Story - Is it easy to Think Out of the Box?

Author Topic: Story - Is it easy to Think Out of the Box?  (Read 1958 times)

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Story - Is it easy to Think Out of the Box?
« on: April 16, 2019, 02:35:17 PM »
Mr. Arif is a lawyer in Bangladesh High Court. He was a very bright student in his educational life. He is doing great in his law career too. In 2016 he planned to marry. So he contacted Mr. Akhlaq known as Ghotok Pakhi Bhai. Pakhi bhai said to Mr. Arif and his family that there is a girl named Ms. Neela, who is very beautiful, polite and have other qualities which would make her a good housewife. Apart from that Ms. Neela’s family has business in Saudi Arabia so they are very rich. Mr. Arif’s parents agreed to take this girl as their daughter in law and demanded some dowry. Ms. Neela’s father also agreed with their demand because it’s old Dhaka’s tradition to give dowry to the husband of daughter. Unfortunately Neela’s father had a business loss after Neela’s marriage. He was a heart patient and after this loss his illness increased. So he couldn’t give what he promised. Arif’s family started to humiliate Neela. Despite being an educated person and a famed lawyer Arif did nothing about it. Sometimes he backed them. Days pass by. Neela became pregnant. In 2017 she gave birth to a male child. But due to some health complications the child died on his 3rd day in this world. Arif’s family blamed Neela and her family for this death and told Arif to divorce Neela. Arif did so and sent Neela back to her father’s home. He didn’t pay a single paisa of Neela’s Mohrana (an amount of money that has to be paid to the bride by bridegroom according to Islamic law). Hearing this news Neela’s father had a heart attack and he died on 7th November 2017.

Writer - Mr. Faisal Pasha
Md. Masud Parvaj
Art of Living
Department of GED
Daffodil International University