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Topics - alidhasanakash

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AC / Application for installation of AC in the classroom
« on: April 23, 2024, 01:43:18 AM »
In Fall 2021, the entire academic program started in Daffodil Smart City, but till now the classrooms have not been equipped with AC, which is very disappointing.

About Company

Robust Research and Development Ltd. we are a team driven by innovation and dedicated to staying at the forefront of technological advancements.

Our specialization lies in several key domains that form the core of our expertise. We are leaders in Augmented Reality, leveraging this technology to create immersive experiences that merge the digital and physical worlds seamlessly.
Virtual Reality is another forte, where we excel in crafting immersive environments that transport users into captivating digital realms. Our proficiency extends to the gaming industry, where we've developed engaging and interactive gaming experiences. Simulation is another area where we've showcased our expertise, utilizing technology to create realistic and valuable training environments.
Lastly, our prowess in Cross-platform Mobile Applications allows us to deliver versatile and user-friendly solutions across multiple devices.

At Robust Research and Development Ltd., we believe that every great idea deserves to see the light of day. Our vision is to empower individuals and organizations by transforming their concepts into robust, scalable products that make a meaningful impact. Through a blend of creativity, technical expertise, and relentless drive, we aim to shape the future of technology and bring about positive change in various industries.

Robust Research and Development Ltd., where innovation meets excellence. We are a leading tech company specializing in cutting-edge technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality, games, and cross-platform mobile applications. Our team of experts is dedicated to transforming ideas into robust, user-friendly products that make a lasting impact. With a dynamic approach, deep expertise, and a commitment to excellence, we are shaping the future of technology. Join us on this visionary journey and let’s create a better tomorrow together.


  • Augmented Reality (AR)
  • Virtual Reality (VR)
  • Game Development
  • Training Simulation
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • 360 Degree Web Experience
  • Mobile Application
  • Business & Cloud Solution


About Company

Robust Research and Development Ltd. we are a team driven by innovation and dedicated to staying at the forefront of technological advancements.

Our specialization lies in several key domains that form the core of our expertise. We are leaders in Augmented Reality, leveraging this technology to create immersive experiences that merge the digital and physical worlds seamlessly.
Virtual Reality is another forte, where we excel in crafting immersive environments that transport users into captivating digital realms. Our proficiency extends to the gaming industry, where we've developed engaging and interactive gaming experiences. Simulation is another area where we've showcased our expertise, utilizing technology to create realistic and valuable training environments.
Lastly, our prowess in Cross-platform Mobile Applications allows us to deliver versatile and user-friendly solutions across multiple devices.

At Robust Research and Development Ltd., we believe that every great idea deserves to see the light of day. Our vision is to empower individuals and organizations by transforming their concepts into robust, scalable products that make a meaningful impact. Through a blend of creativity, technical expertise, and relentless drive, we aim to shape the future of technology and bring about positive change in various industries.

Robust Research and Development Ltd., where innovation meets excellence. We are a leading tech company specializing in cutting-edge technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality, games, and cross-platform mobile applications. Our team of experts is dedicated to transforming ideas into robust, user-friendly products that make a lasting impact. With a dynamic approach, deep expertise, and a commitment to excellence, we are shaping the future of technology. Join us on this visionary journey and let’s create a better tomorrow together.


  • Augmented Reality (AR)
  • Virtual Reality (VR)
  • Game Development
  • Training Simulation
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • 360 Degree Web Experience
  • Mobile Application
  • Business & Cloud Solution


Welcome to the forefront of educational innovation with Robust Research and Development Ltd, a leading tech company based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Specializing in cutting-edge technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), Robust Research and Development Ltd is transforming the landscape of education.

In this blog, we explore how AR and VR are reshaping the learning experience and why Robust Research and Development Ltd is the trusted partner in this educational revolution.

 The Powerhouse

Before we delve into the exciting world of AR and VR in education, let’s get to know the driving force behind these innovations – Robust Research and Development Ltd.

About Robust Research and Development Ltd:

Robust Research and Development Ltd is a renowned tech company based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Specializing in Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Games, Simulation, Cross-platform Mobile Applications, and business solutions, we are committed to staying ahead of the curve in technology.

Our Expertise:

– Innovative AR and VR solutions

– User-friendly Games and Simulations

– Cross-platform Mobile Applications

– Cutting-edge Business Solution Products

Our Mission:

At Robust Research and Development Ltd, we believe in continuous research and development to deliver products and services that redefine user experiences. Our diverse portfolio reflects our commitment to making technology accessible and easy to use for everyone.

Why Choose Us:

– A dedicated team of experts

– Customer-centric approach

– Transparent and open communication

– Proven track record of delivering innovative solutions

AR and VR in Education – A Game-Changer

Now, let’s explore how AR and VR technologies are revolutionizing education, and how Robust Research and Development Ltd is leading the charge.

AR in Education:

Augmented Reality enhances traditional learning methods by overlaying digital information onto the real world. Robust Research and Development Ltd’s AR applications bring subjects to life, creating interactive and immersive learning experiences. From virtual science experiments to historical explorations, AR takes education beyond textbooks.

VR in Education:

Virtual Reality transports students to simulated environments, offering hands-on experiences that go beyond the limitations of traditional classrooms. Robust Research and Development Ltd’s VR initiatives simulate real-world scenarios, providing students with experiential learning opportunities. Virtual field trips and interactive simulations make complex concepts tangible and memorable.

Why Choose Robust Research and Development Ltd for AR and VR in Education

Now that we understand the impact of AR and VR in education, let’s explore why Robust Research and Development Ltd is the ideal partner for your educational journey.

Our Commitment:

– Unmatched expertise in AR and VR technologies

– Continuous innovation and research

– User-friendly and immersive experiences

Diverse Portfolio:

– From VR experiences to cross-platform applications

– Comprehensive solutions for varied educational needs

Customer-Centric Approach:

– Transparent communication

– Strong customer support

– Tailored solutions for unique requirements

Join the Educational Revolution with Robust Research and Development Ltd

In conclusion, Robust Research and Development Ltd stands as a beacon of innovation in the tech industry, particularly in the realm of AR and VR in education. If you’re seeking a partner in innovation, look no further. Join us on a mission to revolutionize education and make technology work for you. Experience the future of learning with Robust Research and Development Ltd.


In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, the role of interactive technology in education has become more vital than ever before. The way we learn and teach is undergoing a remarkable transformation, and at Robust Research and Development, we’re at the forefront of this revolution. As an interactive technology company based in Dhaka, Bangladesh, we’re dedicated to enhancing education through cutting-edge solutions in AR, VR, simulations, games, cross-platform apps, and business solutions. Join us as we explore the exciting future of interactive technology in the education sector.

Interactive whiteboards   92% of K-12 schools in the United States use interactive whiteboards.
Laptops and tablets   87% of K-12 students in the United States use laptops or tablets in school.
Online learning platforms   65% of K-12 schools in the United States use online learning platforms.
Virtual reality (VR)   15% of K-12 schools in the United States use VR.
Augmented reality (AR)   10% of K-12 schools in the United States use AR.
Traditional education methods are giving way to more engaging and immersive learning experiences. Interactive technologies, such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), are bridging the gap between theory and practice. Students can now explore historical landmarks, dive into the depths of the ocean, or dissect complex molecular structures—all within the confines of a classroom. These technologies not only make learning more captivating but also foster a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Simulations have emerged as powerful tools for experiential learning. Through realistic scenarios and interactive simulations, students can apply theoretical concepts to practical situations. For instance, medical students can practice intricate surgical procedures in a risk-free virtual environment, honing their skills before entering an actual operating room. This approach not only boosts confidence but also reduces errors, ultimately leading to improved outcomes.

ar and vr interactive technology in education
Gone are the days when gaming was seen as a mere pastime. The gamification of education has opened new avenues for interactive learning. Complex problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork can be seamlessly integrated into educational games. Students embark on learning journeys filled with challenges, rewards, and a sense of accomplishment. These games transcend cultural and geographical barriers, making education universally appealing and accessible.

United States   35%
United Kingdom   25%
China   20%
India   15%
Brazil   10%
Worldwide   25%
The proliferation of smartphones and tablets has paved the way for cross-platform educational apps. These apps offer personalized learning experiences, allowing students to learn at their own pace and convenience. Whether it’s mastering a new language, practicing math concepts, or exploring scientific phenomena, cross-platform apps cater to diverse learning styles and preferences.

The future of interactive technology in the education sector holds immense promise. As advancements continue, we can anticipate even more seamless integration of AR, VR, simulations, and other technologies into curricula. Imagine students collaborating on projects with peers from different continents in a shared virtual space or conducting experiments in a hyper-realistic lab environment. The boundaries of traditional education will continue to expand, and Robust Research and Development Ltd. is committed to driving this evolution.

Educational technology   $350 billion   16% CAGR
Virtual reality   180%   180%
Augmented reality   200%   200%

*Ref: BusinessWire

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prevalent in recent years, and entrepreneurs can now leverage this technology to help grow their businesses. AI tools offer a range of benefits that can help entrepreneurs to streamline their operations, improve their decision-making processes, and ultimately increase profitability. In this article, we will explore some of the various AI tools that entrepreneurs can take advantage of, as well as the benefits of using AI tools in the business.

1. Chatbots
Chatbots are computer programs that can simulate human conversation, and they can be used to automate customer service interactions. By integrating a chatbot into their website or app, entrepreneurs can provide their customers with quick and efficient customer support around the clock. This can help to improve customer satisfaction and reduce the workload on customer support teams.
2. Predictive analytics
Predictive analytics tools use machine learning algorithms to analyze data and make predictions about future outcomes. Entrepreneurs can use these tools to gain insights into customer behavior, market trends, and other important factors that can impact their business. This can help them to make more informed decisions and develop more effective marketing and sales strategies.
3. Image and speech recognition
Image and speech recognition technologies are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and they can be used by entrepreneurs in a variety of ways. For example, image recognition tools can be used to identify products or objects in images, while speech recognition tools can be used to transcribe audio recordings. These technologies can help entrepreneurs to automate repetitive tasks and improve their workflows.
4. Personalization tools
Personalization tools use machine learning algorithms to deliver personalized content to users based on their preferences and behavior. Entrepreneurs can use these tools to create targeted marketing campaigns, recommend products to customers, and provide personalized customer experiences. This can help to improve customer engagement and loyalty.
5. Fraud detection tools
Fraud detection tools use machine learning algorithms to analyze transactions and identify fraudulent activity. Entrepreneurs can use these tools to reduce the risk of fraud and protect their businesses and customers from financial losses. This can also help to build trust with customers and improve their overall experience with the business.

Benefits of using AI tools by entrepreneurs
The benefits of using AI tools in business are numerous. Here are just a few of the key advantages:
Improved efficiency: AI tools can automate repetitive tasks and streamline workflows, allowing entrepreneurs to focus on higher-level tasks.
Increased accuracy: AI tools can analyze large amounts of data with a high degree of accuracy, helping entrepreneurs to make more informed decisions.
Cost savings: By automating tasks and reducing the workload on employees, AI tools can help entrepreneurs reduce costs and improve profitability.
Better customer experiences: AI tools can be used to provide personalized customer experiences and improve customer satisfaction.
Competitive advantage: Entrepreneurs who adopt AI tools early can gain a competitive advantage over their rivals by improving their efficiency, accuracy, and customer experiences.

Let's look at some Some Examples of the above Listed
Chatbots: ChatGpt, Dialogflow, Microsoft Bot Framework, IBM Watson Assistant, Amazon Lex, BotStar, Tars, Landbot,, Chatfuel.
Predictive analytics: IBM Watson Studio, Google Cloud AI Platform,, RapidMiner, DataRobot, Alteryx, Databricks, Cloudera, Anaconda.
Image and speech recognition: Google Cloud Vision, Microsoft Azure Computer Vision, Amazon Rekognition, IBM Watson Visual Recognition, Google Cloud Speech-to-Text, DeepAI, Clarifai, Talla, EyeEm.
Personalization tools: Adobe Target, Optimizely, Dynamic Yield, Qubit, Segment, Emarsys, Monetate, RichRelevance, Reflektion.
Fraud detection tools: Sift, DataVisor, Feedzai, Featurespace, Kount, Signifyd, Chargeback, Forter, Riskified.
Natural language processing (NLP): Google Cloud Natural Language, IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding, Amazon Comprehend, Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, spaCy, NLTK, OpenNLP, Gensim.
Sentiment analysis: MonkeyLearn, Lexalytics, Aylien, Clarabridge, Repustate, Brandwatch, Sprinklr, Hootsuite Insights.
Recommendation engines: Amazon Personalize, Google Cloud Recommendations AI, IBM Watson Discovery, Acquia Lift, Salesforce Einstein, RichRelevance, Barilliance, Nosto, Strands.
Automated marketing: HubSpot, Marketo, Pardot, Eloqua, Act-On, SharpSpring, Autopilot, Omnisend, LeadSquared.
Data visualization: Tableau, Power BI, QlikView, Looker, Domo, Sisense, Datawrapper, Plotly, Infogram.

These are just a few examples of the many AI tools available to entrepreneurs. It is important to evaluate each tool's features, pricing, and compatibility with existing systems before making a decision. With the right AI tools in place, entrepreneurs can improve efficiency, accuracy, and customer experiences while reducing costs and gaining a competitive advantage.

In conclusion, AI tools offer a range of benefits that can help entrepreneurs to grow their businesses. From chatbots to predictive analytics, image and speech recognition to fraud detection, there are many AI tools that entrepreneurs can take advantage of to improve their operations and increase profitability. By adopting AI early, entrepreneurs can gain a competitive advantage and position themselves for long-term success.


I meet a lot of people who are interested in starting a company, but haven’t found an idea they are excited to work on for the next 5 to 10 years.

I generally think it is smart to have patience in finding an idea that pulls you in: a market or opportunity you can’t imagine not pursuing. Patience in the near-term will save you a lot of time in the long-term.

However, I’ve found one way to find this idea is to gain broad exposure to different markets until a specific opportunity and mission stands out to you. Of course that is where the real work begins: auditing the industry, talking to customers, learning about its history, and understanding the pain points to validate the idea.

To help with the brainstorming part of the journey, I’ve put together a matrix that outlines various consumer markets as well as tactics a company can take to bring a unique product to the market. Credit to Chris Dixon who showed me this format a few years ago.

This matrix is for consumer opportunities, but if people like it I’ll make one for B2B opportunities.* The format could even be applied to one specific market like media to reveal a wider range of opportunities.

I’ve filled in some of the cells with startups that fit the themes. This is by no means exhaustive (and a company could fit in more than one category), but including existing companies helps ground the ideas in reality and makes it easier to draw connections.

To view the matrix, you can follow this link.

Think of this less as a map and more as a starting point for creativity. It probably won’t give you the next billion dollar idea, but might spark a line of thinking that brings you to one.


Alid Hasan Akash
Student, Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

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