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Questions general knowledge easy to hard in English printable quizzes are everywhere. In most instances, knowledge is far more precious than money. Knowledge may provide many benefits that money cannot. Enjoy the questions general knowledge easy to hard in English printable quizzes, that may assist us in a variety of situations. The term "knowledge" refers to both broad and specific information. "Knowledge is power," as the adage goes.

Knowledge is a weapon that can be used when the occasion calls for it. Knowledge is an enduring disposition of the soul's faculties, orienting them towards good, and thereby refining them by elevating their innate indetermination and substituting a distinct inclination (but without restriction) to a good rather than bad. As a result, we talk of intellectual and moral qualities on the basis of questions general knowledge easy to hard in English printable quizzes.

In the year 1917, The US Congress approves the 18th Amendment to the US Constitution, which authorizes the prohibition of alcohol, and sends it to the states for ratification. Explore questions general knowledge easy to hard in English printable quizzes.

Guillermo Vilas of Argentina wins his first and only season-ending ATP Masters Grand Prix tennis final in Melbourne, Australia in 1974, defeating reigning champion lie Nastase 7–6, 6–2, 3–6, 3–6, 6–4. SOlve questions general knowledge easy to hard in English printable quizzes.

During King Philip's War in 1675, combined colonial millitias launch a huge attack on the Narragansetts' Great Swamp Fort, completely destroying the village and murdering or relocating hundreds of non-combatant women and children.

The "Bosman judgement" is handed down by the European Communities Court of Justice in 1995, granting EU players the right to a free transfer at the conclusion of their contracts, provided they are going from one UEFA Federation to another. Grab questions general knowledge easy to hard in English printable quizzes.

Questions General Knowledge Easy to Hard in English Printable

1. The longest stone arch bridge in the world is

The Rockville Bridge in Marysville (Pennsylvania)

2. The world’s longest pedestrian bridge is 120 years old and located in


3. Which one is the fattest country in the world - 33% of the population being obese and 66% considered to be overweight?

The United States

4. Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin were all nominated for

The Nobel Peace Prize

5. Which disaster actually caused by exhaustion and lack of sleep on the part of the men who were responsible for preventing such disasters?

Chernobyl nuclear meltdown

6. "that's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." quoted by

Astronaut Neil Armstrong

7. Anglo-Zanzibar War was held between

Britain and Germany

8. The Great Molasses Flood caused a sticky situation with deadly consequences held in

Boston (1919)

9. Women couldn't submit a credit application at a bank without a man until


10. Which woman fled slavery and then helped lead other enslaved people to freedom through the Underground Railroad?

Harriet Tubman


Sports Zone / 7 Great Social and Emotional Benefits of Playing Sports
« on: March 27, 2022, 08:54:58 PM »
There are plenty of benefits to playing sports. Sports have been shown to be a powerful instrument for bringing about positive social change on a global scale time and time again. Sports have an important part in bringing about genuine worldwide social change, from giving employment to reconciling societal divides. Regardless of their age, millions of people tune in to sports tournaments, demonstrating the power of sports. In this article, I will share some benefits of playing sports.

Even if we go back in time, numerous sporting events have highlighted good social development, such as inclusiveness, gender equality, and togetherness, among other things.

Many societal changes have been brought about through sports around the world. Sports are more than just physical exercise; they can help people acquire life lessons and make a good difference in society.

The notion of using sports as a tool to address various societal issues is extremely important, as sports are the only thing that brings people from varied social and cultural backgrounds together.

Sports bring people from all areas of life together, allowing us to appreciate our differences. Sport is a strong instrument for inspiring social change in order to create healthier communities.

Social and Emotional Benefits of Playing Sports

Let's find below, the social and emotional benefits of playing sports, that is, how sports may help people throughout the world:

1. Sports encourage self-control and non-violence

Another beneficial effect that sports bring to society is that it promotes discipline and nonviolence. Due to a lack of direction and knowledge, many poor communities across the world suffer from a lack of discipline and violence. Sports have a significant part in instilling key lessons, which in turn aids in the development of constructive societal change.

2. Sports promote national cohesion

Sports, whether it's the Olympics or a world cup event, bring people from all over the world together to express their support for their nation. It bridges societal divides, breaking down racial barriers.

Sports serve as a common denominator in our divided society, since individuals of all ages and groups enjoy them equally. Sports inherently foster solidarity, which serves to positively engage all members of society and promote national unity.

3. Sports help to overcome societal divides

The second significant contribution that sports provide is in bridging the gap between people of various social identities. Sports help individuals with opposing social identities how to work or play together without putting their differences on display. Sports develop the skills of teamwork and dispute resolution, which contribute significantly to societal transformation.

4. Sports can assist in the fight against obesity

Obesity has become a serious concern among teenagers as a result of our society's sedentary lifestyle. Young children who look up to athletes as role models are more likely to follow in their footsteps and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Sports encourage young people to keep active from a young age in order to combat obesity.

5. Sports help to achieve gender equality

Gender equality is the next good development that athletics can help bring about throughout the world. Men and women have equal access to resources, structure, and active involvement in positions of leadership, which aids in the promotion of gender equality via sports. Giving females the same chances as their male counterparts might help to shift society's patriarchal mentality.

6. Sports contribute to socioeconomic advancement

Entertainment sports are a multibillion-dollar industry with a significant influence on the country's economy. It helps to create a tangible impact in society by producing jobs and boosting the local economy.

7. Sports may teach you valuable life lessons

Another way sports may be used as a social tool is to educate individuals on vital life lessons. Sports aid mental development by instilling vital life lessons.

Sports have traditionally taught people throughout the world to value variety, which helps to build democracy. Sports as an institution has been successful in preserving social continuity and fostering camaraderie across social divides.

Sports aren't only for fun; they have a profound social influence on society and contribute to global growth. The government and a variety of groups are collaborating to use sports as a vehicle for social change.

Sports have made a significant contribution to society's welfare by providing access to improved possibilities that have resulted in good social development. Many sports projects have the potential to affect social change, which is why everyone should support them.

Sports' social influence has the potential to make a significant effect throughout the world. Sports should be promoted in all societies since they contribute to general development.

It emphasizes human worth, equality, teamwork, and other characteristics of society. It also awakens people's collective spirit and serves as a vehicle for bringing people together despite linguistic and cultural barriers.

Take away

To summarize, sports have a global impact, which is why they may be successfully employed to effect social change. Many social projects have benefited from sports' ability to bring people from all over the world together. Sports programs may be quite effective in advocating for social change.


How to get out of your comfort zone socially? After a time of learning, a new comfort zone emerges, allowing one to achieve even higher heights. This is what being in the development zone entails. We will discuss how to get out of your comfort zone socially.

There is a reality you must accept if you want to grow and progress in any aspect of your life: Getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things necessitates discomfort. It wasn't easy for you to learn to walk as a baby; you frequently fell down.

How to get out of your comfort zone socially

It was difficult to adjust to a new grade because you didn't know anyone. It's uncomfortable to go on a job interview because you're being judged. Presenting in front of a large audience isn't easy; your livelihood is on the line. Let's learn below how to get out of your comfort zone socially!

1. Start with the first step

All you have to do in theory is take the first step. It will be challenging. The first day at the gym is often the most difficult. The longest line in your tale is the first one. However, as you build momentum, it becomes simpler to keep moving forward.

2. Allow others to make the decision for you

You can allow your wife to arrange for both of your travel. You wouldn't go anywhere if you were in control instead. So make friends with those who are more extroverted than you. Allow them to make their own plans and simply follow them.

3. Make a shift in your regular routine

Change up your daily pattern by having a different breakfast, eating lunch with a new person every day, parking in a different spot at work, sitting on the opposite side of the sofa, and rearranging your meeting schedule. Routine is a source of comfort; the more you can resist it, the simpler it will be to welcome the discomfort of progress.

4. Do something you've never done before

Everybody has an innate dread, and that fear keeps us from doing things we might otherwise do. We may be afraid of the sea, heights, or traveling alone. These are the fears that follow us around and plague us at all times.

5. Put yourself in a fresh situation

Start simple, such as eating at a new restaurant in a different section of town or going to an art exhibit or gun show. The goal is to put oneself in unfamiliar situations where you have complete control over the encounter.

6. Don't go for the safe option

Every time you make a decision, one option is safe/comfortable, while the other option is risky/uncomfortable. The risky/uncomfortable option is the one that will educate you the most and cause you to develop the most, so go for it.

7. Choose an alternate path back to your place

You will notice various sights if you drive or walk a different path. In a little manner, this broadens your perspective on the world. That's just a simple method to get started. Then you'll be able to make more radical adjustments. You'll eventually feel at ease thinking outside the box.

8. Always keep in mind that tomorrow is a fresh day

It's helpful to remember that what doesn't kill you usually makes you stronger - you'll live, you'll recover, you'll learn something, and you'll have a higher chance of surviving the next time on learning how to get out of your comfort zone socially.

9. Read the Book

Reading can help you expand your vocabulary, articulate your goals, and open your mind to new ideas and viewpoints, and research suggests that lifelong brain-stimulating activities such as reading can help prevent Alzheimer's disease. Try a trick and read a book from a genre you don't often read. If you're going to read something, make it non-fiction.

Try a sportsbook if you're a business book reader. Try science fiction or the current vampire series in the young adult section if you've finished them. Reading is one of the easiest ways to become immersed in new ideas, cultures, and lifestyles, but you must vary your reading to get the most out of it.

10. Discover something new

It's always painful to battle with something new, whether it's physical or non-physical, but the rewards are typically clear. Dancing or martial arts are typical physical examples, but it may simply be trying a new piece of gym equipment or traveling a terrain you've never been on.

Learning a new language is a traditional non-physical activity, but you can make it even more useful by learning new software at work.

11. Consider other viewpoints

Surround yourself with intelligent individuals who are a little arrogant and who disagree with you on a variety of issues. Make a point of debating ideas with them in a respectful manner, since this will force you to reconsider your convictions.

12. Volunteering

Make it a learning experience if possible. Pick something you're extremely unfamiliar with and sponge up everything you can while still making yourself helpful with practicing how to get out of your comfort zone socially.

13. Make a request for assistance with anything.

Admitting you don't know something or can't handle all the chores you've been allocated is one of the most difficult things someone can do.

Fortunately for you, knowing everything about your company is nearly impossible, so you'll have plenty of opportunities to remedy this. Ask for assistance the next time you don't know the solution to something.

Ask for assistance the next time you're over-committed. You might approach a peer, a subordinate, or even your supervisor with your question. Not only will you get experience with suffering, but you'll also become more informed and productive.

Take away

Want to break free from your secure cocoon but aren't sure where to start? Taking the initial step is the most difficult aspect. It's much easier to stay within the confines of your comfort zone than it is to face the fear of going beyond them.

You'll likely miss out on job possibilities, life experiences, and personal growth if you limit yourself to what you currently know for adapting how to get out of your comfort zone socially.

Source of this article:

How to become an expert in your field? Obvious Experts have a significant edge over their competitors since they are the first people who come to mind when a problem has to be solved. Obvious Experts are people who are sought out for their counsel and knowledge, and who are eagerly recommended.

Prospects come to you pre-sold on your skills when you become an Obvious Expert. This helps to speed up sales and minimize price problems caused by unfamiliarity and a lack of confidence. This article will feature how to become an expert in your field.

How to become an expert in your field

People who are brighter, more competent, more knowledgeable than you will always exist. Don't be discouraged by this.

To teach high school physics, you don't have to be Richard Feynman. To teach a three-year-old violin, you don't have to be Joshua Bell.

You certainly aspire to be the "best in the world." You don't have to be the world's greatest authority in your field to be the finest in your world.

You could be the most knowledgeable person in your field. You may be the most knowledgeable person in your town. You're the best if you're the best in the place where your consumers congregate.

Here are seven low-cost strategies to market your professional services using technology:

The obvious Expert rank may now be promoted thanks to technological advancements. You can do the following:
Keep in touch at all times. You can stay in touch with clients and prospects without having to spend money on printing and shipping.
Educate your target audience. Demonstrate to prospects what to look for when purchasing a product and how investing in quality pays off in the long term.
Synergy. You may use online and offline marketing to build a powerful synergy. Use print to generate visitors to your website!

Here are some examples of how you may use technology to promote your expertise:

1. Stay in contact for free

The PDF file format from Adobe Acrobat allows you to send out attractive, easy-to-read One-Page Newsletters for free via e-mail and the Internet. One-Page Monthly Newsletters demonstrate your skills without bragging or boasting.

A monthly one-page newsletter is significantly more successful than a quarterly eight-page issue or a four-page newsletter every other month. You may utilize type and layout in Acrobat to visually "speak" your One-Page Newsletter. This generates a brand identity and distinguishes you from your competition.

2. Make difficult concepts simple to comprehend.

You might not be the world's foremost expert on your subject. However, you have the potential to become the most approachable authority.

Make your clients' lives easier by taking something difficult and making it simple to apply how to become an expert in your field.

Turn uninteresting scholarly writings into entertaining audio recordings. Complicated schematics may be turned into an engaging narrative. Take books from the 1940s and 1950s, modernize the language and examples, and convert them into YouTube videos.

I may not be ready for a recognized teacher like Massimo Bottura if I want to learn to prepare Italian food. Rachael Ray's easygoing approach and simple recipes appeal to me.

3. Incorporate a personal touch

Web audio provides a new degree of personalization and persuasion. You may keep track of "welcomes" and "invitations" to strengthen your bond. Visitors may also hear testimonials presented in your client's own words thanks to audio. Teleconferences can be held using low-cost rented bridge lines.

You may build on subjects covered in One-Page Newsletters to further engage your audience and strengthen relationships. Calls can be recorded and made available as free MP-3 downloads on a website.

4. Make your marketing more automated

To automatically fulfill prospect information requests, use autoresponders. Each request can start a scheduled series of e-mails, similar to a "mini-course," improving your chances of making a sale significantly. Cross-sell, up-sell, and re-sell buyers using post-purchase autoresponders.

In the near future, digital marketing will be totally automated. To make things easier for marketers, a wide range of organizations are now offering sales automation and marketing automation products. These programs act as a replacement for the human brain.

These programs are self-contained. Marketing automation aids in the identification of new clients while also automating the process of nurturing those leads toward sales-readiness. Marketing automation may provide valuable material that builds trust and respect for your business, allowing prospects to comprehend what they're getting fast and effortlessly.

5. Teach in order to learn

Finding some fellow apprentices and teaching them is the best approach to becoming a master to apply how to become an expert in your field.

You begin by teaching those who know nothing and have no idea where to go for the fundamentals. (Or who simply do not wish to.) Teach the tried-and-true techniques.

It makes no difference how many others are doing it. You'll find pupils if you do it properly and inject your own personality into it.

You'll notice that the "basic stuff" takes on new depth and complexity as you educate. You'll begin to notice things about your subject that you hadn't noticed before. And as you continue to study, you'll be able to teach more advanced students.

You can study for decades and yet not learn what you can in a month or two of instruction. Just remember to be truthful about your skill and experience level, and you'll attract the ideal pupils.

6. Write faster and better.

Mind mapping software aids in the planning of marketing campaigns and the creation of more convincing text. Mind Mapping aids in the collection and organization of thoughts.

Each issue of your One-Page Newsletter may be easily planned and created. You may also narrate your newsletters using internet technology, drastically decreasing the time it takes to prepare each issue.

7. Share your knowledge

Print-on-demand allows you to create a book that showcases your expertise without taking on too much financial risk. Only after a book is sold is it printed. It can help others develop their perspective and build professional relationships.

When you share your knowledge with others, it helps to enlarge and solidify your own understanding. It's a terrific service to share your expertise with your coworkers. It allows you to think about others rather than just oneself.

Sharing information allows them to connect, perform better, and grow as professionals. Here are a few instances of the benefits of information sharing for you.

Learning and Knowledge Sharing Methods: Recognizing the Differences, comprehending visually, using photos, visuals, and reading, comprehending verbally, using listening and recitation., unwinding physically, using physical contact, and hands-on practice.

8. Commit to a genuine desire to assist others.

It's not your objective to appear and feel like a huge smartypants in order to become an expert. It's for the purpose of assisting your readers, clients, and customers.

You might want to write this down on a card and set it somewhere where you can see it every time you use your computer:

9. It has nothing to do with you.

Blowhards and know-it-alls have a hard time navigating the internet. Because of the "social" aspect of social media, someone with a pin is constantly seeking to deflate that inflated ego.

You'll find yourself dodging constant potshots if you try to position yourself as "the brightest man in the room."

Take away

Use a variety of technologies. To disseminate your surveys, for example, use autoresponders.

Make a commitment to being consistent. One-Page Newsletters put you in front of clients and prospects all the time.

Always put your best foot forward. Make use of design to strengthen your brand and message.

Educate rather than the market. Allow your thoughts to speak for themselves. Sales will naturally follow. We hope this article on how to become an expert in your field was worth reading.


How to make a good first impression? We've all been in this horrible situation: you're wandering about at work or elsewhere when you happen to run into your boss or another key person in your life, and you're...utterly dumbfounded. You're completely taken off guard, your mind goes blank, and you can't think of anything to do or say—and, to make matters worse, it's evident that you're in full panic mode, which just adds to the chaos. This article will feature how to make a good first impression.

How to make a good first impression

It's a complete nightmare, yet you're awake. After then, the only thing left to do is walk away, licking your wounds, hoping that you'll find out a way to remove this moment from your memory—and good luck with that!

Although you won't be able to suddenly erase bad previous experiences, the good news is that you can do a lot to prevent them from happening again! In fact, we'll teach you how to establish a fantastic first impression in only a few minutes or less in every situation.

How to make a good first impression? If that's the case, keep reading.

Make a plan ahead of time.

It may seem stupid to arrange interactions ahead of time, but you'll thank me later when you start impressing everyone you meet. Consider a few subjects of discussion to keep "pre-loaded" each day as you get dressed in the morning—everything from local news to sports or the weather is fair game.

A few innocuous (but humorous!) jokes wouldn't hurt either, as long as nothing disrespectful is said. Have a couple of different nice conversation starters "on hand," so you may pick and choose which ones to utilize depending on who you're speaking with.

Feel free to adapt your conversation starters as the day goes on, based on what happens. We understand that this may seem strange, but you'd be shocked at how many individuals use this method to guarantee that the only impressions they make are favorable. If you use it, you won't be caught off guard with anything to say if you happen to run into someone suddenly.

Keep an eye on your body language.

When you're trying to create a good impression on someone, it's not just about what you say; it's also about how you say it. Are you assertive, straightforward, and pleasant, or nervous, uncomfortable, and want to break contact as quickly as possible?

Is your tone steady or shaky? Do you hunch and sway anxiously, or do you stand straight and confident? Do you avoid eye contact like a cold by making the right amount of it—not too much, nor too little (some experts believe 5 seconds is a healthy amount of "eye time" before glancing away and returning)?

All of these aspects make up your social body language, and they all play a role in how people perceive you during social interactions. So, put in some practice time and make sure your body language is in tip-top form.

Here's where a trusted family member or friend may assist you with some vital practice. Alternatively, use a mirror to practice your body language and give yourself honest criticism. Trust us when we say that this is time well spent.

Make an effort to present oneself as a polished product.

You're well on your way to creating a terrific impression on people with some fantastic conversation starters and flawless body language. However, there are a few other factors that go into your "whole impression package." This includes the niceties, such as your attire and grooming.

Always be aware of the extras when leaving your front door—you never know who you'll run into, and no one has ever complained about spending a little more time looking nicely and paying attention to all the intricacies of their grooming regimen.

This is especially true when you know you'll be meeting individuals with whom you want to create a favorable impression, such as at work or during interviews.

We know that in an ideal world, it wouldn't matter what you wear or how you appear, but we don't live in an ideal world, and we all judge books by their covers, so keep the extras in mind if you want to create a good first impression.

Remember to include the secret ingredient

So, you've honed your speaking skills, practiced your body language, and polished your attire and grooming—are you completely prepared to make a fantastic first impression in any situation?

Not so fast—you're almost there, but there's one more "secret ingredient" that we hope isn't so hidden from you when it comes to making strong first impressions: pay attention!

The reality is that if you want to make a good first impression, this is a must-have component. In fact, if you use the other tactics outlined above without effective listening skills, you can come across as fake, self-absorbed, or artificial.

It only takes a little work to develop good listening abilities. When conversing with others, make a conscious effort to pay attention to what they're saying.

Nod and use appropriate facial expressions based on what's being said (don't grin and laugh if someone is telling you about their cat's broken leg!). If you ask them questions regarding what they're saying, you'll get bonus interest points.

What's better? Shift the conversation's attention to what the other person is saying. Who doesn't feel unique when their passions are the focus of everyone's attention? In the end, good listeners produce good impressions, and others will look forward to engaging with you again.

You may begin implementing the tactics discussed here right away, and it won't take long for you to start creating positive impressions. Even brief contacts of a few seconds or minutes can become simple opportunities to leave a pleasant, long-lasting impact! We hope this article on how to make a good first impression was worth reading.


How to overcome loneliness and depression? Loneliness affects people in different ways, which is why psychologists have recognized four basic forms of loneliness: emotional, social, situational, and chronic.

The more lonely you are, the worse your depression symptoms will be. Each one-point rise on the loneliness measure was connected to a 16 percent increase in average depressive symptom severity, according to the study. One year later, loneliness was associated with almost one-fifth (18%) of occurrences of depression. This article will feature on how to overcome loneliness and depression.

Situational circumstances such as physical isolation, relocation to a new area, and divorce can all contribute to loneliness. 2 Loneliness can be exacerbated by the death of someone crucial in one's life. Internal problems such as poor self-esteem can also contribute to loneliness.

Spending too much time alone, whether young or elderly, raises the chance of suicide. Even when exposed to the same stressors as non-lonely persons, and even when they are resting, lonely people report greater levels of felt stress. Keep reading to observe how to overcome loneliness and depression.

People who feel lonely are more likely to suffer from serious mental problems, cognitive decline, and dementia. Loneliness has also been linked to health hazards that are comparable to or greater than obesity or smoking 15 cigarettes per day.

How to overcome loneliness and depression

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which can help a lonely person better understand how his or her thoughts and behavior may be acting against the desire to connect with others, appears to be one of the more successful treatments. Let's learn below how to overcome loneliness and depression.

1. Meditate

Meditating, like the prior tip, is one of the most effective strategies to help you reset your mind. It lets you sift through your thoughts in a peaceful and non-judgmental manner, and it even allows you to temporarily leave your issues at the door.

Meditation is also supposed to boost your creativity and problem-solving abilities, as well as help you sleep better without those pesky thoughts keeping you awake at night.

It promotes mental clarity for resolving day-to-day issues, whether personal or professional. This is a cool way to learn how to overcome loneliness and depression.

Spending 20 minutes a day in a quiet area focusing on your breathing will help you eliminate negative thoughts and inspire you to return to your duties with more focus.

2. Spend time with favorite people

It's easy to slip into the habit of remaining at home unless you have to go if you suffer from sadness or anxiety. However, setting a goal of seeing loved ones at least once a week will help you break the habit of saying no and keep you sociable.

It's critical to maintain meaningful interactions outside of commitments and to avoid isolating oneself from society. Staying in bed is considerably less likely to help you reach ultimate happiness than maintaining solid relationships with friends and family (no matter how appealing it might be).

It may be as simple as heading over to a friend's house or spending a few hours to stroll through the park, and we guarantee you'll feel considerably better in no time.

Remember, there's always time to spend a leisurely day in bed, but time spent with loved ones is invaluable.

3. Travel and walk

Isolation is a part of the problem with many mental health conditions. If you can push yourself out of the home, it's definitely worth devoting a portion of your day to getting out of the house, even if you don't have a specific destination in mind.

Alternatively, take a walk through the park with the family pet and take in the views. It has been established that even a few minutes of fresh air may improve your day. It offers physical benefits as well, such as lowering blood pressure and increasing mental wellness.

You can travel to your favorite place once again, or visit a new place where your mind will be busy exploring the panorama. This is an amazing tips on how to overcome loneliness and depression

4. Exercise

We strongly endorse fitness as the fuel for your general pleasure, whether you prefer trekking up Mount Snowdon or taking a casual walk around the streets during your lunch hour.

You've undoubtedly heard it all before, but even 30 minutes of exercise in the morning can lift your spirits and prepare you for the day ahead.

Most of us would prefer not to do it, but you can't deny the feeling of utter pleasure that comes from sweating it out for half an hour or an hour.

5. Help others

Remember how you felt the last time you helped someone out of the goodness of your heart? They were most likely thankful and made you feel valued for your efforts.

"There's no finer feeling than donating a gift for a particular occasion," says Eric Paskel, creator of Yoga Shelter, "but we can choose to extend that service-minded mentality in all parts of our life by giving freely of ourselves as much as we can."

"At the shop, I practice this by allowing someone ahead of me in line, giving up a parking place to another, or letting go of my plans' to assist someone going through a difficult moment. No grin has ever lasted as long as the one that comes from assisting someone else."

Even in themselves and the work they're doing, they have trust. We recommend that you assist people in achieving their goals and ambitions whenever you get the opportunity.

We're not suggesting you'll live longer or anything, but doing a nice act encourages others to do the same, and the individuals you helped maybe your rock the next time you're having a rough day and need some help.

6. Seek expert assistance

If you've tried everything to stop feeling lonely but still do, it's a good idea to seek extra help if you see any of the following signs:

Irritation and bouts of tearfulness interfere with job or family life.

Loneliness, sitting in bed all day, extreme drowsiness, or persistent exhaustion can lead to undereating or overeating.

Loss of desire and drive to care for oneself, such as not cleaning your teeth or showering

Loneliness can lead to sadness and demoralization. Individuals who have major mood and anxiety difficulties, as well as feelings of loneliness that are interfering with their ability to function, should see a psychiatrist or therapist. This is a stunning way how to overcome loneliness and depression.

7. Read books or listen to music

Read a book that you enjoy. Some people find it quite relaxing to wrap up with a good book and lose themselves in a fantasy world. Reread a favorite book or go on a new journey.

Reading fiction may make you feel more connected, and it can also assist those who are depressed or anxious. It helps you activate your imagination by allowing you to connect emotionally with characters and reflect on your own thoughts, issues, and desires as you read.

Music listening is a hobby, and it is perhaps one of the finest we can think of. It offers several health benefits that have been scientifically verified, and it is just as fun as any other activity.

8. Develop any new skills

This not only makes you feel successful, but it also offers you more skills and information that you can apply to the interests of individuals around you, allowing you to socialize more effectively.

Nothing sets a friendship off to a better start than a shared passion. You'll automatically increase your self-esteem, your ability to relate to others, and your ability to do more in your life.

Learn how to sketch, play the guitar, or take on the challenge of learning a new language. Master the skill of tai chi or commit to reading one book every month. Take the time to learn any skill you've always wanted to master. Thus, you can learn and solve how to overcome loneliness and depression.

9. Affirmations should be spoken aloud

Repeating a happy mantra aloud or in your brain might help you remember particular happiness objectives or retain your cool when things become rough. Dr. Susan Shumsky, the author of Instant Healing and nine other best-selling, award-winning books, advises, "Tell yourself, 'Happiness is not reliant on outside surroundings, circumstances, or people."

"Happiness resides inside me, at the core of who I am. 'I am content right now and always.' "I am in control," remark loudly if you're feeling overwhelmed. In my life, I am the sole authority."

10. Remember demised people

Keep in touch with people who have passed away. Recounting wonderful memories, going at pictures and letters, indulging in the deceased's favorite pastime, blogging about them, etc., may help you reconnect with their memory if sadness and the loss of a loved one contribute to your feelings of loneliness.

Individuals who have children of their own may make special anniversaries or celebrations even more special by building wonderful memories with their own nuclear family.

Making a memorial to individuals who have passed away might help you stay connected to their memories. For example, you may make a picture collage with your favorite photographs or plant a tree in their honor so that you can visit and ultimately rest beneath it.

We hope this article on how to overcome loneliness and depression was worth reading.


How to increase reading speed is a key problem for many readers. Reading is a necessary component of education and learning. People must-read for a variety of reasons. Reading well is an art that requires a lot of practice using a variety of ways.

Unfortunately, many of us believe we can't read properly or browse the internet quickly enough, and we're not sure how to improve our reading speed. Textbooks, outside reading assignments, and research for essays and papers make for 85 percent of all college coursework. It's impossible to avoid it.

We'll go over several tips and tactics for increasing reading speed in this post.

And your capacity to learn fast and with solid understanding will play a key role in your academic performance in college. If you've ever struggled with studying, you're already aware of the following:

Your friends learn quicker than you do

In order to understand what the creator is saying, you'll have to study something two or three times.

After learning anything, you have a tendency to forget about it rather quickly.

You can have a hard time deciding what is most important in what you study.

You spend so much time focusing on the phrases you're learning that you lose track of what's being spoken.

Let's have a look at the process and a few techniques that will help you improve your studying skills.

Defining Studying

Studying is divided into two halves, each of which comprises the mind.

De-Coding: That is the process through which your eye delivers a collection of symbols (letters) to your mind, and your mind recognizes a sample of these symbols and recalls the sentence that the sample produces.

To put it another way, the task of that sentence is: This aspect of learning is based on your memory.

If you've seen the sentence before and skimmed it, your mind will trigger that memory, and you'll understand what it means.

If it's a new phrase, your mind will try to decode it by putting the sounds of the letters together, but if you have no prior knowledge of the word, you'll have to use other techniques to figure out what it means.

Different Points of Studying

Studying entails more than just decoding and giving meaning to words. It's the capacity to recognize phrases in sentences, group them together, and assign meaning to entire groups of phrases at once.

This is referred to as studying comprehension - comprehending what you learn so that if you need to, you can put it into your own words.

Another aspect of learning is determining what is important to learn and remember and what is not.

This is referred to as studying discernment, and it is unquestionably one of the most important studying skills for college students.

How to increase reading speed

Here are some useful steps on how to increase reading speed, how to improve reading speed, how to increase reading speed and comprehension, how to increase your reading speed, how to improve reading speed and comprehension, how to improve your reading speed

1. Stay away from distractions.

Allow no distractions when learning instructional project content material - no music with lyrics, no television, and no discussions.

It's critical to concentrate entirely on the sentences directly in front of you, rather than on any other phrases that may be floating in from various directions.

2. Prepare to scan by studying.

This is how your friends are doing it. They're looking through a textbook's online page, looking for bold and italicized sentences.

These are the words and phrases that are important. Then people concentrate on these bold, italicized phrases while skimming the substantive material immediately around them.

It's also a good idea to concentrate on the important content material that surrounds these keywords.

3. Take delight in learning

If you are not studying for enjoyment, you must immediately begin taking action. The majority of those who do so realize that studying is a fun activity.

Even if it's only a comic book that you enjoy reading, go ahead and do it.

The more you study, the larger your vocabulary will get and the more you will use your capacity to comprehend what you've learned.

4. Create audio versions of your text-based books

Some people aren't well-versed in visual content material.

They want stuff that can be delivered orally as well. This has nothing to do with intellect; each mind works in a slightly different way.

And college students who don't cuss all the time had trouble understanding what they were learning. To obtain that audio model and listen to it while skimming.

5. Your ability to study will improve with time.

Another option is to display the closed-captioned program on your television. Learn the words while also paying attention to what's being said.

Furthermore, most computers now include a voice command, allowing you to activate the music while studying by learning how to increase reading speed.

6. Review your lecture notes and learn how to concentrate on them.

Review your notes at the end of a day of classes. Study them thoroughly and pay close attention to the subtleties.

When it comes time to re-read them for exam preparation, you'll only focus on the highlighted material.

If you're learning something difficult, say it out loud. It will truly help you focus and concentrate. Also, try to recall what you've learned in your own words. It will certainly aid your understanding.

7. Maintain a consistent schedule

Read frequently, widely, and thoroughly. A man becomes flawless by practice.

Continue to read frequently, expand your horizons, and read a variety of novels. Remember, nothing occurs in your comfort zone if you don't really hard.

8. Concentration

Boredom and daydreaming should be avoided at all costs. Reading blocks are created by reading, fantasizing, and plunging into the fantasy world through conception on how to increase reading speed.

9. Prepare Your Mind

When you're doing prescribed reading in a textbook, you're usually just trying to pick out the most important facts and concepts from a sea of less important information.

Pre-reading is an excellent strategy to increase your learning speed in these situations.

Increasing reading speed is a question of mastering a variety of techniques.

If you've had a learning difficulty throughout your education, it's unlikely to be "fixed" quickly. However, you can improve at this, and you'll need to follow the tactics outlined above to do so.

However, assignments continue to mount up in the meanwhile. Our research and writing essays and papers services may relieve you of a significant portion of your studying responsibilities and can undoubtedly assist you to keep up with your education and learn how to increase reading speed.


How to find your career passion

There are the following 30 effective ways you may be finding your career passion:

Match your interest with active engagement
Explore things you love or that gives you happiness
Invest some time with patience and seriousness
Maximize your comfort zone
Ask yourself- what are three fascinating qualities you enjoy most identifying yourself
Handle all disagreements positively, boldly, and confidently
Believe your passion must be worthy
Pickup strengths where you excel others
Listen to your heart
Pick the latent part of your interest
Pickup those thoughts that come out of your mind even when you are in other works
Move away those from the life that distract you
Convert your passion realistically to a product through skills development
Be clear about what you are doing
Grow curiosity to excavate your unseen interest and skills
Don't think money is important
Feel joyful experiences you have had by your passion
Develop a platform that all your passions on a common ground
Don't limit yourself to formal job roles
Don't block your inner guidance, permit yourself
Align your goal of life with your passion
Nurture your productivity up to your maximum
Relate your purpose of life and career
Trust your instincts
Pickup the enjoyable tasks that won't bother you even for a long time
Extract the key elements of your passion
Ask for feedback from your network
Manage some times every day
Be honest with yourself
Leave it when you really know that it is not working

Article source:

Less Food / Good Habit of Eating for an Evergreen Life
« on: March 20, 2022, 05:25:29 PM »
Although it is worthwhile to adopt a good habit of eating. They'll stick with you all year, instead of disappearing in mid-February like half the people in the gym. Susan Albers, a clinical psychologist and psychiatrist at Cleveland Clinic, herself said that developing an advanced and truly sustainable habit is the key to success. "We like habits because we do so without very conscious effort," says Albers. "They don't look like work. Quick fixes are like putting a band-aid on a broken arm."

If you are moving in January with the mindset that you need a change of habit, it is not just a crash diet that will help you lose pounds fast, you are already on track. To help you reach your goals faster, tweak some great easy tweets that you can do how to eat.

What are four good eating habits?

Healthy eating habits for your child

Low fat or nonfat dairy products.
Chicken without skin.
Chop the meat.
Whole grain bread and cereals.
Fruits and veggies are healthy snacks.

What are 8 tips for eating healthy?

Tips for Eating Healthy

Base your diet on starchy carbohydrates.
Eat lots of fruits and veggies.
Eat more fish with a portion of boiled fish.
Cut out saturated fat and sugar.
Eat less salt - no more than 6g per day for adults.
Be active and gain healthy weight.
Does not get thirsty
Don't skip breakfast.

Steps to avoid bad eating habits

Here are the steps to get rid of your old, unhealthy habits and create a healthy habit:

1. Take baby steps. Making small changes to your diet and lifestyle can improve your health as well as for trim your waist. Some suggestions from experts:

Start each day with a nutritious breakfast.
Fatigue can cause excessive eating, so get 8 hours of sleep every night.
Eat your food at a table without interrupting any food.
Eat more food with your partner or family.
Teach yourself to eat when you're really hungry and stop when you're full of comfort.
Reduce the size of your parts by 20%, or skip the second aid.
Try low-fat dairy products.
Make sandwiches with whole grated bread and spread with mustard instead of mayo.
Switch to Café De Lute using hot skim milk instead of strong coffee and cream.
Eat nutritious foods or have breakfast every few hours.
Use a nonstick pan and cooking spray instead of oil to reduce fat in the recipes.
Try different cooking methods such as grilling, roasting, baking, or poaching.
Drink more water and less sugary drinks.
Eat small portions of calorie-dense foods (such as casseroles and pizza) and large portions of water-rich foods (such as broth-based soups, salads, and veggies).
Instead of fatty sauce, taste your meal with herbs, vinegar, mustard, or lemon.
Limit alcohol daily.

2. Make a plan; Stay specific. How do you start eating more fruit, breakfast every day, or going to the gym often? Make your choices. For example: plan to get one piece of fruit every day for snacks, stock up on cereals and fruits for a quick breakfast, and head to the gym three times a week to work. Saying "I'm going to do more" will not help you, "Gans says" thinking about when and how you can fit it into your life will help "

3. Deal with a new mini-goal every week. These mini-steps will eventually add big changes. For example, if your goal is to eat more vegetables, tell yourself that you will try a new veggie every week until you find something you truly enjoy.

Or find simple ways to serve one more vegetable per week to your diet until you reach your goal. Try your lunch sandwich on top with a slice of moss; Add chopped carrots to muffins for your breakfast, Or your dinner pizza topped with dried tomatoes and mushrooms in the sun.

4. Become more mindful. One of the first steps toward conquering bad eating habits is to pay close attention to what you are eating and drinking. "Read the food labels, get acquainted with the ingredients list, and start tracking everything you put in your mouth," says Gans. As you become more aware of what you are eating, begin to understand how your diet needs to be improved.

5. Be realistic. Don't expect too much from yourself too soon. It takes about a month to become accustomed to any new move. Slow and steady racing competition - with a dose of caution.

6. Practice stress management. "Focus on coping with stress through exercises, relaxation, meditation or whatever works for you, so you don't fall back on these bad habits during stress, or use food to help deal with the situation," Forrest advised.

Good Habit of Eating

Eat the rainbow

Bridget Zeitlin, RD, CDN, founder of New York-based BZ Nutrition, says to herself, "Each fruit and vegetable has different colors based on minerals, vitamins, phytochemicals, and antioxidants." The more you paint your plate, the more colorful it is. You are becoming nutritious. Also, it keeps things interesting so you don't get bored. Speaking of which ...

Try new foods

We are seeing the same food over and over again. It limits our range of nutrients. Be brave. Try new foods. You can only discover a new favorite that you are currently missing. Trying new foods is a good habit of eating.

Pay attention to your food

"Eating Mindful is focusing more on how you eat, more present to make better food choices," says Albers. It's like "building a solid foundation of a home," he explains. "If you get down to eating something appealing, then you'll have an easier time making new habits" "Stop eating in front of the TV or computer, throw away all confusion and focus on what is actually on your plate and what your face is.

You will feel more satisfied, quit eating when you are truly fulfilled and ultimately make a healthy choice. Paying attention to food is a good habit of eating.

Eat slowly

Pause before taking a bite and chewing slowly and deliberately, Albers suggests. This will help you to shift your focus back to the task at hand (eating) and keep your body from scrambling relentlessly compared to what you really need or need. Eating slowly is a good habit of eating.

Look for better ways to control stress

Eating stress is a bad habit for so many people. By looking for other ways to cope with stress, you will be slowly turning to food for comfort. Whether it's reading a good book, getting a manicure, cooking, going for a run, or whatever else helps you to steam and regroup a bit, look for something that can help you unwind your stress without food.

Read the ingredient label

The only way you can eventually cut down on added sugar or eat less sodium is to whatever your specific healthy-eating ambitions if you know what you're eating. Foods we packaged in grocery stores may contain a lot of unnecessary ingredients. Jackie Baumrind, a dietitian at Silver Wellness, suggests buying a diet with a shortlist so that you are eating a naturally nutritious diet, a good way to stay in the healthy range of fat, sugars, and sugar. Reading the ingredient label is a good habit of eating.

Cook more

The best way to know what's in your diet? Made by himself You can better control your portion sizes - "If you look after yourself, you have less food," Baumrind tells himself. He recommends strolling around with spices to make any meal you like, with less sugar and salt than you find in a restaurant.

Develop a routine

"You click to do it even when you don't feel like it," Albers says. Eat meals around the same time each day, or devote to Sunday morning meal preparation. Once it becomes routine, it will come more naturally. Developing a daily routine is a good habit of eating.

Rearrange your kitchen

“Keep the behaviors out of sight and out of the counter. Put a fruit bowl over the counter, "advises Albers. A" mindful makeover "will help prevent relief and give you the opportunity to truly decide what your body wants and needs.

Never allow yourself to be starved

We all know how that happens. We are distracting us at work or in the kids or whatever else and before you know it, it is 3 p.m. And you haven't eaten since 8 A.M. When we are hungry we are not given a healthy desire or paid more than we need because our brains tell us EAT. You can prevent this by planning meals and snacks throughout the day.

Whip the measuring cups

Most of us struggle with control and many times it is a total accident. We simply do not know what the true portion size is. "Take time out on Sundays and take out measuring cups," Baumrind advises. "Get a basic idea of ​​what the shape of a section looks like, so your eyes and stomach, and brain are on the same page." If you are aware of how things look, you can better trim this at restaurants and holiday parties. Whipping the measuring cups is a good habit of eating.

Use small plates

Another way to help control the size of your parts? Simply use small dishes. "You don't have to have a 10-inch plate - you can use a salad plate for any main course," Baumrind said. "If you're going to a holiday party, use large plates for fruits and veggies or salads, and use small plates for starch and protein" "so you can get close to the right amount of each meal. Take your measuring cups out of the middle party (not recommended).

Drink more water

You need to stay hydrated all day long, not just to be outside or to sweat in the gym all day. "When it's cold, we forget about it," Baumrind says. "Make sure you are drinking enough water" by using techniques like keeping a bottle of water at your desk or using an app to test how much you are drinking. If you drink a lot of sweet drinks, try swapping them for distilled seltzer water (if bubbles are what you want) or fruit-infused water (hey, sugar sweetener). Drinking more water is a good habit of eating.

Eat veggies first

"When I sit down with clients for lunch or dinner, I try to start with salads or veggies, and then ditch the rest," Baumrind says. Taking the time to chew lettuce and veggies "pulls you in moments so you don't eat silly," she explains. Also, it is always a good idea to fill the most nutritious foods first. Eating vegetables first is a good habit of eating.


When you cook, make enough for an extra meal or two to leave in your fridge. This way, when you are hungry and hungry you can turn to them instead of eating fast. This is a good habit of eating.

Prepare snacks and snacks

There are many benefits to preparing food, from eating healthy to saving money. Baumrind stresses the importance of prepaid snacks. "You should have a basic idea of ​​what you want a snack and enjoy what you can enjoy," he says, "If you have a plan ahead of time, you'll have more snacks and make better decisions about that breakfast. There are tendencies. "

Read the menu before you go

Baumrind suggests that if you eat a lot, make a habit of reading menus before going to a restaurant where you go to the same holiday party - plan in your head what foods you should choose first and things you can do without (aka, the things you can do). Not really like them but just eat them because they are classic party food). "You may not be perfect, but you can be better off if you walk without a plan."

Go in half

"At home, we usually don't have a hungry and whole core course," Baumrind says. So when you go out to eat, you should do the same. Ask a friend to split up an app, or split both an entry and an appetizer so you can try multiple things that look good. Also, sharing a meal means you have to eat more carefully, otherwise there is a risk of being the person who embraces all the best.

Don't beat yourself up on eating

Eating should be a positive experience. You are fueling your body and hope you enjoy the taste while doing so. Want to eat that cookie? Eat that cookie! I love cookies! Love it and you're happy. Too much focus on eating the "right" can lead to slipping. Eat healthy - like many in life - to maintain balance.

Eating a healthy diet is easy to do because people are very complex people. It may be in the back of our mind that we are eating our bodies for fuel, but we actually make most of our food choices based on the reason they enjoy it. In fact, eating is such an enjoyable experience that we often like to eat foods that taste very good, but it does not feel very good after us. We enjoy these foods so much that our bodies eat more than they really need, which in turn makes us fat, unsatisfied, and frustrated. Many people don't even know how great it is to eat healthy foods, because they have been making bad food choices for a long time.

The key to success includes developing a healthy eating habit that will not only help you reach your goals, but also keep you energized to fulfill and accomplish what you want.

Healthy eating is about bringing about sustainable change in the long term

Here are a few eating habits that, once you make them a part of your routine, will set you up for life.

Eat healthy raw foods
Switch to healthy whole grains
Make changes to healthy cooking
Eat healthy portion sizes
Understand healthy eating options
A diet diary to help you in your healthy eating habits
Healthy eating at social events
Plan your healthy shopping
Drink more water: Healthy drinks in nature

Eat healthy unhealthy foods

The packaged foods we buy today are aimed at convenience and involve minimal preparation for us - but they are not healthy.

They often contain high amounts of preservatives, man-made dyes, and other additive chemicals, and there are some downsides to explaining 12 WB dietitian Georgie Moore.

"Packet foods are higher in fat, salt, and sugar than foods cooked from scratch, while nutrients and fiber are lacking," he says.

Get into the habit of preparing foods from unrefined foods and you will get health benefits.

This means cooking with fresh vegetables, lean meats, eggs, and milk and eating lots of fruits, nuts, and fruits.

Pro tips: One of the healthiest eating habits you can maintain is to spread your toxic packaged and processed foods.

Instead, stock the pantry and shelves with beautiful fresh ingredients so they are within hand reach when you are ready to eat.

Switch to healthy whole grains

Whole grains provide much more nutrients and fiber than their refined "white" varieties.

And in a 2012 study by the University of Copenhagen, researchers found that overweight people who ate whole green wheat products lost more weight than those who ate refined wheat, and they had lower cholesterol.

"Whole grains have low GI (glycemic index), so they help you feel full for a long time and maintain your energy level and concentration," says Georgie.

In terms of taste, whole grains have more texture, taste, and nuts than refined ones.

Pro tips: As a quick and easy way to improve your eating habits, choose the whole bowl or whole bread the next time you hit the bakery.

And buy brown rice and whole-grain pasta instead of white in the supermarket.

Adding whole grains such as quinoa and baking to salads and other foods will add a pile of nutrients.

These can be found at a health food store or health food aisle in your supermarket.

Make changes to healthy cooking

The more you "do" for your food, the less you have.

So avoid things like deep-frying, which keeps your food from soaking in unhealthy calories, and boiling the vegetables until they are colorful, as it will give them nutrient shaking.

Pro tips:

Grill or barbecue meat, fish, and vegetables.
Shake the meat and vegetables. Use only a light spray of olive oil or cooking oil.
Boil the steam until the light is crushed.
Use herbs, spices, and pepper instead of salt.
Instead of salad dressing, use balsamic vinegar or lemon juice.
Make your own sauce without using bottled or sauced versions - for example, use fresh tomatoes with herbs and spices as your base.

Eat healthy portion sizes

It's hard to know what a healthy part looks like in today's superstition world

All the ads we see seem to aim to encourage us to eat and drink a lot.

At restaurants, the sizes of the plates are even larger, as they serve themselves.

So it is no surprise that many of us consume more than we need every day because our eating habits have changed even without us realizing it.

Understand healthy eating options

Restaurants and cafes may seem like minefields, not least because their portions are often larger than we need.

It's tempting to go for less healthy menu options. But that doesn't mean you can't keep a healthy eating habit in place while you're out with friends.

Georgie suggests using a plate-sharing guide to help you eat outdoors. And you don't have to eat everything on your plate!

Pro Tips:

Check if the restaurant's menu is available online and choose your food before leaving.
Choose an entrée-sized dish for your main course and toss it with a healthy side salad.
Ask the dressing and sauce to serve on the side.
Ask for rice or extra vegetables instead of chips.
Put half the dish and ask for it in the takeaway container.

A diet diary will help you in your healthy eating habits

Keeping a diary of everything you eat and drink throughout the day will give you a clear picture of how much you are eating and how healthy.

Unless we write everything down, we do not see where we can improve.

Pro tips: Grab yourself a small notebook and start your diary today.

If you are not sure how many calories are in the foods you are eating, then a pocket-sized book like Michelle Bridge's Australian Calorie Counter (Penguin, $ 9.99) will provide the answer.

Check out this story on how to keep a food diary.

Eat healthy at social events

For most of us, it is impossible to avoid work gatherings or birthday baths where lots of food and alcohol are offered, and the next day if we are overly involved, we are bound with remorse.

To keep track of these situations, set up some healthy eating habits.

Pro tips:

Before you arrive, eat a healthy, filling breakfast to quench your hunger.
At the buffet, fill your plate once and then stand away from the dining table.
Look for the healthiest option: for example, grilled pieces of fish or lean meat.
Load up on salads and vegetables.
Avoid cheeses and desserts, or share something with a friend or partner.

Plan Your Healthy Shopping

If there's nothing in the fridge, it's easy to eat a takeaway or keep something naughty when filled with unhealthy foods.

But if you have stock in the fridge and pantry with a healthy alternative, you will be able to make better choices if you are hungry.

The secret to healthy shopping is to plan ahead.

Treatment can be healthy!

We often think of certain foods as "bad" and cut them off completely.

However, this can set us up for failure as we end up cresting them more and then be jingling.

Pro tips: Take one meal apart a week to indulge in treats.

This is the time to eat something that you might otherwise have avoided in your healthy eating plan. And don't feel guilty about it!

Water: Healthy drinks in nature

Water is essential for life - it is necessary for digestion, absorption, and transport of nutrients, eliminating waste, and regulating body temperature.

According to the Australian Dietary Guidelines, men should drink a healthy amount of 2.5 liters and 2.5 liters (or 1 to 3 cups daily) for men.

Source of this article:


Habits control a person's life drastically. Habits can be good or bad, depending upon one's persona. There are many good habits to have for a successful life. Everyone needs good habits for success! On the other hand, there are opposite directions to good habits not to have. This article will describe good habits in life to have for a great time, career, personal life, and long-term success.

Good Habits to Have

This list of good habits to have by everyone will serve you well whether you are a parent, student, entrepreneur, or just a regular person. Learning these practices now will help everyone to move forward in life.

Journal or write 30 minutes a day

I need to take my thoughts properly every day. I wrote it down. It helps me focus on the things that matter to me. That's why I made it a habit to the journal.

Even when I'm not writing articles I sit and journal - just for myself. I do not write for others in my journal. Journaling is also a great tool for becoming a better thinker and person.
10. Save 30% of your income

If you can't save 30%, save 10%. The savings are not how much. It is almost always.

You do not have to buy any latte every day or weekly to cut out the unnecessary items you have. You do not need to buy "organic" cashew nuts for $ 10.

Save the little things. They will turn into big necks of cash in a timely manner. Especially if you invest extra cash.

And it's also the secret of these 10 habits. They are all small. And your daily progress seems trivial.

Over time you will see that it will only return to your life. You must stick to these practices until your life gets better.

Get a Better Schedule

We need structure and routine in our lives. Our company expects it. They perform best when we work out on a regular schedule. We especially need to eat and sleep at the same time every day. If you are the parent of a young child, it is your job to relax this habit. This routine is with a person throughout their lives and helps them to develop good work habits. Find a schedule that works for you and stick to it!

Eat a Healthy Diet

Our brains need the right foods to perform at their peak. Don't go to school or work on an empty stomach. Students should be given their basic training in order to eat a balanced and healthy diet. We tend to continue the habits we have learned for most of our lives when we are with them. Learning to eat right now can avoid many health problems down the road.

Learn to practice

We need physical activity to stay healthy. The benefits of regular practice are well documented. We need to find exercise routines that are fun and match our tastes. Developing a good practice routine is a practice that will increase both the quantity and quality of your life.

Respect authority

Failure to honor those in positions of authority can lead to all kinds of problems in life. It doesn't matter if it's your boss, a police officer, or the dean of a university. People in authority have a job to do and often work hard to get the position they are in. They are well-mannered with proper etiquette and respect. Learning to say "yes ma'am" and "yes sir" will keep you in a positive way.

Develop a night-time routine

We live in an age of busyness. We are always on the move and many love to wear the "Oh-I-slip-a-little" badge of honor. However, sleep is one of the most important (if not the least) important health factors.

Sleep is rarely on the list when we think of developing good habits daily. However, developing a nightly routine is crucial for making your life flat. Sleep helps us consolidate memories, process information in the background, and strengthen our energy level for the challenges ahead. World-class athletes like Roger Federer know the importance of resting for their best performance.

"Sleep is the interest we have to pay for the capital we call death; And the higher the interest rate and the more regularly it is paid, the higher the discount date is postponed. ”- Arthur Schopenhauer

Although most studies indicate 8 hours as the ideal amount of sleep, neither of the two is the same. It is important to examine what works best for you. Wake up at the same time every day and then work backward to find the right time to go to your bed.

To help you stick to the schedule, set up an alarm an hour before your bed: This will give you ample time to complete your nighttime routine and be under timely cover.

Exercise regularly

Your body is your most important tool The best way to take care of it is to develop regular exercise habits.

Exercise has many benefits for both exercise and the mind. For starters, it boosts your confidence and energy level. It's also a great way to cope with stress and turn you into a calm person. And the cake cherry: You better sleep!

"Physical well-being is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, but it is also the cornerstone of dynamic and creative intellectual activity." ~ John F. Kennedy

Don't make the mistake of going to the gym for an hour and you should lift weights until you pass. Start small and develop your daily schedule habit and then ramp it up. Exercise for a few minutes every day. Start with simple 7-minute routines.

To make it a daily habit, set it on your calendar and set reminders. If possible, always practice at the same time. This will help you create a routine before, during, and after practice.

And most importantly, make it a delightful activity. If you don't like running, no sense in running. Find one type of exercise you like and practice it. You can mix it up with different routines (or even exercises) to strengthen different parts of your body.

The best type of exercise is the one you stick to and love to do

Eating Healthy

Food is the fuel in your body. Eating a healthy diet gives you more energy, increases productivity, and fuels your workouts.

Eating healthy is one of those good daily practices that everyone is aware of but few of us practice. Why? We all know what real food is. Meat, fish, vegetables, nuts: Good. Chips, candy, soda: Not so great.

We do not see our diets as an important part of our habits. But once you get it into your head, make the switch more aware of how much your diet affects your life-energy levels, good decision-making, mood, happiness - what you eat immediately.

"Take care of your body. Your only place to live" "I'm Jim Rohan

I've been following the slow carb diet for a few months now and love it. I eat the food I like and it makes cooking food a breeze. I usually eat vegetables or salad fish or lean meats as aside. Since I want the same foods over and over again, I spend time preparing food and money at the supermarket. For snacking, I usually eat nuts.

Healthy Eating Easy Hack Home Cooking: Restaurants usually add a lot of salt and sugar to foods to enhance the taste. When you cook from home you have more control over your ingredients and preparation method.

And here's another pro tip: If you only have healthy and tasty foods in your home, you don't have to like them. You will eat whatever is in front of you. Your diet starts at the supermarket.

You tend to have spiritual needs

We cannot ignore our spiritual needs and live a truly fulfilling and rewarding life. We must realize that there is a higher power and follow our faith regularly. We may not use our beliefs the same way, but I encourage you to find out what works for you and explore it in depth. A strong spiritual life will serve you well.

Improved good habits will last a lifetime!

Practice gratitude

It is very easy to get into the bad habits of envy what others have. The grass often looks green on the other side of the fence. It is crucial to learn gratitude. Practice thinking about the things you need to be thankful for. I do this every evening with my daughter in bed with I tell her to remember the good things that day. We then take a few minutes and thank them for these things. It helps both of us train to be thankful.

Develop good study habits

Studying effectively is a skill. People who live life to the full are apprentices for life. They never stop trying new things. New knowledge needs to be studied and collected in an efficient and effective manner. Learning how to study and gain knowledge to succeed is not just natural. It needs to be taught. Take a study skills course or ask others for tips on improving your study habits.
Never. Never give up!

I remember being told at school that "winners never give up and losers can never win." I think this is Vince Lombardi's statement and it is certainly true that it takes perseverance in life to enjoy any kind of success. I also remember hearing, "When the going gets tough, the going gets tough." These words come back to me again and again when I feel like giving up. The practice of perseverance. This is one that can be made any other way.

Live the golden rule

"Do with others ..." is a guideline that we should all follow. Think of conflicts and tragedies that if people simply apply the golden rule to all their relationships. If we make it a practice, we will find many more successes in life. Respecting people of all races and beliefs is a living standard.

Practice good hygiene

You Can Dress Up For Success! Brushing your teeth twice a day and washing your hands regularly does not only contribute to health but also leads to a routine that gives one a more sharp look. First impressions are powerful and often originate from the way a person looks. Like it or not it is true. Get started today to make sure you make a lasting impression.

Always tell the truth

What we often like or do not want is the truth that comes out. Lying usually complicates the situation and makes us look worse. Look at the scandal that happened to many of our politicians because they failed to accept the truth. The practice of telling the truth is even more difficult to develop, even when it is difficult. This will save you a lot of pain and suffering in life.

Manage money wisely

Why don't they teach a good personal finance class at school? To succeed in life, students must learn to earn, save, budget, track and spend money wisely. Good habits of money can never start too early. There are plenty of good resources to help. I suggest taking a look at what Dave Ramsey has to offer for different ages. Of course, you can also find lots of fantastic money reading tips on the blog!


Self-observation of meditation. It helps you develop concentration, precision, sensitive positivity, and a calm view of the true nature of things.

In "The Power of Habits: What We Do in Life and Business," Charles Duhig describes key keystone practices as "small changes or habits that people involuntarily introduce into other aspects of their lives."

I consider meditation to be a keystone practice. I usually meditate in the morning for 10-15 minutes using headspace. It affects other areas of my life: work, productivity, personal development, mood, relationships, stress, etc.

"The point of meditation is: You become more and more yourself" "- David Lynch

I suggest you start with a basic level of meditation, which is designed to help you take a step back, detach yourself from your thoughts and re-enter your body.

Start from small to begin practicing daily meditation habits. Meditate for 2 minutes daily. You can start using these free guided meditations. Don’t worry about the depth or “doing it right”. It comes later Now, just focus on developing a habit of meditation every day.

As you become accustomed to meditation practice, you can scale up to 5 or 10 minutes to do what works best for you. Evaluate how meditation has impacted your life and what areas you want to improve in, and focus specifically on meditation to improve those areas.

Eliminate the chaos

The cost of goods has dropped sharply over the past few decades and we now own many things. Own fewer clothes, shoes, cookware, bedsheets, and towels. Drop or drop right into the trash to create white space in your life.

But reducing your life is more than just getting rid of materialistic possessions: focusing on lower goals (one enough), removing items from your to-do list, eliminating toxic relationships, taking less social media, canceling gym memberships. You never use it, bailing in time-consuming meetings and meaningless arguments, at the end of the day Keeping your desk clean and single-handed.

"The first step in making your life a craft is to get rid of what you don't" "- Joshua Baker

Use the 80/20 rule to find the truly important things in your life. Focus on 20% of topics that bring you 80% results. This will help you sweat the little things and focus on the bigger picture instead.

Simplify your life Remove to allow more time for the things you love.

Develop a Growth Mindset

A person with a growth mindset sees the challenge as an opportunity. Growth comes from taking on difficult challenges and deciding how to overcome them. You see failures and struggles as progress and closer to resolution. In the words of Elon Musk: "You should take the path that you think is wrong. Your goal should be less wrong." "You value the process rather than the outcome.

If you know that you put enough effort into it, you can learn something. And if you fail, you approach the problem from a different angle until you find a solution that works. Repeat until you get it right.

"Investing in knowledge provides the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin

Expand your knowledge by reading books, taking online courses, watching documentaries, reading about your industry, and learning from other people. To reinforce what you have learned, teach the other person ideas using the Feynman Technique.

Developing a mindset that brings progress in both your personal and professional life. Even compounding small gains each day over time: 1% of profits a day increase about 38x a year.


Journaling is the most effective way to understand your past, present, and future. Writing down your thoughts daily allows you to sort out your emotional chaos, be more clear about your ambitions and goals, consolidate what you learn, increase appreciation, and improve your life's insights and understanding. A journal records your entire life history so that you can look back and see how much you've grown.

To get started, start simple: write down one thing you have achieved, one thing you are grateful for, and one thing you are struggling with. Once you've developed your daily writing habits, you can expand your template by adding other things you think are relevant, such as big goals and the progress of what you're about to achieve.

Respect the environment

It sounds "green" it's hip, but being a good steward of our environment isn't really new. Wise parents have been teaching their kids these principles for ages. We only have this one world and we depend on it for our survival. Every person needs to do their part to protect what we have. Develop habits that will help you become a better environment for life!

Strive for excellence!

If you are not running the job properly, why not do one? We should develop the habit of giving our best effort to every task. We should get the encouragement we need to excel in the way we do Excel. We can't at least start trying to approach ourselves or our kids. If we do this, they will get less than the best results from their work. Encouraging education will now ensure that the practice of success is carried forward.

Ask what you want

Develop the habit of wanting what you want. How do you get it? It's really that simple. Often, when I ask, I wonder how I got exactly what I wanted. Give this a try. If you are a parent, teach your kids to ask others what they want. It will build confidence and self-esteem that will serve your kids forever!

Become a regular reader

Being a good reader is a skill that often sets good students apart from those struggles. To become a good reader is practice. The more you read and the better you read. There are numerous benefits of reading. It builds one's vocabulary, expands the imagination, and restores creativity. Routine the lesson!

Be punctual

Reaching time is crucial to one's success. People always notice when you are late. It is your indicator of what you are saying and can be trusted. Don't show doubt about this by showing people later than expected. Make it a habit to be punctual right now and you don't have to worry.

Do a full-body workout with weight 3 times a week

There are several benefits to strength training. It protects bone health, muscle mass, keeps you at bay, increases energy levels, and prevents injuries.

I've been gaining weight since I was 16. This is the only practice I've been doing for a long time. Like many people who lift weights, I start with a split routine.

That means you build different muscles during each session. With most routines, you are training a specific muscle every week. It turns out that muscles need more pressure to become stronger.

Ideally, you want to train all your muscles 3 times a week. That's why I'm doing a full-body workout. It's simple, practical and it's effective.

Set 2-4 daily priorities

This is one of the best productivity strategies. We all know that focus is on our results.

No focus? No results. How do you focus? Limits your options and functions. Elimination is the key.

Be very clear about what you want to achieve every single day, week, and year. Make it a habit to focus on what is important on a regular basis.

Every day, work on 3-4 essential (and small) tasks that bring you closer to your weekly and annual goals.

Read 60 minutes a day

I got it, you're too busy to read or you just don't like to read.

Okay, you're not going to take it easy.

Reading is essential for your knowledge. But already you know that. How is this Reading will make you a better thinker and writer?

"But I still don't like to read" "Well, we don't like many things in life but we still do them. Instead of telling yourself that you don't like reading, learn to enjoy it by doing it every day.

And like magic one day, you will love to read.

Sleep 7-8 hours at night

I never forsake my sleep for anything. I recently canceled a morning meeting because I slept late. Earlier in the day, I was reading a good book that completely consumed me.

After reading it, I started taking notes. It's 2 pm before I know it. I had to wake up at seven in the morning to do the meeting.

I canceled the meeting. I'm not going to sleep for 6 hours so I can have a meeting when I find out I'm tired all day.

Some people can perform well with up to 5 hours of sleep. But most of us need more. If you are part of the next group, make sure you get enough sleep. And the crap about it must be serious. If you are not in a position to cancel meetings, etc., sleep early

Walk 30 minutes a day

If you cannot make time to walk every day, you are not in control of your life. I don't even walk for health reasons. Of course, walking keeps the body active and good for you.

But I go for a fence every day because it breaks our way of life in the world. See, we cannot deny that life is routine. And there is nothing wrong with that.

But when you walk out you are forced to become one with the world. It enhances your senses. You can go alone or with someone else. You can have a good conversation. Or you can simply enjoy the surroundings.

Follow the pattern of fasting occasionally

I don't eat anything after dinner. And I skipped breakfast. That means I'm "fast" for 15-16 hours a day.

Occasionally there are some health benefits associated with fasting. But we have to be careful in making claims.

My favorite reason is that it makes me feel and look better. Also, I can eat whatever I want during the day without gaining any weight.

I don't eat junk food I stick to whole foods with high nutritional value. Also, my first meal contains a lot of unsaturated fats and protein. And finally, make sure the calories your body needs to be powered by (2000 for women, 2500 for men on average).

Be present

We are so focused on our goals that we forget to enjoy the present moment. This is my biggest problem.

I really need to remind myself every single day that I should enjoy it right now.

We always wait until we achieve something. "I'll be happy then."

No, you will not get it if you are always stuck in the future. Look for a trigger that will bring you back to the present moment.

For example, I recently purchased a new watch. At the same time, I was reading a lot about these spiritual things. Now, every time I look at my watch and say, "How long has it been? Now."

Practice kindness and love

We all use our love as a viable resource. It's a lie Love is boundless and never ends. You can give it to your liking.

However, your ego prevents you from doing so. You always want something in exchange.

So give it a try. Realize that you have unlimited resources. Give your love and kindness some days away. Don't worry about keeping score. You have enough love anyway.

This is now a good practice to want to set concrete. The faster you maintain these habits, the better you will enjoy life. If you are a parent, print out this list and work with your kids on it. Back to school is a great time to focus on new habits that last a lifetime!

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Alumni / 8 Easy-To-Practice Tips On How To Recharge Yourself Mentally
« on: March 18, 2022, 12:17:13 PM »
How to recharge yourself mentally? Whether you’re the “Debbie Downer” in your circle of friends or you wake up on the right side of the bed every morning, maintaining a continual state of happiness and joy might seem unattainable at times. This is particularly true when things don’t go as planned, such as spilling something on your favorite clothes, getting a flat tire, or having your babysitter cancel at the last minute. This article will reveal some facts on how to recharge yourself mentally.

When these kinds of unforeseen events occur, it’s easy to get into a bad attitude. However, maintaining a cheerful attitude will not only make you more pleasant to be around, but it will also benefit your health. Keep reading for some tips on how to recharge yourself mentally

Isn’t it true that you feel exhausted and drained after engaging in strenuous physical activity? Long durations of intensive mental effort, on the other hand, might be exhausting. Simply defined, mental tiredness occurs when your brain is overstimulated or is required to sustain a high level of activity without rest.

Even though everyone has days when they are fatigued, being exhausted all of the time is not natural. Persistent tiredness can be caused by a variety of circumstances, including underlying medical issues, dietary shortages, sleep difficulties, caffeine consumption, and chronic stress. Let's read out some hacks on how to recharge yourself mentally

1. Mix with old friends

Connecting with pals with whom you’ve lost contact might make you feel less lonely.

‘I would rather walk with a friend in the dark than alone in the light,’ says Hellen Keller, emphasizing the importance of friendship in dispelling the sensation of loneliness that life frequently brings to our doorsteps.

Friendships encourage people to be accountable and present for others while also encouraging innovation, she said.

People who have good friendships are more likely to stick to their personal and professional goals.

Friendships are similar to mirrors in that they help people realize and cherish their talents while also pinpointing and working on their faults.

Reconnecting with people who were present when you were productive, happy, or at peace may also assist you in remembering and reconnecting with those aspects of yourself. By this, you can learn about how to recharge yourself mentally.

2. Get yourself a pet

According to the Human-Animal Bond Research Institute, 80 percent of pet owners believe their pets make them feel less lonely, whether they have a cat, dog, or reptile.

Pets give you something to think about except yourself, provide company, and, in the case of dogs, may get you out and about.

But, before you have a pet, think about what you’ll need to care for it. Food, bedding, veterinarian checkups, and time and effort are all included.

If owning a pet isn’t an option, try volunteering at an animal shelter in your area. In this way, you will be able to find how to recharge yourself mentally.

3. Take a walk with a companion

Walking and conversing are two of life’s few pleasures.

Invite a friend or neighbor to join you for a stroll every few days.

Exercising raises endorphin levels and makes you feel better. And doing so in the excellent company might help you cultivate a sense of well-being, which may help you overcome feelings of loneliness.

You may also make the walk more memorable by including some of the following ideas:

Every time you go for a walk, change up your route and sight.

If feasible, choose different periods of the day to get sunrises, sunsets, and mid-afternoons.

Consider taking a trip to a park, woodland preserve, or shopping center to go for a stroll in a different setting.

Focus on the sky, people, noises, and bodily sensations as you become more aware of what’s going on around you. Therefore, you can learn how to recharge yourself mentally.

Consider making each day’s aim different. These might include the length of the stroll, the speed and rhythm, and the subjects of conversation. For example, one stroll may be devoted just to joking, while another could be devoted solely to venting.

The BBC Loneliness Experiment, conducted by the BBC and the University of Manchester, found that respondents recommended the following effective ways for overcoming loneliness:

    Anyone can start a discussion with you.
    Look for the positive in everyone you encounter.
    Invite people without worrying about being rejected.
    Inform someone else that you are lonely.

4. Make a regimen for happiness training

Following a strategy might assist you in prioritizing a positive attitude on a daily basis. I need to put more effort into my mental health, just like other individuals need to put extra effort into their exercises and food plans to avoid gaining weight.o, you will be aware of how to recharge yourself mentally.

It means I practice specific workouts every day to keep myself ‘happily fit.’ I’ll either compose a gratitude list or have a nice thought about myself or another person. Even better if I can put these ideas down on paper. Writing improves your ability to think.

5. Talk to people

If making new friends is tough for you, start by being open to other people. Talking to someone else lowers stress and aids in the development of friendships and bonds.

Talking things over with others can help you make better decisions and provide you with a place to process your ideas and feelings. Talking also helps with problem-solving by exposing you to other viewpoints and ideas.

By conversing with others around you more, you will have a deeper understanding of them, allowing your connection with them to develop. People who have good connections with others are happier, have fewer health issues, and live longer, according to several studies.

how to recharge yourself how do you recharge yourself how to recharge yourself emotionally how to recharge yourself mentally

6. Take a few deep breaths

At first glance, this may appear to be a minor matter. However, please bear with us. Taking ten deep breaths can help you achieve happiness.

We might forget to calm down and relax in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It’s critical to remember why you’re doing the things that are making you feel stressed, whether it’s job responsibilities or anything else, in order to achieve that elusive ‘inner zen.’

We promise you’ll feel revitalized for the day ahead after only two minutes in a peaceful environment where you can take the time to relax and let go of all your problems.

Deep breathing signals the brain to relax, loosening stiff muscles and allowing for pleasant free thinking. In such a way, you will grab ideas on how to recharge yourself mentally.

Breathing deeply can boost your productivity and allow thoughts to emerge organically rather than forcedly.

7. Be social

Joining a group, organization, or online community is a good idea. To combat feelings of loneliness, respondents to the BBC survey said they joined a social group or tried new social activities and pastimes.

Become a member of a walking or running club, or any exercise-related organization, taking up a hobby, such as knitting, painting, or playing cards, and interacting with people who have the same passion online forums for gamers, movie aficionados, book lovers, and other things you’re interested in donating time to a local charity – are some great options.

Participating in activities with like-minded people who have common interests might help you feel less lonely.

8. Laugh and smile

A grin has the power to spread like wildfire. If you take the time to smile every day, you may discover that that tiny act of kindness has an impact on the rest of your day and even how others see you.

Smiling and laughing, like deep breathing, causes a biological response that makes you feel better. It can even help you relax and enhance your immune system. If you keep a good attitude about your tiny everyday challenges, you could find that they aren’t as stressful as you initially imagined.

Smiling can fool the brain into believing you’re content. It distributes happiness to others around you and has the potential to change your entire day. In the same way you apt skills on how to recharge yourself mentally

Most humans’ impressions and reactions to a person occur the instant they see them, and you’ve probably done it without noticing it. If you greet the day with a grin, you’ll be more likely to inspire others to do the same.

Take away

You invest in your physical and emotional health by taking time to recharge in order to construct a happier, more sustainable future for yourself. Even small breaks to grab some fresh air or go for a walk make a big impact and are good habits to get into for future recharging attempts. Working from home does not reduce the risk of burnout.


Building a path for tomorrow: Bangladesh Key Budget Proposals 2020

বলিউড তারকা সুশান্ত সিং রাজপুতের আত্মহত্যাসংক্রান্ত খবর ১৪ জুন বিভিন্ন সামাজিক যোগাযোগমাধ্যমে ছড়িয়ে পড়ে। তাছাড়া বিভিন্ন গণমাধ্যমেও তা ফলাও করে প্রকাশিত হয়। ঐদিন সুশান্তের বাড়ি থেকে ঝুলন্ত অবস্থায় তার মরদেহ উদ্ধার করার পাশাপাশি অ্যান্টি ডিপ্রেশন ওষুধ ও প্রেসক্রিপশন উদ্ধার করা হয়। নায়ক সুশান্তর আত্মহত্যার খবর ছড়িয়ে পড়লে অনেকেই ফেইসবুকে আবেগঘন স্ট্যাটাস দিয়েছেন। আবার অনেকেই হয়েছেন বিমোহিত। কারণ প্রিয় নায়কের অস্বাভাবিক মৃত্যু, মন থেকে যা মেনে নেওয়া যায় না। সুশান্তের বাসা থেকে তার লাশসহ অ্যান্টি ডিপ্রেশন ওষুধ ও প্রেসক্রিপশন উদ্ধারের মাধ্যমে ধরে নেওয়া যায় যে এটি একটি আত্মহত্যা। শুধু বলিউড তারকা সুশান্তই নন, বরং পত্রিকার পাতা খুললে প্রায়ই চোখে পড়ে আত্মহত্যাসংক্রান্ত খবরাখবর। আমাদের দেশও এর ব্যতিক্রম নয়। এ দেশের বিভিন্ন শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠানের শিক্ষার্থীসহ দেশের বিভিন্ন জায়গায় বিভিন্ন জনগণের আত্মহত্যাসংক্রান্ত খবরাখবর প্রায়ই চোখে পড়ে। বলা বাহুল্য, আত্মহত্যা হচ্ছে মানবজীবনের এক চরম অসহায়ত্ব, ক্ষণিকের আবেগে একটি মহামূল্যবান জীবনের চির অবসান ঘটানো, যা কোনো কিছুর বিনিময়েই ফিরে পাওয়া সম্ভব নয়। আত্মহত্যার মাধ্যমে নিজের মূল্যবান জীবনকে যেমন একদিকে শেষ করে দেওয়া হয়, তেমনি অন্যদিকে একটি সম্ভাবনারও চির অবসান ঘটে। ইতিহাস পর্যালোচনা করলে দেখা যায়, অতি প্রাচীনকাল থেকেই বিভিন্ন দেশে ‘আত্মহত্যা’ নামক এই মহাপাপ সংঘটিত হয়ে আসছে। যদিও এটিকে কোনো সমাজই কখনো ভালো চোখে দেখেনি এবং দেখবেও না। এক ব্যক্তির আত্মহত্যা করার পেছনে সাধারণত বিষণ্নতা বা Depression, আর্থিক, সামাজিক, পারিবারিক সমস্যা কিংবা নিতান্ত ব্যক্তিগত মনোকষ্ট, বাইপোলার ডিসঅর্ডার, সিজোফ্রেনিয়া (দীর্ঘদিন ধরে ব্যর্থতা, গ্লানি বা হতাশা এবং নিজের প্রতি আত্মবিশ্বাসের ঘাটতি, অনাগত ভবিষ্যত্ সম্পর্কে উদ্বেগ, নিঃসঙ্গতা, কর্মব্যস্ততাহীন দিন যাপন ইত্যাদি মানব মস্তিষ্ককে সিজোফ্রেনিয়ায় আক্রান্ত করে), পারসোন্যালিটি ডিসঅর্ডার, এনজাইটি ডিসঅর্ডার, অ্যালকোহল ব্যবহারজনিত ডিসঅর্ডার ইত্যাদি।

বিশ্ব স্বাস্থ্য সংস্থার (WHO) পরিসংখ্যানমতে, বিশ্বে প্রায় ১২১ মিলিয়ন মানুষ মাত্রাতিরিক্ত বিষণ্নতার শিকার। WHO-র বিশেষজ্ঞরা আশঙ্কা প্রকাশ করছেন, ২০২০ সালের মধ্যে হূদেরাগের পরেই বিষণ্নতা মানব সমাজের বিপন্নতার দ্বিতীয় কারণ হিসেবে প্রতীয়মান হবে। WHO-র জরিপ অনুযায়ী, বর্তমানে বিশ্বে প্রতি ১ লাখ মানুষের মধ্যে বার্ষিক আত্মহত্যার হার ১১ দশমিক ৪ শতাংশ। জরিপে দেখা যায়, শুধু ২০১২ সালে সারা বিশ্বে আত্মহত্যার ঘটনা ঘটেছে ৮ লক্ষ ৪ হাজার। প্রতি ৪০ সেকেন্ডে একটি করে আত্মহত্যা সংঘটিত হচ্ছে। তবে ১৫-২৯ বছর বয়সিদের মধ্যে আত্মহত্যার প্রবণতা সবচেয়ে বেশি। আর বাংলাদেশে বার্ষিক আত্মহত্যার সংখ্যা গড়ে ১০ হাজার ২২০টি, যার মধ্যে ৫৮ থেকে ৭৩ শতাংশ আত্মহত্যাকারীই নারী। খোঁজ নিলে দেখা যাবে, দেশের বিভিন্ন শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠানের অনেক শিক্ষার্থীই হতাশা, মানসিক অশান্তি ও মানসিক অস্থিরতায় ভুগছে। তথ্যপ্রযুক্তির অপব্যবহারসহ সংগত নানা কারণে পূর্বের তুলনায় সাম্প্রতিক সময়ে শিক্ষার্থীদের মধ্যে এ অবস্থা যেন অধিক মাত্রায় বৃদ্ধি পেয়েছে। প্রেমে ব্যর্থতাসহ বিভিন্ন কারণে হতাশা, মানসিক অশান্তি ও মানসিক অস্থিরতার কারণে শিক্ষার্থীদের মধ্যে এ ধরনের প্রবণতা বেড়েই চলেছে। শিক্ষার্থীদের মধ্যে আত্মহত্যার প্রবণতা, আত্মহত্যা চেষ্টার প্রবণতা বেড়ে চলাসহ অনেক শিক্ষার্থী মানসিক অশান্তি ও অস্থিরতায় ভুগলেও অধিকাংশ শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠানেই নেই কোনো পেশাদার পরামর্শক বা কাউন্সিলর। কোনো শিক্ষার্থী যদি আত্মহত্যা করে বা আত্মহত্যা করার চেষ্টা করে, তবে তা হবে সমাজ, দেশ ও জাতির জন্য অত্যন্ত লজ্জার একটি বিষয়। কারণ শিক্ষার্থীদের কাছ থেকে তাদের পরিবারসহ সমাজ, দেশ ও জাতি ভালো অনেক কিছু আশা করে। একজন শিক্ষার্থীকে স্কুল-কলেজ কিংবা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় পর্যায়ে আসতে তার অভিভাবকসহ ঐ শিক্ষার্থীকে অনেক ত্যাগ-তিতিক্ষা ও সংগ্রাম করতে হয়। পাড়ি দিতে হয় অনেক দুর্গম ও বন্ধুর পথ। এ বিষয়গুলো প্রত্যেক শিক্ষার্থীরই উপলব্ধি করা প্রয়োজন। তাদের স্মরণ রাখা উচিত, অনেক আশা-ভরসা নিয়ে তাদের বাবা-মা বা অভিভাবকেরা তাদের শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠানে লেখাপড়া শেখাতে পাঠান।

মানুষের জীবনে সমস্যা আসে এবং সমস্যা আসবেই—এটিই স্বাভাবিক। তার মানে এই নয় যে জীবনে সমস্যা এলে বা সমস্যায় পড়লে আত্মহত্যা করে জীবনকে শেষ করে দিতে হবে। বরং জীবনে সমস্যা এলে সবাইকে আবেগনির্ভর না হয়ে সুস্থ মস্তিষ্কে ও বাস্তবতার আলোকে সেই সমস্যার সমাধান করা প্রয়োজন। প্রয়োজনে কোনো মনোরোগ বিশেষজ্ঞের শরণাপন্ন হওয়া। যখন কেউ আত্মহত্যা করে বা আত্মহত্যার চেষ্টা করে, তখন ধরে নেওয়া হয় যে এটি তার মানসিক অস্থিরতা বা আবেগ দ্বারা তাড়িত হওয়ার ফলাফল। বাংলাদেশের প্রেক্ষাপটে আত্মহত্যার পেছনের কারণগুলোর মধ্যে রয়েছে পারিবারিক বা ব্যক্তিগত সম্পর্কের মধ্যে ভুল বোঝাবুঝির সৃষ্টি হওয়া, সম্পর্কের বিচ্ছেদ ঘটা, পরীক্ষায় আশানুরূপ ফলাফল লাভ করতে না পারা, অপরিসীম অর্থকষ্ট, ধর্ষণ, যৌন, শারীরিক বা মানসিক নির্যাতন-নিপীড়ন, মাদকাসক্তিসংক্রান্ত সমস্যা, নানা ধরনের মানসিক অসুস্থতা ইত্যাদি। এসবের পাশাপাশি রয়েছে প্রিয় কোনো নেতা, অভিনেতা, শিল্পী, খেলোয়াড়ের আকস্মিক মৃত্যুর খবর; কর্মস্থল বা শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠানে সহকর্মী বা সহপাঠীদের সঙ্গে ভুল বোঝাবুঝির সৃষ্টি হওয়া, দীর্ঘদিনের বেকারত্ব বা হঠাত্ চাকরিচ্যুতি বা চাকরিতে পদাবনতি ঘটা; ‘এ পৃথিবীতে কেউ আমাকে চায় না’, ‘এ পৃথিবীতে বেঁচে থেকে আমার কোনো লাভ নেই’—এজাতীয় বদ্ধমূল চিন্তাভাবনা ইত্যাদি। এসব চিন্তার কারণে মনের মধ্যে সৃষ্টি হওয়া প্রচণ্ড রকমের হতাশা ও ক্ষোভের কারণে মানুষ তার নিজের প্রতি আস্থা ও সম্মানবোধ হারিয়ে ফেলে। আর তখন থেকেই সে সবার কাছ থেকে নিজেকে গুটিয়ে নিতে শুরু করে এবং একসময় আত্মহত্যার পথ বেছে নেয়। আবার কিছু ব্যর্থতাও মানুষকে আত্মহত্যার পথে ঠেলে দেয়। পরিবারের সব সদস্যের মৌলিক চাহিদা পূরণ করতে না পারা, দীর্ঘদিনেও ঋণমুক্তির উপায় খুঁজে না পাওয়া ইত্যাদি। এছাড়া প্রেমে ব্যর্থতাসহ প্রেমিক-প্রেমিকার ইচ্ছাপূরণের জন্য জেদের বশবর্তী হয়েও অনেক তরুণ-তরুণীকে আত্মহত্যার পথ বেছে নিতে দেখা যায়। দুঃখজনক হলেও সত্য, আমাদের দেশের বিভিন্ন বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, স্কুল-কলেজের শিক্ষার্থীরা এক্ষেত্রে এগিয়ে রয়েছে। বলা বাহুল্য, আত্মহত্যাজনিত মৃত্যুর অধিকাংশই প্রতিরোধযোগ্য। অধিকাংশ ব্যক্তিই আত্মহত্যার সময় কোনো-না-কোনো গুরুতর মানসিক রোগে আক্রান্ত হয়ে থাকে। স্বাস্থ্যকর জীবনযাপন, শারীরিক ও মানসিক যেকোনো অসুস্থতায় যথাযথ স্বাস্থ্যসেবা লাভের সুযোগ আত্মহত্যার প্রবণতা কমায়। পাশাপাশি আত্মহত্যা প্রতিরোধে কিছু বিষয় রয়েছে, যেগুলোকে প্রোটেকটিভ ফ্যাক্টর বা রক্ষাকারী বিষয় বলা হয়। যেমন জীবনের খারাপ সময়গুলোতে খাপ খাইয়ে নেওয়ার ক্ষমতা জন্মানো, নিজের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা ও আত্মবিশ্বাস জন্মানো, সমস্যা সমাধানের কার্যকর দক্ষতা বাড়ানো, প্রয়োজনে অন্যের কাছ থেকে ইতিবাচক সহায়তা লাভের চেষ্টা করা ইত্যাদি। তাছাড়া সামাজিক ও ধর্মীয় রীতিনীতি, অনুশাসন, ভালো বন্ধু, প্রতিবেশী ও সহকর্মীর সঙ্গে সামাজিক সুসম্পর্ক প্রভৃতি আত্মহত্যার প্রবণতা হ্রাসে সহায়তা করে। এছাড়া সুষম খাদ্য গ্রহণ, পর্যাপ্ত নিদ্রা, নিয়মিত শরীরচর্চা, ধূমপান ও মাদকাসক্তি থেকে দূরে থাকা তথা স্বাস্থ্যকর জীবনযাপন এবং শারীরিক ও মানসিক যেকোনো অসুস্থতায় যথাযথ স্বাস্থ্যসেবা লাভের সুযোগ আত্মহত্যার প্রবণতা কমায়। সুতরাং, শিক্ষার্থীদের হতাশা ও মানসিক অশান্তি থেকে উত্তরণের জন্য দেশের সব শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠানে দ্রুত পেশাদার কাউন্সিলর নিয়োগ করা প্রয়োজন। আর তা সম্ভব হলে শিক্ষার্থীদের আত্মহত্যার চেষ্টা চালানো কিংবা আত্মহত্যা করার প্রবণতা অনেকটাই কমে আসবে বলে আশা করা যায়। সর্বোপরি, আত্মহত্যার বিভিন্ন নেতিবাচক দিক তুলে ধরে নিয়মিতভাবে তা প্রচার-প্রচারণারও ব্যবস্থা করা আবশ্যক। শিক্ষার্থীসহ সবাইকে জীবনের গুরুত্ব ও মূল্য সম্পর্কে বুঝতে হবে। সবাইকে বুঝতে হবে যে জীবন একটাই এবং তা মহামূল্যবান। জীবন একবার হারালে তা আর কোনো কিছুর বিনিময়েই ফিরে পাওয়া সম্ভব নয়। এবং জীবনটাকে যদি সুন্দরভাবে সাজানো যায়, তাহলে জীবনকে সুন্দরভাবে উপভোগও করা যায়। তাই আসুন, আমরা সবাই আত্মহত্যার চিন্তা ও আত্মহত্যার পথ পরিহার করে এখন থেকেই আমাদের জীবনটাকে ভালোভাবে ভালোবাসতে শিখি।

ড. কুদরাত-ই-খুদা বাবু, সহযোগী অধ্যাপক, আইন বিভাগ, ড্যাফোডিল ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ইউনিভার্সিটি


AMDISA Initiative – Compendium of Shared Experiences and Practices amid COVID-19 Disruption

Fighting COVID-19 on the Front Line

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