10 ways to avoid back pain at office

Author Topic: 10 ways to avoid back pain at office  (Read 1092 times)

Offline russellmitu

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10 ways to avoid back pain at office
« on: August 11, 2015, 11:28:40 PM »
Long hours at office can result in terrible back ache. Staring at the computer, carrying a purse over the same shoulder, carrying heavy things, driving or just an uncomfortable chair at office are some of the main reasons why one gets a back ache.

We suggest you follow these tips to avoid back pain.

- Pull your chair close to the table so that you avoid leaning forward.

- Make sure your keyboard and mouse are at the same level.

- The computer monitor should be directly in front of you. This way you will not lean or have a hunched back.

- Make sure your chair has a backrest and has a lumbar support. Tilt the back of the chair once in a while.

- Use a small pillow while sitting on the office chair or even while driving. Footrest and a portable lumbar back will also help. Make sure your posture is always straight.

- Ensure that you keep your wrist straight and have an armrest at any given point of time.

- Every 30 minutes, make sure you go on a break. A small walk, a toilet break or just climbing stairs for five minutes will help your posture.

- Keep telling yourself to sit straight and don't bend your neck too much to look down at the keyboard.

- While working, try and breathe from your belly. Tell yourself to draw your navel towards your spine. This can support your upper body.

- Keeping your knees at 90 degrees helps. When the knees are directly over your ankles, then the spine is comfortable.
KH Zaman
Lecturer, Pharmacy