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Topics - sad49

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Common Forum / 10 Ways How to Reduce Air Pollution:
« on: March 23, 2020, 04:10:03 PM »

Use of public transport: Use Public Transportation to Reduce Air Pollution. Facts and figures don’t lie — our transportation needs produce 30% of all carbon dioxide gas emissions.

Buy Energy Efficient Vehicles: When purchasing a vehicle, consider fuel efficient and alternative fuel vehicles.

Consider “going green”: “Going Green” means practicing an environmentally friendly and ecologically responsible lifestyle as  well as making decisions to help protect the environment and sustain natural resources.

Plant a Garden: Planting tree will help us get enough fresh air we need.

Turn Off Lights When not in Use: Don’t waste energy and money. Be very careful and responsible to turn off lights at home when you or your family members are not at home or the lights are not in use.

Avoid Plastic Bags: Because they are very hardly to decompose.

Make use of Solar Energy: Solar power can save a ton of energy for you and, on top of that, it could also end up saving you a  lot of cash in the long run as well.

Always Use Recyclable Products: Buy recyclable products if you have access to them and the ability to choose them.

Quit Smoking: Smoking is very hazardous to health and the people around you.

Educate Your Companions: Let the people around you know about how they can contribute to clean air initiatives and educate them about all of the different ways.


Common Forum / Benefits of an early morning walk.
« on: March 18, 2020, 04:22:59 PM »

Given below are some of the benefits of an early morning walk. (These are just a few of the hundreds of benefits that you get from morning walk and a separate book can be written on this topic, but I am only giving you the most relevant)
1- It gives your lungs and blood a rich source of fresh oxygen.
2- Very good for people suffering from high Blood Pressure.
3- Gives a good exercise to the lower extremities joints especially knees and ankles.
4- Highly recommended for arthritis patients.
5- Helps to lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases HDL (good cholesterol)
6- If you take a hot glass of water mixed with lime juice and honey it may help to reduce your weight very fast.
7- The cool and mystic atmosphere of early morning is very beneficial for patients suffering from depression and anxiety.
8- Increases you energy and work efficiency.
9- Helps to control high blood pressure.
10- If combined with yoga or meditation, it is alone sufficient for overall health and no other exercise is needed.


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