10 Recruitment Mistakes

Author Topic: 10 Recruitment Mistakes  (Read 1062 times)

Offline Sultan Mahmud Sujon

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10 Recruitment Mistakes
« on: April 11, 2017, 01:48:13 PM »
Mistake 1: Not Creating an Accurate Job Description

Describe the job accurately and honestly in your advertisement. If you don't, you'll less likely attract candidates with the qualities and abilities that you're looking for. A good job description is more than a simple list of duties; it should describe the role in terms of its overall purpose and identify key areas of responsibility. Our article, Writing a Job Description Add to My Personal Learning Plan, explores how to do this.

Don't "oversell" the position, either, and lead applicants to believe that it offers more opportunities than it actually does. For example, don't imply that there's a likelihood of quick promotion if there isn't. If you do, your ambitious new recruit may feel let down and leave.

Mistake 2: Failing to Consider Recruiting From Within

Sometimes, the best candidates could be right under your nose!

It can make economic sense to fill roles internally, as it cuts the costs and time associated with advertising for external candidates. Also, an existing staff member will be familiar with your organization's processes, values and mission. Chances are, he would get "up to speed" in a new role more quickly than an outsider would.

Another potential benefit is that promoting and training up your own people can boost their morale and productivity.

Recruiting from within can also protect important knowledge that would be lost when people leave your team or organization. Our article, Succession Planning Add to My Personal Learning Plan, has more on this.

Mistake 3: Relying Too Much on the Interview

Some managers use only an interview Add to My Personal Learning Plan to evaluate potential candidates, but is it the best method? In his 2015 book, Work Rules!, senior Google executive Laszlo Bock says, "Most interviews are a waste of time," as interviewers can spend most of their time trying to confirm the impression they formed of applicants in the first 10 seconds of meeting them.

And, as we discuss in our article, Effective Recruitment Add to My Personal Learning Plan, a candidate may say or do anything to get the job that you're offering. Consider giving her a test or exercise to find out how she might perform "on the job." For example, you can use Inbox/In-Tray Assessment Add to My Personal Learning Plan and recruitment tests Add to My Personal Learning Plan to reveal how good she might be at planning, organizing, prioritizing, and communicating.

Mistake 4: Using Unconscious Bias

Recruitment relies on your decision-making abilities, which means that you must avoid unconscious bias Add to My Personal Learning Plan. You may unwittingly discriminate against certain candidates in favor of people who share your background, social class, ethnicity, age, or gender.

Accepting candidates regardless of any of those characteristics means that you have a larger pool of talent to draw from, improving your chances of recruiting the best person for the job.

Mistake 5: Hiring People Less Qualified Than You

In a New York Times interview, American entrepreneur Guy Kawasaki said, "‘A' players hire ‘A+' players. But others hire below their skills to make themselves look good. So ‘B' players hire ‘C' players. ‘C' players hire ‘D' players."

Some managers are afraid of taking on someone who is more confident or talented than they are, because they feel that he may be a threat to their position Add to My Personal Learning Plan. But smart managers know that they need bright people to share their insights and bring their strengths to the team.

Hiring people who are better than you can improve your own skills and drive your business forward. A good example to follow is that of renowned U.S. automotive executive Lee Iacocca, who said, "I hire people brighter than me and then I get out of their way."
