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Topics - imranmahmud

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Football / FIFA Top 5 young football player of the year 2013
« on: July 29, 2013, 06:00:01 PM »
1 Neymar (Barca)
2 Erik Lamela (AS Roma)
3 Lucas Moura (PSG)
4 Mario Gotze (Bayern)
5 Isco (Real Madrid)

Source: Internet

Comics / Manga VS american comics
« on: July 28, 2013, 11:19:53 PM »
Here are many important and distinct differences between Manga and American Comics. The ways they are drawn are almost two completely different styles. Manga is a more whimsical, exaggerated and traditional style, whereas American comics are more realistic. Manga comics have a very different and harder upbringing, in the sense that when the first Mangas were drawn, they were soon outlawed and made illegal due to government censorship. Many differences between Manga and American Comics, to name a few, would be the way they are made and sold, how much they cost, the audiences they’re designed for, and size.

The way Manga is made and presented for sale is fairly different than American comics. Manga is mostly printed in Black-and-White colour, and American Comics are usually printed in full colour. The size of a Manga comic is rather different too. Manga is often made in a smaller size than an American comic. Even though a Manga is one-third the size of a traditional American comic, a Manga can be real thick and run up to one hundred pages in length, compared to a mere 32 pages for American Comics. Manga has many similarities to a graphic novel, like the collections of American comics, but unlike American comics, Manga comics are usually part of a larger story. A complete storyline or even just a series can run a thousand pages (such as the famed comic “Bleach”).

American Comics are often created with multiple people doing different tasks (writer, penciler, inker, letterer, and colourist); however Manga usually just has one creator who does all these tasks except for colouring. This is why most people admire the work of a Mangaka since there is a lot of painstaking time, effort, and loss of sleep put into developing a Manga (it’s really stressful to be a Mangaka).The storyline of a Manga will progress a lot quicker than American comics. Because of the high page count, a reader advances through a Manga at a faster pace. Mangas would always have less panels and rambling in dialogue on a page than an American Comic. Mangas would usually cost more than American Comics, and a bit more than a paperback novel. The cost is kept down by the fact it is in black-and-white, but is worth the quality since it would have more story development considering the amount of pages it has. American comics are mainly designed for children, but Manga is designed for all audiences. Anyone can be caught reading Manga.

There are three main genres of Manga, one of them which I will not mention due to censorship reasons, and because you really don’t need to know (and why would anyone want to be reading junk like that anyway?). Shonen Manga is a genre of Manga that is usually action-packed and suspenseful, with adventure tied into it as well. (Shonen Manga means boy comics). Shojo Manga often contains romance, emotional and relationship topics and interests (Shojo Manga meaning of course “Girl Comics”).

Manga and American Comics are very different of course. Today Manga is the more popular medium, concerning how fast it is growing. American Comics have more of a classic style, and reach a part of many people’s childhood in which they would buy an issue, and spend whole day reading it. Although I said “anyone can be caught reading Manga” I didn’t exactly mean its ok for anyone to read. You will have to be careful in what you choose to read, if you make the choice, for I have found many Mangas in the past where it would get to a certain point in the story where everything just turns bad, and unpleasant. So please take my advice in which you have to be careful in what you read, and have fun.

Source: Internet

Comics / Storyboard resources
« on: July 28, 2013, 11:17:52 PM »
A very good website for storyboard resources

Comics / How to draw storyboard
« on: July 28, 2013, 11:16:43 PM »

Comics / Free comic drawing software
« on: July 28, 2013, 11:14:55 PM »

very good website for comics drawing software

See the attached file

Football / NIKE research and Innovation Lab
« on: July 28, 2013, 11:11:16 PM »
If you are interested to know NIKE research and Innovation lab please visit

Football / Nike + Challanges App for iPhone
« on: July 28, 2013, 11:09:36 PM »
Nike invites runners to take on their friends with the latest Nike+ Running App update for iPhone and iPod touch. With the re-launched Nike+ Challenges feature, runners can set a distance goal, invite Nike+ friends to join and race to the finish line. please visit

ISTQB / Usability Testing Tools
« on: July 28, 2013, 11:01:49 PM »
A very useful link for usability testing

ISTQB / Test Plan sample
« on: July 28, 2013, 10:57:20 PM »
i have attached a sample of test plan called IEEE test plan outline

ISTQB / ISTQB glossary
« on: July 24, 2013, 01:40:34 AM »
a very good handbook for test items of ISTQB

English / Chat with online robot
« on: July 23, 2013, 10:51:40 PM »

Motivation / ARCS model for students' motivation
« on: July 23, 2013, 10:27:04 PM »
While doing some research on students' motivation i found .Keller (1979, 1983) has developed a four-factor theory to explain motivation. The first is attention (A), the second relevance (R), the third confidence (C), and the fourth satisfaction (S). The model also contains
strategies that can help an instructor stimulate or maintain each motivational element.


Motivation / Four Drive Model for employee motivation
« on: July 23, 2013, 10:23:29 PM »
A Harvard Business Journal article by Nohria, Groysberg and Lee (July-Aug 2008) sheds some light on a new model of employee motivation that can help organizations solve this age old issue.

In the article, they present the framework of the Four Drive Model of employee motivation, indicating that the four main drivers of employee motivation are:
drive to Acquire & Achieve
drive to Belong & Bond,
drive to Challenge & Comprehend
drive to Define & Defend


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