What vitamins are good for hair loss?

Author Topic: What vitamins are good for hair loss?  (Read 1192 times)

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What vitamins are good for hair loss?
« on: November 14, 2013, 10:22:20 PM »
A good daily multivitamin containing zinc, vitamin B, folate, iron, and calcium is a very reasonable choice. Newer studies suggest that vitamin D may be somewhat helpful and worth considering. Specific vitamin and mineral deficiencies like iron or vitamin B12 may be diagnosed by blood tests and treated.

Multiple vitamins including biotin have been promoted for hair growth, but solid scientific studies for many of these claims are lacking. While taking biotin and other supplements marketed for hair, skin, and nails probably won't worsen anything, it may also not necessarily help the situation. Therefore, advertised hair-regrowth supplements should be approached with mild caution.

Can itchy scalp cause hair loss?

Itchy scalp may cause mild, reversible hair loss. Causes may include seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff). Treatments may include medicated shampoos like ketoconazole (Nizoral) and topical cortisone creams and lotions to help decrease itching.

How do I prevent hair loss?

Hair loss prevention involves several factors depending on the underlying cause. Good hair hygiene with regular shampooing is a basic step. Good nutrition, especially adequate levels of iron and vitamin B, is helpful. Treatment of underlying medical conditions like thyroid disease, anemia, and hormonal imbalances may useful in prevention.

Hair Loss At A Glance

Hair loss is a very common condition and affects most people at some time in their lives.
Androgenetic hair loss is seen in both men and women but is worse in men.
Health issues like thyroid disease, anemia, and low vitamin levels may cause hair loss.
Alopecia areata is a very common, coin-shaped temporary hair loss patch that usually resolves on its own.
Medications for hair regrowth include minoxidil (Rogaine), finasteride (Propecia), and dutasteride (Avodart).
Prevention includes good hair hygiene, regular shampooing, and good nutrition.
Medical health screening for hair loss may include tests like complete blood count (CBC), iron level, vitamin B, and thyroid function tests (TFT).
The outlook for hair loss is improving and research is ongoing.
Md Al Faruk
Assistant Professor, Pharmacy