4 Reasons Quality Beats Quantity

Author Topic: 4 Reasons Quality Beats Quantity  (Read 2262 times)

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4 Reasons Quality Beats Quantity
« on: April 01, 2021, 10:43:28 AM »
4 Reasons Quality Beats Quantity

by Todd Brisson Source: Medium Daily Digest

Convincing you a wild idea — that writing well about what matters is more important and meaningful than writing lots about what is popular.  It’s a hard job.

Current common sense says the person who does the most wins.

First, online content is no longer novel.
The first video was uploaded to Instagram only less than a decade ago. We were all so thrilled that Greg from Iowa could upload directly from his iPhone that we didn’t care the feed was fuzzy, the camera was shaky, or that Greg’s toilet was visible behind him. Now, we consistently see videos of a much higher quality. The novelty is gone. Naturally, we raised our standards as a result.
Although the history of blog posts is longer than Instagram’s, written word has gone through a similar cycle. It’s not that your idea isn’t good. It’s that… well… we’ve probably seen it before at this point.

Second, the sheer volume of noise (caused by everyone following the quantity rule) has our decision-making faculties fatigued.
If you open any social platform and spend 24 straight hours swiping your finger from bottom to top, you would never run out of content. We produce quintillions of bytes of data per day.

What makes you stop and actually consume a piece of work? Is it when you see the same person’s face 33 times in a day?
Probably not.

More likely, it’s remarkable work. A video with a good opening sequence. An photo with a stunning subject. A first line you can’t look away from. In a deluge of items that look identical, you pick the one that stands out.

Third, the platforms themselves are evolving.
It’s hard to overstate the power Big Tech has on the world. They are smarter and bolder now than ever and, frankly, they know much more about our likes and dislikes than it’s comfortable to admit. The goal for most of Silicon Valley now is NOT to feed us general, popular information, but the most quality work in topics we care most about.

A recent post by Coach Tonyhints at the changes happening behind the scenes at Medium.com (an open blogging platform).
Medium’s incentives are changing… they need to give [paying] subscribers a reason to come here rather than scouring the free content everywhere else. That answer is quality. Popular is not the same as quality. Viral is not the same as quality.

Fourth — and possibly most importantly — quantity has never been the only option, even in the internet age.
Dan Moore spends weeks or months writing unforgettable essays.

Shannon Ashley has received massive recognition for thoughtful, long blog posts every few days on important topics. Tim Urban releases enormous posts “whenever he can,” but everyone reads them immediately.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s possible to do a lot, well. But if you only have the time to choose between “the most you can do” and “the best you can do…”

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« Last Edit: April 01, 2021, 10:48:30 AM by doha »