they are at all responsible?! You want to show the team you are a good fit.

Make sure you don’t have super drunk or inappropriate pictures on social media if you are interviewing, it can’t hurt to clean this up. Don’t forget!

Follow these ten interview tips and you will ace your upcoming interviews!

« on: March 30, 2020, 01:17:55 PM »
Applying for a new job (even before you starting interviewing) can feel like a full-time job in itself. Sometimes you are applying for jobs, sending your resume in and … crickets. How frustrating is that? You’ve created your resume, done everything on T20S (ha!) and still, you aren’t getting any interviews. There could be a few reasons you are not getting job interviews, and we are going to dive into all of them in this post.

If this is you, no fear. I’ve been in this situation so many times and it sucks! Remember that rejection and failure is part of life. Don’t get attached to any job before you start interviewing, and know that sometimes – it truly is a numbers game.

I hope after reading this post, you have full clarity on what you need to change in your resume and interviewing process. Like, you’ll know if you need to tweak that resume and cover letter of yours, or if you need to be more aggressive in your approach. You got this chica, I promise.

8 Reasons You Are Not Getting Job Interviews

Your Resume Doesn’t Match the Job Description

I know this probably sounds like a ton of work, but make sure your resume matches the job description in which you are applying. There are these little digital crawlers that go through all the resumes that have applied for a certain job and MAKE sure they match resumes and cover letters.
Try rewording your resume to match the job description. You heard me – make a new resume for every job you apply to.
Even if it’s just little phrases here and there, or making sure you state your skills that the job description requires (the ones you have, of course), do it! It will help you get through the job interview process.

You Haven’t Reached Out to People at the Company 

If you haven’t read my SECRET for getting in touch with people at any company in which you are applying to, READ THIS! I genuinely believe that after you apply for a job, you should follow up with the company directly. You can do this via LinkedIn or by guessing their emails.
Letting someone know proactively that you are dying to work at their company will get you noticed. Everyone wants to hire someone who wants to work for them – make it super clear.

You Haven’t Networked 

More often then not, people get jobs through networking. When I was laid off from my job, I joined groups like Women In Wireless to start networking. A lot of the (amazing!) women in that group actually helped me get new jobs.
If there aren’t any groups in your area, try going to a meetup – or heck – creating a meetup! Do something to meet other people who might have jobs in the field you are looking for one. Once you impress them with your amazing charm, they will be so happy to refer to. People love to pay it forward!

You Are Not Applying to Enough Jobs

Even if you are the best applicant in the world – you never know what is going on at a company. Job applications are a numbers game. Even though a job may be posted online, you never know if people internally are applying or if they can even afford you.
If you are in the job application process, don’t leave it up to chance by only applying to a few jobs. Apply to a LOT. Like, more than you think you should. When I was laid off I applied to over 50 jobs. I got 4, and I absolutely love job applications. If you are new to this process, assume your conversion rate will be slower!

Your Resume is Messy

Recruiters want to know that you’ll treat your resume the way you’d treat a job – make it typo-free and perfectly laid out. I have a resume template on my site you can always use – but there are tons of resumes out on the internet.
Make sure your resume looks pristine, is super clear and has no typos! Most likely, someone is going to skim it and not read it carefully – so looks matter.

Your Skills Aren’t Clear on Your Resume

Did you know that it’s a hobby of mine to look over friend’s resumes? I absolutely love it (I’m weird, I know). That being said, I’ve seen a lot of resumes. One of the biggest downfalls I see on resumes is that your skills aren’t clear. People will write out their job responsibilities under their headings, but they won’t see WHAT they actually accomplished in this role.
Think of your resume as a snapshot of what you can do, and what you will do for a future company. You want someone extremely confident in hiring you after looking of yours!

You Haven’t Found the Right Opportunity Yet

As I mentioned, job applications are a numbers game. Heck – job interviews are a numbers game! It’s ridic difficult to get a job and sometimes – the perfect opportunity hasn’t come along yet. Keep your head high and don’t get frustrated, you will get a job sooner than you think.
If you get rejected from a job – ask for feedback! See if you can understand why you weren’t the right fit. This will either provide comfort that the reasoning was outside of you, OR give you insight into what you need to do for the future.

It’s Not a Good Time of Year 

If you are applying for jobs around a holiday, or during a busy season for a company – you may not be hearing back because no one’s in office! Take into account when you are hearing back from companies, and when you aren’t. There are sometimes perfect times of year – and sometimes there aren’t. Take into consideration the busy season of the place you are applying to – and you’ll get more job interviews.

Job interviews are a marathon and not a race. Even when you get an interview you have to deal with several rounds of interviews, and it may take several months. So apply apply apply and get those job interviews!

Congrats! If you are reading this, you are probably interviewing – or getting ready to interview. If you’re following the T20S guide to preparing for job interviews (which you SHOULD, btw), you know that you should prepare for all expected interview questions. One of the most common interview questions is, “what is your biggest weakness?”

TBH, my perfectly honest answer to ‘what is your biggest weakness’ would be that I love watching The Real Housewives (is that a weakness?) and somehow can’t control how much chocolate I eat, BUT UNFORTUNATELY, that is not what your interviewer wants to hear.

In fact, the question, “what is your biggest weakness” is one of the most common – and one of the trickiest. When you share a weakness or any negative in a job interview, you want to frame it in a positive way. Remember – this is your one chance to make a positive impression out of all the applicants.

I can’t stress this enough – practice your answer to this question. You really want to phrase your answer to “What are your biggest weaknesses” as a positive, while still stating that you human – and yes, you have weaknesses.

What I’m saying is, there’s an art to answering this question. Instead of simply giving you what I would say (because we are all different), let’s talk about how you can frame your answer to this question!

How To Answer The Job Interview Question “What Is Your Biggest Weakness”
Don’t Say Something Cheesy
If someone is interviewing you, they probably are interviewing other people. Giving a generic answer that is the first answer on Google probably isn’t going to seem very ‘real’. You want to give any answer as a positive, but you also want to be honest!

Even if this is unlikely to happen (which it probably is), you want to have evidence to back up what you say in interviews – so if you say a blatant answer off of a script, you will be super transparent.

We’ll give some more concrete answers to ‘what is your biggest weakness’ throughout the rest of this article.

Tell The Truth
As mentioned in #1, you want to find some truth to your answer. So, a good answer for me would be that I often say “yes” to things, taking on too many projects. This is genuinely, so true. But, you have to find an answer that isn’t something so true that someone wouldn’t want to hire you.

I’m being so transparent here because I want you to find the perfect answer. You want to essentially give your answer that can be spun into a positive. When thinking about your biggest weakness, think, will someone still want to hire me after this?

For example, if you say, I’m terrible at follow up – someone will not want to hire you. People want you to be accountable in a role, so if you share that you are horrible at follow up – figure out how to make a to do this and keep that one to yourself.

However, with my example, (that I often say yes), someone will infer that I’m a hard worker, and will make an impact in their business. I can then spin it to a positive (which we’ll talk about in #3), on how I’ve learned to make their business better as a result of this weakness.

Spin Your Answer Positively
It’s important that while sharing your answer, you show you can take feedback and learn. I mean, no one is perfect. Even if we like to think we are. If you can show that even if you are not perfect, you know how to learn, and evolve, that will signal something positive on the job.

For example, if your biggest weakness is that you are very detailed oriented – so sometimes you have trouble looking at the big picture, you can easily spin this to a positive. You can say you researched how to look at things in the big picture and now, after recognizing this, always look towards the next step. Showing you came up with a process to understand your weaknesses makes you even more valuable!

Plan your job interview answer in advance
As we’ve talked about before, preparing for an interview is one of the most important things you can do. If you are interviewing, THIS IS A QUESTION YOU ARE GOING TO BE ASKED.

Try these things to prepare for an interview: 1. Figure out and write down your answer and then 2. Say it out loud. 3. Say it out loud again! Make sure you are practicing speaking it, it will really help!

Show how you evolve and learn
You might be thinking at this point, what the heck am I going to say for my biggest weakness during your job interview! There are so many possible answers. Being too detail oriented, saying yes too much, wanting things done quickly, and more.

For any of these – you can spin it to a positive. Let’s say your weakness is that you like things to be done quickly, you can then say that you’ve learned to ask all of your teammates about their working style, and adapt to what they do best.

Job interviews are so incredibly tough! If you prepare though, you’ll be more than good to go. I promise!

Getting an interview at a stellar company can be quite a thrill, especially after weeks or months of relentless job searching. But the interview process can be fraught with minefields. Knowing exactly what to say, what to wear, and how to act is no easy feat.
So start by avoiding these common interview blunders and you’ll be on your way to a cushy job offer:

Interview Mistake #1 – Thinking You Can Wing It

If your interview preparation consists of glancing at your resume and spending 5 minutes on the company’s website, you’re definitely not going to stand out as a top-notch candidate. So write out and rehearse your answers to common interview questions, especially behavioral and case based ones, so that you’re not caught off guard.

Interview Mistake #2 – Not Researching the Company

Employers want to know that you want to work for them specifically, not just anyone. So do your homework and learn as much as possible about the company’s products, services, mission statement, and other noteworthy pieces of news such as a recent award or office expansion.

Interview Mistake #3 – Not Researching Who Will Be Interviewing You

Whether your interviewer is an HR assistant, peer-level employee, or head of the department will likely determine the types of questions you’ll get. Research this person (or people) on LinkedIn to get a sense of their professional background. Any common ground may be fodder for the pre and post-interview small talk.

Interview Mistake #4 – Conducting a Phone Interview at Work

As you can imagine, doing a phone interview while whispering from your office or a nearby conference room is a major no-no. So schedule the interview at a time when you can physically leave your office and conduct it from the privacy of your car or home.

Interview Mistake #5 – Conducting a Video Interview In a Poor Location

I once heard a story of a candidate conducting a video interview with laundry hanging in the background. Yikes! So make sure you’re in a quiet setting that’s well lit with a simple background. Sound matters too, so test your mic before you start.

Interview Mistake #6 – Showing Up Late to an In-person Interview

Don’t make a bad impression right at the start. Since you’re going to a new location for the first time, allow plenty of time for traffic, getting lost, parking, finding the right building, etc. And it’s best to walk into reception 10 minutes early so that you have a little time to decompress and get focused.

Interview Mistake #7 – Being Rude to the Receptionist

Think the receptionist (and other employees) aren’t paying attention to how you act before and after your interview? Think again! It’s crucial to be friendly and considerate to everyone in the office, regardless of their title.

Interview Mistake #8 – Wearing Inappropriate Attire (Too Casual or Too Formal)

There used to be a time when everyone wore a business suit to every interview. But unless you’re in banking, law, government, or another traditional industry, that’s not the case anymore. But that doesn’t mean you can walk into an interview in jeans and a t-shirt, even if the staff does. Play it safe by wearing business casual in this environment.

Interview Mistake #9 – Looking Disheveled

Not thinking through your wardrobe choice ahead of time might lead you to quickly grabbing clothes that are stained, wrinkled or torn. So allow plenty of time to look sharp before you walk out the door. And throw a comb, tissues and breath mints in your bag just in case.

Interview Mistake #10 – Appearing Overly Nervous or Anxious

Employers know that interviews can be nerve-wracking. (And trust me, it’s common for interviewers to feel nervous too.) But if your jitters get in the way of you showcasing your accomplishments, it becomes a problem. So watch these habits: speaking too fast, poor eye contact, fidgeting, pen tapping and hair twirling.

Interview Mistake #11 – Using Too Many Filler Words

Dovetailing on the last point, sometimes nerves or not rehearsing your answers can lead to lots of um’s, uh’s, like’s and you know’s. Recording your answers as you practice at home may help lessen this issue.

Interview Mistake #12 – Giving Brief, General Answers Without Enough Specifics

The interviewer is trying ensure you’ve solved similar problems in the past and therefore will be qualified to take on their department’s current issues. But if your answers are vague and don’t provide enough concrete details, it’s hard for the interviewer to assess your fit for the role. So make sure to highlight impressive metrics and other relevant evidence of your achievements.

Interview Mistake #13 – Giving Disorganized, Long-Winded Answers

That said…quantity doesn’t equate to quality! Strive to provide the necessarily details in a concise, linear fashion. Think about organizing your answers using the PAR format: Problem, Action, Result. And practice, practice, practice till you get your answers down to 1-2 minutes.

Interview Mistake #14 – Not Answering the Question Asked

Maybe the interviewer asks you to talk about a specific instance from your work history, and you speak generally about the future. Or they inquire about a particular skill, and you talk about a different one. Yes, dodging questions may work for politicians, but it won’t score you any points in the interview. So listen carefully and answer the question at hand to the best of your abilities.

Interview Mistake #15 – Not Asking Questions at the End of the Interview

The interview isn’t over when they’ve ask their last question. Now’s the time to gain more valuable information on the role and company to make sure it’s the right fit for you. But one caveat — avoid asking about benefits, perks, working from home, or anything that screams “what’s in it for me??”

Interview Mistake #16 – Bringing Your Parent, Child or Dog to the Interview

Ha – think this has never been done? Read enough recruiter blogs and you’ll be in shock. It goes without saying that no one can get you the job but YOU.

No matter how confident, composed, and qualified you are, there's something nerve-racking about a job interview that can rattle even those at the top of their field. It's a bit like high-stakes speed dating. You have a matter of minutes to impress the person you're meeting with, and you know that every gesture and word is being closely scrutinized.

If you're battling nerves, leadership adviser Dana White says there is a way to boost your chance of success: Research, prepare, and practice questions out loud. As a top adviser to CEOs and U.S. senators, and author of Leader Designed: Become the Leader You Were Made to Be, White is a master of speech writing and reading those around her—two skills that are vital for turning an interview into an offer. Here, she tackles the questions that would make any candidate squirm and explains exactly why her approach could score you the job. Consider this your word-for-word guide to the five toughest interview questions. Go on; you've got this.

Repeat After Us: "I'm here because I'm excited about the idea of growing and evolving into a position I think I could add significant experience and perspective to as the company moves forward."

Here's Why: The key to perfecting this response is focusing on positivity and what you bring to the role, rather than why the job might benefit you. "It's so important to express excitement and positivity at the start of an interview," says White. "People ultimately want to work with those who are interesting or challenging, not someone who just needs to pay the bills." Her top tip? Pepper words like "excited, opportunity, grow, and evolve" in your response.
If this question makes you feel uncomfortable, White also stresses that it's important to question why. "I think this question is quite revealing about the interviewer," she says. "It's antagonistic and [makes you] question Do I really want to be here today?" Remember, this is an opportunity for you to learn about the employer, too, and judge whether the company is a good fit for you.

Repeat After Us: "I would much rather be respected. In any facet of life, to be feared is ultimately detrimental to you. Being a successful manager or even coworker requires you to work together and develop trust and transparency. If someone fears you, they're going to hide things, which is damaging to the overall mission."

Here's Why: This question reveals your true character, so it's extremely important to respond with sincerity and consider what it says about you. "Your character is what sets you apart," explains White. "Lots of people have gone to great schools or have connections—perhaps even better than you. This is a chance to show what kind of colleague or employee you're going to be. That's what interviewers want to invest in."

Repeat After Us: "Where does a sheep get his wool cut? At the bah-bah shop! I know some much better jokes, but I think they're better told once we're working together closely!"

Here's Why: This terrifying interview question tests how you think under pressure and whether you have a sense of humor. White says it's important to try and show that you can laugh at yourself, even if you don't know any great jokes. "This is really difficult, but it's very telling about your personality and ability to handle awkward situations," she says. "It doesn’t matter what joke it is, as long as it's not dirty or too personal, just give it a go. If you don't have a joke, be cheeky and tell them you'll share it once you know each other better."

Repeat After Us: "The worst manager I ever had was one who wasn't able to help me grow. Despite asking for more responsibilities and for ways I could evolve, I was ignored, and it made me feel dejected because I enjoyed the position and company but they seemed unable to channel my energies."

Here's Why: Respond with caution—this question baits you to bad-mouth past employers or reveal your own shortcomings. "It's important to stay above board, but answer truthfully and honestly. After all, you wouldn't be looking for another job if it was wonderful," says White. "[This response] reveals that you're eager and you want to learn. It shows that this manager can give you more responsibility."

Repeat After Us: "I feel I deserve a salary that's in line with the level of responsibility this role requires. I've looked at similar positions and can see that my experience as a manager [insert strengths here] would be an asset and should be reflected in the offer."

Here's Why: The salary question is hard enough, but this rendition is particularly difficult because it elicits an emotionally driven response. White says the best way to respond is to show you're aware of the standard industry salary for the role, then use it as an opportunity to outline the skills that set you above this benchmark. "Deserve is a very loaded term, [but] just because someone asks doesn't mean you have to answer straight," she says. Instead, "focus on building your case and when it comes to talking numbers, come prepared with facts about competitor salaries. It takes away the awkwardness and is a stronger place to negotiate from."

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