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Messages - Nusrat Nargis

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BBA Discussion Forum / healthy diet for healthy life
« on: May 25, 2013, 12:10:43 PM »
A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve general health. It is thought to be important for lowering health risks, such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and cancer.  A healthy diet involves consuming primarily fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to satisfy caloric requirements, provide the body with essential nutrients, phyto-chemicals, and fibre, and provide adequate water intake. A healthy diet supports energy needs and provides for human nutrition without exposure to toxicity or excessive weight gain from consuming excessive amounts.

thank you sir.

Thank you sir for sharing.

BBA Discussion Forum / Re: Proper use of Internet for your child
« on: May 20, 2013, 10:54:50 AM »
Nice post. thanks for sharing.

BBA Discussion Forum / Re: Technology in Banking
« on: May 20, 2013, 10:53:35 AM »
Nice post sir. thank you for the information.

BBA Discussion Forum / Re: Examples of Challenges at the Workplace
« on: May 18, 2013, 03:15:12 PM »
Nice post.

BBA Discussion Forum / Re: Importance of family in our life
« on: May 18, 2013, 10:39:42 AM »
What ever happens to your life, you should stick to your family. Your family will never leave you.

BBA Discussion Forum / Importance of family in our life
« on: May 16, 2013, 04:11:46 PM »

The world today is filled with so much violence, anger, and apathy that it’s downright scary. If you have children, it is of utmost importance to be a positive leader of your family. Children grow up and are gone before you realize it. Don’t waste away the time you have now. Spend time with your family.

Maybe the reason why you can’t seem to find time to spend with your family is because you don’t think it is that important. Maybe you have other things that you think are higher on your list of priorities. Here are just a few reasons why family time is important:

1) You need to build deeper relationships within your family. Family ties are important. I’ve often heard it said that the reason why so many kids decide to join gangs are because they welcome them in and become part of a family. Your children need to feel like they belong. They need to feel like they have someone they can turn to, for anything. Spending time together as a family ensures that deep, strong, family bond.

2) You need to instill family values in your children. Your children need to learn the importance of family values. Chances are, your children will mimic the exact behaviors you exhibit towards them. If you are an absent parent, they will be the same to their children in the future. More often than not, children often display worse behaviors than were shown to them. Spending family time together will build a sense of worth and instill positive family values in your children.

3) You need to teach your children important life lessons. Whatever your child does not learn at home, you can be assured they will learn elsewhere. Do you want your children to learn important life lessons by having to experience pain? Of course, they will have to learn some things on their own. But it is so important to have time for family discussion, wherein you can lay problems or situations on the table, then talk about them with your children.

4) You need to build a stronger family unit. All these things lead to one very important detail. By spending more quality time together as a family, you will build a stronger family unit. Your family will stick together through rough times, and enjoy fun times together as well.

BBA Discussion Forum / Re: Healthy ways to relax and recharge
« on: May 13, 2013, 02:29:27 PM »
Nice post. You can also be relaxed  by  reading a novel. It works for me!!!!

BBA Discussion Forum / Re: GMAT/GRE - English Discussion
« on: May 07, 2013, 12:13:02 PM »
Good post. It will improve students as well as teachers English knowledge level.

Nice post Tasnim. Will help me to control stress.

BBA Discussion Forum / How to develop a good personality.........
« on: May 06, 2013, 03:07:44 PM »

Everyone wants to have a decent and attractive personality. There are some tips for developing a good enough personality. I would like to share some.......

1. Confidence is key.

2. Be humorous and lighthearted. People will thank you for bringing some fun into their world.

3. Always be nice. This is the most important step. No matter who you are, if you are nice, the only reason a person can dislike you is if they are jealous of you. Never be rude to people.

4. Always be cool, calm and collected. In every single situation you are in you always have to remember to keep your cool. Never start arguments unless it is for a strong argument and you have good argumentative skills. Never argue with people you would like to remain friends with.

5. Be comfortable with yourself always.

6. Be Happy. Try to always look on the bright side, be positive and smile.(unless you are in a situation where being happy would be rude, e.g funeral). No one can resist a happy person. This doesn't mean be fake, or feel you have to hide your feelings.

7. Never get caught up in being "popular", people will see what you are doing and lose respect for you. A real popular person is a person who has a great personality and does not try hard to become popular.

8. Think about what makes you respect other people, if you want to be respected. Wear clothes that are stylish and are within your comfort zone. Avoid clothes that would only appeal to a particular group of people. say things that are smart.

9. Never get too caught up in yourself.  Never show off, it just looks silly and normally makes you look as though you have lost your cool. Be modest around people, but always accept compliments and give compliments as well.

10. Be open to relationships.

Only Allah knows what is RIGHT and what is WRONG. Thank u Sakhawat bhai for reminding us about the final judgement day.

BBA Discussion Forum / Re: Time management tips
« on: May 04, 2013, 12:39:28 PM »
thank u all for additional tips.

BBA Discussion Forum / Time management tips
« on: May 02, 2013, 01:51:01 PM »
How to make a to do list???????

Step 1: Think of everything you need to do. State it clearly, and use proper English.

Step 2: Use good handwriting. If you can't read it, what's the point?

Step 3: Make it noticeable. Write in bright colors or put it in a noticeable place.

Step 4: Put a date or day on it.

Step 5: Organize the list to get it done quickly.

Step 6: Prioritize the most important things first. Put the most important problems first. If it's a big list, break it into manageable or incremental one-weekend or one-day projects.

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