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Messages - anwar.swe

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Informative post, thank you for sharing this post

Informative post, thank you for sharing this post

Thanks for sharing.

Software Engineering / How can we change the education system as we know?
« on: February 28, 2020, 01:37:53 AM »
Like most nine-year-old kids in Vietnam, I enjoyed playing soccer in the alley where I lived, appreciated watching cartoon programs and movies at night, and loved playing “addictive” online games with my friends. However, what I loved above all was reading. I wanted to read about everything, from Japanese comics, Harry Potter novels to books about world history and sciences. I could’ve spent all day lying on my bed reading a book of my choice or scouting the internet to learn about a topic I liked.

Everything changed, however, as I got into middle school, where students needed to learn what they were told and in the way they were told. Teacher-centered instruction method and rote learning became the norm, and exam scores became the sole determinant of one’s success. Struggling to cope with unengaging lectures and stressful exams, I realized that all those fascinating readings wouldn’t help me to become “successful”. So I gave up every book, every cartoon, and every hangout with my friends to make sure I could keep up with other students. It took me a while, but I eventually accustomed to the culture of the whole education system.
It was not until I prepared for my US college application, when I was asked about my non-academic interests, that I realized all I knew (and cared about) was getting good grades: I no longer read books, rarely cared about news, and hardly inquired about the world around me. And despite having some academic achievements, I possessed too few useful skills — skills that are necessary for one to succeed in life such as critical thinking, problem-solving, decision making, and social skills.

I realized that grades only reflect what we’ve learned (using the method we’re taught to use); impressive grades can’t reflect how I’m prepared for life.
I decided to focus more on learning what interested me and what matters to the world. I started reading again. I took advantage of going to a US liberal arts institution to enroll in all kinds of classes I found fascinating such as biology, politics, history, and philosophy.
However, I also understand how fortunate I am to have access to resources and opportunities I needed to get this far. There are numerous less fortunate people who couldn’t adjust themselves to the system and remained at a disadvantage.

Software Engineering / ICPC World Final 2020
« on: February 28, 2020, 01:36:46 AM »
The 2020 World Finals will be held in Moscow Russia, June 21-26, 2020, hosted by Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). The World Finals and most associated events are planned to be in the Moscow Manege, in the heart of Moscow.

Software Engineering / Google I/O 2020
« on: February 28, 2020, 01:35:00 AM »
This year's developer event will be held May 12-14 at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, CA.

I/O unites developers from around the globe for talks, hands-on learning with Google experts, and a first look at Google's latest developer products and platforms.

Software Engineering / Machine Learning in Healthcare
« on: February 28, 2020, 01:33:48 AM »
The healthcare sector has long been an early adopter of and benefited greatly from technological advances. These days, machine learning (a subset of artificial intelligence) plays a key role in many health-related realms, including the development of new medical procedures, the handling of patient data and records and the treatment of chronic diseases. As computer scientist Sebastian Thrum told the New Yorker in a recent article titled “A.I. Versus M.D., “Just as machines made human muscles a thousand times stronger, machines will make the human brain a thousand times more powerful.”

Despite warnings from some doctors that things are moving too fast, the rate of progress keeps increasing. And for many, that’s as it should be. "AI is the future of healthcare,” Fatima Paruk, CMO of Chicago-based Allscripts Analytics, said in 2017. She went on to explain how critical it would be in the ensuing few years and beyond — in the care management of prevalent chronic diseases; in the leveraging of “patient-centered health data with external influences such as pollution exposure, weather factors and economic factors to generate precision medicine solutions customized to individual characteristics”; in the use of genetic information “within care management and precision medicine to uncover the best possible medical treatment plans.”

« on: February 28, 2020, 01:32:44 AM »
Artificial Intelligence has already been implemented in the healthcare sector. Now the use of computer vision in this field is making surface and can support the rise to various applications that can prove to be life-saving for patients. This AI-powered technology is assisting more doctors to better diagnose their patients, prescribe the right treatments and monitor the evolution of several diseases.
Computer vision not only helps medical professionals in saving their valuable time on basic tasks but also saving patients’ life. The applications of the technology for medical use has to perform by extending current ways that it’s already being used and adding a layer of creativity and imagination.

Currently, there are several areas in healthcare where computer vision is being utilized and benefiting medical professionals to better diagnose patients, including medical imaging analysis, predictive analysis, health monitoring, among others. Below the benefits computer vision technology can assist health systems.


Precise Diagnoses 
Computer vision systems offer precise diagnoses minimizing false positives. The technology can potentially obliterate the requirement for redundant surgical procedures and expensive therapies. Computer vision algorithms trained using a huge amount of training data can detect the slightest presence of a condition which may typically be missed out by human doctors because of their sensory limitations. The use of computer vision in healthcare diagnosis can provide significantly high levels of precision which may in coming days go up to 100 percent.

Timely Detection of Illness 
There are most fatal illnesses that need to be diagnosed in their early stages, such as cancer. Computer vision enables the detection of early symptoms with high certainty owing to its finely tuned pattern-recognition capability. This can be useful in timely treatment and saving countless lives for the long term.

Heightened Medical Process
The use of computer vision in healthcare can considerably lessen the time doctors usually take in analysing reports and images. It frees and offers them more time to spend with patients and provide personalized and constructive advice. By enhancing the quality of physician-patient interactions, it can also assist medical professionals to give consultation to more and more patients.

The use of computer vision in healthcare supports caregivers to deliver efficient and accurate healthcare services through its life-saving applications.

Software Engineering / Data Science: The Future And New Technology
« on: February 28, 2020, 01:28:37 AM »
The most basic definition of data science is that it involves the collection, storage, organisation and analysis of massive amounts of data. Yet without a deeper understanding, one might think a data scientist sits in a dark room, huddled in front of a screen, pouring over streams of digital content.

That’s not the case at all. In fact, in recent years data science has become less and less about the data itself, and more about the technology and tools used to interact with it. Advanced solutions like AI, machine learning and robust analytics tools make it possible not just to process and understand massive stores of information but at unprecedented speeds. The tools are so powerful you don’t need to know how to code to use most of them — it always helps to have programming experience, however.

Today’s data scientists now take the data that’s been ingested and processed by an advanced analytics system and translate the information for the rest of an organisation. For example, they might point out trends to executives, who will use the information to make more informed decisions. They might pass details about customer behaviour on to marketing for building more targeted and successful campaigns. Or, they may decide what forms of data to filter into a storage system and, of course, there’s also the adverse — deciding what stored information to put to use.

Software Engineering / Top 10 Technology Trends for 2020
« on: February 28, 2020, 01:27:10 AM »
Television shows of the 1960’s like The Jetsons predicted that the 21st century would be filled with flying cars, and airborne robots would be a part of our everyday lives. October 21st, 2015 marked the point in time in which Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) traveled to in
Back to the Future Part II, the 1989 sequel to the time-travelling classic. The future he found was one which had captured the imagination of millions — instead today, we live in a world dominated by live streaming, smartphones and social networks, not flying cars or hover boards

Within the span of 10 short years, or perhaps even less, service apps like Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, AirBnB and others have spawned millions of users, and can be found on almost everyone’s smart phone. Personal assistants like Siri and Alexa have entered many of our lives. It would be terribly naive for anyone to say that the world hasn’t changed in the last 10 years. This technology growth and change is likely to continue for the next decade and beyond.
It’s the roaring 20’s baby! At the start of the millennium, Information Technology was deeply concerned about Y2K … “Oh no, the zeroes and the clocks!” When the clocks struck 12 in 2000, the iPhone, Twitter, Facebook, 4k, 5G, and all the other fun things we know today didn’t exist. So what’s in store as a new decade begins?

best wishes for you. could you share the details information with us

thank you for sharing this information

thank you for sharing this information

thank you for sharing this information

Research Publications / Re: GCC Wealth Insight Report
« on: February 28, 2020, 01:20:37 AM »
informative post

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