‘Blueprint to beat cancer’ launched

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‘Blueprint to beat cancer’ launched
« on: May 28, 2018, 09:33:34 AM »
Overweight and obesity increase cancer risk. A new report published recently by World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) shows that overweight or obesity is a cause of at least 12 cancers [Liver, ovary, prostate (advanced), stomach (cardia), mouth and throat (mouth, pharynx and larynx) join bowel (colorectum), breast (post-menopause), gallbladder, kidney, oesophagus (oesophageal adenocarcinoma), pancreas and womb (endometrium).], five more than WCRF findings a decade ago.

Other key findings include:

* Regularly drinking sugar-sweetened drinks increases your cancer risk, because it causes weight gain, overweight and obesity.

* Being physically active can help protect directly against three cancers [bowel (colon), breast (post-menopause) and womb (endometrium)], and also helps people maintain a healthy weight, reducing further their cancer risk.

* A healthy diet featuring wholegrains, vegetables, fruit and pulses and low in red and processed meat reduces your cancer risk.

* Drinking alcohol is strongly linked to an increased risk of six cancers [Bowel (colorectum), breast (both pre- and post-menopause), liver, mouth and throat (pharynx and larynx), oesophagus (squamous cell carcinoma) and stomach].

* Lifestyles featuring little exercise and lots of fast and processed food are fuelling overweight and obesity, resulting in dramatic increases in cancer rates worldwide, according to the new report from WCRF, leading authority on the links between diet, weight, physical activity and cancer prevention and survival.

Around one in six deaths annually worldwide are due to cancer. As more countries adopt ‘Western’ lifestyles, the number of new cases of cancer is expected to rise by 58% to 24 million globally by 2035.

-Source the Daily Star