Building Tomorrow's Workforce at the Tertiary Level in Bangladesh

Author Topic: Building Tomorrow's Workforce at the Tertiary Level in Bangladesh  (Read 641 times)

Offline Hasanuzzaman Sumon

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Building Tomorrow's Workforce at the Tertiary Level in Bangladesh: Empowering Students, Guardians, and Educators

Developing the skills and knowledge of Bangladesh's labour force at the tertiary level is crucial for the country's future. Coordination among students, parents, and educators is essential for achieving this goal. They can contribute to the development of a robust and competitive workforce by utilizing specific strategies and adhering to explicit instructions. Here are the specified measures for each group:
Students: Developing Drive and Capabilities
a) Define Professional Objectives: Students should investigate their passions and inclinations to identify possible career paths. They can acquire the essential skills and knowledge in their chosen field by establishing clear objectives. This procedure helps students align their educational decisions with their career goals [1].
b) Seek Out Opportunities for Experiential Learning Internships, part-time employment, and volunteer work provide valuable real-world experience and facilitate the development of practical skills that are valued by employers.
c) Adopt Technology: Acquiring digital literacy skills and keeping abreast of new technologies is essential. To enhance their technological abilities, students can enroll in relevant courses, join technology organizations, and compete in coding competitions.
d) Develop Soft Abilities: hone your communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership skills. Students can develop these skills by engaging in extracurricular activities, joining student organizations, and competing in public speaking contests.
e) Pursue Entrepreneurship: Develop an entrepreneurial perspective and contemplate launching small-scale ventures. Students can seek mentorship from entrepreneurial support organizations, attend seminars, and network with successful entrepreneurs.
Guardians: Providing Guidance and Assistance
Parents should encourage their children to explore numerous fields and pursue their passions. Students' perspectives can be broadened by exposing them to various industries, career exhibits, and facilitating interactions with professionals from diverse backgrounds.
b) Facilitate Career Guidance: Assist your child in gaining access to career counselling services in order to receive guidance on suitable career paths, educational decisions, and skill development opportunities.
c) Promote a Culture of Continuous Learning: Encourage your child to participate in career-related workshops, seminars, and online courses.
d) Financial Planning: Assist your child in understanding the financial implications of attending college. To make informed decisions, investigate scholarship opportunities, savings plans, and financial aid options.
Encourage your child to view obstacles and setbacks as learning opportunities. Highlight the significance of tenacity and resilience in the face of adversity.

Educators: Fostering Competencies and Knowledge
a) Curriculum Enhancement: Revision and alignment of the curriculum with industry standards on a regular basis. To bridge the distance between theory and practice, include practical components, case studies, and real-life initiatives.
b) Collaboration with Industry: Establish partnerships with industries to comprehend their needs. To give students practical experience, invite guest lecturers, organize industry tours, and facilitate internships and apprenticeships.
c) Continuous Professional Development: Encourage faculty members to participate in professional development activities, such as conferences, workshops, and training programmers, in order to remain abreast of the most recent advancements in their respective disciplines.
Establish mentorship programmers that pair students with experts in their desired disciplines. This provides students with career guidance, support, and networking opportunities so they can make informed decisions.
e) Research and Innovation: Encourage faculty and students to engage in research activities to foster a research-driven environment. Establish research centers, encourage the publication of research, and fund initiatives that address societal issues.
Bangladesh can empower its future workforce and ensure a prosperous and competitive future by implementing these guidelines.

[1] World Economic Forum. "Development needs to change. Bangladesh can show us how" [Online]. Available: [2].
[2] World Bank. "Bangladesh Tertiary Education Sector Review: Skills and Innovation for Growth" [Online]. Available:

Article by:

Tanvir Abir PhD

Career Development Center (CDC)
Daffodil International University (DIU)

Md. Hasanuzzaman
Administrative Officer
Career Development Center (CDC)
Daffodil International University (DIU)
Mobile: , +8801847334705, +8801736692582 (WhatsApp)