World Children's Day

Author Topic: World Children's Day  (Read 1400 times)

Offline Farhana Haque

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World Children's Day
« on: November 22, 2017, 05:19:55 PM »
20 November, 2017 was “The world children Day". An enlightened thoughts and feelings surrounds with an organization named" Shouhardo". Some humanitarian students who bears noble heart for the underprivileged childrens. They arranged ' Shouhardo children festival -2017. The event was held in the permanent campus of “Daffodil International University” with the gracious permission of the Honorable chairman of Daffodil Group, Dr. Md. Sabur khan Sir.

The day was full of enthusiasm and fervent for the underprivileged children. It was surrounded with their dream and aspirations.
Awaiting children and Honorable members of Shouhardo, got board into the bus which ran towards the permanent campus in Ashulia. It was not only a journey but also a dream bearing rush. When I informed our Honorable Chairman Dr. Md. Sabur Khan Sir, he gave the consent with a great heart and noble thoughts. Now I am realized how great permission it was! All the way, they sang heartily, made merriment along with the SHOUHARDO personnel.
When the bus reached the destination, all the underprivileged children were spellbound to see a heavenly like campus of Daffodil International University.

While they were stepping to the campus, I noticed that some of the underprivileged children did not have shoes too but minds were full of colorful blooming flower as if they were kings.  Only fulfilling their dreams they would be the real king. The day was covered with dance, sports, singing, making fun etc.
But one thing I want to share that at the lunch time, every children were being eaten up by the member of Shouhardo. It was an unforgettable sight.

The day that enjoyed nicely, the day was fun, happiness, merriment, dreams, aspirations as well as well living.  DAFFODIL INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE is advancing to go ahead with these underprivileged children. DISS would provide accommodation, food, clothing, education and livelihood support training. We believe, we will get support from the institution like Shouhardo, Gyaner pathsala.

Hoping for the best world for the underprivileged children.

« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 04:28:10 PM by Farhana Haque »
Farhana Haque
Coordination Officer
Daffodil Institute of Social Sciences-DISS
Daffodil International University
Phone: (EXT: 234)