Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Dates

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Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Dates
« on: July 18, 2012, 02:41:55 PM »
Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Dates

•   Since dates get digested very easily, they are used for supplying quick energy and repairing waste.
•   Milk, when boiled with dates, become a very nutritious and invigorating drink for children and adults, especially during convalescence.
•   The nicotinic content in dates makes them an excellent cure for intestinal disturbances.
•   Regular consumption of dates has been found to check the growth of pathological organisms and help in the growth of friendly bacteria in the intestines.
•   Being a laxative food, dates have been found to be beneficial for those suffering from constipation.
•   For alcoholic intoxication, drinking water, in which fresh dates have been rubbed or soaked, is said to be quite effective.
•   Studies have shown that consumption of dates, soaked overnight and crushed, is good for those who have a weak heart.
•   Researches have revealed that dates are effective in preventing abdominal cancer.
•   Dates have a tonic effect and thus, hold value as medicines.

Dr. Sharifa Sultana
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacy,
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences,
Daffodil International University