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Messages - ymislam

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Allah: My belief / Re: Are all religions the same - tafseer of the Qur'an
« on: November 07, 2010, 04:53:24 AM »
Dear Faiyaz,

It's good to find out about religions of the world. However, I don't understand your question. If you explain your question again or perhaps pay me a visit, I can understand what you are saying.

To me the questions to answer are:
 * Who has made me unique?
 * Who has given me feelings and abilities?
 * Who has given me opportunities to study and learn?
 * Who gives me success?
 * Should I thank the Being that has given me all these things to enjoy?
 * Is it fair to thank other things or beings who have done nothing for me?
 * By calling other things or beings 'god' I am thanking them.

By applying these questions to yourself, see if you can find some answers. You may also look at the article in the link:

After you have tried to answer each of the above questions for yourself come and see me.

Best regards.


Hajj / Hajj Matters
« on: November 06, 2010, 09:16:01 PM »
Dear Forum Member,

Hajj season Mubarak!

Here is a brief tafseer on verses relating to the Hajj:

Best regards.


Allah: My belief / Re: Are all religions the same - tafseer of the Qur'an
« on: November 06, 2010, 09:08:03 PM »
Dear Forum member,

As Hajj approaches, it may be interesting to find out what Jesus said about Abraham:

Would welcome your comments.

Best regards.


Allah: My belief / Re: Are all religions the same - tafseer of the Qur'an
« on: November 06, 2010, 09:05:05 PM »
Dear Faiyaz,

Good question. In trying to answer your question, I read up a little bit. I wonder whether there is a significant difference in the way that Hindu gods are portrayed and the gods of Greek Mythology. Anyway, the following link may shed some light.

Best regards.


Allah: My belief / Are all religions the same - tafseer of the Qur'an
« on: October 03, 2010, 07:56:06 AM »
Dear All,

Establishing belief is not easy. It requires a lot of thinking and contemplation. As one starts thinking, questions pop into the mind, e.g.

If there is one Creator, shouldn't there be ONE religion? The answer to this question is that each one of us should study our own religion in depth. Muslims should study the Qur'an in depth, Christians should study the Bible in depth, Hindus should study their own books in depth, etc.

It is in the depth that one will find commonalities...each one of us has been given life, individuality, skills, opportunities and free-will. How and why? Is this all automatic or is there someone we should thank?

The article in the link below may help answer some questions.

Best regards and wishes.


HRDI / Re: Employees first, customer second
« on: October 03, 2010, 07:31:43 AM »
Dear All,

I really like this train of thought!

Shibli's idea is that it is the employees, i.e. the teachers and staff who are looking after the students. To understand their job better, both teachers and staff need to share their experiences so that students can be better looked after. The question is how can re-training or sharing of experiences be done?

If anyone has any ideas, I can take a workshop based on the idea.

Best regards.


Ramadan and Fasting / Re: A few Verses each day
« on: June 04, 2010, 10:23:38 AM »
Dear All,

Good to see many of you reading the forum posts.

Today saw the publication of the 133rd article on 'The Revelation' in News Today. The article attempts to summarize Sura Baquarah. It is worth the read if you can make time.

The link to this article:

Best regards.


English Language Lab / Re: How to strengthen skills n abilities
« on: June 04, 2010, 10:16:57 AM »
Dear Shibli,

Great posts and guidelines!

Can you suggest how we can all develop 'Listening' and 'Reading' materials for the Language Lab, in particular for English I and English II?

Can you champion this effort?

Best regards.


Dear All,

This article explores interest-free banking methods. Read if you find this interesting.


Dear All,

This article explores interest-free banking methods. Read if you find this interesting.


Islam & Science / Re: Question-answer
« on: May 11, 2010, 05:22:30 PM »
Dear All,

Do human beings need guidance for their lives on earth? Where can they get guidance they need. The article in the link below may help you find answers.

Pls share your thoughts in the forum.

Best regards.


Dear Students,

In Bangladesh, what kind of use do we make of technology? One of the most powerful uses of technology is for storing data for use. In Bangladesh, what data do we store? Do we store data on our own activities?

Read the article at:

and write your comments here. Tell us what kind of data you think should be collected.


Positive Bangladesh / Re: Positive Bangladesh
« on: May 09, 2010, 06:41:52 PM »
Dear Students,

To steer Bangladesh in a positive direction, we need to collect data on what is happening and also decide where we want to go. To help with the first step, you may find the article in the following link thought provoking:

On reading the article, if you have any thoughts on how information can be collected regarding any activity or any situation, please share here.


Dear All,

Have you studied banking and how money is made through charging interest? What is your opinion regarding this.

On this subject you may find the article in the following link interesting.

Pls share your thoughts here.


HRDI / Re: Self Development Workshops
« on: May 04, 2010, 05:57:19 PM »
Dear All,

For those who wish to develop themselves and create goals, the article in the following link may help:

After reading the article, share your thoughts with the rest here.


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