Enhancing Communication Skills in Bangladesh's Tertiary Education

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Enhancing Communication Skills in Bangladesh's Tertiary Education: Adapting to the Global Economy's Demands

In the rapidly evolving job market of Bangladesh, marked by a significant shift from traditional industries to a digital and global economy, the demand for graduates with proficient communication skills has reached unprecedented levels. This demand underscores the importance of understanding why communication skills have become pivotal in the global employment landscape, and how Bangladesh's tertiary education system can evolve to meet this growing necessity.

The global economy, now more interconnected than ever, places a high value on the ability to communicate effectively across various platforms, cultures, and contexts. Employers are no longer solely interested in candidates who possess the technical ability to perform tasks; rather, they seek individuals who can articulate their ideas clearly, collaborate with globally dispersed teams, and navigate the complex social dynamics of contemporary workplaces. This shift signifies a broader trend where soft skills, particularly communication, are deemed essential for professional success.

For Bangladesh, a country with a burgeoning youth population and a strategic vision to transition into a knowledge-based economy, the imperative to furnish its graduates with exemplary communication skills is paramount. The tertiary education sector, pivotal in shaping the future workforce, faces the challenge of incorporating communication skills training into its curriculum. This endeavor requires a comprehensive approach, including not just proficiency in English and Bengali but also an understanding of non-verbal communication, digital literacy, and cross-cultural communication.

The question arises: How can Bangladesh's tertiary education system adapt to fulfill this critical need? A shift from traditional lecturing methods to more interactive and practical communication teaching approaches is essential. This transformation could involve:

Integration of Communication Courses Across Disciplines:Universities and colleges should incorporate communication courses within their curricula, spanning all disciplines. These courses should cover language proficiency, public speaking, professional writing, and interpersonal communication, enabling students to apply these skills in various professional contexts.

Promotion of Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Facilitating projects that necessitate collaboration across different fields can significantly enhance students' ability to convey complex ideas and work effectively in diverse teams, mirroring the reality of cross-functional team structures in the workplace.

Emphasis on Digital Literacy: As the digital transformation of the global economy progresses, tertiary institutions must offer training in digital communication tools, social media literacy, and online collaboration platforms, preparing students for the digital dimensions of the workplace.

Cultural Exchange and Language Programs: Offering exchange programs and language studies to expose students to various cultural contexts and languages is invaluable for developing empathy and cross-cultural communication skills, increasingly vital in a globalized job market.

Engagement with Industry: Establishing partnerships with industry can provide students with practical communication challenges and mentorship opportunities, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings, garner professional feedback, and comprehend the communication requirements of diverse sectors.

Soft Skills Development Workshops: In addition to academic courses, institutions should conduct workshops aimed at developing soft skills such as emotional intelligence, teamwork, leadership, and adaptability through interactive exercises, role-playing, and peer feedback.

Assessment and Feedback Mechanisms: Effective communication training necessitates robust assessment methods and feedback mechanisms to monitor students' progress and help them identify their strengths and areas for improvement.

By implementing these strategies, Bangladesh's tertiary education system can foster an educational environment that not only bolsters students' technical and academic prowess but also equips them with the communication skills essential for thriving in the global economy. This comprehensive approach to education will prepare Bangladeshi graduates to compete internationally, significantly contributing to the nation's goal of becoming a knowledge-based economy.

By Dr. Tanvir Fittin Abir PhD.
Career Development Center (CDC).
Associate Professor,
Department of Business Administration
Daffodil International University (DIU)
« Last Edit: March 03, 2024, 09:00:01 AM by Mahfuuzur Rahman »