AI technology as small and medium-sized enterprises should evaluate today

Author Topic: AI technology as small and medium-sized enterprises should evaluate today  (Read 1445 times)

Offline Abdus Sattar

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AI technology as small and medium-sized enterprises should evaluate today
by Micael Corneliusson, 2018-04-25

With the advancement of technology and the furious rapid development, it is not easy to keep up with. We are therefore launching an article series today, where we present different technologies that will change the conditions for small and medium-sized companies, both in terms of competition and the struggle for customers. First out: artificial intelligence (AI). 

When we hear the term artificial intelligence, we usually think of movies like an I robot where robots live and work with people. However, it's a long way till AI can write books and replace people in their work. It writes Hubspot in a post that is the basis of this article .

But the fact is that today there is AI in the middle of our society:

Alexa and Siri (assistants in the phone)
chat Bots
Facebook photos tagged on Facebook
"Discover weekly" on Spotify
At the time of writing, AI can read text, understand languages, visually translate the world and process large amounts of data. In the future, AI will be a part of all industries.

The features we have mentioned above are called ANI (artificial narrow intelligence), which means that the artificial intelligence is designed to solve only one problem, not several. However, there is also AGI (artificial general intelligence). And it's AGI that we usually associate with AI - the human-like robot that can clean, cook and bring conversations. According to experts, however, it will last for at least 40 years before we can expect the AGI to work fully.

Therefore, artificial intelligence is important for small and medium-sized companies
Generally speaking, AI is important to all companies because it contributes a thing - convenience and relieve.

For example, Teslas cars are self-learning. They can read about their surroundings and predict and also prevent accidents. At the same time, Netflix understands what movies you usually watch, what makes you feel then contributes with suggestions.

AI will be able to simplify and improve many of our analogous processes that we have today. Because AI will be a major part of our future, it is important that all  companies evaluate what AI can do for them.

Thus, small and medium-sized companies can use AI
To get started, we recommend that you implement one or more of the various software and features available on the market. More than that, it's hardly profitable to hire an own AI developer.

A first step could be a chat babe. This fine can help your business to take care of incoming customer and prospect questions, and push them forward in their purchase. And this without having to lift one finger!

In a survey like Facebook  is behind, 67 percent of respondents say they will send more messages to companies that have a chat feature. 53 percent also say they will be more likely to buy from a company that has a chat function.

With the figures from the survey in mind, it's a good start for companies to start thinking about implementing an AI chat bot in their business.

Artificial intelligence will play a major role in the market in the future. In order not to slip, it is important that small and medium-sized companies already take part in the supply. A chat could be a good start .

Want more tips on how technology can help your business? Download the CEO's guide to how IT can help in the growth phase!
Abdus Sattar
Assistant Professor
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University(DIU)
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Nice observation
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very informative!

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Offline Farzana Akter

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Nice post.
--Sincerely yours

Farzana Akter
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and engineering
Daffodil International University