How do you plan a job search?

Author Topic: How do you plan a job search?  (Read 631 times)

Offline ariful892

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How do you plan a job search?
« on: December 17, 2013, 11:52:15 AM »
Making plans
In the same way that you write a list before going to the supermarket, you should note down some of the key things you want to get out of your job search before you embark upon it.

If you want your job search to be successful you should treat it as a project. The key elements of successful projects are:

    Setting goals - Your end goal of your job search will be to get a job, but your goal should be more detailed than that. Detail the job, the company, the location, the salary, the working hours or anything else that might be important to you.

    Determining deliverables - You'll only get one job at the end of your search, but along the way there are certain measures you can make to check things are going to plan. Number of applications made, number of responses, number of interviews attended, meetings with recruitment agencies and networking events attended, are just a few things you can track.

    Setting schedules - It's impossible to know exactly how long your job search is going to take, but you certainly don't want it to last forever. Set a few milestones, such as having your CV completed within one week, having contacted ten recruitment agents within two weeks and having been to five job interviews within a month.

    Gathering resources - You're not going to need many resources to conduct a job search, but you will need some. Regular access to the Internet to check responses to applications is one.

    Acting quickly - if you see a vacancy you want, don't sit twiddling your thumbs, get your application over to them Obviously don't skip the important step of tailoring and your CV.

    Adjusting often - if your job search isn't going to plan, don't just keep knocking on the same old doors. Be prepared to switch strategies and try different avenues towards employment.

Those who set out by just wanting a new job are unlikely to be successful. Get the answers to these four questions clear in your mind:

    Why do I want a job?
    What type of company do I want to work for?
    Where will the jobs I want be advertised?
    Do I have the skills I need to do the job I want?

Md. Ariful Islam (Arif)
Administrative Officer, Daffodil International University (DIU)
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