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Topics - Shah - Al - Mamun

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In the current digital age, securing your WordPress site from unwanted registrations and spam is more important than ever. The Secure Signups Plugin is designed to bolster your site's defenses by restricting user registrations to approved email domains. In this blog post, we'll delve into the standout features and benefits of Secure Signups, and explain why it's an essential addition to your WordPress toolkit.

Why Choose Secure Signups?
Unwanted registrations and spam can be a significant burden for website administrators, cluttering your database and posing security risks. Secure Signups offers a straightforward solution: it allows only users from whitelisted email domains to register on your site. This drastically reduces the chances of spam and unauthorized users infiltrating your site, ensuring a more secure and manageable registration process.

Key Features of Secure Signups

1. Domain-Based Registration Control
Secure Signups lets you restrict user registrations to specific email domains. By maintaining a whitelist, you ensure that only users from trusted domains can sign up, significantly reducing spam and unauthorized access.

2. User-Friendly Admin Interface
The plugin features an intuitive admin panel where you can easily manage your whitelist. Adding, updating, and toggling the status of approved domains is simple, even for those with minimal technical expertise.

3. Customizable Registration Messages
Secure Signups allows you to personalize the messages displayed during the registration process. This ensures that users understand why their registration might be denied, providing a clearer and more user-friendly experience.

4. Simple Activation and Deactivation
Managing the Secure Signups Plugin is straightforward. You can activate or deactivate it directly from the Plugins settings in your WordPress admin panel, providing flexible control over your site's registration settings.

5. On-Demand Enabling/Disabling
Sometimes, you may need to open registrations to a broader audience temporarily. Secure Signups makes this easy by allowing you to enable or disable the plugin without uninstalling it, giving you adaptable control over user registrations.

Easy Installation and Setup
Getting started with Secure Signups is hassle-free:

Upload the Plugin: Upload the secure signups folder to /wp-content/plugins/ via FTP, or use the Plugins -> Add New -> Upload section in your WordPress Admin Panel.
Activate the Plugin: Activate it through the Plugins menu in your admin panel.
Configure Settings: Navigate to the Secure Signups menu to configure your preferences.
Enjoy Enhanced Security: Your site is now protected with Secure Signups, reducing the risk of unwanted registrations.

How Secure Signups Enhances Security
By restricting registrations to approved email domains, Secure Signups ensures that only users from trusted sources can sign up. This significantly reduces the likelihood of unauthorized access and helps maintain the integrity of your user base. Additionally, the ability to customize registration messages ensures that prospective users are well-informed throughout the process.

Practical Applications

Educational Institutions
Universities and schools can use Secure Signups to ensure only students and faculty with approved domain emails can register, maintaining a secure and exclusive environment.

Corporate Websites
Companies can restrict access to internal resources by allowing only employees with company email addresses to register, enhancing overall security.

Membership Sites
Membership sites can maintain the quality and integrity of their user base by allowing only users from specific domains to join.

Secure Signups Plugin is an invaluable tool for any WordPress site looking to enhance its security by managing user registrations effectively. With its easy-to-use interface, customizable features, and robust security controls, it provides a comprehensive solution for preventing spam and unauthorized access. Secure your site today with Secure Signups and enjoy peace of mind knowing your registration process is protected.

For more information and to download the plugin, visit the Secure Signups Plugin Page.

Accumulation of resources on AI for Educational Purposes

Teaching in the age of ChatGPT:
Impacts of ChatGPT 4 on Education:
ChatGPT in Education - Guide for Teachers:
How to Use AI in Education:
How AI is Transforming the Landscape of Education:
Best Free AI Content Detection Tools:
Teaching AI Prompt Engineering to Students - Importance, Tips and Prospects:
How to Use Generative AI in Assessment:
Effective ChatGPT Prompts for Teachers: A Comprehensive Guide:

Khondker Mohammad Shah - Al - Mamun
Deputy Director
Daffodil International University

ChatGPT / 10 Tools for Productivity Created Using ChatGPT
« on: March 16, 2023, 02:28:42 PM »
Here are the 10 tools developed through ChatGPT its natural language processing technology to enhance efficiency in various tasks

There is no denying that during the past few years, Artificial Intelligence has changed many industries. One such AI platform that has been able to dramatically increase developers’ productivity is ChatGPT an OpenAI developed. Many strong features provided by ChatGPT make it exceedingly simple to automate time-consuming procedures and enhance client experiences. With the help of ChatGPT, developers can easily automate repetitive operations and enhance the customer experience across several channels. ChatGPT is the solution if you’re seeking a simple approach to automate your processes or boost your productivity. Here are the top 10 tools developed through ChatGPT to enhance productivity.

ChatGPT Desktop: The ChatGPT Desktop is a versatile productivity tool that is available on macOS, Linux, and Windows platforms, allowing users to access ChatGPT and export their conversation history in PNG, PDF, and Markdown formats. With convenient shortcut keys and integration with awesome chatbot prompts, importing prompts and syncing them with a single click is made easy, and they can be disabled when needed.

ChatGPT Gmail: ChatGPT for Gmail is a Chrome extension that enhances email productivity by providing features like completing the email subject, fixing typos, and an accessible button to activate the completion process, which can be enabled or disabled as required.

YouTube Summarizer with ChatGPT: A YouTube Summarizer with ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool that summarizes YouTube videos, saving time by providing the main points and themes without watching the whole video. ChatGPT ensures the summary accurately captures the key points and understandably presents them.

Merlin: Merlin is a powerful tool that enables ChatGPT on any website with a simple key combination. By pressing ⌘+G, users can access the ChatGPT interface and start using it on any website.

ChatGPT WordPress: AI Engine is a WordPress plugin that adds a ChatGPT-style chatbot to a website using a simple shortcode, providing fresh content, translations, corrections, and suggestions through its AI Playground. The plugin also offers quick title and excerpt suggestions, usage tracking with built-in statistics, and an internal API for other plugins to integrate with.

ChatGPT Menu: Menu GPT is a useful tool that lets you access ChatGPT directly from your menubar, making it easy to have a conversation without opening a separate window or app. This feature is particularly helpful when you need quick access to ChatGPT while working on other tasks. Simply click on the ChatGPT icon in your menubar and start chatting.

ChatGPT VSCode: ChatGPT VSCode is a Visual Studio Code extension that integrates the ChatGPT API, allowing users to ask natural language questions and get answers directly in the editor. It provides a user-friendly input box in the sidebar for questions, a panel to view responses, and the ability to follow up with additional questions while maintaining conversation context.

ChatGPT JetBrains: ChatGPT for JetBrains is a plugin for JetBrains IDEs that integrates with ChatGPT, providing a helpful assistant for code development. It adds a section within the IDE where users can input prompts and view ChatGPT’s responses, making it easier to get answers and assistance while working on code projects.

Hubble: Hubble is a solution that enables users to use ChatGPT to collect ongoing customer feedback on your products. You can simply engage with your customers and get their feedback in real time by incorporating ChatGPT into your product. You can utilize this to find chances for innovation and improvement as well as problems and pain points that your users are having.

God in a Box: One can ask ChatGPT any issue that has been on your mind and get a well-considered and illuminating answer using God In A Box. God In A Box will cover whether you’re looking for direction, solace, or just want to chat with a higher power informally. Simply add God In A Box as a contact on WhatsApp and begin communicating with ChatGPT right away. The knowledge and understanding that ChatGPT has to give will astound you.

Writer: Swathi Kashettar

Graphic design is very demanding work. There are many jobs available for graphic designers out there. On top of that, graphic designers can earn a lot from freelancing. The great news is, one does not have to learn everything about graphic design to start earning big money. Knowing a few of the essential tools and works is enough to start earning from freelancing. Therefore, it is good to have an idea on how to get started as a graphic designer in popular freelancing platforms.

Works like, image to vector conversion, image tracing, background removal, coloring photographs, logo design, poster or flyer design, etc. are some of the most demanding graphic design works in freelancing platforms and these works usually take comparatively fewer efforts to deliver the works/orders.

Good news is that has launched a course on Graphic Design which aims to teach the learners on the basic tools of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator and the works above in complete Bengali lectures so that they can easily learn and get started as a graphic designer in freelancing platforms and start earning. The course even provides guidelines on how to set up the freelancing platform profiles.

The course is available in the following link:

The most important trend in education was already initiated in Wharton, Philadelphia campus, where leaders from different business schools like Columbia, Harvard, Kellogg, Michigan and Stanford along with the online education providers such as Coursera, edX and FutureLearn were present. Big things are happening across the leading tertiary educational institutions around the world, and they are happening at the velocity of warp.

Our colleagues, who are changing jobs or want to keep up with their present job or want to advance their careers, all need to focus on getting acquainted to the ever-changing advancements in technology and focus in the fields of study that delve into these subjects. This implies programmes that are brief, and concentrated. Longer study courses only make you learn things you won’t be using for years.

These short and focused courses will be providing the intellectual architecture that helps you make sense of everything around you and helps you develop skills needed for broader purposes like critical thinking, communication and leadership. Everyone who wants to succeed today needs both the foundation of the best degree(s) and the constant updating of best continuous professional development. With online learning platforms, going “back to school” is easier than ever before. These learning platforms also provide a chance at education for those who don’t have any institutional degrees.

The question now is, are the educational institutions properly equipped to initiate cutting-edge systems that could transform the academic environment from land-based to offshore and virtual learning environment? Will such educational transformations empower, augment and expand our learning? These questions have become a thing of the past as approximately 110 million registered institutions are using online platforms to offer short courses, degree courses and even diploma courses all over the world.

According to a report published in 2018 by the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), there are over 147 million subscribers of mobile phone users. The data is illustrated as under:

This implies that out of 160 million population, 147 million are official subscribers of the mobile phone service providers. This amounts to 92 percent of the population being tied to the national mobile phone networks that leaves them open to use the internet from anywhere to access online educational service providers.

However, the report published by BTRC on its website back on September 20, 2018 shows that 154.179 million subscribers are using smart phones since August 2018.

Here the subscribers depict the biometric verified subscribers/subscriptions who have any activity (voice, data, SMS, etc.) at least once in the preceding 90 days.

This amounts to 96 percent of the population being directly or indirectly tied to the internet. BTRC’s report is based on the calculation of the registration since august 2018. The number of the internet users is around 90.5 million; wherein, more than 84.6 million users access the internet on mobile phones.

The readiness of Bangladeshi education and educational service providers is a cliché. Tremendous amount of progress has been made in digitising Bangladesh, wherein; telecommunication and relevant accessories have been introduced to Bangladesh quite superfluously that transformed the life style of the users in a positive way. People communicate with each other over the phone and the internet rather than on age-old methods that involved using paper-based drafting. Be it for searching things on Google or watching tutorials on YouTube, people are using the internet to gain access to information far differently than how they used to even a decade ago. Thus, the readiness of Bangladesh in entirety is a vague topic. We are quite equipped for adaptation to the newer learning opportunities.

The benefits of the online migration in education will be dramatic, spontaneous and pervasive across all educational service providers. For instance, individuals, professionals, graduates and corporations who want access to online materials to help develop the skills on their own at their own pace and convenience can do so. A school (primary or secondary), college, or university can choose to count online courses from somewhere for credit towards their certifications or degrees – potentially by creating their own leading academic communities around the online content and providing their own facilitators to improve learning.

In addition, online-based learning (or e-learning) reaches a wider audience by engaging learners with difficulties in attending standard classrooms, training, workshops, seminars, conferences, etc. because they are geographically dispersed with restricted time and resources to travel, busy with job or family obligations that do not allow them to attend classes on particular dates with a set timetable, situated in conflict or post-conflict regions and limited mobility for safety reasons, limited participation in classroom attendance due to cultural or religious convictions, and difficulty in real-time interaction (e.g. foreign language learner or shy learners).

Online-based learning can provide efficient techniques of learning, such as exercising with related feedback, combining collaboration operations with self-paced study, personalising teaching routes oriented on learner requirements and using simulation and games. So far as the readiness of Bangladesh is concerned to adapt to the current trend in education, the above statistics of the mobile users, internet users and subscribers provide ample reasons to believe that we are ready. The only need is to initiate the process from somewhere or motivate, collaborate and affiliate with companies, corporations or institutions that have already taken the stride in to the online era.


Author: Prof. Dr. S.M. Golam Samdani Fakir and A.S.M. Shamim Miah
Prof. Dr. S.M. Golam Samdani Fakir is Vice Chancellor, Green University of Bangladesh. A.S.M. Shamim Miah is an Associate Professor at the University of Buraimi, Oman.

Original Article Link:

The following presentation on HR Trends and Practices in the 21st Century was presented by Honorable Chairman, BoT, DIU and Daffodil Family on April 30, 2018, in Auditorium 71, Daffodil International University. Sharing it for the benefit of the teachers and especially the students of DIU teaching and learning about Human Resources Management.

A Good CV/Resume / How to make an effective video CV
« on: April 08, 2018, 02:06:32 PM »
Video CV/Resume is becoming more popular these days. It is because it shows more than what you can write on a paper. It shows your expression, emotion, gesture, posture, and attitude to your future employer. It becomes a pre-interview for your employer and provides them with the first impression that can give you an edge over other candidates even before the actual interview. Thus, it is important to know what to cover in a video resume and how so that you can prepare your video CV/Resume and make an impact on your future job interviews. Now the question remains, how to make an effective video CV. Well, the answer is simple, make it simple and short yet cover the important elements that your employer might care.

A video on how to make an effective Video CV/Resume is shared here:

Also, view the video below which is a sample video resume, developed by Ms. Rahnuma Islam, a student of Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Daffodil International University:

So without any more delay, prepare your video CV. If you lack the skills to edit a video, consult with DIU Media Lab. There are also many videos available on YouTube that teaches how to edit videos using different software. Simply do a YouTube search.

Also, a great news that and HRDI are jointly organizing a professional video editing course titled "Professional Video Production Course" which can help you to make a very effective video CV/Resume. You can register for the course here: It will be a worthy investment for your career for sure.

Hope it helps!

Hello, everyone!
Here are the welcome notes to newly recruited teachers of Daffodil International University from Mr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustee, delivered on September 6, 2017.

Teaching & Research Forum / Google Scholar: How to Create Your Profile
« on: February 25, 2016, 02:23:45 PM »
Hello everyone! Google Scholar is a useful tool that you can use to keep track of all the citations of your research articles and also find great resources for your research. One can easily create profile in Google Scholar. Simply go through the presentation slide below and follow the instructions there. I hope this will be helpful for students, faculty members and others who are interested in research activities.

Online Education / The Revolution of Online Teaching
« on: August 21, 2014, 11:17:05 AM »
The revolution of online teaching

Teaching and learning methods have evolved quite radically with time. Nowadays, almost every modern classroom is equipped with multimedia facilities, and teachers deliver their lectures by using computers, projectors, audio and video references etc. The idea is to provide students with an interactive environment to enhance their learning experience. It, indeed, is a great leap forward.

We now live in a world of technological revolution, where teaching and learning is going through previously incredible changes. Let us turn to the online education system. Already, the best of the universities around the world have adopted this change and have started teaching online. Online teaching has done away with the territorial boundaries, within which a nation's universities operate. They are now part of what we call global. This change comes with a price, as well as a demand. The price is that a teacher, no matter how good she/he is, cannot survive in the process of change with the old set of skills they used to require in the past. The demand of the time is a new set of skills and excellence.

So what has changed exactly? To put it in a simple way, we may say that the previous method of effective teaching was interactive, but still was very much passive to the students. The students had to depend on the teacher's lecture. The teacher just used some typical styles that made their lectures enjoyable, but the students found themselves within a boundary. They could not move out of those confines created by their teachers. The teachers' job was to guide the students into learning something. With online teaching, students are to play an active role where the teachers remain passive. The teachers now have to design their lectures and courses in a way where students are to engage in different activities, through which they discover their learning all by themselves. It is not the teacher to tell them anymore what is right or wrong, the students themselves discover it through guided activities.

The teachers' job now is to design the activities. We must also keep in mind that when we pick the concept of online, it represents a huge arena and it holds the possibility that anyone can be a student from around the world. Be it a twelve-year-old child or a PhD holding professor, they can all be the students of a single course. Revolutionary, isn't it? This possibility has also removed the barriers of age in education. There are many platforms now which have amply pointed to this possibility, especially the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Not only that, there is the possibility for anyone to be a teacher; and here too age and profession are not a factor if they meet the requirements to teach. All this has opened up a great possibility for education to translate into reality what is still out of our imagination.

Now let us focus on the requirements for teaching online. For online education, teachers need to play a passive role and need to be able to design their course activities in a meaningful and effective way, creating opportunities for the students to roam around the world of knowledge themselves and discover the learning they seek. For this, they need to have a good knowledge about the technologies and platforms that are available and which enable them to create and modify and share their course contents with the outside world.

Teachers require knowledge about the available Learning Management Systems (LMS) forums, blogs and tools that help in creating contents for the LMS. A teacher, without having knowledge about these and saying that he or she can handle online teaching, is like one who says he can survive under the sea without being equipped with a scuba gear. Online teachers also need to have the mentality to learn themselves, even from their students, and continuously work to use that learning to improve their courses. Therefore, taking feedback from the students after each lesson, and after the course, is imperative. Online teachers need to pay very close attention to each student's activity and skill levels. Then, accordingly, they create a suitable environment and opportunity for the particular students. Most of the online students prefer learning at their own pace. That is why it becomes difficult for the teacher to get into a direct communication with a student to identify his or her level. The teacher needs to depend a lot on the activities deployed in the course to identify that. In this context, planning the activities effectively is really a challenge to the online teacher. To solve it, the online teachers need to communicate, share and exchange their experiences with each other. Online teachers also need to have really good relations with the technical personnel who work on the platform and update them on the requirements that they felt was needed while teaching online, so that the technical team may continuously work on developing the platform to enhance the teaching and learning environment. It could be a good idea to include a member of the technical team as the course coordinator.

Online teaching has become a demand of modern times, and this demand will only keep growing. Teachers, who are not yet equipped enough for online teaching, should take steps to prepare for the future teaching revolution. As part of the preparation, teachers need to study not only on their respective teaching fields, but also on online teaching methods, the latest tools and technologies; because the related technology will only keep evolving. So will teaching and learning.

The article was published in The Financial Express on August 19, 2014.
Publication Link:

Khondker Mohammad Shah - Al - Mamun
Assistant Director
Daffodil International University

Company Profile / Template for Company Profile
« on: June 07, 2014, 08:58:34 PM »
Hello Everyone! Just got a free company profile template and thought that it may be of some help for those looking for starting up their business or company but not sure how to prepare the company profile. So here it is:

Company Profile Template - DOC

Hello Everyone! Today I will share a great video that describes the process to apply for Machine Readable Passport (MRP) in Bangladesh.

So here it is:

Incase you face problem to view the video from here, visit the following link:

The application form and necessary instruction to fill it up can be found here:

Hope that helps!!

Khondker Mohammad Shah - Al - Mamun
Administrative Officer
Daffodil International University

Hello Everyone!

I have found this notice on E-TIN Registration while browsing. Have a look:

Khondker Mohammad Shah - Al - Mamun
Administrative Officer (HR)
Daffodil International University

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