9 tips to turn a boring power point into an AMAZING presentation

Author Topic: 9 tips to turn a boring power point into an AMAZING presentation  (Read 4279 times)

Offline Badshah Mamun

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9 tips to turn a boring power point into an AMAZING presentation

PowerPoint Presentation let’s talk about it!

While you may think that PowerPoint presentations are the easiest way to do a presentation, this is actually far from the truth. People make so many mistakes with their PowerPoint slides, which can cause more harm to your presentation than good! I’ve rounded up a few tips to help you create great slides for your next PowerPoint presentation.

PowerPoint Presentation tip 1: Create slides with 1 word for each slide

One of the worst things you can do is over-clutter your PowerPoint slides with text. Have you ever thought about using HUGE fonts and simply putting a single word on each slide?

This technique has worked very well for many industry leading speakers from around the world. It’s important to remember that your PowerPoint slides aren’t there to remind you of what you have to say – they are supposed to support what you are saying. Huge fonts and little text is a great way to captivate your audience.

PowerPoint Presentation tip 2: Choosing images

The images and graphics you use are vitally important. Not only do you have to choose interesting, thought-provoking and aesthetically appealing images – you also have to make sure you’re not infringing on any copyrights. Remember to always credit the author.

If you’re using a great photograph and you’re not a photographer – people will know that you got the picture somewhere - so it’s important to be honest and credit the person who shot, drew or sketched the picture or image. A good PowerPoint presentation tip is to search for images on Pinterest and Flickr (this is much better than pulling pictures of Google Images). You will also find the source or author of the images on this page, which makes it easy to give credit where it’s due.

PowerPoint Presentation tip 3: Export your slides as jpeg

Saving your PowerPoint presentation slides as jpeg images is so easy that I’m often surprised that more people don’t do this. This works well for a number of reasons: If you want to distribute a single slide, there’s no use in e-mailing the entire PowerPoint presentation (which is  often usually big in size and can be blocked by many spam filters and e-mail settings).

Rather save the single slide as a jpeg and mail the slide to the people who attended your presentation. Another reason why this is so useful is because you can do a lot of design / layout work in PowerPoint - you never really have to use complicated software (unless you’re trying to create a design or logo from scratch).

PowerPoint Presentation tip 4: Import your slides and images into video editing software

If you’ve set aside the time and effort to create a riveting PowerPoint presentation, it makes sense to re-purpose this content in order to distribute it on other platforms. Import your slides and images into software such as  MemoriesOnTV, PhotoStory, Keynote or Windows Movie maker to tell your story and give your message to more people!

PowerPoint Presentation tip 5: Set time for each slide

If you haven’t set a time limit for each slide, section or topic of your PowerPoint presentation, you can easily go off track. This could cause you to go over your time limit or even bore your audience. What I do is set a time limit for each slide or image (I use 4 – 6 seconds as a default).

Try this during your next PowerPoint presentation - you may be pleasantly surprised to see how this will help you stay on track and it will also give your presentation a set momentum!

PowerPoint Presentation tip 6: Set pictures and transition effects

A transition is a special effect as one slide replaces or changes to the next slide when you are in slide show view.

This is a great way to seamlessly  move between slides without creating a blunt, staccato effect.

Fades and dissolves are just a few types of transitions that you can use.

PowerPoint Presentation tip 7: Set a background music

Audio and background music can be just as important as the pictures you use in your PowerPoint presentation. Here’s how you can do this:

    Open a PowerPoint file
    On the Insert menu, point to Movies and Sounds, and then click Sound from File.
    Click the music or sound file you want to insert and then click OK.

PowerPoint Presentation tip 8: export as video

Exporting your PowerPoint presentation to video opens up many more opportunities. People can view your presentation online (if you upload it to YouTube) and you can easily send the presentation to people who don’t necessarily have PowerPoint.

It also ensures that people don’t re-use or change your presentation (seeing as it’s extremely easy to edit a PowerPoint presentation).

Here’s how you can do this:

    First of all launch PowerPoint 2010 and click the office button, then click the Share button and choose the Create a Video option.
    Now set the effects for the output video, you may choose between High Quality, Medium Quality or Low Quality.
    Press the “Create Video” button and you will be allowed to choose where you want to save the video.

PowerPoint Presentation tip 9: Rehearse and enjoy your presentation

Rehearsing your presentation is key to delivering an interesting, well thought-out PowerPoint presentation. It would be even better if you can rehears in the same venue as the presentation.

Test your multi-media, the flow of your slides and check your timing to make sure everything runs smoothly on the day of the presentation. Last but not least – enjoy every second!

Source: http://www.presenterimpossible.com/powerpoint-presentation/9-tips-to-turn-a-boring-powerpoint-into-an-amazing-presentation
Md. Abdullah-Al-Mamun (Badshah)
Senior Assistant Director
Daffodil International University


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Re: 9 tips to turn a boring power point into an AMAZING presentation
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2012, 03:50:25 PM »

thanks for valuable tips. we have to maintain this.

Sampa saha
Assistant professor

Offline R B Habib

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Re: 9 tips to turn a boring power point into an AMAZING presentation
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2013, 02:21:34 PM »
Thanks for the Post. Learned a lot about PPP
Rabeya Binte Habib
Senior Lecturer,
Department of English
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Daffodil Int. University

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Re: 9 tips to turn a boring power point into an AMAZING presentation
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2015, 11:02:55 PM »
Thanks for your kind information.